All Car Servicing

All Car Servicing

Hi I would like to introduce myself. Working in the Garage and tyre and all Car Servicing business now for 40 years. So. worked for a couple of national tyre companies before starting my first business. Of course, I now own a company here in the UK called Pellon Tyre and Auto-centre. Blogging about anything to do with Car Servicing and their related products. Naturally, that will help my business. We are members of Point-S and MotorCodes and are also a Unipart Car Care Centre.

Pellon tyre online tyres and car repairing servicing

Servicing Tips for Women

Servicing Tips for Women

Servicing Tips for Women
Servicing Tips for Women

Servicing Tips for Women

EricRoberts‘s insight:

 Most female customers are very confident when buying anything, including having their car repaired.We now even have more female

 So in general then I think that the garages who try to deceive female customers off. Of course, will be dishonest and also try to pull the wool over the eyes of all their customers ? men and women. “THESE GARAGES ARE A FOOL TO THEMSELVES”. So, our lady customers know when they are not been told the truth.

Hence, if the price looks and sounds wrong, then it probably will be wrong.

We are not currently members of Unipart Car Care Centres. Having regular Servicing tips meetings and contacts with other garages.

It is our experience that ourfemaley customers make up 60% of our total customer base. So, if a garage wants to keep this very important customerbase,e then the ladies have to betreatedt in the correctmanner,r especially by our mechanics..

Female customers look for a trustworthy garage- Servicing Tips for Women

Believe me the ladies know what they are on about and would not go to the garage with their car that they did not trust. So, if they thought that they had been ripped off, they would not go back there a second time. Another addition to this story is that we now have an increasing number of female mechanics, with many Motor Mechanic Jobs going to females.

Incidentally, they are just as competent as male mechanics and are probably more sensible. A strange thing happened the other day? a lady customer who was in for an MOT test asked us the price of a service to go with the MOT test. The lady agreed to the price and we duly did the work;The lady was happy with the job and the price paid and went home satisfied. About an hourlater, the ladies husband rang us up and told us in no uncertain words that we had RIPPED his wife off. WOW.

HERE IS A SECOND OPINION…Servicing Tips for Women

“You don’t ‘suggest’ a price to the garage looking to do the work, whether you know a bit or not. There is a price for the part(s) and a price for the labour. The part(s) you can research, but they may be privy todiscounts, etc. that you aren’t due to trade links, and the labour charge you either agree to or don’t.

You could dispute the number of hours charged, but if you think it would take a shorter time, do it yourself. What a daft American study from three probably biassed and slightly bitter women who have fallen foul, in theiropinion, of the motor trade”…

Read more:

car brakes problem

Car Hand brake- Car Repair MYTHS ? Hand Brake (Parking Brakes) Customers always want it Checking?

Car Hand brake

Things that motorists still ask for when having a car repair.(Car Hand brake)

Consequently, this is an article about some of the things that motorists ask for or ask us to check. Hence, when they leave their car with us for servicing. I have to admit that most of these guys are male. Thus, from the older generation of motorists.Naturally, who remember some of the problems that they used to encounter in the past. Of course, on some of the older model cars that were driven then.

Therefore,one of the most asked questions is “Can you just adjust my Car Hand brake”. This comes from the days when I was a young mechanic. So all you had to do to adjust the hand brake on most regular cars. Was to take out a split pin, and turn a screw thread. Of course, to either lengthen or shorten the hand brake cables.Thus giving you more leverage from the handbrake in the brake shoes.

When the handbrakes finally snapped with rust or age. Then, all you had to do was replace it with a new cable,”simple”. This type of hand brake system was always failing. Especially, when you pulled on the hand brake.So, the cable would snap. This, was responsible for many an accident.With cars parked on hills running away. However, this is the type of Car Hand brake that some motorists think their car is fitted with. Thus,thinking that it is only a ten minute job to adjust (at probably no cost to him ).

