All Battery Information

All Battery Information

As the batteries become fully charged and are no longer able to accept any further electrical energy. Consequently, the battery voltage will rise. Of course, when the voltage reaches the regulation level (varies with battery type see below) So, starts to dump power the controller’s lights are a solid red. Naturally,this energy is dissipated as heat into the surrounding environment. Significantly,more or less power is diverted to the dump load. According to how much is being supplied to the battery from the turbine.

Van Battery Care

Van Battery Care

Van Battery Care
Van Battery Care

Van Battery Care

EricRoberts‘s insight:

Give your car battery a winter check

As we all know winter is just around the corner here in the Northern hemisphere. The weather is turning colder at night and this will affect the performance of your car battery. To keep you car battery lasting longer there are one or two things that you can do.

If your van battery has the old-type screw tops, then you can inspect the level of acid in your battery, With Van Battery Care, this can be checked and remedied.

If this is something that you have to do at frequent intervals,

then it means that the battery is boiling and could have a faulty alternator. You should top up the battery with distilled water and recheck it a few days later to see if the level has dropped again. If the level has dropped, then you should get your alternator checked at a good garage.

If are reading this in the UK and you do not know of a good garage, then look up the nearest independent garage in your area, they have safeguards to protect you the customer and a fair price policy, but more than that they can be trusted.

Also, another Van Battery Care tip

Of course, is to look out for white coloured powder on the top of the  battery. This indicates a leak around the terminals, the white powder is dried battery acid. You can clean it off using a cup full of warm water. But if it is a recurring problem. So, it means that the battery is on its way out.Needing replacing! Before it lets you down, on your deliveries. It is a good idea to always keep a Car Battery Charger and a 12V Voltmeter,to hand. As it may just keep you going for a few more winter days. Of course, until you can buy Cheap Car batteries Online.

This is about the limit that you can go to check

over your battery and look after it. After all, as I have said, the last thing you want is for the battery to let you down when you

least expect it and having to be towed to the nearest garage to have it seen to, and paying over the odds because you are stranded. That is if they have a battery to fit your car, you may have to wait another day if they have to order a new battery.

More reading…”If you often see leaks under your car, it’s about time to check your van battery. Extreme weather condition can cause the battery to crack and leak.

Van batteries sometimes leak highly corrosive acid, which is harmful to your van and to you as well. Good van battery care will ensure this does not happen?. Cleaning up a battery leak is easy, but you should observe the utmost caution when dealing with battery acid to prevent injury.”

Recycling Li-On batteries

Recycling Li-On batteries

Recycling Li-On batteries

Motor-Trades Insight Recycling Li-On batteries

Recycling electric car batteries to provide power to homes could mean ‘an end …

EricRoberts‘s insight:

We are already talking about a second use for the old electric car batteries ?

There are four partner companies in the north-east of England. Consequently, they are Opus Green and SR Technologies, together with Tadea and Gateshead College. They are looking at the possibility of using recycled Li-On batteries . Of course, that will be changed at the end of the life period, after, say, ten years. Importantly, on such electric cars as the Nissan Leaf.

In the long run, these companies are trying to come up with ideas about the use of Recycling Li-On batteries. Hence, in conjunction  with solar panels and wind turbines, store energy for use at night rather than just put the electricity used into the National Grid. Ordinarily, we have such solar panels on the roof of my home. So, the electricity generated is transmitted via an inverter and an electric metre into the grid here in the UK.

All this work will be carried out at Gateshead College.

In this case, it is in the research and development department at Barmston Road in Sunderland. Of course, in the North East of England. The EV batteries will be tested on sight at the college.Another key point is that they will be used to power equipment that will be used in the demonstration. In my opinion, I cannot see why it should fail. Once they found a way for the solar panels to charge up Lithium-Ion batteries. I know that there have been many other types of experiments. Especially in this field, even large banks of Trojan  batteries can be made to work.

Have We Made Any Progress Towards the Recycling of Lithium-On Batteries in 2024?

The drive for more environmentally friendly and sustainable energy solutions is more intense than ever as 2024 progresses. And a significant component of this effort is determining how to efficiently Recycling Li-On batteries. One can find them in virtually every electronic device, including mobile phones and automobiles, and they are increasingly pervasive in our daily lives.

The Increasing Ashes of Batteries

To begin with, it is astounding how many lithium-ion batteries we are currently using. Consider the following: each time you replace a battery, trade in an electronic vehicle, or even dispose of an old cordless drill, there is a new one to replace. Additionally, this is a global issue, not just a local one. Nevertheless, let us concentrate on our endeavours within the United Kingdom, particularly in the vicinity of Halifax.

