Cars and Climate Change

Cars and Climate Change

Cars and Climate Change

Cars and Climate Change

So I must declare that I have a self-interest in what I call the “road to electrification con.”. Firstly, we all could see what a bunch of MP’s can do or, most importantly, can not do. So do we trust this bunch of self-interested politicians to run the country? Especially after the recent yet-to-be-resolved “Brexit Debacle” . In my opinion, these people are just self-interested hypocrites ! Incapable of running my life, and I believe millions of others!

In my little rant, my main concern is about climate change (or so-called climate change). The government is being driven by a minority of so-called “climate change protesters.”. Seemingly without any concern for the millions of people and businesses that have a long time been connected to the motor industry. Consequently, as we now know,. of course we do not have a say in the matter! Personally, like millions of other people, I do not believe in “climate change.”.

Cars and Climate Change has always occurred through natural events. My belief is that we are all going to be punished at the hands of a minority of protesters. Importantly, our delusional MP’s are getting sucked into this false news . I am an avid listener to LBC and one of the contributors comments inspired me to write this post. I actually agreed with his views.

Cars and Climate Change
© Can Stock Photo / XXLPhoto

No one questions the protesters rhetoric

It makes my blood boil to hear these people spout out about the planet coming to an end in the next twenty years. Also the fact that we are losing  thousands of species of animals . These people should be drilled down and share the true facts. Our MP’s just seam to be sucking all this false news up. many of us are old enough to remember days that when there was real air pollution ! Our Northern towns and buildings are still coloured black due to the dirty air and filth that we had to breath as children of the sixties and seventies.

So, where were the thousands of dying animal species then ? The truth is, there weren’t any and we just got on with life. TNew clean air laws passed by a generation of more sensible statesmen, like MPs, did make things better.Clean air was taken seriously and, in my opinion, was very successful . With the exception of London, I think we must all agree that we do breath in much cleaner air. My own house is now 35 years old and built out of the same Yorkshire stone as many of our old town and city buildings. The difference being is that my house is as clean as it was when it was first built ! There is no dirty air where we live.

London is going to penalize us all !

There is no doubt in my mind that the excessive immigration and poor infrastructure in London will harm us all. In fact, I, like many others, am sick and tired of listening to the way that the problem is being looked at. As an outsider (thank God), all I hear is of banning Cars and Climate change. All i can see is that it is a way of taxing London motorists ! Nothing more, nothing less. So, if London was so dirty, then why not just ban cars from the central area ! Surely this would clean up the so-called polluted air !

Like millions of others I do believe the Cars and Climate Change but only because change happens. The planet is well overdue for a major volcanic eruption. So, just lets see what the “climate change brigade” has to say about that !

Millions of trees

So, as a keen naturalist and gardener I just wonder how many trees we have planted since gardening became popular in the sixties. I recon it must be in the millions. Also why have the big cities and towns allowed people to concrete over their gardens. Surely, this was a another big mistake. The protesters are only now telling us  we must plant more trees “But we did !

Driving around the UK (as I do), you cant help notice what a green and pleasant land we live in. Millions will agree that we as keen gardeners have made our country a clean and healthy country to live in ! How far do these people want us to go. Surely there must be limits on how they want to penalize us all ? Especially those of us who live outside the dreaded London area.

However, my main concern is that of the advent of the “electric car”. Cars and Climate Change

Car manufacturers have now proven that most of our diesel and petrol cars are now very clean indeed. Electric cars are charged with “dirty” electricity from dirty power stations. So, whats the difference ! My main concern is the effect that this will have on the millions of people now employed in the “motor industry” as we now now it. So, the coal industry springs to mind ! I must admit that the decimation of the coal industry did clean things up. Especially, here in the North.

Millions of jobs were lost in the coal industry. Most of the citizens of London probably dont know anything about fear and anxiety that was thrust across the whole of the North and Wales. Now it looks like we are going to suffer again just to improve the lifes of Londoners. We already have the technology for clean cars with low emissions. How much more do we have to suffer at the hands a few thousand climate change protesters. Its pathetic how the government gives in to them.

Charging mounted police

What a vastly different world we live in today. many of us will remember the “horse mounted police” charging at the coal miners who were only fighting for their jobs ! Compared with today when “climate change protesters! held a the city of London to ransom while police officers did a dance with them! Just shows how week the people who represent us really are. Now they threaten more action at Heathrow airport ! They should be locked away along with their fake climate change propaganda.

I do believe that electric cars will be  a mix of automotive technologies, but at what cost ! How far does our tiny island have to suffer just so the “political class” can try and gain “browny points” at their World summits. How much do the people have to suffer when we get these silly ideas rammed down out throats. I believe that most of us dont want electric cars ! But have we been asked about it ! NO.

Its the developing countries that need to be targeted India and China would be just a start. In my opinion enough is enough. personally I am one of the millions who have now reached seventy years old. Because we live in a clean and healthy country. Except poor old London of course ?

Finally, I wonder what our fine  government has got in line for us.