(Parking Brake)

As the modern car progressed. So it was clear that better braking systems had to developed. As a result, cars were getting faster, then they had to stop more efficiently and quickly. This brings us up to date. Consequently, with more and more car manufacturers using discs on all four corners of their cars. Not fitting the drums system at the rear. (Some newer cars still have drums at the rear, but more are favouring four wheel disc systems, for greater braking efficiency). Modern cars also have a separate handbrakes system. Including, their own drums system. Thus, working in conjunction with the rear discs. of course, which are virtually a separate system from the main brakes. Many cars are now fitted with duel cables. So, that are better protected from the outside elements (corrosion) .Most Car Hand brake on modern cars are much more complicated to service. Of course, now are one and two hour jobs to complete. Some smaller cars have still got rear drums. A Car Hand brake that works by connecting to the Rear Brake Shoes. Requiring freeing off from time to time. Also and lubricating as part of a regular service. But I am afraid that the cables still seize up and have to be come to us for a Car Hand brake Cable Replacement  from time to time especially as the car gets older.

brake is now a different animal?

In the more up to date modern car with disc brakes all round there is an additional lever and cork screw mechanism that is added to the calipers piston. When the driver pulls the hand brake on in the car, the lever forces the cork screw against the same piston that activates the foot pedal system.

This system also has problems with seizing parts and will take more than ten minutes to free off and lubricate for further use. There are other systems such as used by Volvo, that incorporate a separate drum with its own Ferodo Brake Shoes that is connected to the rear discs, this can also be a long job to service correctly.

To summarise the “can you just adjust my Car Hand brake” days are over, we as a garage need to take more time to repair and adjust the modern car hand brake system and indeed what we do is to offer a separate service just to do the cars braking system justice and to offer a first class brake service.

mot testing and car servicing

Check Your Levels-Top 5 simple maintenance tips everyone should know-

Check Your Levels

Look after your car Check Your Levels in this Easter hot weather 

This is very good and important advice to every motorist. So, to get your car through this Easter hot weather! Without causing any damage to the engine, brakes or indeed anything else.

Make sure you Check Your Levels. Including, water levels, your engine oil (Make sure that you top it up using the correct grade). If you are not sure do ! do not just use any old engine oil. Ask your local service centre to sell you the correct grade of oil for your car.

Consequently, you will most probably have Synthetic Engine Oil in your car. But if you are not so sure what to use then refer to your Engine Oil Guide. We have computer software. So, that tell you the grades for all the cars and will advise you accordingly.

Watch out for the traditional traffic hot-spots, such as the roads to the coast and set off early if you must travel in the heat, it will not do your car any good held up in slow traffic for hours on end and the kids and the dog in the back wont thank you for it neither, try and go for a quieter route and avoid all the traffic.

Make sure that your Air-Con is working and do not be tempted to lower your windows the temperature in the UK is expected to be in the 30s C this weekend, so the air coming into the car will be very hot and uncomfortable, keep the windows closed and let the Air-Con cool you down.

Make sure that you check your tyres as well as Check Your Levels before setting off.

Your tyres are made by a heat process and the hotter the air and the roads, the more likely that a tyre could blow out , we have all seen the large strips of tyre tread on the side of a motorway,(mainly from lorries) but this can happen to cheap car tyres that have been badly repaired as in some part worn tyres, so do not get caught out and buy good quality new tyres, this is a good investment in safety for your family!

Believe me this will happen, we get many customers that will turn up to my depot on a Monday morning with a blown out tyre, that could have been prevented before hand. The biggest cause is that the tyres were run under pressure, or under inflated . This only makes things worse when the weather is going to hot, so please check your tyres and your tyre pressure, and please

remember that cheap new car tyres are far better than part worn tyres, you just do not know where part worn tyres have been before you bought them.

More safety information to read about your car in the heat

“Make sure you Check Your Levels and the  washer fluid is topped up. If you are going on a long journey the last thing you want is to run out of washer fluid, especially if the weather is bad. You don’t want to be stopping off for bottles of water to clean away the dirt from your windscreen. Check out our great video” Topping Up A Windscreen Washer Bottle’.

W e can’t re-iterate how important it is to check your tyre pressure. If your tyres are incorrectly inflated it has an impact on fuel economy and tyre wear. Add or remove air as needed to keep your tyres performing at their safest. View our great video” ‘How To Check Your Tyres’.

Hope you have a great time in this sunny weather, now in the past.