Pursuits for Recycling in the UK

Over the past few years, the United Kingdom has significantly increased its endeavours. An increasing number of businesses are springing up with the intention of addressing the battery recycling issue. A facility in the Northeast that is at the forefront of implementing innovative techniques stands out. An enormous step forward is that they are recovering up to 95% of the materials, as opposed to simply shredding and separating.

Moreover, in West Yorkshire, there are collaborative efforts between private enterprises and local councils to facilitate the disposal of used batteries. Local garages are sprouting collection points; you may have even noticed a few in Halifax. Ensuring minimal effort is devoted to the recycling process.

The Technological Foundation

Now, let’s get a little technical without going overboard with technology; after all, nobody wants a lecture, right? The significant advancement in 2024 will centre on purity and efficiency. New techniques that generate less waste and consume less energy are emerging.

Hydrometallurgical processing is among the most amazing developments. It may sound complex, but it consists fundamentally of extracting valuable metals such as nickel, cobalt, and lithium from used batteries using water-based solutions. Recycling facilities in the United Kingdom are rapidly adopting this environmentally preferable technique in contrast to conventional approaches.

What Will Occur Next?.Recycling Li-On batteries

In the future, the establishment of a circular economy for batteries will be the primary objective. This requires batteries to be designed from the beginning with recycling in mind. Presently, battery manufacturers and recycling companies are collaborating to ensure that the batteries of today can be transformed into resources of tomorrow. Everything hinges on closing the cycle.

A genuine effort is being made to achieve this sustainable future, not only in Halifax but also in other areas. The notion that we are all in this together is evident, whether it be through educational campaigns, local council initiatives, or simply through community effort.

Your Position.Recycling Li-On batteries

Consequently, what are your options? Ensure that any used batteries that may be lying around are delivered to an appropriate recycling facility. Be on the lookout for local collection events or drop-off locations at your nearby garage; some may even provide recycling incentives.

In conclusion, 2024 has brought us closer than ever before to a robust and efficient system for reprocessing lithium-ion batteries, although there is still much work to be done. Technology is progressing and infrastructure is expanding; therefore, we can all contribute a small amount of local effort to ensure that those batteries have a second chance. May the future be greener and more sustainable, both within and beyond Halifax!

“Malcolm Potter, Project Manager at Tadea said “This is a very exciting project for tadea to be involved in and as it’s the first of its kind within in UK to focus on how to extend the life of these batteries it’s hoped that the results will lead to further developmental work in this field.”

Night battery storage

Night battery storage

Night battery storage

Night battery storage

Night battery storage

The various towns and cities. They are the beating heart of humanity, teeming with life and bursting with the vitality of life’s potential. Most importantly, these locations have enormous untapped potential. The possibility of a change. In the name of the green revolution.

Night battery storage collection techniques and battery storage are of the utmost importance. In our fight against climate change, they are the unsung heroes who deserve praise.

Our bustling towns and cities are the unsung conductors of the dance of progress; they are the innovative foster parents of ecosystems that have the potential to and should enthusiastically welcome solar energy.

They are covered in rooftops, which offer vast unoccupied territories for the installation of solar panels. The sunshine that so generously bathes our cityscapes is a resource that never runs out and can always be replenished. There is a lot of it. It is free of dirt. It packs quite a punch.

Solar collection is more than just harnessing the sun’s rays.

It has to do with storing things. Night battery storage, comes into play at this point, making it possible to make sure that not even a sliver of sunlight is wasted. A safe and dependable reserve, which is especially important when the sun stealthily hides behind the clouds, so that the energy that sustains life can continue to meet our unending requirements.

Cities are engines of progress and transformation. They are at the forefront, boldly taking the initiative to lead the charge against the energy crises we are facing.

Therefore, it is absolutely necessary for each and every municipality, big or small, to thoroughly incorporate solar energy collection and Night battery storage. It’s not just a step in the right direction environmentally; it’s also a profound statement about our dedication to our planet and our future.

The pace of change is frequently slow. Nevertheless, the transformation that needs to take place within our urban spaces must be quick and absolutely unwavering. Our commitment to fostering a lifestyle powered by the sun should not, cannot, and under no circumstances should we waver in this endeavour. It is necessary in light of recent events. It is the responsibility that we share as a group.