Significantly, when they can no longer rely on the trillions of tax revenue. Of course, the fuel tax they will lose due to the electrification of cars being forced on us ? My opinion is that we will all have a little black box fitted to our cars and taxed on the mileage that we do. Of course it wont bother the green warriors ! Because, they will all be riding horses.

Also what are the oil producing countries going to do. In my opinion they will slash the price of oil to the west. Making electrification of our cars look even more expensive. Money talks. Just ask Donald Trump ! He does not want to penalize the American people by implementing punishing “green laws” realising that everything has a price. Punitive emission targets are a folly and the government should be prevented from penalizing the British. We are already achieving high standards for such a small country and enough is enough.

Hybrid Car Ownership

Before Getting An Electric Car: 3 Things To Consider

Before Getting An Electric Car

Before Getting An Electric Car
Before Getting An Electric Car

Before Getting An Electric Car

Now it’s more important than ever to take action in order to combat, or at least slow down, climate change.
change. If you want to do your bit and do something good for the environment, you might want to
Replace your current car with an electric vehicle.

Even though there were many stereotypes about
their power when they first entered the market, there has been significant progress. But before you
Take any specific steps; you need to take your time in order to make the right decision. Here are the
things you need to consider before getting an electric car.

Determine Whether You Want To Lease Or Buy The Vehicle

When you’re looking to get an electric vehicle, you need to think about your budget. If you decide to
If you buy the car, you might have the option to pay it off in monthly payments. However, when you opt
for the leasing option, you might be able to reduce your expenses significantly.

To get started, head
over to the website of LV ElectriX and plan your electric car leasing costs. By getting in touch with the
team of experts, you will be able to understand your options thoroughly. And when you have all the
information needed, it might be easier for you to decide if it’s the optimal choice for your situation
and needs.

Consider Your Charging Options

Unlike other cars, electric vehicles don’t need gasoline or diesel to operate. But they do need
electricity in order to get you to your desired destination. To keep the car running, you need to think
about your charging options. Research the places where you need to travel and see if there are any
public charging points.

You should also find out if there is a charging point in the vicinity of your
home. And if you want to have an electric car for the long run, you might want to consider installing
the charger on your property. That way, you might save some money on charging your EV as the
device could activate when the electricity rates are at their lowest point. With its good availability
of charging points, your driving experience might become more pleasant and efficient.

Think About The Distance You Need To Drive Daily

Finally, you need to consider the distance you need to drive every day. Every electric car has a
different operating range, and you need to take that into account. If you need to drive further than
the range allows you, you need to check if there are enough charging points along the way.

Then, you could make your travels pleasant and free of any problems. The operating range might
also be one of the factors that influence the price of the car. So, if you’re looking for a cheaper
option, you might need to compromise on the range of your travels. But if you plan your trips and
adventures in advance, you might be able to enjoy the experience with no obstacles.

UPS Batteries Have Many Uses

New batteries: solar Storage

New batteries: solar Storage

New batteries: solar Storage
New batteries: solar Storage

New batteries to change solar energy storage

The Strategic Sourceror (blog)
While electricity sourcing from storage technologies for renewable energy is only emerging, it could soon become mainstream.

Solar power is an excellent alternative to traditional energy sources.

It’s clean, renewable, and increasingly popular. However, one of the challenges of solar energy is storing it for use when the sun isn’t shining. This is where batteries for solar storage come in.

Batteries used for solar storage come in a variety of types and sizes. They are designed to store the energy. Of course, it is generated by solar panels during the day and released when needed. This is especially useful for homes and businesses that use solar power as their primary source of electricity.

for solar storage is the lithium-ion battery. These batteries are lightweight, have a high energy density, and can be recharged quickly. They are also relatively long-lasting and require minimal maintenance.

Another type of battery commonly used for solar storage is the lead-acid battery. These batteries are more affordable than lithium-ion batteries, but they are also heavier and require regular maintenance. Despite their drawbacks, lead-acid batteries are still widely used for solar storage.

Overall, batteries for solar storage play a crucial role in the adoption and success of solar energy. They allow solar power to be stored and used when needed, making it a more reliable and accessible energy source for everyone.

battery storage
New batteries-Solar Energy Storage

New Types of  Batteries  for Solar Storage” Not Far Away”

Although we have been trying out new systems for storing the energy produced by the sun. There do not seem to be any major developments coming from the big energy players. Millions of individuals have been trying different methods out using all types of devices and different types of batteries

The most successful battery at the moment appears to be the AGM battery (Absorbed Glass Matting). This type of New 

Batteries will discharge to much lower levels than a normal wet lead-acid battery, the type that is used in cars and trucks. But as we all strive to make renewable energy, other methods have started to come to life. By the way, one of the best AGM storage batteries on the market is made by Trojan batteries . They are a little more expensive than other brands, but they are a heavy-duty quality product and well worth looking at if you are interested in building a small bank of solar storage batteries.

A new kid on the block

will shortly be the development of the Lithium-Ion solar storage unit. The idea has come from the development of new batteries called lithium-ion batteries in electric cars. These storage units will be tailor-made so that consumers can just buy them and plug them into a solar panel system or a wind turbine. The idea comes from the car maker Tesla, which may work with Bosch batteries to produce this product.

