
Car batteries Care

Car batteries Care

Car batteries Care
Car batteries Care

Car batteries Care

Car batteries Care: during the winter months

The Rome Observer

(METRO) — Few things can be more frustrating than jumping into the driver’s seat on a frosty morning, turning the key in the ignition and failing to hear the engine roar to life.

Car batteries care: Why do your Car Batteries fail in the Winter?

As silly as it may seem, many drivers hardly use their cars. Especially in the winter months,. Indeed, some drivers lock their cars away in the garage (if they have one).

Nothing can be more stressful. As a result trying to start your car on a cold winters morning. Therefore, only to find that your car wont start. Of course, it is one of the saddest sounds that you as a driver will hear. When the battery just makes a slow grinding noise. Hence, made by the starter motor. As it tries to start up your car. Normally the engine just zips up. Hence, at the turn of the key and off you go. So but not this morning, it’s frosty and -2 C or bellow. Therefore, the car will not start up.

This is the scenario .That thousands of motorists a day will experience. Of course, a bit of knowledge goes a long way. Setting out a few facts can help the motorist understand. Consequently, a little more about their 12 Volt Battery car batteries. Including, how they respond to the climate. The two extremes of weather conditions, the cold and the heat will affect your car batteries performance.

Here in the UK we rarely experience excess heat, so I will concentrate on the cold.

In cold weather the chemical action in the battery will be slowed down and I have actually seen the battery liquid (sulphuric acid) frozen solid.

Car batteries care: the corrosion on this battery must be removed- Car batteries Care

So of keeping your car in a garage if possible, either in really cold weather or overnight. What happens is that although it may be cold in the garage, the heat from the engine when the car was run the day before, will act as a heater for the battery as the engine compartment will still retain the heat.

If the battery is over five years old, then it should be replaced with a new battery, Most car batteries will fail after the five-year period, and this is what we have found over the years. Also, imported cars from the Far Eastern countries such as Japan, China and South Korea are imported with 038 car batteries that have lower specifications that the ones made for the European market, These batteries do not stand up to the cold weather and usually fail early in the cars life.

The best thing that drivers can do is to have their car batteries checked before the onset of winter and replace It if necessary, but in really severe cold as experienced in the USA recently, then the battery could still fail without further protection from the cold.

 Car batteries care: a few things to look out for when buying your new battery. Car batteries Care

Make sure that it is the correct battery for the car and has the same power, the same number of amps and cold cranking amps. It will be all right to go bigger if it will fit the cars battery compartment as long as the battery has the same voltage, usually 12volts and 6volts on classic cars and vintage cars.

Here are a few more tips if the weather forecast is for really cold conditions. You can use a battery blanket to cover the battery and stop it freezing. You could also use a trickle charger, because the battery will retain some heat as it is been charged up and stop it from freezing. If your car is stored in the garage for a period of time, then disconnect the car battery and try to keep it on a trickle charger when the battery is in storage, You can buy cheap intelligent chargers now that will do this job.

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Nitrogen Tyre Inflation

Changing car tyres

Changing car tyres and then report that they regularly check them. Here is a list about what you should be …

Changing car tyres

Changing car tyres
Changing car tyres

Changing car tyres

Eric Roberts‘s insight:

When should we think about changing our car tyres?

Why You Should Consider Changing Your Car Tyres: Safety, Performance, and Peace of Mind.
Hello, everyone! Today, let’s talk about something important for your vehicle: tyres. Yes, those round, rubbery chaps that keep you attached to the pavement.

You may think, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” but when it comes to tyres, there’s a little more to consider. Let’s look at why changing your automobile tyres can be a great idea.

1. Safety first.
First and foremost, safety. Worn tyres are like a flimsy umbrella in a downpour; they’re of little use. The tread depth has a significant impact on how your automobile grips the road, particularly on rainy and windy British days.

The legal tread depth in the UK is 1.6 mm, but experts often advocate replacing them before they get worn. It’s more than just following the law; it’s about keeping you and your loved ones safe.

2. Improved Performance
New tyres can dramatically improve the appearance of your vehicle. They increase handling and make your automobile more responsive.

Whether you’re navigating the winding roads of the Yorkshire Dales or cruising down the M1, new tyres can make your ride more comfortable and pleasurable. Furthermore, they can help your automobile become more fuel-efficient, and who doesn’t like saving a few pounds on petrol?