The villages and larger cities.

They are not simply assemblages of brick and mortar, but rather dynamic entities that have a soul that is alive and well and breathing. And residing within this soul is the innate capacity to be bearers of sustainable change, to be torchbearers in the never-ending journey of environmental responsibility.

Our urban conglomerations, with their conglomeration of various structures, hold the promise of a solar-enriched future, heralding an era in which our relationship with energy is not just responsible but also harmoniously symbiotic.

This future holds the promise of a solar-enriched future. And it is precisely this dance of light and storage, which is so fluidly intertwined, that gives the green vision that we have steadfastly yearned for its breath of life.

In this journey towards a greener world, our towns and cities are not just important; they are absolutely necessary. Let’s give them the ability to create, to use, and to become the green havens of tomorrow, where solar rays and innovative storage walk hand in hand, painting a brighter and cleaner future for all of us.

The various towns and cities. They are the beating heart of humanity, teeming with life and bursting with the vitality of life’s potential. Most importantly, these locations have enormous untapped potential.

Night battery storage

The possibility of a change.

In the name of the green revolution. Solar energy collection techniques and battery storage are of the utmost importance. In our fight against climate change, they are the unsung heroes who deserve praise.

Our bustling towns and cities are the unsung conductors of the dance of progress; they are the innovative foster parents of ecosystems that have the potential to and should enthusiastically welcome solar energy.

They are covered in rooftops, which offer vast unoccupied territories for the installation of solar panels. The sunshine that so generously bathes our cityscapes is a resource that never runs out and can always be replenished. There is a lot of it. It is free of dirt. It packs quite a punch.

Solar collection is more than just harnessing the sun’s rays. It has to do with storing things. Battery storage comes into play at this point, making it possible to make sure that not even a sliver of sunlight is wasted

A safe and dependable reserve,

which is especially important when the sun stealthily hides behind the clouds, so that the energy that sustains life can continue to meet our unending requirements.

Cities are engines of progress and transformation. They are at the forefront, boldly taking the initiative to lead the charge against the energy crises we are facing.

Therefore, it is absolutely necessary for each and every municipality, big or small, to thoroughly incorporate solar energy collection and Night battery storage. It’s not just a step in the right direction environmentally; it’s also a profound statement about our dedication to our planet and our future.

The pace of change is frequently slow. Night battery storage

Nevertheless, the transformation that needs to take place within our urban spaces must be quick and absolutely unwavering.

We shouldn’t, can’t, and under no circumstances should waver in our commitment to promoting a solar-powered way of life. It is necessary in light of recent events. It is the responsibility that we share as a group.

The villages and larger cities. They are not simply assemblages of brick and mortar, but rather dynamic entities that have a soul that is alive and well and breathing.

And residing within this soul is the innate capacity to be bearers of sustainable change, to be torchbearers in the never-ending journey of environmental responsibility.

Our urban conglomerations, with their conglomeration of various structures, hold the promise of a solar-enriched future, heralding an era in which our relationship with energy is not just responsible but also harmoniously symbiotic.

This future holds the promise of a solar-enriched future.

And it is precisely this dance of light and Night battery storage, which is so fluidly intertwined, that gives the green vision that we have steadfastly yearned for its breath of life.

In this journey towards a greener world, our towns and cities are not just important; they are absolutely necessary.

Let’s give them the ability to create, to use, and to become the green havens of tomorrow, where solar rays and innovative storage walk hand in hand, painting a brighter and cleaner future for all of us.

A Dutch company -Night battery storage

Of course, that has invented many types of solar power battery chargers and lights, mainly for developing countries that do not have a stable electric power system, has come up with a great product now named Waka-Waka-Power.

The WWP (WAKA-WAKA-POWER) has been designed with a joint venture from a team of microchip makers to make the WWP much slimmer and lighter than its predecessor, the WAKA-WAKA-LIGHT.

More Reading…

“Place Waka Waka Power in direct sunlight for a whole day and you will notice that the batteries will be completely full, even if you live in New York or Seattle (where the intensity of the sun is far less than in Texas).

The capacity of the Night battery storage is large enough to fully operate most mobile phone from completely depleted, to practically full. On top of this, you will have 10 or more hours of excellent reading light as well.

If you don’t charge your phone or tablet, as said before, you can have more than 40 hours of light.”…

New technology is used in developing countries. Night battery storage

So, in my opinion, this is a great breakthrough for solar energy. Both in developing countries and to contribute towards the rest of the world’s green energy and Night battery storage, problems.