In my opinion this will open the gates for more companies to come up with more products and will be of great advantage to home owners and businesses alike.

A typical home owner with solar panels

Of course, you could store the electricity when the cost is at its lowest and then use the electricity stored in the home or business when the rates are at their highest by using new batteries . I actually have a bank of solar panels on my roof here in the UK.

Of course and they work really well. 

So, even now in November we still produce electricity on a sunny day. My solar system goes into the national grid. Naturally, the electric produced is bought from us by the electricity provider. Conveniently, if such storage system came onto the market. Such as a custom  custom made one. Then I would think about changing things around.

I have sold New batteries all my working life, but I must confess that these are the most exciting times for change, different battery technologies and inventiveness coming from our Universities and colleges.

Update: Since I wrote this post, things have moved on at a slower pace. Introductions to the solar market now include ready-made battery storage packages for home owners and business alike.

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TPMS warning light Ignored

6 Tyre Safety Rules

6 Tyre Safety Rules-Your Tyres are Critical

6 Tyre Safety Rules

6 Tyre Safety Rules

As a responsible driver, it is essential to ensure that your vehicle is in excellent condition before hitting the road. One of the crucial aspects of maintaining a car is taking care of its tires. A well-maintained tire ensures that your vehicle runs smoothly, improving your driving experience and safety on the road. In this article, we present you with the six essential tire safety rules that every driver must follow.

#1 Regular Inspection

Regular tyre inspections are necessary to ensure that your tyres are in good condition. Inspect your cars tyres at least once a month to check for any visible signs of wear and tear, such as cracks, bulges, or punctures. Also, look for any signs of uneven wear, which may indicate a problem with your vehicle’s alignment.

#2 Proper Inflation Maintaining

the correct tyre pressure is crucial for your 6 Tyre Safety Rules on the road. Underinflated or overinflated tyres can cause problems with handling and stability, increasing the risk of accidents. Check your tyre pressure regularly, ideally before driving each day, and adjust the pressure as necessary. You can find the recommended tyre pressure in your vehicle’s manual or on the inside of the driver’s door.

#3 Rotation– 6 Tyre Safety Rules

Rotating your tyres regularly helps ensure that they wear evenly, extending their lifespan and improving your vehicle’s performance. Generally, tyre rotation should be done every 6,000 to 8,000 miles, depending on your driving habits and vehicle type. Make sure to follow the recommended rotation pattern outlined in your vehicle’s manual.

#4 Alignment

Proper wheel alignment ensures that your tyres wear evenly and that your vehicle drives straight. Misaligned wheels can cause uneven wear on your tyres, leading to reduced performance and increased safety risks. If you notice that your vehicle pulls to one side or that your steering wheel vibrates, it may be time to get your alignment checked.

#5: Load Capacity– 6 Tyre Safety Rules

Your tyres’ load capacity is the maximum weight they can carry safely. Overloading your vehicle can cause excessive wear on your tyres and reduce their lifespan, making them more prone to punctures or blowouts. Make sure to check your vehicle’s load capacity and never exceed it.

#6 Replacement

Finally, it’s essential to know when to replace your tyres. Even with proper maintenance, your tires will eventually wear out and become unsafe to drive on. The average lifespan of a tyre is six years, but this can vary depending on your driving habits and the conditions in which you drive. If you notice any signs of wear or damage, it’s time to replace your tyres.

TPMS (Tyre Pressure Monitoring System) Many newer vehicles are equipped with a Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS). This system monitors the tyre pressure and alerts the driver if the pressure is too low. If your vehicle has TPMS, it is important to pay attention to any warnings and address the issue promptly. However, it’s important to note that TPMS is not a substitute for regular tyre inspections and maintenance.

In conclusion, by following these seven tyre safety rules, you can ensure that your vehicle runs smoothly and safely on the road. Regular tire inspections, proper inflation, rotation, y, load capacity, TPMS, and replacement are all critical aspects of tire maintenance that every driver should follow.

By providing this comprehensive guide, we aim to help readers understand the importance of tire safety and how to maintain their tires effectively. By implementing these rules, drivers can improve their driving experience and, most importantly, keep themselves and others safe on the road.

In conclusion, 6 Tyre Safety Rules

following these 6 Tyre Safety Rules is crucial for maintaining your vehicle’s safety and performance. Regular inspections, proper inflation, rotation, alignment, load capacity, and replacement are all essential aspects of tyre maintenance that every driver should follow. By taking care of your tyres, you can ensure that your vehicle runs smoothly and safely on the road

Pellon Tyres are now proud members of

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Revolutionise Your Tyre Shopping Experience

Hankook Tyres-launches 4 HP

Hankook Tyres-launches 4 HP

Hankook Tyres-launches 4 HP

Tire Review SEMA/AAPEX 2013: Hankook tyres launches 4 HP tyres Tyre Business The company unveiled the four tyres—three in the Ventus line and one in the Dynapro line—during a press conference at the Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) Show in…

Hankook Tyres  . Are based in South Korea and was founded in 1941 but then it was known as the Chosun tyre company. The company name that we know today as Hankook tyre was introduced in 1968.