3. Preventing Future Issues
Consider this scenario: you’re driving to Blackpool for a fun day out, and then you get a flat tyre. Regular checks and timely modifications might help you avoid these unanticipated annoyances.

It’s like having a little buffer, so you don’t have to worry about getting stuck or being late for a crucial appointment.

4. Increasing Your Car’s Value
If you’re thinking of selling or part-exchanging your vehicle, having brand new tyres can be a huge advantage. It demonstrates that you’ve cared for the vehicle and can possibly increase its value. It’s about making a good first impression, right?

5. Keeping up with the seasons
In the UK, we don’t just speak about the weather; we experience it. If you live in an area that gets a lot of snow or ice, consider seasonal tyres.

Winter tyres provide higher grip and shorter braking distances in cold, wet conditions. It’s like having the appropriate coat for the weather—just for your car.

In conclusion
. Changing car tyres
So there you have it—a few compelling reasons to consider changing your car tyres. It’s not just about following the rules of the road; it’s also about assuring your safety, improving your driving experience, and potentially increasing the worth of your automobile.

Remember to check your tyres and drive safely. Until next time, good motoring!

This is an interesting article from Automotive Tools Revue.

You would think that it would be easy to determine when you are changing car tyres, but it is the same as everything in life; some people know what to do or what they are looking at, and other people do not and have to ask for advice.

Watch for the Pellon Tyres sign. Changing car tyres

Fortunately, we are one of those trades that are only willing to help people with their tyre problems ! So, most tyre companies are only too willing to give a free tyre report to their customers.

Many independent tyre retailers are affiliated with an organisation . However, look out for an independent local garage.

Many also have their own web sites. Where can you find your nearest tyre retailer. Who will only be too willing to give your car a free tyre check . Also recommending when you should be changing car tyres.

Look out for an Independent tyre depot in your area

If you do not have an independent tyre retailer in your area,. Then I am sure that a local garage will do the job for them at no cost to the customer.

The first thing to look at before changing car tyres. Of course, you should check your tyres and see if they are worn on one side. Naturally, they will look as if they have no tread cut into the tyres.

This is a sure sign that your tyres will need replacing ! Significantly, the car will also need a wheel alignment. This is a sign that the tyre has been scrubbed off at one side because the wheel alignment was not set correctly.

The other way is to check to see if it may be necessary. Changing car tyres

to change car tyres, look for the small bumps of rubber that are set between the tread at 1.6 mm deep.

This is the British Government’s law for the tread depth that your tyres should be at, although we in the trade think that it should now be 3 mm because of the change in driving conditions since the last tyre laws were passed.

These laws are pretty much the same in the USA and much of Europe to help maintain high standards of safety.

To conclude, the best way  to check your tyres. Including winter tyres. So, take your car to your tyre retailer, and they will check it for you free of charge.

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Unexpected car repair costs

Unexpected car repair costs

Unexpected car repair costs
Unexpected car repair costs

Unexpected car repair costs

Britains Motorists: Unexpected car repair costs

British motorists forked out hundreds of pounds last year repairing whining engines, wonky wheels and patching up scrapes and dents, according to a recent…

EricRoberts‘s insight:

British drivers have put off performing routine maintenance on their cars.

So, in this good article,. hence the “countrywide independent garage scheme” . They carried out a straw poll of 100 UK motorists. Consequently, they found that many of them had car repair bills of up to £500! In fact, 64% of them, to be precise. Of course, this is no surprise to me . I believe that many UK motorists have failed to have their cars serviced in the past two years.

This neglect will lead to all kinds of problems affecting  their cars and the cars performance. We see the effects of this all the time, but I think that the most common problem is the brakes. If the cars brakes are checked on a service, then the usual things that need replacing are the pads, this together with a good brake cleaning is usually all that is required. The problem then is that if the car is not serviced, then the Brake pads wear even further down before getting down to the metal plate. This then affects the brakes especially the Disc Brakes.

New Brake Discs and Car Brake pads are fitted- Unexpected car repair costs

then becomes metal on metal then the discs get damaged and they may need replacing. Other problems include the brake cylinders overheating and leaking and the problems can go on and on, always leading to a bigger repair bill for the UK motorists.

