All Car Repair Articles

All Car Repair Articles

of course car repairs are what we call a “bread and butter” job. Hence, i thought that i would show a video to demonstrate the things that our technicians have to do when repairing a car.
We often have our customers ringing us. Significantly, they ask the question, “how can i tell if my car needs repairing”. Therefore, I usually answer with the same explanation. You’ll know when the vehicle requires attention! So, when a car eventually arrives in the workshop. We treat it with extreme care and attention.

Vauxhall Corsa Hub Replacement

Vauxhall Corsa Hub Replacement

Vauxhall Corsa Hub Replacement
Vauxhall Corsa Hub Replacement

Vauxhall Corsa Hub Replacement

A Vauxhall Nova Story About How a Knocking Sound Causes a Hub Replacement

Although we’ve seen our share of unique automotive issues at Pellon Tyre and Autocentre in Halifax, a recent visit from a Vauxhall Nova owner was somewhat unexpected. The client arrived complaining of a constant pounding noise while driving. It was time to get the car on the ramp and have a closer look because these kinds of noises can frequently indicate a number of problems.

Following a careful examination, we identified a fractured hub as the cause of the knocking. Now, you don’t see a broken hub very often, and it’s definitely not a small problem. The hub, which keeps everything moving smoothly, is an essential component of the wheel assembly. Steering, stability, and safety may all be impacted by hub damage.

What Causes a Hub to Break? Vauxhall Corsa Hub Replacement

A hub could get into this situation in a number of different ways. Impacts, such as slamming into a deep pothole or a curb with a little too much vigour, are a frequent cause. It’s not shocking considering the roads in Halifax! Those potholes may ambush you, as anyone who has navigated Calderdale’s winding roads would attest to!

Then there’s just wear and tear. Components in older vehicles, such as the Nova, might be more prone to breaking down over time. Rust and corrosion can also be a factor, particularly in West Yorkshire’s wet and frequently salted roadways.

After determining the issue, our team’s task of replacing the damaged hub was simple. The hub was replaced with a new one once the parts were swiftly sourced. After a test drive verified that the knocking noise had stopped, the customer departed with a quiet and comfortable ride once more.

An Overview of the History of Vauxhall Corsa

In the UK, the Vauxhall Nova is considered a bit of a classic. When it initially appeared on the road in 1983, British drivers immediately fell in love with it. From first-time automobile owners to those seeking a reliable and economical runaround, the Nova’s attractiveness, compact size, and reasonable dependability made it popular with a wide variety of drivers.

Rebadged for the British market, the Nova was actually the Opel Corsa’s UK variant. Numerous types were offered, including sportier models like the Nova SR and GTE, which developed a somewhat cult following, particularly among younger drivers.

When Vauxhall withdrew the Nova name in 1993, the Vauxhall Corsa took its place, continuing the brand’s heritage as a small and useful hatchback. The Corsa is still a ubiquitous sight on UK roads today, and the name has become iconic in and of itself.

A Joyful Conclusion- Vauxhall Corsa Hub Replacement

Seeing a delighted customer drive away is always wonderful, especially when we were able to resolve an issue that would have had major safety repercussions. It also serves as a reminder of how critical it is to have those odd sounds examined as soon as possible because ignoring them for too long can occasionally cause a minor problem to grow into a much larger (and more costly) one.

We love seeing older cars like the Nova still on the road. They’re a reminder of a time when cars were a bit simpler, and in a way, they add a bit of nostalgia to the everyday traffic. It’s always a pleasure to help keep these classic motors running smoothly, especially for our local Halifax drivers who know the value of keeping a good car on the road.

Do not hesitate to bring your vehicle to Pellon Autocentre if you are experiencing a rattle, a knocking sound, or simply an uneasy feeling. Whether you drive a vintage Vauxhall Nova or a contemporary SUV, we are here to assist in keeping you safe on the road!

Eric Roberts


Nissan Navara Clutch replacement

Fiat Punto Clutch problems

Fiat Punto Clutch problems

Fiat Punto Clutch problems
Fiat Punto Clutch problems

Fiat Punto Clutch problems 

So, recently, we have noticed that we have done more than our fair share of clutches. Especially on the Fiat Punto model of car. Interestingly, I decided to do a little research. Finding some real horror stories. Subsequently, going back to the 2002 Punto models.

One unlucky customer was in for a car service. The owner of a “52” plate Punto 8 valve version. He complained to me about several problems that he had encountered. Including a very bad transmission judder and other small irritants. Unpleasant things, such as engine noises and various oil leaks,. Recently, he had just had a clutch fitted! But 1400 miles later, the juddering had returned.

Checked out his car on Fiat forums: Fiat Punto Clutch problems 

Inquisitively, he too looked up the Fiat forums. Noticing the number of Fiat owners who were experiencing various clutch problems on their Punto’s. So, the cars came mainly from the main dealers. Coming from different parts of the country. However, it looked as though Fiat knew about the problem. Subsequently, I did little about the Punto problem.