Audi TT Hand-Brake Failure

Keeping Your car in the Best Condition

Keeping Your Car In The Best Condition

Keeping Your car in the Best Condition
Keeping Your car in the Best Condition

Keeping Your Car In The Best Condition

When you have gotten your hands on a car that you are truly happy with, you are going to want to
Make sure that you are taking the best possible care of it. There are a lot of people out there who do
not realise just how important this is. Keeping your car in good condition is not just about making
sure that you take it in for a wash every month or so, or that you try not to forget about taking it for

its MOT. Keeping Your car in the Best Condition

It’s about making sure that it continues to offer you the best possible performance and that you
stop its value from depreciating. With each passing year, and perhaps more importantly, with each
passing mile, you are putting your car through a lot of wear and tear, especially if you are driving at

But with the right maintenance, you can keep the impact of those road surfaces, adverse
weather conditions,
and the simple act of driving itself, to a minimum. Here is a guide to how you
can keep your car in the best condition possible.

Watch How You Drive. Keeping Your car in the Best Condition

Let’s start by talking about something that many people don’t think about when they think about car
maintenance. The way that you drive has a huge impact on the condition of your vehicle. Driving as
smoothly as possible, without any sudden pressure on the brakes or accelerator, should help to
reduce the standard wear and tear.

However, it is also important to ensure that you are revving your
engine often enough to keep anything from being clogged up. Regular use is the key here, which can
sometimes be tricky if you are looking after a modified car that you drive at special events. Find a
way to take it out when you can.

Keep It Clean

This one is arguably the simplest of the points we are going to cover but it is certainly one of the
most important. If you leave your car dirty after a drive, the dirt and debris may start to stick and
cause corrosion. It is also important to give your car a clean if you have been driving on icy roads, or
recently iced roads, as the chemicals that are used to keep the roads drivable can do a number on
your paintwork. It may seem like a superficial job, but it plays a massive part in keeping everything in
good condition.

Get Your Battery Checked. Keeping Your car in the Best Condition

You should be checking that everything is working properly with your battery on a regular basis. If
you have had the same car for three years or more, then it is particularly important to take it into a
mechanic if you notice anything unusual, but it is always better to be on the safe side.

that your battery can run down even when you are not using your car. In fact, this is often how
Batteries end up dead, and replacement batteries can cost a huge amount. So, even if you don’t do a
lot of driving, try to take your car out for a spin on a semi-regular basis. There is battery charging
packs called trickle chargers that you can buy if you know that you are not going to be driving for a
few months.

Find Insurance That Works For You

One of the best ways that you can make sure that your car stays in good condition is by finding
quality insurance coverage. There are always going to be things that you can’t plan for. Sometimes
Freaky accidents just happen, and other drivers on the road may not be as careful as you are when it
when it comes to watching where they are going.

Repairing a damaged car can be costly, particularly if you
are driving a modified or high-performance car. If you want to have the peace of mind that your
vehicle is going to be in safe hands no matter what happens, then why not look for modified car
insurance that will cover you. Reis can arrange coverage for road cars that have been modified and
They have experience in helping drivers who attend rain or shine shows, exhibitions, or specialist

shows, and you can find out more here. They have a range of different options to help you find the
perfect policy for you.

Don’t Forget The Oil Levels

Checking your oil levels is one of the most essential parts of keeping your car in good condition.
Engine oil keeps everything lubricated and running smoothly, and if you are driving without the right
levels, then you will start to damage your car quickly.

The good news is that checking your engine oil
levels is fairly simple to accomplish on your own. Just make sure that your car is on a flat surface and that the
engine is cool, then pop the bonnet up and use the dipstick to check the level. However, it is also a
It’s a good idea to get your oil checked professionally on a regular basis.

It’s not just about making sure
that you have enough oil in there, you also need to see if it needs to be changed. Which brings us to
our next point.

Find A Garage That You Trust And Visit Regularly

A lot of people view taking their car to the garage for a professional mechanic’s inspection as a
chore. However, if your car is important to you, it’s just as important to do this as it is for you to go
to the doctor or the dentist on a regular basis.

To start with, never put off going for your MOT. It is
required by law,
and you could be facing a thousand-pound fine if they find that you are driving on
an expired one. You can look at minor services that will look at your car’s fluid and oil levels and any
leaks in the tyres, exhaust, brakes, gearbox, and steering wheel.

They will also cover everything from
the suspension to your car horn. Major services tend to cover things like replacements and will cost
more. If you can identify any potential problems before getting to that point, then you’ll be much
better off.

mot testing and car servicing

Local Auto Centre

Local Auto Centre

Your Local Auto Centre will advise on timing belt change times

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure Waterloo Record Some of the most important maintenance services to have regularly performed at Local Auto Centre on your car include tyre rotation, four wheel alignment, transmission service, differential service,…

EricRoberts‘s insight:

Car servicing

So. this is a great saying ! and of course it is correct:an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. Of course, the moral of the story is all about having your car serviced at your Local Auto Centre. So, by doing so, you are taking a preventative measure to find future faults and possible failures.