This is also a problem with the modern engines. The engines these days are controlled by a computer system in the car and if the filters and oil are not changed then the parts that are part of the engine management system can start to fail and the engine light will illuminate in the cars dashboard, often causing panic amongst the drivers who come into us garages to have the problem checked out. Sometimes the problem is a simple one and the car only requires an oil and filter change and other times it could be more complicated, but in the main most of the causes are due to the car not having a service and general neglect.

Although we are not members of the country wide garage scheme, we are not now a member of the Unipart Car Care Centres (UCCC), but we all share the same thoughts and know what the problems are likely to be if the car is not serviced.

Mot will find any mechanical problems- Unexpected car repair costs

Another slightly worrying trend amongst car drivers is the concept of using the annual MOT Test as a gauge for the condition of their car. The MOT test is not the same as having a regular service, and although the test is fairly strict it is not the same as having a good service say once a year. The UK motorists  can then keep an eye out on such things as your oil levels and tyre pressures and check your own light bulbs.

We all understand that money is tight, but in my opinion, the failure to service your car will lead to UK motorists having bigger problems and bigger repair bills.

Fast forward to 2024, and prices are still rising. Oil prices have risen to new highs . Different car models now require different oils. Hence, retailers have to keep larger stocks to satisfy the needs of their customers.

Why Are Oil Prices So High Now? Advice for Garages and Vehicle Owners

Anyone who has recently looked at the news or entered a garage may have noticed the dramatic increase in oil prices. This increase in oil costs has been perplexing and expensive for a lot of drivers and companies, particularly neighbourhood garages like Pellon Autocentre in Halifax. What, then, is the true cause of this sharp increase in expenses?

An Overview of the World Oil Market
Comprehending the intricate network of worldwide components that impact oil prices can aid in clarifying the reasons behind the increased cost of motor oil or filling up your car. In general, several factors influence oil prices:

Dynamics of Supply and Demand: The fundamental economic idea of supply and demand lies at the core of oil pricing. Oil prices typically increase when output declines as a result of choices made by OPEC (Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) or geopolitical concerns. Prices, on the other hand, typically decrease when there is an excess. Recently, prices have increased as a result of production reductions and a recovery in post-pandemic travel.

Geopolitical Tensions: Political upheaval frequently occurs in areas with significant oil deposits, which has the potential to interrupt oil supplies. For instance, developments in the Middle East may have an instant impact on world oil prices.

Economic Sanctions and Policies: Sanctions imposed on significant oil-producing nations, such as Iran and Russia, have the potential to limit their oil exports, so reducing world supply and driving up prices.

Currency fluctuations: Because oil is traded in US dollars, shifts in the dollar’s value may have an impact on oil prices. When the value of oil declines relative to other currencies, demand and prices rise.

Effect on Local Auto Repair Shops and Drivers- Unexpected car repair costs

Rising oil prices have two effects on neighbourhood garages like Pellon Autocentre, which is located in Halifax’s historic centre. First, as motor oils and lubricants become more expensive, service providers’ profit margins are squeezed. Second, increased costs may cause consumers to spend less on auto maintenance, which could have an impact on the industry.

It’s not all bad news, either. Garages can seize this challenge by doing the following:

Educating Customers: Take advantage of the price increase to inform consumers about the advantages of routine auto maintenance for maximum fuel economy. This aids in long-term cost savings and boosts customer loyalty and trust.

Encouraging High-Quality Products: Stressing the value of utilising premium oils, which may initially cost more but end up being more cost-effective over time because of their longer change intervals and improved engine protection.

Diversifying Services: Providing a selection of services, such as air filter changes or tyre checks that can increase fuel efficiency, to assist clients in managing their vehicles more cost-effectively.

A nod to Halifax’s heritage with a local touch- Unexpected car repair costs

A little amount of local character is added, and it’s interesting to see how important effective transportation used to be to some of Halifax’s old businesses, like the wool trade. Similar to how horses and waggons needed to be well-maintained to ensure smooth cargo transportation, modern car owners and garages need to adjust to fluctuations in oil prices in order to retain vehicles in optimal operating condition. It carries on Halifax’s long-standing tradition of resilience and adaptability.

Last Words
The sudden spike in oil prices serves as a reminder of the unpredictability of international markets and the interdependence of local economy and world events. Navigating these turbulent waters can be made easier for drivers in Halifax, Pellon Autocentre, and garages by being aware of the bigger picture of the economy, being proactive with auto maintenance, and remaining educated. The town’s drivers and companies need to change along with it over the years.