Interestingly, other Fiat owners were experiencing problems. Especially with a low-biting clutch pedal and rattling noises. Increasingly, when changing gears,. It sounded as if there was a broken spring rattling.

This can be a common sign that you have a clutch that needs changing.

But disgruntled customers did not get much joy from Fiat. Indeed, many Fiat drivers opted to have their clutches changed by an independent garage. In some cases, a mechanically minded friend or relative was called in to help ?

Other owners complained about their  pedals becoming hard when pressing to change gear. This then developed into them hearing scratching and clicking noises coming from the pedal area of the car. Once again, this is a sure sign that you need a replacement In fact, this is similar to the latest customer car that we fitted a new clutch to the other weekend, and sure enough, when we stripped it down, the Punto needed a new clutch.

Fiat Punto clutch went again after only 2 weeks: Fiat Punto Clutch problems 

Thank goodness the one that we did the other week was good, and the car ran well after we fitted it with a new clutch, but for some owners, that was not the case. One unlucky gut had recently had a new clutch fitted, only to find that a few weeks later, the same problems had come back to haunt him.

The car had also had a new clutch pedal fitted, but after a few weeks, it once again became difficult to change gear, back to the same problem as the pre-new clutch?

The problem turned out to be Fiat Punto Clutch problems ,

with the clutch bleeding. The mechanic who repaired the car did not know how to bleed the clutch because the Punto’s do not have a normal bleeding nipple system as do many other models of cars, and for some reason some air had entered the fluid system of the clutch, making it difficult to change the gears again.

Fiat Punto Clutch problems 
These Fiat Punto Clutch problems were corrected by the garage.

Who had just fitted the new clutch, and the mistake was just put down to a lack of Fiat Punto experience. So, this can very often happen in a garage that repairs mixed makes of cars.

Going back to the Fiat Punto Clutch problems, in my garage. Well, it was only the second clutch that this particular car had fitted since 2004 (ten years), so I do not think that that was at all bad.

The job of fitting a Fiat Punto clutch is one of the easiest to do, and the car was back on the road in a couple of hours. The customer was delighted, and off he went, a few hundred pounds lighter, but happy?

Pellon Tyre and Auto-Centre offer car and van servicing and repairs to all makes of vehicles. We are not now members of Unipart Car Care centres and give a nationwide guarantee for all our work and parts.

Broken Spring Problem

Shock Absorbers Nissan Micra

Shock Absorbers Nissan Micra

Shock Absorbers Nissan Micra
Shock Absorbers Nissan Micra

Shock Absorbers Nissan Micra

The most frustrating thing about shock absorbers and struts (which are basically the same thing) is that they are sealed units and although they are classified as maintenance-free, they will

very often start to leak. In some countries, shock absorbers are known as dampers because that is exactly what they do: they damp down and level out the bumps that your car is picking up as it drives along the road.

Depending on the model of your car, Shock Absorbers Nissan Micra

If you are not sure what this is, then you can perform a simple bounce test. All you have to do is press the corner of your car a few times with your body weight and then stop the bouncing.

Once you stop,

your Nissan Micra should settle back down straight away. If it bounces again more than twice, it will very often start to leak. In some countries, shock absorbers (Nissan Micra) are known as dampers and require changing. You do this procedure on each corner, bouncing the car and then releasing it.

In my opinion, this is not a very satisfactory way of checking your shock absorbers, but at the moment, I have not seen a satisfactory machine that will do the job. The best machine I’ve ever seen and consequently purchased was a tester from SUN Equipment.

You drove the car onto vibration plates

which shook the suspension very violently and then suddenly stopped. The action of the shock absorbers was then recorded on paper printouts via an ink needle, similar to the ones used in hospital heart machines. If the pattern was tight, then the car shock absorbers were good; if they were wide, then the shocks needed replacing.

This was a great machine because it produced a print out so that the customer could see the state that his shocks were in. Ironically, Kwik-Fit scrapped the machine after I sold them the business, and I don’t believe they are still in production.

How do shock absorbers work? Shock Absorbers Nissan Micra

Some cars never have their shocks replaced, but with age, the ride of your car will get bumpier and the steering will be all over the place when cornering, although this is sometimes

blamed on the car’s tyres; it is more often than not the shock absorbers that need changing.

As I have said earlier, the most common problem is the fact that they leak oil.

Of course, this can also be found in a suspension check! If this is the case, then they will need to change. Any kind of shock absorber works on the same basis. There is a piston rod that enters a chamber that is filled with oil. The piston has oil seals to prevent leakage.

The weight compresses the piston, which then absorbs the force of the car and the road. Your shocks take all the up-and-down pressure (bumps), and the car’s chassis remains level, or as level as possible, while driving along.

When the shocks are worn or broken, you will get an uneven ride in your car. I think that the worst culprits for this are cars that are used as taxis. You can often feel the older cars bouncing up and down as you drive along, and apart from alcohol, I am convinced that this is one of the reasons that people are sick in the back of a taxi.