At the present time, the combined savings in energy costs must be phenomenal. Hence, if people used this charging device to charge up their mobile phones, Including the new-type phones from this sun-powered WWP solar charging machine.

This is truly a great invention by this Dutch company. So, in my opinion, the way forward will also eliminate the use of kerosene.

Give these points: the liquid fuel used by so many African families for their lighting at night causes so many burning accidents for the users.

Solar Power: More Reading…Night battery storage

“ You live in a place near the equator. The climate is nice and your bananas grow well, but due the latitude it gets dark at around 6pm/18.00 hrs. And pretty fast as well,

There is hardly any twilight, as many people who live at higher latitudes know. Here, it is like a light switch has been turned off: within a few minutes, it is dark. Pitch dark”…

The WWP company brought out the WWK Light to try eliminate the use of kerosene fluid for lighting. This new invention has taken the power of the equipment to use solar power and Night battery storage, to help these people and now the rest of the world in their quest for greener and safer energy.

Varta Car batteries

Varta Car batteries

Varta Car batteries

Varta Batteries: –A little History

“Varta batteries stands originally for (Vertrieb Aufladung Reparatur Transportabler Akkumulatoren) .With its headquarters in the German cities of Berlin and Hagen,. Hence, in the district of Westphalia. Consequently, a certain Gunther Quandt purchased the company. Just after the first world war.

The Varta Car batteries company . Then made batteries .Used in the second world war German battle machine. Batteries they made were used to power submarines . Also for the German Luftwaffe. Slaves produced the majority of the batteries. Thus, under very poor working conditions,. Perhaps the dark side of Varta car batteries is something we should forget.

The modern-day Varta product

Therefore, is one of excellence . Raising standards of the new car battery world. With its quality battery products. After many changes in directors and company ownership,. Johnson Controls purchased Varta Car Batteries in 2002. Hence, this was thought to be a great step forward . Of course, in the battery industry . Raising the standards of quality even higher.

It is thought that Johnson Controls . As a result, paid in the region of $240 million for the  batteries side of the business .Accordingly, the deal went through by the end of 2003″

Pellon Tyre and Auto-centre offer

car and van servicing and repairs to all makes of vehicles. Members of Unipart Car Care centres .Giving a nationwide guarantee for all our work and parts. We sell tyres online from our website, . Hence, use the tyre selector and choose your tyre size.

As a result, we offer courtesy cars to local motorists. Needing to go to work and leave their car with us for work. Consequently, we are also an official MOT testing station.

Important: Since this post, Johnson Control has sold off their battery part of the business.

In 2024 we have now joined to help in tyre safety campaigns.

Car batteries-Cold weather

Car batteries-Cold weather

Car batteries-Cold weather
Car batteries-Cold weather

Car batteries-Cold weather

Another warning to vehicle users! Have their car batteries checked before the winter and you will reduce the risk of being caught out in a snow storm?

Of course, Car batteries and Cold weather do not mix! It would be like your battery sitting in a fridge. I am sure that it happens to some people. Remember that when it is cold, we use all the electrical appliances in your car. Importantly, if your battery is not up to scratch,. Then it will let you down and it could let you down in an isolated place. Frighteningly, or a snow drift if you live on the east coast of America. Of course, with the massive snow falls that they are having at the moment,.

Batteries let you down when you least expect it- Car batteries-Cold weather

After years of experience of selling car batteries. I know that it is the last thing on a drivers mind when they set off on a journey. It is like any other battery situation, you only know about it when the battery runs out of power. The best example which happens in most households is the mobile phone. Specifically when the phone  goes flat! It is total panic and the phone must be charged up at all costs.

Fortunately your car battery is a better engineered system. It will probably never let you down in a five year period. However, when it does, you will be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Of course, in most cases it will not be a simple case of charging it back up again.

Statistically, your regular car batteries would fail in the cold winter months. This would always apply when I was first-time Lucas battery retailer in the 1970’s. I would stock up in the summer when the battery companies would always have a quantity deal, all ready for the winter explosion of car battery sales. The first cold spell in November would bring in number of cars with our first rush of cheap Cheap Car Batteries, it never failed us.

Since the early days, car batteries have changed- Car batteries-Cold weather

There were a couple of marked differences concerning car batteries then compared to modern day cars. First the car manufacturers would make millions of one model of car. Say Vauxhall made millions of Vivas and Cavaliers. Including, Ford made millions of Escorts and Cortina’s. Then of course came the original Minis. They outcome of this was that the size and part number of the batteries were all the same. The 038 battery fitted almost every car other that the Fords. Opting for square bolt on terminals part numbers 037 and 085, later the 065 battery became more popular.