The Hankook tyres company now sells its tyre products. Of course, to many of the Worlds car manufacturers. Consequently, is catching up with the leading tyre companies. Because of the quality of its tyre products and the quality of its tyres that are now known Worldwide. Hankook tyres are now the 7th largest tyre company in the World. Importantly, are now one of the fastest growing tyre companies.

One of the reasons has been the involvement in the field of motorsports. Offering its tyre products for many motorsport racing events. Hankook  are proud to produce products high-quality and performance vehicles. Not just for passenger cars but also for 4×4 vehicles and SUVs as well as for trucks. Some of the car makers that Hankook  supply are the massive car manufacturers.

Hankook Tyres-launches 4 HP
Hankook Tyres-launches 4 HP

Such as Toyota, Ford and General Motors. This means that when a tyre company supply them for the original equipment cars, then they can look forward to a fair size chunk of the replacement tyre market in a couple of years when the first ones need replacing.

5 Reasons to Buy Hankook Tyres: Superior Quality, Performance, and Reliability

At Hankook, we believe that the key to a safe and enjoyable driving experience lies in the quality of your tyres. That’s why we’ve spent over 70 years perfecting our craft, producing some of the most advanced and reliable tyres in the world. In this article, we’ll share with you five compelling reasons why you should choose Hankook Tyres for your next set of wheels. Whether you’re a performance enthusiast, a daily commuter, or a fleet manager, we have the perfect tyre for you.

  1. Superior Quality

Our commitment to quality is unwavering. We use only the finest materials and the latest manufacturing techniques to produce tyres that are built to last. Each Hankook Tyre is rigorously tested to ensure that it meets our stringent standards for safety, performance, and durability. Our quality control processes are among the most advanced in the industry, and we’re constantly investing in new technologies to improve our products even further.

  1. Unmatched Performance

Whether you’re navigating tight city streets or tackling challenging off-road terrain, Hankook Tyres are designed to provide unmatched performance in any situation. We offer a wide range of tyres for all types of vehicles, including cars, SUVs, trucks, and buses. Our performance tyres are engineered to provide superior grip, handling, and stability, even at high speeds. With Hankook Tyres, you can enjoy a smooth, comfortable ride without compromising on performance.

  1. Reliable and Durable

At Hankook, we know that your safety and the safety of your passengers depend on the reliability and durability of your tyres. That’s why we’ve designed our tyres to withstand even the harshest driving conditions. Our tyres are resistant to wear and tear, punctures, and other common hazards on the road. We also offer a range of tyres with enhanced durability features, such as reinforced sidewalls and run-flat technology, to provide added peace of mind.

  1. Environmentally Friendly

At Hankook, we’re committed to protecting the environment and reducing our carbon footprint. That’s why we’ve developed a range of environmentally friendly tyres that are designed to reduce fuel consumption and emissions. Our eco-friendly tyres are made from sustainable materials and feature advanced tread patterns that improve fuel efficiency and reduce noise pollution.

  1. Great Value

At Hankook, we believe that high-quality tyres should be accessible to everyone. That’s why we offer a range of tyres at competitive prices, without compromising on quality or performance. With Hankook Tyres, you can enjoy superior performance and reliability without breaking the bank. We also offer a range of promotions and discounts throughout the year, making it even easier to get the best value for your money.

In conclusion, if you’re looking for superior quality, unmatched performance, reliability, eco-friendliness, and great value, Hankook Tyres is the right choice for you. With over 70 years of experience and a global reputation for excellence, we’re confident that we can meet all your tyre needs. Visit our website or your local Hankook Tyres-launches 4 HP dealer today to learn more about our products and service

Hankook Tyres-launches 4 HP -This is one of the reasons

So, why Hankook  have set up distribution centres in many of the tyre market countries in the World including here in the UK. They have also built new manufacturing plants in China and the USA (Tennessee), they are shortly going to open a new $1 billion tyre manufacturing plant in Indonesia (West Java) to help cope with the huge estimated demand for its tyre products. It is estimated that Hankook will be producing well over 50 million  each year along with other auto products that they see such as brake pads, batteries and alloy wheels for the aftermarket.

Pellon tyres recently became tyre stockists for recently became tyre stockists for Hankook Tyres-launches 4 HP . Hence, a buying group with depots located all across Europe and now in the UK and the USA when they became members. Of course, buying group have depots located all across Europe and now in the UK and the USA. This has enabled us to buy from the leading manufacturers; where before we were too small as a single independent to interest the huge tyre companies, now as part of this group they are”

Pellon Tyres are now proud members of

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Selected In Asia / Pacific

Winter Tyres Insurance

Winter tyres grip

Winter tyres grip

Winter tyres grip
Winter tyres grip

Winter tyres grip can help you in the cold

Winter tyres

5 Reasons Why Winter Tyres Grip Better in the Snow and Ice

Winter driving can be treacherous, with snow, ice, and sleet making roads slippery and dangerous. That’s why it’s essential to equip your vehicle with the right tyres for the season. Winter tyres are specifically designed to provide superior grip and handling in cold and snowy conditions. In this article, we’ll share with you five reasons why winter tyres grip better in the snow and ice.