Importantly, things like rotating your tyres, wheel alignment, checking brakes and steering before a more major fault appears will be checked out at your local service centre.

Of course, you should also be advised. Especially about the time that you should have your timing belt changed. Hence, this is very important . Because it could mean a massive bill . Of course, for a new engine fitting . Thus, should you fail to change your timing belt.

Especially at the correct time. Please make sure that you have a regular service carried out on your car at a Local Auto Centre, Here in the UK, I recommend that you go online to find a Local Car Care Centre in your local town or look out for tyre prices online.

Back after Corvid 19

So, like many other auto centres then we are back to full strength. We have suffered the same millions of other small businesses. However we are pleased to say that our service and tyre business is picking back up nicely.

I would like to thank all our loyal customers for their support both now and in the future.

So here at Pellon, we have a great tyre price portal called

EricRoberts‘s insight:

Car servicing

So. this is a great saying ! and of course it is correct”an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. Of course the moral of the story is all about having your car serviced at your Local Auto Centre. So, and by doing so you are taking a preventative measure finding future faults and possible failures. Importantly, things like rotating your tyres, wheel alignment, checking brakes and steering before a more major fault appears, all these things will be checked out at your local service centre.

Of course, you should also be advised. Especially, about the time that you should have your timing belt changed. Hence, this is very important . Because it could mean a massive bill . Of course, for a new engine fitting . Thus, should you fail to change your timing belt . Especially, at the correct time. Please make sure that you have a regular service carried out on your car at a Local Auto Centre, here in the UK I recommend that you go online to find a Local Car Care Centre in your local town or look out for tyre prices online.

Back after Corvid 19

So, like many other auto centres then we are back to full strength. We have suffered the same millions of other small businesses. However we are pleased to say that our service and tyre business is picking back up nicely.

I would like to thank all our loyal customers for their support, both now and in the future.

So here at Pellon, we have a great tyre price portal called

See on

Daewoo Matiz Engine management light problem

Car Oils are more important.

Car oils are more important.

Car oils
Car oils

Car Oils

The Oil Odyssey: Why the Correct oil Is Needed for Your Car

Now, people, let’s talk about a subject that’s similar to picking the ideal coffee for your morning brew: automobile engine oil. You wouldn’t want to put the incorrect oil in your car’s engine, just as you wouldn’t put Earl Grey in your espresso maker. However, why do various car models now require different kinds of oil? Let’s dissect it.

The Development of Motors

Cars were simpler creatures in the past. A Ford Cortina’s bonnet could be removed, any old oil could be added, and you could drive off. Engines nowadays are more advanced, precisely engineered to fulfil performance, efficiency, and emission requirements. Oils that can meet the intricate requirements of these contemporary marvels are necessary.

Viscosity Is Important

Viscosity is a major factor in why various cars require different oils. Consider viscosity to be the oil’s thickness. It’s analogous to equating golden syrup with single cream. The proper viscosity guarantees that the oil flows easily at all temperatures, offering sufficient protection and lubrication. The manual for your vehicle will indicate whether it requires thicker (10W-40) or thinner (5W-30) oil.

Additives: The Unknown Ingredient

These days, oils are loaded with chemicals that serve a multitude of purposes. These include of engine-cleaning detergents, wear-protecting chemicals for moving parts, and antioxidants to stop oil deterioration. Because different engines may require different mixes of these additives, the oil required for your turbocharged sports car may differ from that needed for your neighbor’s family saloon.

Fuel Economy and Pollution

Modern cars are built to use less fuel and emit less pollution. By lowering wear and friction, the proper oil aids in achieving these objectives. For instance, synthetic oils are frequently used in contemporary engines because they improve overall efficiency by improving flow at low temperatures and offering higher protection at high ones.

Manufacturer’s Details

To guarantee optimum performance and longevity, automakers invest a great deal of effort in testing and improving engines, and usually recommend a certain type of oil. The incorrect oil can cause more wear and tear, worse efficiency, and even void your warranty. It’s similar to using an inexpensive, knockoff phone charger; while it might work for a while, the danger is not worth it.