Shock Absorbers- Nissan Micra
Struts are normally fitted at the front of cars and are fitted inside a coil spring unit.
These are known as McPherson struts.

and just like shock absorbers, they can leak oil. These struts, along with the springs that they are inserted into, can very often break, and the symptoms  are rattling and banging noises coming from the car when going over bumps in the road. This is another problem that the potholes can cause. “Broken springs

An old perennial that keeps cropping up is that when a shocker has to be replaced,

should it be replaced in pairs? In my opinion, this is a grey area. The manufacturers always recommend that you fit two, and I think that this is the perfect scenario, but in practice, the customer wants to get away with having to spend as little as possible, and in general, only one is fitted.

The rule to this is simple: if your car is relatively new, then just change the one; the one on the other side should still be good, but if the car is an older model, then you should change the shocks on each side of the same axle, backs or fronts. This will give you an even ride and more stable cornering.

Normal shocks are fairly easy to change for the home mechanic

But the struts are more difficult and require some special tools, such as spring compressors, so I would take your car to a local garage for the work. Shock absorbers, nissan micra Om, Shock absorbers nissan micra cost; Replacement shock absorbers nissan micra.

Nissan Micra shock absorbers, Nissan Micra price, Replacement shock absorbers, nissan micro, Best shock absorbers for the Nissan Micra, nissan Micra shock absorber price.

Peugoet Partner With Steering Problem

Peugeot Partner With Steering Problem

Peugeot Partner With Steering Problem
Peugeot Partner With Steering Problem

Peugeot Partner With Steering Problem

Pellon Tyres, Halifax: Peugeot Partner Steering Trouble

Seeing the various problems that arise at Pellon Tyres in Halifax is always fascinating. Some tasks are simple, some are complex, and some are simply the result of a car’s natural wear and tear. It was a **Peugeot Partner** this time, and the steering problem was concerning.

The Issue: A Peugeot Partner’s Worn Steering Arms-Peugeot Partner With Steering Problem

The customer noticed a noticeable **looseness in the steering** and brought their Peugeot Partner into our garage. Particularly when cornering, they said the van felt **vague and unresponsive**. It seemed as though the front wheels were straying rather than going in the proper direction on rougher roads, which, let’s face it, make up the majority of Halifax’s roadways.

The **steering arms were extensively worn**, as we discovered when we hoisted the vehicle onto the ramp. It was obvious that things had been on the way out for some time because the **track rod ends had considerable play**. If left unchecked, this type of wear can result in uneven tyre wear, poor handling and possibly a MOT failure.

Peugeot Partner With Steering Problem
Peugeot Partner With Steering Problem

The Reasons Behind the Wear and Tear of Steering Parts

Over time, steering parts, including steering arms and tie rods, are subjected to severe wear and tear. The **primary offenders** responsible for their deterioration are as follows:

1. Road Conditions — Potholes, speed bumps, and uneven pavement are commonplace on Halifax roads. Steering components may be overstressed by frequent potholes or kerb mounting.

2. General Wear and Tear – Steering components naturally wear out like any other mechanical element, especially on a **workhorse like the Peugeot Partner**, which is frequently used by tradesmen and delivery services, meaning more miles and more daily pressure.

3. Inadequate Maintenance – Ignoring early wear indicators or not lubricating ball joints might hasten degradation. If left untreated, a minor problem quickly grows into a larger (and more expensive) one.

4. Rust & Corrosion – Winter road salt, courtesy of good ol’ Britain, can corrode steering and suspension components, causing them to fail too soon.

The Pellon Autocentre Repair-Peugeot Partner With Steering Problem

The solution was **simple but necessary**. After replacing the **worn steering arms and track rod ends**, we made sure that everything was properly aligned and adjusted to specification. In addition to installing the replacement parts, we performed a **wheel alignment**, which is an essential procedure to ensure the van drove straight and true and to avoid excessive tyre wear.

The customer commented that the vehicle **felt more solid on the road** and no longer pulled to one side after noticing the difference right away. Well done!

The Peugeot Partner’s Brief History-Peugeot Partner With Steering Problem

Since its introduction in **1996**, the **Peugeot Partner** has been a mainstay in the compact van industry. Because of its **reliability, practicality, and efficient engines**, the Partner, which was developed alongside its sister vehicle, the **Citroën Berlingo**, gained popularity among couriers, small businesses, and tradespeople very fast.

With updated variants that offer **better fuel economy, sophisticated technology, and even full-electric versions**, Peugeot has improved the Partner over the years. The partner’s primary advantages—**a sturdy, reliable van that can withstand a hammering on the highways and continue to function**—remain unchanged despite the modifications.

The Partner is a workhorse that keeps local businesses running, whether it’s delivery drivers rushing about Halifax or builders transporting their tools to sites. However, it needs **regular service and repairs to keep it in good shape**, just like any other car. That’s where **Pellon Tyres** can help.