As years went by we started to import many makes of cars from the Far East. Such as Toyota, Nissan at first and then many more cars came into the UK. This had a massive effect on battery sizes and part numbers. Making the car batteries market more specialised.

This is where I made am good business decision! Deciding to make the battery market a key part of my business strategy. Although I did not know it the time this decision gave me contacts that were to last me right up to today.

Car batteries remained much the same

Significantly, the only thing that changed was the different terminals. Including, the physical sizes of the batteries. Of course, battery plates, became a new mix of alloys and lead alloys. So, companies the likes of Lucas batteries became one of the first to introduce practically sealed batteries that were maintenance free. Of course, there were no screw tops on the Car batteries. Consequently, for the driver to check the acid levels.

Also there was the evolution of the cars. Cars were now coming out on more sophisticated electrical systems, which required car batteries with more power. We found that a difference in the old type battery and the new type of battery was that the new types of battery did not give you much time after failure, one morning the battery light would come on in your car and you would need a new battery, there and then; you do not have the time any more.

This is why it is important to check the battery before the winter

and when the car has a service. The cold weather that I have recently seen in the east coast of the USA makes me cringe at the number of drivers who must have been stuck in their cars with a dead battery. Remember, they will let you down when you least expect them to! Car batteries do not give you much time. Subsequently, batteries now fail very rapidly, not giving the driver much time. So, to have a new battery fitted after the failure of the old battery.

Simply put, the large amount of electricity that a modern car has onboard now affects lack of change time!

members of

017 EFB Batteries

017 EFB Batteries

017 EFB Batteries
017 EFB Batteries

017 EFB Batteries

So,  bringing this post up to date in 2021, the EFB battery is becoming very popular. Happily for us, the winter of 2020/21 has become a very cold, snowy winter. If most people hate the bad weather, then of course we love it. cold weather means a little more business for us.

Specialist products give us a few more sales than normal. However, this year is the year when batteries on new car sales from a few years ago are due to be replaced! Including the start-stop batteries known as the EFB and the AGM.

Vehicle owners will have noticed by now that these batteries are more expensive than a regular car battery. Of course the batteries are different due to technology and more expensive parts inside the battery.

Numax EFB batteries are great mid-range battery

So, when sourcing a good-priced battery for my customers, I finally chose the Numax brand.  Firstly, Numax are available at the moment! Like many other products, batteries are suffering shortage problems.

Mainly due to the massive demand from consumers after battery factories were shut down due to the “Corona Virus Pandemic”. This is causing massive shipping problems, with stock orders going out of the window.

However, Numax and Lucas are now the same products and are coming through at regular intervals.

Lucas brand AGM Batteries

There has been an increasing degree of partnership with Japanese corporations. Such as with Sumitomo on car-body systems . Or Yuasa Battery Company. In response to the growing likelihood that Japanese components firms.

Therefore, will make inroads into the European market . So deeply as they already have in the United States. Lucas Automotive have had  success in 1989 in attracting orders. From BMW and Saab-Scania . Thus, for fuel injection systems,. Was an indication of its ability . Hence, to compete directly in Europe…

As we can see in this. History of the Lucas company .

Then, Lucas were doing cross-country deals. In the expanding car component sector. Including a deal that was struck with Yuasa batteries of Japan. As a result, these batteries went under the Lucas brand name. They were imported with many battery part numbers .

Coming into the UK and the USA that were unfamiliar to the British battery manufacturers .

Yuasa batteries actually started producing batteries in the USA in 1979. Producing car and AGM batteries . Hence, in 1996, the great Lucas empire. It merged with the American company Varity Corporation and the UK part of the company.

017 EFB Batteries

More reading…

“Now trading under the name of ‘Lucas Electrical’ . Then the company concentrates on after-market component supply. Rather than as an original equipment supplier to manufacturers.

Initially, the Lucas name was used on Elta’s existing products . Automotive light bulbs have been gradually expanded to cover much the same range as the original Lucas company: light units, batteries, switches and controls, ignition components, re manufactured starter motors and alternators, wiper blades and electrical accessories.

Operations and manufacturing take place at several locations in the UK as well as overseas”…

This is the stage where the Lucas battery label in the famous green and white Lucas colours was sold off to a British Battery company in the Midlands.