  1. Softer Rubber Compound

Winter tyres are made with a softer rubber compound that stays pliable in colder temperatures. This helps the tyres grip the road better in snowy and icy conditions. Summer tyres, on the other hand, are made with a harder rubber compound that becomes stiff and less flexible in cold weather, reducing their ability to grip the road.

  1. Deeper Tread

Winter tyres have deeper and more aggressive tread patterns than summer tyres. This design allows the tyres to dig into the snow and ice, providing better traction and grip. The tread pattern also helps to evacuate water and slush from the tyre’s surface, reducing the risk of hydroplaning.

  1. Sipes

Winter tyres have small cuts, called sipes, in the tread blocks that help to provide extra grip on slippery surfaces. Sipes create tiny edges that bite into the snow and ice, providing better traction and stability. Summer tyres do not have sipes, which can make them less effective in winter conditions.

  1. Studding

Studded winter tyres have small metal studs embedded in the tread blocks that help to provide extra traction on ice. The studs grip the surface of the ice, providing better braking and acceleration performance. Studded tyres are not legal in all areas, so it’s important to check local regulations before using them.

  1. Improved Braking Performance

Winter tyres provide improved braking performance in cold and slippery conditions. The softer rubber compound and deeper tread pattern allow the tyres to grip the road better, reducing stopping distances and improving overall safety. Summer tyres, on the other hand, can become hard and less effective in cold weather, leading to longer stopping distances and increased risk of accidents.

Winter tyres grip
Winter tyres grip

In conclusion, winter tyres are specifically designed

so, to provide better grip and handling in cold and snowy conditions. With a softer rubber compound, deeper tread, sipes, and studding, winter tyres are essential for safe winter driving. If you live in an area with cold and snowy winters, it’s important to equip your vehicle with winter tyres to ensure the best possible driving experience.

It pleases me very much to see how the British public have responded to the efforts of the owners of tyre outlets and the many motoring publications, that have been

Citroen fitted with 4 Yokohama winter tyres

advising the public about the advantages and safety features of fitting winter tyres to your car.

What started me off committing myself to this subject was the massive increase of traffic on our roads, combined with the worsening winters that we were getting. This in my eyes makes road safety, especially where brakes and other road safety factors are concerned.

Cars are travelling and accelerating at much faster speeds and therefore requires better braking systems and tyre technology. The latter is probably my specialist subject and a subject that I am passionate about, therefor the advice that I give to drivers and my customers is in their best interest.

The subject of whether or not to fit winters in November time or not, to me is a “no brainer”. Here in West Yorkshire winter will shortly arriving , in fact this morning the local council gritting trucks are out gritting the icy roads. Winter tyres have a special compound that has silicone added to the rubber compound.

Winter tyres grip

Of course, Your winter safety tyres-Making sure your ready for your winter tyres – KSHB-Eric Robertsthis ensures that the winters remain flexible in freezing weather conditions, and are still able to maintain there grip on icy or snowy roads. On the other hand a summer ones that do not have additives will begin to harden when the temperature drops below centigrade, when Winter tyres grip . The effect is similar to your wiper blades, we all know that in cold weather that your wiper blades become very hard and will not clean the windscreen, all other rubber items have the same affect, and do not work correctly in cold weather.

If the tyre does not flex because of the cold, then the tread will not be able to do the job of gripping, especially in cold weather or on a very dirty rainy day when you may be traveling at 70 mph on a motorway. Winters will flex and give you the full tread onto the road, together with a much better designed tread pattern made especially for wet and snowy winter conditions, there is no doubt that Winter tyres grip . You owe it to yourself and your family to be as safe as possible on our very busy roads in winter time, none of us know what the weather will throw at us on any given day,(not even the weather man)

Pellon Tyre and Auto-centre offer car and van servicing and repairs to all makes of vehicles.

Pellon Tyres are now proud members of

Winter Tyres Insurance

Nokian Targets SUV Tyre Market

Nokian Targets CUV-SUV Tyre Market

Nokian Targets SUV Tyre Market

This was great news for the tyre industry. But also great news for road safety. So at last the motorists have taken notice of the tyre experts and friends. Many garages and tyre dealers are beginning to increase stocks of snow tyres. But stocks are very low so telephone or go online to see what you can find. Remember this is only the beginning of winter and so snow or winter tyres will be a good investment.

Garages and tyre retailers began to see the motorists complimenting them. On how good these type of tyres really were in snow. Many garages and tyre dealers have some stocks of snow tyres. Hence, stocks are very low so telephone or go online to see what you can find.

Motorists from all over the country. Were bestowing the advantages of changing to winter tyres. From summer tyres for the winter months. Prices in the last few weeks have doubled. Indeed put the price out of reach for many motorists.

Nokian Targets SUV Tyre Market
Nokian Targets SUV Tyre Market

Nokian Targets CUV-SUV Tyre Market 1

Especially with smaller cars, silly when safety is at stake, perhaps next winter people should start buying their tyres at the end of summer. Thus, when prices are not much different to summer tyres.