Being on top of things is crucial to preventing the impact of rising prices on your pocketbook, whether it’s monitoring world events that influence the supply of oil or just selecting the proper oil for your car.

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Hybrid Car Ownership

EV Batteries: How Cheap Are They Really

EV Batteries

EV Batteries
EV Batteries

EV Batteries

I’m finding Chevy Volt replacement EV batteries online for about $2,300. $2,300/16 kWh = $144/kWh. Retail. On the GM Parts Store site, a replacement battery for the 2012 Chevy Volt is listed at $2,305.88.

EricRoberts‘s insight:

Why a replacement ev battery?

EV battery prices

This article shows the prices for the  EV Batteries replacement but I was wondering why would need a replacement anyhow?

According this good and in-depth article, a replacement battery would cost $2000 or more, but why would you have to buy one? The old  EV Batteries should be replaced free of charge if found to be faulty, like any other part of the car. Some of the European car makers, such as Renault, lease the batteries out when they sell an Electric Car, so I can only assume that the same warranty reasons will apply to them.

In my opinion, when the EV batteries will need replacing in a few years’ time, the technology that is carried out at the moment will have drastically reduced the battery prices by that time. All this new development will probably reduce the size of the batteries to a more realistic and affordable size. Johnson controls is developing a Lithium-Ion battery at the moment that is much smaller than its predecessors.

The only reason I can think of for an EV car to need  new EV batteries is after an accident.

An accident is probably going to cause damage because of the size of the battery power train. This brings me to car insurance. Is the possible scenario of a crashed EV car requiring an expensive battery going to raise insurance premiums, or will the cost be spread amongst us all?

There is no doubt that the EV car will play a significant role in the future

of fuel-efficient cat technology, with batteries that can last for years due to the advent of silicon “Nano” battery technology and car manufacturers will keep up with these improvement trends.

The charging rates are also getting much better, with charging time expected to get down to as low as 15 minutes for an 80% charge but my money is still on Hydrogen cell technology. However, this is a good article and worth a click to read.

2024 prospective

Over the past ten years, there has been a lower trend in the price of electric car batteries, mostly because of improved production capacity, economies of scale, and technological breakthroughs. A brief overview of the variables driving these trends is provided below:

Technological Progress
Battery technology advancements have drastically lowered the cost per kilowatt-hour (kWh), thanks to the creation of more affordable cathode materials and improved production methods. These developments not only increase battery efficiency but also lower the quantity of pricey raw materials—like cobalt—necessary for manufacturing.

Scale Economies
Producers of electric cars (EVs) have increased output in response to growing consumer demand. Because of the larger purchases of materials and more effective manufacturing techniques, this production scale helps to save prices. Large-scale battery factories, sometimes called “gigafactories,” are essential for reducing prices because of their enormous capacity for production.

Governmental Rewards
Governments from all over the world are encouraging the electric car sector by offering incentives and subsidies to both producers and buyers. By lowering their total cost, these incentives help EVs and batteries become more affordable for a wider range of consumers.

Market Rivalry
As more companies enter the EV industry, competition has increased and driven down prices. Both established automakers and recent arrivals are making significant investments in battery technology, which will result in more affordable options.

Prospects for the Future
It is anticipated that battery prices would continue to decline, but at a slower pace. Prices may be impacted by supply limits for certain materials needed to produce EV batteries. Nonetheless, continued investigation into substitute materials and enhanced battery chemicals is expected to maintain the downward pressure on prices.

In conclusion, even if prices have been declining, future developments in supply chain dynamics, technology, and market conditions will all be critical factors. The use of electric vehicles (EVs) is anticipated to increase due to reduced costs and enhanced battery technologies, which will make EVs more competitive with conventional cars with internal combustion engines.

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Solar Storage Batteries

Solar Panels For Ford Concept Car

Solar Panels For Ford Concept Car

Solar Panels For Ford Concept Car
Solar Panels For Ford Concept Car

Solar Panels For Ford Concept Car

EricRoberts‘s insight:

Solar panels on car roofs a great idea but not a new idea

So, in my opinion this idea from Ford motor company is one of the biggest step forwards yet. Especially, in the quest for the electric cars! Enabling, them to cover more mileage.

Significantly, this car could be run on solar energy from Solar Panels . Even when the car is running about ! Consequently, the batteries will also be charged. Developments like this will be a big step in the right direction ! So, I can envisage all EV’s and all electric cars will have this technology. Incorporated in the cars electric system. Aiding charging.

