Independent garages lead MOT testing

MOT Inspection Manual Renewed

MOT Inspection Manual Renewed

MOT Inspection Manual Renewed
MOT Inspection Manual Renewed

MOT Inspection Manual Renewed

In my mind, then, this falls in line with another aspect of the MOT testing scene

Last week, the transport minister announced the scrapping of the first MOT test for cars of 4 years old.

As the owner of a testing station in Halifax, UK. This would have been a huge mistake. As a result the current 3 year spell will be resurrected from the scrap heap. Common sense and a lot of pressure from the garage industry showed the government what a mistake it would have been to implement the four year gap from new to the first test.

The second part of this article

is about the introduction of a new MOT inspection manual. One of the implementations will be to to change the classification of a car’s defects so that they’re rated as dangerous, major, or minor.

This of course is one of those improvement that in my opinion existed on the old system. Just that the words have changed?

On this new system then the Minor is the same as the “old advisory” The major and the dangerous are both fails. The difference is that the dangerous part of fail is explained to the customer who will be warned that the car is too dangerous to drive away.

MOT Inspection Manual Renewed, some parts confuse me

The “dangerous part of the failure was also available on the old system that will be replaced. So, it just looks like the swapping of words. When talking to Ryan Linton, my MOT tester, about the changes, I became confused. We both agree that it did not seem like anything was wrong with the old part of the system with the old classes of mot reporting

It was either  pass or fail.

With the option to list the car as dangerous, which could be explained to the customer. As the tester, an explanation for the dangerous would be given to the customer. In my simple mind, then, the new system looks confusing. Like anything else, though, I suppose we will get used to it and everything will fall into place.

To finalise a great blog to explain all this, the “matters of testing” blog is worth a look at this subject.

The DVSA is to introduce its new MOT inspection manual for class 3, 4, 5 and 7 vehicles to reflect changes to the MOT test which will be introduced in May 2018. The new manual, which must

Source: New MOT inspection manual to be introduced in May to reflect testing service changes – Garagewire