It looks like the penny may have dropped as regards the drivers of SUV and Crossover vehicles. Indeed many SUV owners are also thinking about a set of spare wheels with snow tyres fitted. This seems to me to make the most common sense thing to do. Of course, you could go to a breakers yard for a set or pair of used wheels to keep the cost down.

SUV drivers really suffered in the harsh snowy winters of a couple of years ago. We noticed that the BMW drivers were all over the road. Skidding on their summer tyres. I think that some of these drivers thought that they were invincible in bad weather. As a result they were far from safe? The large diameter wheels on this type of vehicle meant that in bad weather then they lost control very easily.

Many of these SUV drivers did eventually fit or buy a set of spare steel wheels. This is the most effective way for using winter tyres and you would probably make a set last three winters or more. So, by changing them from your summer tyres from say November to March. Some tyre dealers have started storing customers winter tyres or wheels over the Summer months. Known as “tyre hotels” some for a small fee others may do it for free. Therefore, it may be worth asking, especially for those living in flats or drivers without a garage.

Nokian Targets CUV-SUV Tyre Market 2

As mentioned before I have had many customers telephoning me. Thanking me for the advice I have given them about fitting snow tyres. One lady customer was so pleased that she came back and wanted a set fitting to her mothers car she was so impressed. The sting in the tail is that suppliers started to inflate prices due to demand. Especially internet companies from the continent. Another good reason why Nokian Targets SUV Tyre Market, for more sales.

Nokians were in great demand. They were always number one in European tyre tests and so were much sought after. Now of course Nokian tyres have built up a UK tyre dealer network. Pellon Tyres are the Nokian dealers for the Calder valley area of the UK.

This winter 2010/ 2011 has proved to be worse than the winter before. Indeed November of that year had been breaking records for the coldest and the amount of snow fall. A good reason why Nokian Targets SUV Tyre Market took off. Indeed in South Yorkshire the snow reached depths of two feet in some areas. Of course, stranding many motorists, the only people who could move had either 4×4 s or were fitted with winter tyres.

Garages and auto centres have noticed a massive increase in All-weather tyre sales this winter. However some motorists took the advice of some experts, who commented that, “motorists are becoming much more safety conscious” and “have bought new snow tyres this winter for the first time”. In fact there has been a rapid growth in the number of tyre companies. Due in part to the Nokian Targets SUV Tyre Market. Hence, that are developing the all-weather tyres. Including the Nokian Targets SUV Tyre Market.

Nokian Targets CUV-SUV Tyre Market 3

Most notably Michelin tyres brought out the excellent CrossClimate tyres. This is a bit of an anomaly. because it is a summer tyre with winter tyre capabilities. This tyre carries the three peaks snow tyre sidewall emblem.

These Michelin CrossClimate have proved to be a great success. In fact many motorists are beginning to discover the great advantage of snow and winter tyres in bad weather situations. Of course this is why Nokian Targets SUV Tyre Market. Garages and tyre dealer began to see the motorists complimenting them. of course, on how good these type of tyres really were in snow.

Finally Pellon Tyres are still Nokian Tyre dealers after their re-shuffle here in 2021.

Source: Nokian Targets CUV and SUV Tire Market With eNtyre C/S – Suppliers – Modern Tire Dealer

First Time Drivers Guide

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Essential Areas Every New Business Owner Needs

Essential Areas Every New Business Owner Needs
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Essential Areas Every New Business Owner Needs

Anyone who has ever launched their own automotive business will tell you that it very rarely feels like the perfect time to do it. No matter how carefully you prepare or how long you wait, there are always going to be some challenges that you did not expect. There will always be a lot of competition, and it will never feel like you have enough time or enough money to execute your launch exactly the way you want to.

However, it is fair to say that now is a more challenging time than most. While there are always going to be hurdles when you are launching your own company, the number of difficulties that businesses are facing right now, from energy costs to supply shortages, makes it even more vital that you are prepared for what is to come. Here are some of the most important things that you need to remember if you are launching a new garage business in the months ahead.

Market Research Never Stops. Essential Areas Every New Business Owner Needs

You will no doubt have done extensive market research. Excitingly, when you were first putting together your business proposal. You will have shown potential investors that you were well aware of the competition out there . Including and how you could create a niche for yourself.

However, this is not something that you can cross off your list permanently. With circumstances changing so quickly all the time, businesses will be pivoting sharply to find new solutions and new ideas. You need to be watching them carefully. So, to make sure that you don’t find yourself squeezed out of your corner of the market.

Budgeting Is Crucial. Essential Areas Every New Business Owner Needs

Most people who launch their own company have a pretty good head for numbers. You will have needed to do a lot of budgeting already to make sure that you have the financing that you need to launch. However, as the latest massive increase in energy costs has shown, the numbers are changing very quickly, and they are not heading in a good direction.

You need to start working on a cushion to carry your company through any tough patches. You should also brainstorm worst-case scenarios to see how feasible your solutions would be. It will be worth talking to an accountant about this. Of course, as the cost of having expert financial advice could be minimal compared to the alternative.