This is not the first time that solar panels have been used to power cars

So, I believe that it will be the first time that a major car manufacturer. Has incorporated solar panels onto an actual model.

Consequently, a guy called Ed Passerini ! Was probably the first man to invent the first solar powered car ! Way back in 1977. After building several smaller prototype cars. He eventually built the solar car known as Bluebird.

More recently in 1983 two Australian’s, Hans Tholstrup and racing driver, Larry Perkins . Managed to drive a solar powered car from Perth to Sydney. Totaling 2566 miles a great achievement ! The vehicle was called the “Achiever”. Equipped with a solar cell panel fitted to the roof. Hence, that charged 2 x 12 volt lead acid leisure batteries.

Batteries charged for use after dark

So the charged batteries were to be used for use when the Sun was behind clouds or even in darkness. Many of today’s Solar Panels and solar energy equipment had not even been invented back then, so the electrics they used were pretty basic.

They had an electric motor to drive the car with a basic type gearbox that could only have the gears changed when the vehicle was stopped. The acceleration was done by either using 24 volts or 12 volts, the 24 volt was the fastest option, depending on the amount of battery storage.

Other recent tries at utilizing solar energy were carried out by the larger auto companies such as Ford, using them in the headlights.

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Car Battery Check

Car Battery Check

Car Battery Check
Car Battery Check

Car Battery Check

Make sure that your family are safe with a Car Battery Check

So, on a recent visit to France, we unfortunately broke down. Due to an electrical fault on our Peugeot van. Just by a coincidence another English vehicle in a few parking spaces near to us. Was also broke down, this vehicle was a Citroen C4 Picasso people carrier, and was occupied by a family of six , four children and their parents.

I went over to the guy, who was looking under the bonnet (hood) of his car. Tentatively,  asking him what had gone wrong. He told that the orange alternator light had come on. Sadly, but he carried on. Not suspecting that the light would cause a problem. He went on to tell me!

That he had suspected that the car may have had a dodgy battery for a few weeks

. But he just kept on charging it up. Because he did not use the people carrier very often. In fact he only used the car for family outings and visits to the sea side.

I told him that I was in the Car battery business. So, and suspected that a Battery Check would do the trick. I am amazed at the number of drivers that I come across. Consequently, who are hell bent on trying to keep a dead battery alive. Of course, by constantly trying to charge up their old, and probably dead battery up. So, trying to keep the thing alive. Most drivers fail and eventually give up their dead battery. Of course, and go out to have a professional Battery Check. Before buying  buy a new one.

Car Battery Check

We were both members of the AA, a British breakdown organisation, that covers the whole of Europe. Sure enough a breakdown truck arrived to attend to the guy with the people carrier. The system in France only allows the AA Recovery to attend a breakdown on the road side or hard shoulder of a motorway.

This is French law! I think it has something to do with protecting the livelihood of the French garage trade. Something that the French are good at,  protectionism. The English guy did have a battery test and needed a new  12 Volt Battery. The battery on the vehicle was a common size. Known to us as a 096. These batteries cost about £60 here in the UK. But the driver got a shock when the new battery cost him 140 Euros.

His breakdown cover may not have covered him for what we call renewable s, so the lesson there is do not mess about trying to resurrect your old car battery,

just go and buy a new one. The whole experience of breaking down would have put a lot of pressure on his family, not knowing if they would not reach their holiday destination or not, just for the sake of a battery test before starting off on a journey.

Car Battery Check

My wife and I have had eight children together over the past 35 years and have traveled extensively all over Europe. We have broken down a couple of times in our people carriers and so we know about the pressure that breaking down can put on the whole family. It is not worth the hassle and stress, just because you did not prepare your car and had a not knowing if they would not reach their holiday destination or not, just for the sake of a Car Battery Check before starting off on a journey.  

Since this post my dear wife of 45 years has passed away.Staggeringly, she died after three years of suffering with MND.


Absorbed Glass Mat Batteries

Hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles

Hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles

Hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles
Hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles

Hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles

Toyota to launch hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles in US next year (domain-B) Hydrogen-powered electric cars are moving in at a brisk pace as fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) that use hydrogen as fuel for their batteries will be in use in Northern America by 2015…

A massive breakthrough in Australia as a new diesel hydrogen fuel mix engine is engineered !