Road Conditions

Finally, the kind of oil your car requires can vary depending on how you drive. A regular oil change might work just fine if you’re just driving around Halifax’s peaceful roads. However, a stronger oil may be required to withstand the additional strain if you’re forcing your automobile through dense city traffic or lengthy highway drives.

The Key Learning

In summary, it’s critical to use the appropriate oil for your vehicle. Similar to picking the correct key for a lock, it all comes down to matching the oil to the particular requirements of the engine. Consult your vehicle’s handbook or a reliable professional the next time you need an oil change. You’ll enjoy smoother, more efficient drives and your engine will appreciate you for it.

Therefore, keep this in mind the next time you stop by the garage: using the proper oil is crucial to keeping your engine running smoothly and prepared for anything the roads may throw at you. It’s not just a tip.

Best wishes and good driving!

There are many different types of Car Oils for modern car

So engine technology has changed in a big way in recent years. This new trend began with increasing price of fuel at the garage forecourt. Importantly, the car manufacturers started to try new methods of increasing the miles per gallon. Of course, one of the ways was to lower the viscosity of the Car Oils they used in their engines.

So, one of the first of the new Car Oils grades was 5W-30. Improved Car Oils reduced the friction levels on the moving parts of the engines.

Also in recent years, engines have had to be modified to reach much higher emission standards by car manufacturers, making engines much more sophisticated There is a need for much more finer-quality Car Oils  to be used, Modern cars are now fitted with much more complicated exhaust and after-treatment units, requiring special low SAPS oil, which is needed to protect these units.

These new Car Oils also help

with extended service intervals for cars. Special “long-life oils” have been developed to help increase the length between car service intervals, thus reducing the amount of waste .

All these changes have led to the growth of the number of oil-based products on the market, enabling the independent auto centre to service all the different engines out there in the market.

Many garages now have to check each vehicle to see which Car Oils to use when Servicing a Car, and indeed, they have to keep as many as seven different grades of oil to cope with the diverse number of grades required. The garages can not now rely on keeping a basic viscosity alone

What if you fill your car engine with the wrong oil?

As I was saying earlier in my article it is important that the motorist checks his manual to what the correct type of liquid gold that his car engine takes, the same applies if you are a garage or a regular guy who changes his own oil and filter.

Car servicing is now becoming a specialist job, and although the service intervals are becoming further apart, the service itself has become more complex.

The main driver of this is the drive by car makers to make cars with less emissions; this includes the drive by tyre manufacturers for tyres with better rolling resistance and compounds using silica, The results of all this have become staggering, changing the face of motoring over the past decade.

Incidentally, according to “Warranty Direct,”

The cost of the average job to rectify an engine that has had the wrong oil put in is £2000.00, so you might consider taking your car to your local service centre near you, If you dont know where your nearest one is, look for your local MOT testing station.

Daewoo Matiz Engine management light problem

Use OEM Spec Oils

Use OEM Spec Oils

Use OEM Spec Oils

Use OEM Spec Oils

Use OEM Spec Oils
Use OEM Spec Oils

Knowing OEM-Specific Oils: The Ultimate Choice for Your Engine

Hi there, car lovers ! Today, let’s discuss something that frequently comes up, whether you’re talking to your mechanic or perusing the oil aisle: OEM spec oils. “What on earth does OEM spec mean?” may be on your mind. So fasten your seatbelts, because we’re going to take a brief look at the world of engine oil.

What does OEM mean?

The acronym OEM stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer, first and foremost. OEM-spec oil indicates that it satisfies the exact requirements established by the vehicle’s manufacturer. To put it another way, it’s the oil that the people who created your engine have approved and tested. The oil has been specifically engineered to function flawlessly with the complex components and requirements of your specific make and model.

What Makes OEM Spec Oils Useful?

  1. Optimal Performance: OEM specification oils are designed to give your car’s engine the optimum possible performance. They provide you more power and fuel economy by ensuring that everything functions properly.
  2. Engine Longevity: Proper oil selection lessens engine component wear and tear. It’s similar to providing the greatest maintenance for your car to keep it in good condition and ensure longer trouble-free driving.
  3. Warranty Compliance: Automobile guarantees may be complex. Using oils that are not up to OEM standards could make your warranty void. By using the suggested oils, you may be sure you’ll be covered in case something goes wrong.
  4. Tailored Additives: The requirements of various engines vary. Whether it’s lowering friction, avoiding deposits, or guarding against high temperatures, OEM specification oils are designed with particular additives to meet these demands.