Final Thought: Pay Attention to Your Steering! Peugeot Partner With Steering Problem

Don’t overlook your van’s steering if you notice that it feels **loose, unresponsive, or pulls to one side**. These minor issues can easily escalate into more significant ones, which will ultimately cost more money. Maintaining steering components and having them inspected **before the MOT test** can save a lot of trouble, regardless of whether the vehicle is a **Peugeot Partner, Citroën Berlingo, or any other van**.

We at **Pellon Tyres in Halifax** have the know-how to quickly identify and fix these problems, keeping your car safe and roadworthy. **Give us a call or stop by if your van is feeling a little unsteady; we’re always pleased to assist!**

This should appeal to local clients who might be experiencing similar problems and fit your typical approachable, educational tone. If you want any changes, please let me know!

Block Exemption Regulations

Block Exemption Regulations

Block Exemption Regulations
Block Exemption Regulations

Block Exemption Regulations

“The Impact of Motor Vehicle Block Exemption on Local Garages in Halifax, UK”

Located in the vibrant town of Halifax, UK, where the past and modernity harmoniously coexist, there exists an inconspicuous saviour dedicated to maintaining the reliability of your faithful mode of transportation. I am referring to the nearby autonomous automobile repair shop, the friendly establishment one frequents when their vehicle needs some tender, loving care.

However, it is important to note that a significant portion of their capabilities can be attributed to a regulatory framework known as the Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regulation (MVBER). Let us explore the realm of MVBER and examine its impact on the operational efficiency of our nearby automobile repair shops.

What does MVBER stand for? Block Exemption Regulations

MVBER, although its name may be lengthy, is a revolutionary tool for independent garages such as the one I own in Halifax. These regulations grant garages the authority to retrieve current data from car manufacturers. This implies that they have the ability to effectively repair and maintain any brand or type of vehicle, similar to the nearby car dealership.

Dismantling the Obstacles

Prior to the emergence of MVBER, independent garages frequently encountered a formidable obstacle: obtaining the necessary technical information to effectively repair contemporary automobiles. Automobile manufacturers possessed exclusive access to this valuable collection of data, creating a challenging environment for local garages to compete on an equitable basis. However, MVBER revolutionised the situation.

Currently, independent garages in Halifax and other areas have the capability to directly obtain crucial information, such as service schedules, diagnostics, and repair instructions, from the car manufacturers. This implies that your nearby automotive repair shop is capable of handling a wide range of vehicles, including both classic Mini cars and cutting-edge Teslas. There is no necessity to undertake the lengthy journey to the dealership, as your reliable local technician is capable of meeting your needs.

Community champions- Block Exemption Regulations

Regarding trust, your nearby automotive repair shop serves a purpose beyond mere car maintenance. It is a fundamental cornerstone of the community. In Halifax, where we have a strong sense of pride in our past, our garages contribute to our collective identity.

These establishments are not merely commercial enterprises; they serve as a valuable repository of local expertise and foster social bonds. Your neighbourhood mechanic serves as more than simply a service provider; they are also a companion with whom you may discuss recent repairs and reminisce about past experiences.

The Effect on Halifax

What is the direct impact of MVBER on Halifax? Suppose you possess a vintage Rover, a valuable artefact from the era when the town thrived as a centre of industrial activity. With MVBER, your local garage can conveniently access up-to-date technical data to ensure optimal performance and maintenance of your classic vehicle.

If you possess a contemporary BMW or Jaguar, you can be confident that they are capable of doing such tasks as well, eliminating the need for you to travel to a dealership in a different city.

MVBER has equalised the competitive landscape by equipping autonomous garages with the necessary resources to provide for the inhabitants of Halifax and maintain our cherished vehicles in operation. It is not solely a matter of convenience, but rather a matter of bolstering local enterprises and safeguarding the allure of our community.

To summarise, Block Exemption Regulations

Halifax’s independent garages have a purpose beyond mere car repairs. They play a crucial role in our community, connecting the divide between the past and the advancements of today. MVBER has enabled these local individuals with the ability to obtain the necessary information to maintain your vehicle in optimal condition, irrespective of its brand or kind.

When you next visit your reliable mechanic in Halifax, bear in mind that MVBER is diligently working in the background to guarantee they possess the necessary equipment to maintain our vehicles’ optimal performance and contribute to the prosperity of our town.

The existing Motor Vehicle Block Exemption (MVBER) should be replaced with an updated UK-specific Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Order (MVBEO) and stay in place until 2029, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has recommended. The CMA

Source: CMA recommends new UK-specific Block Exemption regulations

First Time Drivers Guide

V W Problem Heater: VAG cabin heating problem

V W Problem Heater

V W Problem Heater
Secure Your New Vehicle

V W Problem Heater

Importantly, this also includes the following car models: Audi A3 (8V chassis), VW Golf (mk7), Seat Leon (5F chassis), Skoda Octavia (7N chassis).

So, this article explains the repair instructions for a problem with the vehicle’s heater not working correctly. Fixing the heat exchanger blockage fixes the problem and is explained in this attached article!

Resolving Cabin Heater Problems in Volkswagen, Audi, Seat, and Skoda Automobiles

Greetings, esteemed group of automotive aficionados!