Your Digital Skills Need To Be Sharp. Essential Areas Every New Business Owner Needs

A lot has been made of the pivot to digital. But the way we do business has definitely changed a huge amount over the last couple of years. If you know that your digital skills could do with some brushing up. Then it is worth taking the time to work on this now. The good news is that there are plenty of software suites out there. Of course which have easy-to-follow tutorials.

For example, knowing how to convert files from PDF to Word using Adobe Acrobat Hence ,is the kind of thing that can save you a lot of time. If you have a contract that needs signing urgently. Consequently, you do not want to be rushing around trying to figure out how to do it. Take the time now to make a list of digital skills . Of course you might need and save yourself a lot of time and stress.

The last couple of years has shown us all how important good insurance can be for business owners. With the difficult months on the horizon, the last thing you want is to be left out of pocket following an injury, illness, or accident. Even being out of action for a couple of weeks is the kind of thing that could make life extremely tough. Look for good business insurance that can cover you in case something happens.

It should also give you some coverage in case of a client disagreement. If you have any doubts about your legal rights in that scenario, remember that it is always worth talking to a solicitor. Trying to represent yourself might seem like a cost-saving measure, but it is always better to use the expertise and experience of a professional.

Essential Areas Every New Business Owner Needs- Cybersecurity Is Still A Priority

It may have been lost in the news cycle recently, but cybercrime is still a serious issue both in the United Kingdom and overseas. With so many different responsibilities to juggle when launching a new company, cybersecurity is something that could be easy to overlook. But with experts predicting that this criminal activity is not going to go anywhere any time in the near future, you need to think about what measures you can take.

Your customers and clients will want to know that their money and personal information will be safe with you. Talk to a cybersecurity specialist about where your business could have weak security spots and pay for good software. It is always worth investing in quality security rather than running the risk of losing everything.


Beware of Cheap Tyre Repairs

Beware of Cheap Tyre Repairs

beware of cheap tyre repairs
Flat Tyres on the motorway

Beware of Cheap Tyre Repairs

Watch Out for Dubious Offers on Tyre Repairs

To all our Halifax drivers, hello!

Eric Roberts says

The quantity of tyres that we have recently removed, many of which I believe were the result of illegal repairs, is what inspired this article. These repairs are administered on the outside of the tyre.

The repair material is simply some kind of string soaked in black rubber. I think that originally, they were marketed as “temperory tyre repairs.”.

These were the types of repairs that were used to repair the first tubeless tyres back in the 1960s and 1970s. The representative from the tyre repair company would go around tyre businesses with a 145×10 mini tyre inflated onto a steel wheel, containing hundreds of tyre repairs.

The tyre looked more like a hedgehog! In the past, there was no legislation governing tyre repairs. So the thing looked impressive. However, the condition of the inside of the tyre could not be seen because the tyre was still inflated on a wheel. making this dangerous.

A string repair is a tyre puncture repaired from the outside. Beware of Cheap Tyre Repairs

These are not an approved British Standard BS AU 159 repair. Importantly, it is considered dangerous as the tyre technician will not be able to check the possible inside damage to the tyre caused by the puncture. Shockingly, this method of tyre repair has raised its ugly head again.

I believe that emergency breakdown companies such as the AA and RAC are also using this repair method as a temporary way of getting motorists with punctures back on the road.

A friend of mine told me of this: The road assistance company used an old-fashioned plug and then told him to only drive at a maximum speed of 40 mph for 280 miles. Is there a new law that I don’t know about?

What is to say that the driver has ever looked at the tyre again and may be driving about with a tyre that could pose a risk to himself and other motorists?

My friend brought his car into my tyre depot, and we consequently carried out a proper repair using a legal mushroom repair, which seals the hole, thus not letting in water and debris that can cause damage to the steel chords and future tyre problems.

Do the AA and RAC check that this has been done ? I suspect not. We now believe that some less-reputable companies are using this method to carry out regular tyre repairs.

Have you been tempted- Beware of Cheap Tyre Repairs

So, let us explore the dangers and shady world of shoddy tyre maintenance. It is, after all, about keeping you safe on the road, not just about saving a few pounds.

In these days of high inflation, I get that everyone enjoys a good price, but you really do get what you pay for when it comes to tyre maintenance.

A few garages or roadside services may entice you with too-low charges. So, as I have said, these deals frequently depend on dubious materials and illicit techniques to repair your tyres.

I do agree that tyre repair prices have increased in the past few years. However, so has the cost of labour and tyre repair materials. Also, respected tyre companies only do the job correctly and within the current law.

I do not know how the large breakdown companies get away with the way they can carry out so-called “temporary repairs.”.

The Hazards of Poor Tyre Repairs Safety is a primary issue with poor tyre repairs, to start. Unexpected failure of a tyre might result in risky blowouts or control loss. That sounds dangerous—bombing down the M1 when your tyre blows out.

Legal Trouble: You can get into trouble if you use illicit repair techniques. If your tyres are deemed to be below safety requirements, you may be charged and have points on your licence. It’s just not worth the chance.