Recognising OEM-Specific Oils

Look for labels that include OEM specs when you’re searching for oil. Words like “satisfies the requirements of [Manufacturer]” or “approved by [Manufacturer]” are frequently used in these. Additionally, there’s a chance that certain certifications—like ACEA, API, or ILSAC ratings—that meet the specifications for your car will be mentioned.

The Final Word- Use OEM Spec Oils

Giving your car the best is the main reason to use OEM standard oils. It’s about making sure your engine is safe and operating at its best every time you get on the road. Make sure you’re using the correct parts the next time your car needs an oil change by taking a moment to consult your owner’s manual or asking your mechanic.

So now you know that when someone refers to OEM spec oils, it’s not just marketing speak; rather, it’s a guarantee of quality and performance from the folks who know your automobile the best.

Have fun on the road and keep those motors running!

So with loads of cheap oil offers floating about our garages, it is important to make sure that the oil has the OEM specifications. of course, most of us garage owners are familiar with the consequencesThe EU has established the majority of the rules and laws that control how we service the EU. Although we are no longer members, we are still part of the agreement network until things change in the future.

Car manufacturers are not able to

tie their cars to their dealer network for servicing. So, this allows the independent garage network to service models as long as the same standard of oils and service parts were used. Most of the good garages are well aware of this and unfortunately, others dont give a damn!

Oil companies such as Millers Oils

here in West Yorkshire have to set certain qualities and standards into their oils. Thus allowing them to be used on a car that is under warranty. This means that car manufacturers  can not turn a car away for warranty work simply because it was serviced elsewhere.

Main dealer garages – Use OEM Spec Oils

often tell their customers this untrue story. Cars and Vans can be serviced while a new car is still under warranty, as long as the parts used are of the same quality as the original equipment parts. Of course, including oils such as Millers Oils.

In 2024 we have now joined to help in tyre safety campaigns.

When it comes to oils there are two phrases that are often used: “meets specification” and “OEM approved”. Whilst commonly used, Millers Oils often gets asked what the difference really is and does the difference affect

Source: Millers Oils dispels myths: OEMs, specs, approvals, warranties and Block Exemption

Catalytic Converter Theft

Engine Carbon Clean Service: Pellon Autocentre in Halifax UK

Engine Carbon Clean Service

Engine Carbon Clean Service
Engine Carbon Clean Service

Engine Carbon Clean Service

Howdy, everyone! Car emissions are going to be today’s topic of discussion, so pay attention because we’re going to dive right into the thick of things. You’ve been keeping up with the news, right? The United Kingdom is taking a tough stance, and automobile manufacturers? They’re putting in more effort than ever before; that much is clear. Let’s take a look at how these bigwigs are cleaning up their act in order to comply with the newly enacted emission laws.

To begin, we need to have a conversation about hybrid forms of technology.

In all seriousness, it’s in every single place now! The days in which hybrids were a novelty have long since passed. Automobile manufacturers are cleverly integrating electric systems so that they can function in conjunction with internal combustion engines. Result? Reduced our emissions by a significant amount. Isn’t that ingenious?

The turbochargers are up next. You heard that right: small is the new big. Those cumbersome engines are being phased out in favour of more streamlined, turbocharged alternatives by automakers. It may be hard to believe, but these smaller engines pack a powerful punch while significantly reducing their CO2 emissions. More power comes at the expense of less pollution. Win-win!

Do not overlook the importance of exhaust filters. Engine Carbon Clean Service

These stunning devices intercept the harmful particles even before they have a chance to enter the atmosphere. Filtration systems for particles? Check. Converters for catalytic emissions? Verify everything. These devices are a significant step forward in terms of eliminating those odours and fumes.

You ask about diesel, so let’s talk about that. Wonderful question. Technology is based on AdBlue, folks. This liquid solution is sprayed into the exhaust, and as a result, harmful NOx emissions are converted into water and nitrogen, which are not harmful at all. Unbelievable; I’m sure of it.

Let’s talk about stop-start systems as our very last topic of discussion. You are stopped at a red light when suddenly your engine dies. The light changes to green, and it starts working again. Reduces emissions from idling vehicles in a straightforward and highly efficient manner. In all honesty, why didn’t we consider doing this earlier on?