Lucas Premium Batteries

Lucas Premium Batteries

Lucas Premium Batteries
Lucas Premium Batteries

Lucas Premium Batteries

Of course, since I wrote this post in 2016, things in the automotive industry have moved on. especially in the battery world. Including Lucas batteries!

Because of new emissions laws, the auto industry has had to develop cleaner and greener engines. Emission laws have become much stricter, and car makers have had to develop cleaner engines. Including “Start-Stop “engines. I think we all probably know by now what this is. However, judging by the emails that I have to respond to on Ebay ! Then you would not think so.

Customers still want the cheapest car battery possible ?

So, customers with large cars are always trying to cut corners by asking about the cheapest battery for their car. Annoyingly, they are always asking if our small 063 battery will fit their vehicle ! Of course, the correct battery is usually ten times bigger and more powerful ! But they would fit the cheapest car battery possible if they could !

So, why this is I will never know ! This brings me on to “Stop-Start” batteries. Because of the constant switching on and off of the car engines that are fitted with stop-start, a stronger battery with deep cycle capability had to be developed. So, this development came in two forms! The AGM car battery and the EFB car battery.

Consequently, the AGM battery comes out on the larger car models and the EFB car battery on the smaller car models. This is usually the general rule of thumb. So, without getting too technical, your battery will state which type it is. Of course, the images in this post clearly show the different types ! AGM of EFB.

Not only are batteries a mode of transportation, Lucas Premium Batteries

Significantly, battery selection can be a reflection of their respective owners. Of course, this relates to the selection of different types of Lucas Premium Batteries and which car drivers buy. So, as I have said earlier some of our online customers just want the Cheap Car Batteries. Whilst other people prefer to buy a better known brand, such as Lucas Premium Batteries.

If you require a certain type of battery for your vehicle. Say with a different terminal type, such as early Ford vehicles, like say the Ford Cortina or early Ford Escort. Of course, you can look for products on the search engines and type in ” Batteries to fit Ford Cortinas”.

Owning a vehicle has also become supposedly easier

Because there are more options now and the second hand car market is more organized and sophisticated. Of course, thanks to the Internet and e-commerce. However, a lot of people prefer to hold on to their old cars and vans! Because the not-so-recent global economic crisis has decreased their purchasing power. the average family in the UK spends £3000 a year less than before the financial crisis started.

So, for these reasons, it is important to keep your vehicle in tiptop shape for as long as possible. naturally, this could be achieved with proper vehicle maintenance. Apart from the periodic oil changes and tune-ups ! So, it is also crucial that your car be installed with dependable and well-performing  Premium grade Batteries.

Even with the advent od electric cars, the majority of the world’s vehicle owners drive cars run on fossil fuels. Lucas Premium Batteries

Because of engine development including on-board computers. Specifically, these cars require more a more powerful supply of electric energy ! Without good quality Premium Batteries .Your car will not be able to start !Nor will it be able to have access to electrical power in the event of an alternator failure.

In addition, as I have said, nearly all recent car models have an on-board computer . Which is also powered by electrical charge supplied by the car batteries. Suffice it to say, people must pay as much attention to their car batteries as other aspects of their cars. There are numerous dealers of well-known brands such as ApolloPower batteries, Varta batteries, and of course Lucas batteries.

ll of which can be found at regular shops or online battery stores. They are best places to go to for information and recommendations for the most suitable Premium Batteries for your particular vehicle. There are certain factors to consider in choosing a Replacement Car Battery ! So be aware of these ! Consequently, by ensuring the longevity of your battery and the overall stress-free maintenance of your vehicle.

The first consideration is which battery is for you.

This can be determined by your old batteries part number ! Also by measuring the dimensions of your existing battery, including the terminal layout ! There are standard group sizes which cover all types of Lucas batteries.

 You can find out the group size of your car battery by checking the owner’s manual or through certain online sources for battery cataloguing. Another important factor to consider is what the Amp/Hr rating is for your battery ?

This is an important element in choosing a good car battery

. Because it determines how long the battery can supply the required electrical power. Of course, in case the car’s alternator fails to function. In my opinion, the best way to make sure that you buy the correct one ! So is to replace it with exactly the same part numbers as the one on the car.

For extra assistance, then you can also telephone your online dealer to help in choosing the correct one for your vehicle. Beware of online companies who are not willing to help you. On the whole, a confident honest company will have all contact details at hand to give you the correct advice. In the event of not giving you there contact details then do not buy from them ? Subsequently, they may not be there in two years time ! To cover you in case your battery should go faulty.