Eric Roberts‘s insight:

Toyota The new hydrogen fuel cell vehicles will be able to get their electricity from an electrochemical reaction between oxygen and hydrogen, which will generate a current that could be available earlier than thought.

The first British hydrogen filling station. Hence, for public to use ! Has now been opened in Swindon, Wiltshire. Consequently, it is located at the giant Honda factory near South Marston. The new site will be open to the public. Although it is within the grounds of the Honda car factory,.

This is the very first step. On the road towards attracting Hydrogen fuel-cell cars to the UK. So, the single pump will be able to fill the new hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles. They will be able to get their electricity from an electrochemical reaction between oxygen and hydrogen. Which will generate a current car with gas-based hydrogen. Although any member of the public will have to pass a BOC safety course,. Of course, before, they were able to fill their hydrogen cars.

The new hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles will be able to get their electricity from an electrochemical reaction between oxygen and hydrogen, which will generate a current. The only wastes that are omitted are water vapour and heat, making the cars extremely environmentally friendly.

Okay, let’s get into the exciting world of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.

Consider this: It’s 2024, and the hype about electric vehicles (EVs) is no longer limited to batteries. Enter hydrogen fuel cell technology, the cool new kid on the block in the car industry.

What’s the deal with hydrogen fuel cell vehicles?

However, it is not all sunshine and rainbows. The technology is fantastic, but there are a few challenges. To begin, hydrogen refuelling stations are as rare as a bright day in November in the United Kingdom. They must become more common before these vehicles can truly take off. Furthermore, manufacturing hydrogen fuel in an environmentally friendly manner is still an ongoing process.

The future seems bright (and green).
Despite the hurdles, the future of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles is bright. With governments pushing for greener transportation solutions and companies investing in research, we may see more of these environmentally friendly vehicles on the road.

A little of local flavour. hydrogen fuel cell vehicles represent the future frontier in clean driving

In the United Kingdom, we are not only passionate about a nice cup of tea; we are also committed to renewable energy. The government has been investing in hydrogen technology, so who knows? Perhaps we’ll see hydrogen stations sprout up like mushrooms after a rainstorm.

To summarise, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles represent the future frontier in clean driving. Toyota, Hyundai, and Honda are on the front lines, but there’s still a long road ahead. It’s an exciting time in the automobile industry, and with a little British creativity, we might just be at the forefront of the green revolution. Keep an eye out, because hydrogen-powered transportation is the future.

This is much earlier than thought before.

In my opinion, this technology will be a winner. Eventually, the motorist will be able to travel just as far as a conventional gasoline car. Without having to have the time consuming inconvenience. So, of having to charge up the battery for the return journey,. That’s, of course unless the present battery technology is not significantly modified.

Other car makers have also shown more interest. The new hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles will be able to get their electricity from an electrochemical reaction between oxygen and hydrogen, which will generate a current.

The new hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles will be able to get their electricity from an electrochemical reaction between oxygen and hydrogen, which will generate a current powered car.  Honda, of course, and Hyundai, as well as Toyota, whose hydrogen cars are expected to be able to a range of about 300 miles from a full tank, and the fuel will only take three or four minutes to fill the tank.

The USA are at the forefront of supplying fuel.

The new hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles will be able to get their electricity. So, from an electrochemical relationship between oxygen and hydrogen,. Significantly, this will generate a string of filling stations. Naturally, with 68 stations stretching from San Diego to San Francisco, and a further 20 new filling stations to be built by 2015,.

The new Toyota car is expected to be called the FV2. So, and will be made including all the latest IT technology. Making the car a real stunner. Another Toyota model will be known as the i-road . Which will be a three wheeler city car ! Of course, this car is well advanced and will be having trials in several cities. From Japan to France this year (2014)

Nissan Navara Clutch replacement

Clutch Vibration Problem

Clutch Vibration Problem

TOYOTA AURIS TD comes in for a Clutch Vibration Problem

So, for some unknown reason.  Christmas time brings in a few cars that are having Clutch Vibration problems. Hence, these are the normal problems. So, such as the driver cannot get the gears. Or the gears grind. Thus, when trying to drive the car and so on.

The Toyota Auris was a slightly different clutch pedal vibration and noise problem. As a result, the car was sort of vibrating and rattling. Consequently, as it was been driven along. When speaking to the customer. Ryan Linton my workshop manager. Discovered that the car had only had a new clutch fitted about two years ago. So the customer found it highly unlikely. Hence, that the clutch could be causing the clutch vibration in first gear problem. Especially, when driving the car along.