Presently, we shall delve into a prevalent concern that may induce chills within your Volkswagen, Audi, Seat, or Skoda. You need not worry if you’ve ever been stuck in a chilly vehicle with a cabin heater that simply won’t turn off; we’ve got your back.

Although several automobile models- V W Problem Heater

such as the Skoda Octavia (7N chassis), Audi A3 (8V chassis), VW Golf (mk7), and Seat Leon (5F chassis), have pleased numerous motorists. Even the most technologically advanced systems can occasionally fail to keep you warm and cosy.

The Issue: Cabin Heater Difficulties

Consequently, what exactly are these cabin heaters? Frequently, the problem arises due to an obstruction in the heat exchanger. This vital component can become clogged with grime, debris, and corrosion over time, impeding the proper circulation of hot coolant and the subsequent heating of the cabin.

However, have no fear, as resolving this issue is not as difficult as it may appear. Instructions on how to restore the functionality of the cabin heater are as follows:

Equipment and Materials Required: V W Problem Heater

Protective mitts and eyewear
One-dish pan
Set of sockets
The clasp pliers for hoses
A brand-new heat exchanger (available at dealerships for Volkswagen, Audi, Seat, or Skoda)
A kit for refrigerant funnels
New coolant (specific to your vehicle model)
First Step: Safety-First
Before beginning any work, ensure that your vehicle is situated on level ground and that the engine is completely cool. Gloves and protective eyewear are required, as you will be handling coolant.

(2) Remove the coolant

Identify the coolant discharge plug or valve located on the radiator of your vehicle. Carefully open the drain while positioning the drain pan underneath in order to extract the coolant. Be sure to dispose of the used coolant in accordance with the correct procedures.

Access the heat exchanger in Step 3.

There may be instances where accessing the heat exchanger requires the removal of interior ornamentation or panels. Consult the service manual for your vehicle model for specific instructions.

Step 4: Hose Disconnection

Identify the hoses connected to the heat exchanger and release and remove them using the hose clamp pliers. Anticipate the possibility of residual refrigerant escaping.

Remove the old heat exchanger in Step 5.

Remove the old heat exchanger’s mounting brackets by unbolting them. Remove it with caution from the vehicle.

Install the new heat exchanger in Step 6.

Install the newly installed heat exchanger and fasten it using the provided mounting fasteners. Reattach the hoses, ensuring that the hose connectors are used to secure them.

Step 7: Coolant Refill

Refill the coolant system with the proper coolant for your vehicle using the coolant funnel kit. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding the correct coolant composition and quantity for your vehicle.

Eighth Step: Bleed the Air

Fuel the engine and allow it to operate while the heater is engaged. This will assist in the evacuation of any air pockets present in the system. Monitor the level of coolant and replenish it as necessary.

Step 9: Conduct a heat test

After the level of coolant has stabilised, inspect the cabin heater. Warm air should begin to enter the interior, signifying that the heat exchanger obstruction has been cleared.

Everyone, that concludes it! V W Problem Heater

By employing some do-it-yourself expertise and the proper equipment, it is possible to resolve the issues with the cabin heater in your Volkswagen, Audi, Seat, or Skoda and resume comfortable travel experiences. Keep yourself toasty outside!

Opus IVS has released details of the diagnostic support its IVS 360 VAG team offered to a technician requiring assistance with intermittent heat problems. Job sheet Makes and models: Audi A3 (8V chassis), VW Golf (mk7), Seat

So, looking back to the good old days,

. Then the modern driver knows nothing about car heating problems. As an old but active garage owner, I can go back in time to when certain cars were equipped with a blanket.

Yes, a blanket was provided to put over our laps, keeping us warm. Heaters were very finicky and fragile, often failing to work at all. Especially in cold winters. My first job as an apprentice mechanic brought me into contact with the first British Leyland minis.

These little cars were also freezing cold, with very ineffective heater systems that often failed the driver. Thankfully, things have changed a style including the addition of air conditioning to most car models these days.

Source: Problem job solved: VAG cabin heating not getting hot – Garagewire

4 x 4 vehicle-general tyres

Toyota RAV 4 Poor Acceleration Problems

Toyota RAV 4 Poor Acceleration

Toyota RAV 4 Poor Acceleration Problems

Toyota RAV 4 Poor Acceleration Problems
Toyota RAV 4 Poor Acceleration Problems

Toyota RAV 4 problem just happened overnight

So, as I have said before, one of the great things about owning a garage. Importantly, there is a diversity of jobs that we can encounter. Hence, in any busy working week,. This past week was no exception. One of our lady customers called it with her car, a Toyota RAV 4 !

Alarmingly, the reason was that the car was performing badly when trying to overtake. Especially when she put her foot down, the car was very slow to respond.

She had a new Duel Mass Flywheel fitted about six months ago ! Interestingly,  she had wondered if this could have anything to do with the car’s recent problem?