What is Cold cranking amps ? Lucas Premium Batteries

Cold cranking amps or CCA refers to your power rating in terms of its ability to start your vehicle . Supplying electrical power even during extremely cold weather. Naturally, you will can indeed choose a new battery with a rating CCA higher than or equal to car’s original one. This will ensure that your car will continue to operate smoothly even in the harshest winters. Last but not least is the quality of the brand of the car battery that you can buy .

As I have reiterated before, there are many brands to choose from ! But only a handful are reliable and of good quality. In the UK, you can easily find Lucas Premium Batteries for any type of vehicle. Along with other makes and types, this is one of the most cost-effective brands known for its long life and stability.

Eric Roberts

096 New Car Battery

096 New Car Battery

096 New Car Battery and Car Alternators

If your car requires another 096 New Car Battery,. Hence, it is well worth having your cars dynamo checked out. We here at  have fitted thousands of car batteries . Only for the car 

owners to return in a week or two . Stating that theirs is “not working very well.”. Only to find out after a test. It is not working correctly.
When you have a new one fitted. Then, you should ask yourself a few questions?.

Has yours failed?

Are you absolutely certain that it isn’t something else? Such as the starter?. Determining which part has failed. Therefore, it is essential to avoid unnecessary costs. By

replacing something that hasn’t even really failed. Although this is usually the case, a faulty alternator can also damage your 096 New Car Battery. Let’s take a look at some steps you can take to determine that you have failed and have not, in fact,  packed in?.

If you own a voltage testing machine, you can test to see whether your car’s alternator is charging correctly. For most people, this isn’t practical, as few motorists own such an expensive piece of equipment. For everyone else, there is a practical way for you to easily check to see if yours is working properly:

096 New Car Battery

1: Connect a voltmeter to your 096 New Car Battery. These can only cost about £6 from E-Bay and are a useful tool to own.

2: Start your car

3: Observe the voltage output on the volt metre so that you can make an accurate determination.

If there is an increase in voltage when you start your car,

then your alternator is more than likely working just fine. It will be most Likely that  your battery is the culprit; check the 096 New Car Battery itself and the connections to make a final determination.

If there is no increase in voltage, you are likely looking at having to replace your alternator.

The next step, of course, is to determine whether you will replace the alternator yourself or have someone else do the job. Some things to keep in mind as you weigh your options include:

If you trust your vehicle to a local service centre,

. Of course, will the total cost of the work include the parts and labour? Will there be a guarantee? From a local centre, there will certainly be a guarantee; on most parts, this will be 12 months for electrical goods and 2 years for other parts.

If you decide to do the work yourself, do you have all the tools on hand to get the work done? Do you own a repair manual? Do you want to purchase a new alternator, or will a reconditioned unit do the job? Another option would be to buy one from the local scrap yard, but you could be in a similar position six months down the road.

096 New Car Battery

Your choices today are much greater than they were ten years ago, before internet shopping became a strong factor in bringing down the price of high-end auto parts. Several online wholesalers, including the Andrew Pages (now closed),. This way of buying is fine, but today cars are becoming much more refined and complicated, and even we at PellonAutocentre in Halifax make mistakes and order the wrong ones.
In my opinion, it would be best to leave the job to the experts, who will give you a free car battery test and also know that the work carried out will be guaranteed throughout the UK, to give you great peace of mind.

Caravan Batteries

Caravan Batteries

Caravan Batteries
Caravan Batteries

Caravan Batteries

I am sitting here writing this article. I must admit that I am envious of all the people who are now buying their caravan batteries. So, in preparation for the new caravan season,. The year has been a poor year for car batteries because of the very mild winter.

I suppose, though, that we battery dealers should not really complain.

We have had a decent run of very cold winters. Hence, we should have known that we were due to have a mild one. So, and we certainly did. In fact, it is the first year that I can ever remember in my 65 years. We did not have any snowfall whatsoever.

We have now written last winter off as a bad year.Especially for car battery sales. Thus, we are already looking forward to the leisure and caravan battery seasons. Which has already started with a bang (what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabout), as the saying goes.

Britain is now the largest touring caravan market in Europe. We took over from the then-number-one country, Germany, in 2003. Of course, we were still number one in 2006, when the latest figures were released by… .It is estimated that there are over half a million touring caravans in the UK.

Including another 330,000 static caravan holiday homes. I am going to write about the growing number of motor homes in another article.