Ryan explained that the only way to tell is to check the clutch pedal vibration when engaging problem for the Clutch Vibration vibration when letting off clutch, by stripping the housing off and taking a look. The customer agreed and he took one of our courtesy cars while we explored his car to see what the problem was.

The other clutches that were done this week were standard sort of jobs,

taking two or three hours to do, but we always check with our Auto-data computer system, for the times it takes to do these jobs and this Toyota was shown to take seven hours, this included the Duel mass Flywheel having to be changed, but at this stage we did not exactly know what was wrong with the car.

clutch vibration problem
Clutch Vibration Problem

Clutch Vibration Problem

Ryan, tripped down the Auris clutch housing and assembly. Only to find that the system was a Duel Mass Flywheel. To clarify, the car had only had the clutch fitted two years ago and nothing had been done to the Dual Mass Flywheel. This action had

caused the pressure plate and the Dual Mass Flywheel to wear prematurely. Causing the DMF to have more play in it. Therefore causing the Clutch Vibration.

We did not fit the first clutch.

However the customer said that he would not go back there again. The cost was estimated at about the £1000.00 mark. Of course, customer gave us the go ahead to do the job. The time given by Auto-Data was pretty accurate and it took Ryan near enough six hours to complete the job. We always fit LUK clutches and DMFs because they were the company who originally developed the products along with BMW in Germany and to date we have never had any warranty problems with the LUK products in the past.

The Toyota Auris clutch and DMF was finished, tested and returned to a happy customer another job well done by my excellent staff.

MOT Test Tyre Failures

MOT Test Tyre Failures

MOT Test Tyre Failures
Peugeot 108 MOT test failure

MOT Test Tyre Failures

The MOT test is a reliable indicator of whether your car has been operating normally or is actually a big problem under the surface. The tyres are one of the key culprits that can cause your trusty vehicle to fail its MOT. So let’s study some frequent tyre failures, go into the world of tyres, and along the way, add a little local flavour from our Halifax streets.

1. Bald tyre treads

You’re going to fail, to start with, if your tyres are as bald as a coot. In the United Kingdom, 1.6 millimetres is the minimum permissible tread depth required throughout the middle three-quarters of the tyre. This is not just a fussy regulation; it is essential to driving safely, particularly in the frequently rainy and erratic British weather. Insufficient tread may cause your car to handle like it’s on an ice rink, which could be entertaining in a controlled environment but not when driving in rush hour on the M62!

MOT Test Tyre Failures
Skoda Yeti MOT test fail due to heavily cracked shoulder

2. Mechanical damage- MOT Test Tyre Failures

Next are any cuts, bulges, or other potential drama that your tyres may be concealing. A cursory glance could reveal a bulge from a pothole encounter on one of Halifax’s old cobblestone lanes or a gash from an incorrectly placed kerb at Sowerby Bridge. Such damage may cause your tyre to degrade and blow out. Recall that maintaining order and safety in the Calderdale Royal Hospital parking lot is more important than simply looking attractive. So check for any damage!

3. Issues with Pressure

An MOT failure might also result from improper tyre pressure. If your tyres are too low, they may heat up and wear out more quickly; if they are too high, they may provide less grip or break more quickly. Halifax’s hills and valleys give your automobile excellent exercise, but they also require properly inflated tyres to manage the city’s inclines and descents.

In spite of the fact that the tyre pressure itself is not examined during a MOT, legislation that was passed in 2015 stipulates that any vehicle that has a tyre pressure monitoring system (TPMS) that is either malfunctioning or non-functional will fail its MOT.

4. Damage due to ageing: MOT Test Tyre Failures

Tyres can age gracefully, much like a good wine or a vintage store in the Piece Hall. However, just like an ageing actor, they may eventually lose their energy for the role. Rubber cracks and other ageing indicators may be dangerous. It’s a good idea to check the date code that the manufacturer has imprinted on the sidewall of your tyres. If it’s been longer than the Halifax Gibbet (well, not really, but you get the idea), it may be time for a replacement.

5. Incorrect size, etc. MOT Test Tyre Failures

When a tyre is noticeably different from the rest, a MOT may reveal problems. Variations in tread patterns, sizes, or types pose a threat to both safety and the success of MOT exams. It’s not exactly the kind of team spirit you need for the game, like fielding a rugby team with one player dressed for cricket.