The Toyota RAV 4 was fitted with the 2.0D-4 D engine. Importantly, she had not experienced many engine problems in the past. In fact, apart from the clutch, the car had been trouble-free.

Ryan road tests the car ! Toyota RAV 4 Poor Acceleration Problems

Ryan, our workshop manager, took the car out for a test drive. So he noticed that the engine warning light was also illuminated . So on his return, he plugged the car into our diagnostic machine. I found that the code PO627 came up. When we looked up the code fault on our diagnostic site,. Then it stated that the problem could be a couple of things.

  1. The internal fuel was below the target fuel pressure that it should be, despite the engine ECU opening the Suction Control Valve (SCV)
  2. Fuel blockage.

Toyota RAV 42.0 D Engines are fitted with a Denso electronic high-pressure fuel pump.  Controlling the fuel rail pressure and the volume of fuel are both replaceable items. Denso also make the Fuel Pressure Regulator (we call it the SCV) that can cause power problems with the Toyota RAV4


Ryan suspected it to be the SCV, and this was confirmed by a quick phone call to a friend of ours who specialises in diesel engines and fuel pumps. He told us that the SCV valves had given him the most problems with this particular RAV 4 engine fault, and so we took it upon ourselves to tackle this particular problem.

A new SCV ordered for the Toyota RAV 4: Toyota RAV 4 Poor Acceleration Problems

We contacted the customer with a price. Reluctantly, she gave us the go-ahead to carry out the necessary work on the car’s engine. We could only buy the SCV parts from the Toyota dealership. Unfortunately, they were not available from any of the local factors.

The first part of the job was to remove the two bolts that fasten the radiator expansion tank to the car. Allowing you more room to work. Importantly, you can see this in the picture the arrow is pointing to ! Where the fuel pump is located. Down near the yellow dipstick top. Ryan then had to remove the air intake/inter-cooler pipe.

The only difficult thing that Ryan could see was the location of the pump and where the SCV’s were located; they were located at the back of the pump, making the job a little fiddly.

When the new Toyota RAV 4 valves arrived,. Hence, they were both coloured differently. So, one was green and the other red. It was important that the new ones fit where the old ones had come from.

Hence the colour coding.

The valves are held into the pump by two heavy duty Allen screws each and were eventually freed by using an heavy duty Allen key type bit that fitted into an impact wrench set, with an extension tube to give him some leverage. This did the trick and the screws finally gave in to the pressure.

An important thing to watch out for is that the valve seats have two O-rings. These O-rings must be replaced and refitted into the valve seats; Ryan lubricated them when fitting them back, before the new valves were fitted back onto the pump.

Possible loss of fuel ! Toyota RAV 4 Poor Acceleration Problems

Another observation is that you will lose a small amount of fuel when doing this job, so protect the immediate area of the pump with some old cloth to soak up the diesel that comes out and you will not make a mess on the rest of the engine or the garage floor. We also thought it would be worth fitting a new fuel filter, and so we did.

When Ryan completed the work

he then re-set the Toyota RAV 4 engine diagnostic trouble codes , with our engine diagnostic machine and it then only took a couple of attempts to re start the engine. Because there would have been a little trapped air in the system from when the valves were removed. If you are doing this job at home inn one of these vehicles, we do recommend that you keep everything as clean as possible and do not let any dirt or other contamination onto the new valves.

The job only took about an hour

Including the ordering of the parts. Later the car was road tested and found to be cured of the problem. Happily, our lady customer picked up the Toyota RAV 4 paid us and went on her way a happy customer.

This problem can also be found on the following Toyota models

Toyota Avensis 2.0 D-4D (CDT220) 1999>2003,Toyota Avensis Verso 2.0D-4D (CLM20) 2001>2005,Toyota Corolla 2.0 D-4D (CDE110) 2000>2001,Toyota Corolla Verso 2.0 D-4D (CDE120) 001>2004,Toyota Corolla 2.0 D-4D (CDE120) 2001>2007 (90bhp & 109bhp),Toyota Previa 2.0 D-4D (CLR30) 2001>2007. This information is from Blue Print.

car suspension parts

Fibreglass Coil Springs

Fibreglass Coil Springs

Fibreglass Coil Springs
Shock Absorbers Update

Wow ! I could not believe it when I first heard about the new development in automotive coil springs.

Fibreglass Coil Springs

So, coil springs have always been one of the most likely components to fail the British MOT test. Because they are stuck beneath our cars. Subsequently, they are open to everything that the elements and the roads have to throw at them. After all that, they are expected to help take the strain off the car. Of course, when going over bumpy roads and also cornering and generally helping our cars give the owners a comfortable ride,.

The springs are open to rusting and, at the same time, cope with the horrendous roads, full of potholes and generally in bad condition. The coil springs usually meet their end when the car does drive over a pothole and one of the coil springs breaks. Some rattle and bang, but some break off at the top or bottom and are not detected until the dreaded MOT test or they are sometimes spotted on a service.