Caravan Batteries

Caravan Batteries

Over the years, many caravan owners have asked me the same question? Is there a difference between caravan batteries and car batteries? And the answer is YES. In the early days, car batteries were used to power the minimal electrics that caravans would use.

There were no TVs, Fridges and all the other modern-day electrics that you can see in today’s modern caravans—just a few light bulbs and an electric pump. The normal car or truck battery would have done the job perfectly.

Now we have seen the development of a new type of leisure batteries. The most popular one that we are now selling is, in fact, a 100-amp battery that is made and developed by the largest battery maker in the world, Johnson Controls.

They decided that the design of the car battery was fine, but it needed to hold more storage than starter power. This was done by using thicker plates that were able to store more power to supply the caravan with the electricity that it needed for the evenings.

XV24MF caravan batteries are a good buy.

This type of battery, known as the LV26, was then marketed as a leisure battery and would provide the caravan owner with auxiliary power, which was able to be

charged by the car’s electric system on a route, or, as now with the use of solar panels, on a sunny day. You can upgrade to an AGM battery system, which will work better with solar panels because of the better charge and discharge rate, but for the average caravan trip, the LV26 will be perfect for the job.

These caravan batteries have now been tried and tested over the years, generally do a good job, and will give the caravan owner good service for about four or five years.

To aid in prolonging the life

of your caravan batteries, I would invest in a 12v smart battery charger and connect it to your battery over the winter period, We advise using the Ring Automotive chargers, which are online-only and available when your caravan is not in use. I hope that this article is of use to you Happy caravan trips.

Eric Roberts

Hi, I would like to introduce myself. I have worked in the garage, tyre, and cheap caravan Cheap Caravan Battery business now for 40 years.

069 Lucas Car Batteries: Do Lucas Make Their Own car batteries

069 Lucas Car batteries

069 Lucas Car Batteries
069 Lucas Car Batteries

069 Lucas Car Batteries

So, today’s car battery market is flooded with all kinds of different makes of products. Some of them are household names. Such as 069 Lucas Car Batteries and others are not so well known. All kinds of things are springing up. Of course, with claims and counterclaims about how good their batteries are.

Significantly, one of the driving forces in this has been the internet! Especially E-bay. This is where you are likely to find the cheapest car battery prices. Subsequently, the problem is: do you trust what you are buying? I have noticed recently. That is the cheapest price for 069 Lucas Car Batteries.

Consequently, this is not even a new one! But it looks like a re-used product, whatever that means! Many auto owners, however, will want to buy a quality product. Going for products that are made by a reputable company. Of course, such as Lucas, who makes the 069 Lucas Car Batteries.

Are you selling your car?

The truth is, unless you are selling your car,. Then you should stick to a named product that you can trust. Naturally, the better will not be the cheapest. But you must be able to rely on the after-service. Customers are better off ordering your new one from an actual web site. Of course, than any other form of internet selling platform.

The website will be accountable if you should get a problem with say a delivery that has gone wrong or a faulty battery.

You can even call a website to confirm that the one you are buying is the correct one for your car. A few examples of names you can trust would be Lucas batteries. As I said earlier, they do not manufacture their own any more. Ecobat, a wholesaler, purchased the rights to sell 069 Lucas Car Batteries. The company sells two standards. The Classic and the Premium.

Lucas premium car batteries are a first-class product

I have been selling car products now for well over 30 years, longer than I care to remember, and consequently, I have seen these companies come and go, but the 069 Lucas Car Batteries has always kept a high standard of quality and maintained a high standard in the dealers.

The premium battery is a maintenance-free battery (that means you don’t have to top them up every two minutes) with calcium technology to cope with modern car electric systems and slightly higher voltage requirements. This battery, which is by Johnson Controls and has a black casing, is a recycled item.

The classic is more of a budget battery suitable for older models of cars with lower engine capacities. This battery could be made by different European  manufacturers but is selected by Ecobat to offer excellent service in use.

As a footnote Johnson Controls have now sold their battery manufacturing side of the business.

A new battery just fitted in our Halifax depot UK

You know that if you select  069 Lucas Car Batteries that you can rely on the dealer to look after you if you should occur any problems after the purchase, whether in the their store or on their website, beware of other selling platforms on the internet, they may have vanished when a problem raise its ugly head.

This article was written by Eric Roberts

Pellon Tyre and Auto-centre offer car and van servicing and repairs to all makes of vehicles.