Now you know everything there is to know. Engine Carbon Clean Service

about how car manufacturers are stepping up their game in order to comply with the new emission laws in the UK. It’s a combination of creative thinking, some good old-fashioned engineering, and, let’s face it, a touch of desperation as well. Even though time is running out, businesses are stepping up to meet the challenge. It’s about time, isn’t it? Cheers!

All these new procedures have come about as a result of a change in the MOT testing rules in May 2018.  So, from May 2018, the smoke test limit for Euro 6 and some Euro 5 diesels will be halved.

This also ties up with the number of cars that have had their DPFs (diesel particulate filters) removed completely. So it will now be an MOT test failure if your vehicle does not have an EGR valve fitted and has had it removed.

Of course, this will affect drivers who have bought a second-hand car and are unaware of its removal. In a statement obtained by Garage Wire, the online care repair specialists, a Department of Transport  spokesperson said:

“We are taking strong action to stop the removal of DPFs. “We expect future changes to the MOT emissions test for diesel vehicles, due to come into force by May 2018, to make it easier to detect vehicles with failing or removed DPFs.”


Fuel and Oil are organic matter; when they are burned or left to naturally degrade, they form contamination, which adheres to different components within the engine, namely:

Over the last 20 years, engines have become more complex, and the tolerances within the engine have become finer. As a result, it takes just a small amount of contamination to adversely affect engine performance.

Pellon Autocentre invest in a new Carbon Clean machine

Your vehicle can now fail the emissions part of the MOT test due to the new stricter smoke test that comes under the Euro 5 and Euro 6 lowered limits. So to keep up, we here at Pellon Autocentre have invested in a new machine for Engine Carbon Clean Service on your vehicle’s engine. This can be done in conjunction with a regular service or to just get your vehicle through the MOT tests, which have stricter emission rules.

Modern engine design, coupled with a drive to reduce harmful emissions, has led to a significant increase in contamination-related issues, such as

  • Blocked DPF’s
  • Fouled Fuel Injectors
  • MOT emission failures

The Tec4 Carbon Cleaning Machine, backed up with our unique marketing package, allows you to fix these issues with minimal fuss and promote a preventative maintenance solution.

Some of the text in this post and the video were kindly provided by Tec4.

mot testing and car servicing

Drivers Avoid Car Servicing

Drivers Avoid Car Servicing

Drivers Avoid Car Servicing
Drivers Avoid Car Servicing

Drivers Avoid Car Servicing

Of course, modern cars are all controlled by computers these days. In fact almost all aspects of manufacturing today’s cars are controlled by computers and this includes the servicing schedules. The servicing details that are written out in your cars hand book. SO, have been designed to give the best possible Smart Car Servicing schedule. Importantly, you should not really vary from that by giving your car extra oil or filter changes.

Drivers neglect their car servicing plan why?

As I have stated earlier today’s cars are better built and more reliable than the cars say ten year ago and before. They have the ability to run for much longer periods that their older counterparts. The only exception to this in my opinion is that we have more problems with the cars electric systems than before. Because modern cars have more of them (car electrics).

The thing that some drivers neglect is to have their cars serviced at the correct periods according to their Servicing a Car manual. We often get cars in for  servicing and when we stamp and enter the details into the servicing booklet we find that they have missed out a service completely, and when we sometimes question this they simply come out with some excuse, such as the previous garage forget to fill it in. I do not believe this and it also important to keep a Car Servicing history to keep up the value should the owner ever want to sell the car.

Some car owners ignore the service book completely. Drivers Avoid Car Servicing

You would be surprised at how many drivers do not have a service book or have lost it. Many car owners are guilty of this. As luck would have it. Most good garages have a car service times and repair schedule times computer. We at Pellon Auto-centre here in Halifax use the Auto-Data computer software for all our mechanical work timings and service schedules. This means that we do not get stuck if a customer does not have a service schedule book for their cars.

Another problem in our busy world. So, is that people do not have their car serviced at all ! Consequently, the end result of this is that although the car will perhaps keep on running. Then it will inevitably start breaking down at some stage or another.

In most cases the warning light will come on for the particular problem that may arise.

The common lights to illuminate are the oil warning lights and the brake warning lights. When a car is regularly serviced these parts are checked and any problem will be rectified for example oils will be changed and brakes will be checked and any problems will be rectified, such as replacing worn out brake pads.