Coil springs have been around ever since I can remember and much longer

But now there is a new kid on the block: a coil spring made out of glass fibre and epoxy resin (FRP). These new springs are everything that the old steel versions are not. They are weather-proof, which means that they will not rust, and they are chemical-proof and almost unbreakable.

The other added bonus is that they weigh a lot less than their conventional steel counterparts. The FRP springs also consume much less energy than their steel cousins.

This new technology has been developed by the Sogefi Group, which is very well known for their innovations and new developments in the auto industry, and they have now come out with this excellent coil spring product that I am sure will sweep the world and replace its steel counterparts.

The Sogefi group has specifically set out to create a replacement product for the steel coil spring and come out with something that is half the weight, which, along with other lighter materials, will help cars become more eco-friendly with less fuel  consumption than when fitted with conventional steel coil springs. Another plus point for the FRP coil springs will be the fact that they can be mass produced.

I am not sure that it will be a good thing for our garage businesses: Fibreglass Coil Springs

As replacing the coil springs, one of the main suspension parts, is part of our bread and butter income, if this helps the consumer, which I am sure it will, then I am all for progress and moving forward . I must admit, I have noticed that the steel-made coil

springs seem to be getting thinner in stature and not as robust as the ones that we have been replacing, so it might be time for a change, and who knows if they do break on impact . Because they are made of glass fibre and epoxy resin, they may just be repairable.

This material has been around for some time now and is very flexible and repairable. I was also wondering if we would still have to use our coil spring compressors. So, to remove and fit a replacement spring? probably. I also wonder if our replacement Fibreglass Coil Springs suppliers will have to keep both types of spring manufacturer products in stock, and will one replace the other?

Ford KA in for suspected broken coil springs. Fibreglass Coil Springs

This leads me to my next little snippet. About a car that was left with us the other day . So, with a knocking noise coming from the front of his car,. The car was an old-style Ford KA 1.3 (2006) with a petrol engine. The noise wasn’t easy to find ! Happily, we found that a broken spring was the culprit.

I have read about the new style of FRP replacement Coil Springs. I cannot find where it tells us about their strength. Hence, whether or not Fibreglass Coil Springs will outperform steel ones. But changing the steel spring has certainly become good business for us. So only time will tell.

We got permission to change the broken spring from our customer, and the job was done. The KA was picked up later that day and our customer went home a happy man.

Week Of Failed Clutches

Week Of Failed Clutches

Week Of Failed Clutches

a metal object with many holesWeek Of Failed Clutches
Week Of Failed Clutches

Pellon Tyres Has a Busy Week to Start

Pellon Tyres in Halifax was no exception this week, starting the week with a full workshop. Three clutch jobs arrived Monday morning, each distinct in its own way. Among the cars were a fairly problematic Chevrolet Trax 4×4 and two French classics, a Citroën and a Peugeot. The Trax presented a formidable challenge, yet the French couple maintained a straightforward approach. This is how everything turned out with the repairs.

Week Of Failed Clutches
Week Of Failed Clutches

The Citroën: A Traditional French Artist – Week Of Failed Clutches

The Citroën, a car brand that has been a mainstay on British roads since the post-war era, was the first to be discussed. The DS with its hydropneumatic suspension and the iconic Citroën 2CV are only two examples of Citroën’s inventive engineering and quirky designs. However, the vehicle this time had a sliding clutch and was a more contemporary and useful model.

Fortunately, the task was as simple as it could be. When it comes to clutches, Citroëns are generally easy to work on, and this one was no different. Our clutch expert, Alex, had the replacement clutch installed and the vehicle back on the road in a matter of hours. The client, a Sowerby Bridge local, was really happy with the speedy response.

Week Of Failed Clutches
Week Of Failed Clutches

Another French favourite is the Peugeot. Week Of Failed Clutches

The Citroën was closely followed by a Peugeot, another French competitor. Peugeot began manufacturing bicycles and coffee mills in the 1800s before transitioning to automobiles, giving it a lengthy and illustrious history. Peugeot has established a reputation for building dependable, sturdy cars that are enjoyable to drive throughout the years.

The clutch on this specific model, a mid-sized hatchback, also needed to be replaced. Similar to the Citroen, the replacement of the clutch was a straightforward and straightforward task, without any complications. The vehicle was quickly operational again and prepared to drive its owner through Halifax’s mountainous streets.

Although French automobiles have their peculiarities, they don’t have a lot of clutch problems, which is usually advantageous when the workshop is heaving.

Week Of Failed Clutches
Week Of Failed Clutches

A Cunning Yank: The Chevrolet Trax 4×4 – Week Of Failed Clutches

The day’s wildcard, the Chevrolet Trax 4×4, then arrived. In the UK, Chevrolet has a fascinating past. The brand, which was formerly well-known for its large American saloons, changed its emphasis when it entered the European market to smaller vehicles and SUVs like the Trax. The Trax is a multipurpose small SUV that was built on a global basis that was shared with Vauxhall, but are you working on it? But that’s another story.