On the test you can have two different size tyres as long as they are on the same axle. Different sizes on the same axle will be a test failure.

Here is a brief overview of the tyre issues that could ruin your car’s chances of passing the MOT. If you keep an eye on these problems, you’ll not only probably pass your next MOT with ease but also make sure that your trips across our beautiful Halifax (or beyond) are secure and safe.

Make sure your tyres are prepared for the trip, whether it’s a quick trip to the grocery store or a leisurely drive through the picturesque Calder Valley. If you’re ever unsure, stop by Pellon Autocentre garage; we’re always happy to chat and offer assistance with any concerns you may have regarding your vehicle!

Insane MOT Test Proposals

MOT Horror Submissions

MOT Horror Submissions

According to information from the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA), these are the top 6 MOT failures in the UK:

Lights and signalling:

Issues with lights and signalling are the most common cause of MOT failures in the UK. This includes problems with headlights, brake lights, indicators, and other important safety features.

In the UK, problems with lights and signalling are the most frequent reason for MOT failures. Problems with the headlights, brake lights, indicators, and other crucial safety features fall under this category.


Suspension faults can cause uneven tyre wear, decreased vehicle stability, and other problems that can affect a vehicle’s performance and safety.


Problems with brakes, such as worn pads and discs, can substantially impair a vehicle’s capacity to stop swiftly and safely, making them a significant factor in MOT failures.


Problems with the tyres, such as inadequate tread depth or tyre sidewall damage, can also result in a vehicle failing its MOT.

Driver’s view of the road:

This is any issue that makes it difficult for the driver to see the road clearly, such as chips or cracks in the windscreen, worn wipers, or other window-related concerns.

MOT horror submissions
MOT horror submissions
Emissions testing

has grown in importance as a component of the MOT in recent years. Excessive emissions or defective emissions control systems may cause a vehicle to fail its MOT.

MOT Horror Submissions

As the owner of an MOT testing station in Halifax Yorkshire. So, we have seen most things. Hence, when it comes to car owners and presenting their beloved vehicles in for the dreaded MOT test.

Of course, this applies to 90% of motorists. Consequently, these are the drivers who really care about their cars. They do most of the right things, by having the cars checked out before the test date.

You can tell though that they are worried and often pace up and down waiting for the tester to appear with the results of the test. Obviously many drivers are worried about the potential cost. Especially this time of year when approaching Christmas time.

With this is mind it is only understandable.

That when it comes to an annual MOT test. Then drivers can often be filled with dread often presenting mot horror submissions. Wondering whether they are about to be presented with a long list of failures. Consequently, that will leave them with nothing more than an immensely high bill!

MOT Horror Submissions-Check the easy things before the test

Subsequently, If your vehicle is due your MOT test. Then check all the common things that are easy to do. Such things as the lights and tyres. This will only take you a good 10 minutes and is part of the test. make sure your windscreen wipers are in good condition and washers are working. Simple things that will ensure a smoother test experience.

It doesn’t matter how long you have been driving and what condition your car may be. So, no one actually enjoys the dreading feeling. Hence, of having to head to the local garage for their annual MOT test. We’ve heard all the horror stories. Including the multiple fails, the eye watering quote to fix any issues. Most garages are busy because they are trusted.

A lot of garages and MOT centres.

Pride themselves on providing the best service. Offering the  best prices possible as it is only this degree of customer satisfaction. That will ensure a continuous trade for the garage concerned.

However, there is a small percentage who operate with underhanded tactics and have incredibly questionable ethics that leave mechanics with a very tarnished reputation. These should be avoided at all costs. Because you will be asking for trouble and a big bill at the end of it.

MOT Horror Submissions-10% of drivers don’t give a damn?

Of course, the other 10% are the “couldn’t give a toss” brigade. These drivers turn up with their cars from hell. the car in the article image is a prime example. Worst than this some cars turn up with badly worn tyres and half the lights missing.

In general, though, things are good between our customers and testers. In fact, we have a great reputation for fairness and honesty, which is why we are always busy.

MOT test stations across the country are continuing to report dangerous defects and MOT horrors. One tester recently submitted pictures of a 2001 Nissan Micra to the DVSA after the station came across a cracked axle and

Source: Latest MOT horror submissions: have you seen worse than these?