More Damage Than Good: Your tyres can actually suffer more damage from incorrect repairs. A little problem could become one that needs a new tyre or, worse, damages the wheel or suspension system of your car.

Invalidated Insurance: Your insurance may not pay out if you are involved in an accident and it turns out that your tyres were illegally fixed.

Identification of the warning signs. Beware of Cheap Tyre Repairs

Not Clearly Stated Information: If the store is reluctant to go over their repair procedures, be cautious. A respectable service will be open about how they work.
Rush Jobs: Be suspicious if someone claims they can get you straightened in less time than you can blink. A tyre repair done correctly takes time.

Unbelievably Low Prices: If anything sounds too good to be true, it most likely is. Compare costs to those of other nearby services; safe, legal tyre repairs seldom come at a true discount.
Selecting a Tyre Repair Facility

View Their Qualifications: Seek out an accredited and authorised garage. Good indications come from associations such as the Retail Motor Industry Federation (RMIF) or from tyre manufacturers’ endorsement.
Search the Internet:

Recommendations have a great influence. Look out for Google reviews. Find out from friends or relatives where they get tyre repairs. Good personal recommendations are priceless.
Examine the surroundings. Many times, a neat, well-kept garage indicates dependable, skilled service.

They probably take pride in their work as well, if they appear to take pride in their office. Remember, maintaining your car in excellent shape and protecting your safety are equally as important as avoiding a puncture.

With something as important as your tyres, never take short cuts. I always prefer to spend a little more for peace of mind while driving.

Greetings to all and watch those tyres! Remember to beware of Cheap Tyre Repairs, Eric Roberts

Pellon Tyres are now proud members of

Mintex provides stopping power

Mintex provides stopping power

Mintex provides stopping power

Mintex provides stopping power
Mintex provides stopping power

Mintex provides stopping power

Mintex Brakes, a leading manufacturer of braking systems that enable Mintex to provide stopping power, has been showing its support for historic rally cars by providing high-quality brake components that meet the specific needs of these classic vehicles. With decades of experience in the industry, Mintex Brakes has the expertise necessary to develop brake systems that not only perform at the highest level at which Mintex provides stopping power, but are also tailored to the unique demands of historic rally cars.

One of the key advantages. Mintex provides stopping power

of Mintex Brakes‘ components is their reliability. When it comes to historic rally cars, which may have been out of production for decades, finding replacement parts can be a challenge. With Mintex Brakes’ high-quality components, however, drivers can trust that their braking systems will function properly and provide the stopping power necessary to compete safely and effectively. Whether drivers are navigating a winding course or coming to a sudden stop, they can count on Mintex Brakes to deliver.

support for historic rally cars is their commitment

to preserving these classic vehicles for future generations. By providing braking components that are specifically designed for historic rally cars, Mintex Brakes is helping to ensure that these vehicles remain on the road, provide stopping power, and continue to be enjoyed by enthusiasts for years to come. With Mintex Brakes’ support, drivers can compete in rallies, races, and other events with confidence, knowing that their braking systems are up to the challenge.

Another benefit of Mintex Brakes’

This attached article takes me back to when I was branch manager for a leading tyre company, owned by Goodyear Tyres.

I became interested in rallying through a customer who wanted me to swap some rally tyres around on the wheels and other stuff like that. he said that he would put our company sticker on his car if we did the jobs for free. Many local drivers were self funded and paid for the expenses through their own pockets.

The guy would leave his tyres and wheels with us to repair at our own leisure. I began to take some interest in rallying, but only the tyre side of it. Word soon got around, and my area manager told me about a rally car that our company actually sponsored.

A female contestant was driving a Ford Escort Mk2. Mintex provides stopping power

Her tyres were, of course, made by Goodyear, and I volunteered to attend the rallies and help out with the tyre fitting if any help was needed. After a few small meetings, the car was entered into the much larger “Mintex Rally.”. The rally was to take place in North Yorkshire, close to where I lived, near Huddersfield.

Chrissy Ashford was one of the country’s leading lady drivers at the time (now sadly passed away). The Mintex Rally was one of the big ones. Goodyear Tyres attended with a huge truck full of spare, built-up tyres and wheels. The truck would be where the cars parked on their overnight stops. If any tyres needed changing, then we would do this at the nighttime stops.

Mintex provides stopping power
Mintex provides stopping power

I remember that the weather was very icy and snowy.

The Goodyear truck was well equipped with the latest tyre-fitting machine. A couple of my staff members were also interested and would consequently turn up to help me. Although it was all free work, it did not matter because I was amazed at how much I learned about tyres and tyre compounds.

It was always a good talking point with my customers back at the depot. because of my first hand experience with Goodyear Tyres products and knowledge about tyre performance, including tread patterns and tyre compounds, and of course the fact that Mintex provides stopping power.

I remember making a good impression with Goodyear after breaking all sales records at my Huddersfield branch.

Mintex Rally and Goodyear Tyres.

TMD Friction and its renowned braking brand Mintex provided the stopping power to the latest round of the Historic Rally Car Register (HRCR), the largest historic rally championship in the UK. Formed in 1984, HRCR has

Source: Mintex provides stopping power to historic rally championship event