With a clutch that had fully surrendered the ghost, this one entered. Upon examining the engine briefly, it became evident that this would not be a simple solution. We had to take off the entire front subframe in order to get close to the clutch housing, which isn’t as easy as it seems.

With all of its extra parts interfering, the Trax’s 4×4 system didn’t make things any simpler. It was one of those tasks when perseverance is essential, and Alex’s knowledge was evident. We had worked all day by the time the subframe was put back together and the new clutch was in. Even so, there’s always a sense of accomplishment when you take on a difficult task and get the car back on the road for its owner, who lives in Queensbury, just up the road.

Week Of Failed Clutches
Week Of Failed Clutches
Life in the Workshop: Local Life

Being an essential member of the Halifax community is something we at Pellon Tyres take great pride in. We enjoy helping our customers keep their automobiles in great condition, whether it’s a minor tyre change or a significant clutch repair. Additionally, this week’s blend of American muscle and French elegance served as a reminder of how varied the cars we see may be.

Cars in this area are subjected to a lot of stress, from the twisting streets of Halifax town centre to the steep ascents of Hebden Bridge and Mytholmroyd. It is our responsibility to keep them in good operating order. We’re always ready for a challenge, whether it involves a Citroën, Peugeot, or even a Chevrolet.

Week Of Failed Clutches
Week Of Failed Clutches

There are undoubtedly many more to come, so here’s to another hectic week at Pellon Tyres!

Exhaust Systems Explained


 EXHAUST SYSTEM Last Longer Than They Did? Now drivers Benefit


Exhausts Changed


So, thinking about this, I suppose that there are many reasons that an exhaust system fitted to a modern car will last longer. Than say a car exhaust would 15 to 20 years ago. The cars of yesteryear were not subjected to the emission laws that today’s modern cars are. The big change came when all cars were fitted with catalytic convertors.

In fact, it was about 22 years ago that the new cars were produced. Hence, it had to be fitted with a petrol and diesel catalytic converter. Cars registered after January 1, 1992 (i.e., K prefixes onwards) .

This is about the same time that exhaust systems. Thus, they appeared to last longer than their predecessors. In the good old days, we used to buy car exhausts from the manufacturers directly in containers. We knew that certain cars were fitted with exhausts that would only last about 2 years.

Certain cars, such as Vauxhall Vivas and Cavaliers,. They were very vulnerable to their back box’s rotting. They used to collect the dilute acid from the engine in the tail boxes, and this would rot them from the inside.

catalytic converter
Better exhaust systems were made with the addition of the catalytic converter.

Also, there were many more models of cars produced by the manufacturers.

I would buy say 100x VW Beetle exhausts. Simply because there were so many of them out on the roads. Today, because of computers, car makers can alter and change a model within minutes using modern computer software. I believe that it is the same with exhaust systems. The designs are much better and are made of better materials than they used to be.

We in the trade do not stock the same number of systems anymore. Because of the large number of variations within one model of car,.

Of course, there was one exhaust to fit one model, whatever the engine size. Staggeringly, there will now be ten different systems and shapes for the different engine sizes. So, this could have to do with the different catalytic converter sizes that a different engine size may have to have; the rest of the exhaust will be a different shape or size.

The exhaust system has now become part of the emissions service.

We have now had to become qualified in car emissions, using sophisticated hand-held computers to diagnose any faults in the system. Also the addition of the catalytic converter to the front of the exhaust system. I also added the need for a better-quality exhaust pipe product.

The catalytic converter is made of a ceramic or stainless steel honeycomb core. A silica and aluminium wash coat, and a precious metal for the catalyst (platinum). The car makers then started to use aluminium exhaust systems to match the quality of the catalytic converters and enable the guarantee to extend to two years on a replacement system.

EXHAUST SYSTEMS AT A GLANCE-Your exhaust system lasts longer because they are now aluminised: EXHAUST SYSTEMS AT A GLANCE

Previously, most exhausts were made from mild steel, which would only last about eighteen months. Small niche businesses that produced replacement exhaust pipes from mild steel made these. Because of the growing demand for cheap exhaust prices from fast-fit centres,  such companies as Pioneer Exhausts did a roaring trade.

Companies like Bosal Exhaust system made aluminium systems for car manufacturers and gradually started to sell their products to motor manufacturers and specialised exhaust system wholesalers, who would in turn supply garages and fast-fit centres.

The only problem was that they were more expensive and would only be bought by customers with up-market cars; the regular guys still wanted the best price for exhaust for their cars.

The larger companies were on the streets ahead. EXHAUST SYSTEMS AT A GLANCE

Cleverly, with the equipment they used to make the catalytic converters and exhaust systems,. In fact, most of the exhaust system parts were built very accurately with “robots.”. The robots also made better exhaust systems. Because they are more precise when welding the parts together. Bosal Exhausts also added a small hole in their back boxes to allow the excess acid to drain away.

The simple fact is that yes, exhausts are made from far better quality products and built to a much higher standard (no dodgy welding); therefore, they last much longer than they used to, hence the two-year warranty given to the replacement parts fitted.