When the car is not serviced then these problems will become exaggerated and lead onto to more damaged parts. A car with a low oil level could lead onto a damaged engine or cylinder head. Worn out brake pads will inevitably lead onto damaged brake discs or burned out wheel cylinder’s, once again leading onto a much higher garage charge. So, than they would get if they did not Drivers Avoid Car Servicing.

Some other things that may affect your car. Drivers Avoid Car Servicing

Other things that could go wrong would fluid changes. On a very big service some car manufacturers recommend that the cars fluid should be changed. These are things such as transmission oils, brake fluids. not forgetting, the engine coolant levels and steering fluid levels. Of course,these are all things that are checked or changed while Car Servicing. Importantly, all of which could be critical if neglected and the drivers Avoid Car Servicing.

The one thing that would give you big problems though is as I have stated earlier. Your ENGINE OIL. You should at least give your car an oil and filter change. This is the very least you should but this could stop your engine blowing. Especially, on the way to the airport for your valuable holidays. I do not really recommend it ! But even if you change the oil and filter yourself, then please do it, a car with a blown up engine is not worth anything to anybody.

Garage servicing does other things

Other things that a garage will do for you during  Car Servicing. Of course, is things like changes your wheels round. Thus will ensure, a better wear out of your tyres. Also many garages are now in nationwide schemes and only fit the best parts.

Using low quality spare parts for your cars servicing. Drivers Avoid Car Servicing

This is a cost saving that is false economy ! So, will it really save you money. By fitting your own parts from the local corner accessory shop. Inferior parts will wear out quicker. This is most common to see on tyres. Cheap car tyres will wear out in a faster time than a leading make, say such as Michelin tyres, and this has been proven time and again. A little extra money will give you much better value in the long run

So respond to that check engine oil light on the dash

When the check engine oil warning light or brake warning light goes on,. Your car will still be operational. But please do not ignore it and put it off for another day. So, eventually, you will spend a lot of money. Naturally, you are in the car, and you regret your negligence. When the check engine light or any other warning light comes on,. Urgently, schedule an appointment with your garage and start a new campaign for your car. So, to have regular Car Servicing. Importantly, we also check the car owner’s timing belt change time when we service their cars.

Pellon Tyre and Auto-centre offer car servicing and repairs to all makes of vehicles.

Flat Tyres A Guide for Women

Traffic Chaos Expected-on UK roads

Traffic Chaos expected

Traffic Chaos is expected
© Can Stock Photo / XXLPhoto

Traffic Chaos expected

Traffic Chaos expected

So when I read this attached article, it made good sense to prepare your car for any unexpected traffic holdups. I can see that there will be many traffic jams and hold ups as the expected figures of traffic volumes come into fruition.

Simply put, there will be millions of motorists who are hell-bent on a good holiday here in the UK. Hence, as restrictions on the near continent continue to haunt frustrated drivers and their families from travelling abroad,. I certainly intend to stay at home this year and see what the situation is next year. However, millions are expected to visit the big tourist spots. While also enjoying the great weather that we are experiencing here in the UK.

In my opinion, there is no better time. Traffic Chaos expected

than to have your car serviced, or at least check your levels and your air-con system. I can foresee many traffic hold ups. As millions of frustrated motorists and their families head out,. In the great August heat wave that we are promised by the weather men.

The number of breakdowns is expected to soar as cars head for spots such as the “Lake District,” Scotland, and the coastal areas of the UK, not forgetting the beautiful Welsh countryside.  Bottlenecks are inevitable, so protect your car by having a check-out before you set off on your journey.

Dont forget the tyres! Traffic Chaos expected

Lastly, but very important, are your tyres. The weather is expected to be very hot in August so please have your tyres checked out. So, good tyres with the correct pressure for a loaded car will see you safely home. Many drivers just load up their vehicles with the family and their luggage and not give a second thought to their tyre pressures or, indeed, the condition of the tyres in general.

Especially when towing

a camping trailer or any other type of trailer, including caravans. Respectfully, though, many drivers do have the tyre checked! Especially the caravan fraternity.

This attached article gives you some idea of the expected traffic volumes. Heading out on our roads this summer school holiday period . Good luck and have a safe journey!

This summer will see unprecedented levels of traffic on UK roads due to drivers planning in excess of an estimated 29m staycations – 16m of these in the school holidays alone – according to a

Source: “Unprecedented summer” expected on UK roads