Independent Tyre Centres

Wheel Balancing Problems

Wheel Balancing Problems

Wheel Balancing Problems
Wheel Balancing Problems

Wheel Balancing Problems

So you love your job, and your family life is great. Congratulations! You have achieved balance. But can you say the same for your wheels? You can tell if… (wheel balancing problems) feel vibrations under your seat or steering wheel?

Eric Roberts‘s insight:

Wheel Balancing Problems

So, this story says exactly how we balance a wheel. Some wheel balances  are much more sophisticated than others. However, they are all built on the same principals. Hence to achieve the same end result a good smooth ride ! Wheel balancing is carried out on every single tyre that we fit at Pellon tyres. Including any strip and fits or puncture repairs. Although this video is from the USA. Of course the equipment is international. So we do the same thing using the same type of wheel balancing machines.

A little history about wheel balancing

The practice of balancing car wheels has been around since the early days of the automotive industry. Wooden car wheels with bolts attached were common in the early 1900s. These wheels were prone to wobbling and vibrating, which made for a rough and uncomfortable ride.

So, to address this issue, mechanics began balancing car wheels by attaching lead weights to the rim of the wheel. This helped to evenly distribute the weight of the wheel, which reduced wobbling and vibration.

As cars became more complex and sophisticated,

The process of balancing wheels also became more advanced. In the 1950s, tyre balancing machines were developed, which made it easier for mechanics to accurately balance car wheels. I remember the first sit-on balancer that we used as apprentices in the local garage.

Today, most car dealerships and tyre shops have tyre balancing machines, which use lasers or other high-tech equipment to measure the weight distribution of a tyre and wheel assembly and add weights as needed to balance it.

Who stated to balance the first? Wheel Balancing Problems

It is difficult to determine which country was the first to start balancing car wheels, as the practice likely began soon after the invention of the automobile. However, it is likely that the practice of balancing car wheels started in the countries where the automotive industry was most developed, such as the United States, Germany, and France.

These countries had the resources and expertise to develop and manufacture automobiles, as well as the infrastructure to support the growing number of cars on the road. As the automotive industry spread to other countries, the practice of balancing car wheels was also likely to spread.

Modern car balancing techniques are highly accurate and effective

Of course, reducing tyre and wheel vibration and ensuring a smooth ride. Tyre balancing machines use lasers or other high-tech equipment to measure the weight distribution of a tyre and wheel assembly and add weights as needed to balance it. Of course, these machines are typically able to balance a tyre and wheel assembly to within a few grammes of the target weight. Hence, this is more than sufficient for most applications.

In addition to using advanced equipment, modern car mechanics are also trained in the proper techniques for balancing car wheels. They are able to identify the causes of tyre and wheel vibration and determine the most effective way to balance the assembly. This combination of advanced equipment and skilled technicians allows for highly accurate and effective tyre balancing.

Overall, modern car balancing techniques. Wheel Balancing Problems

are very effective at ensuring a smooth ride and extending the life of tyres and wheels. Proper tyre balancing is an important aspect of vehicle maintenance and can help improve the performance and handling of a car.

So, our newest electronic balancer is now completely automatic. All the mechanic has to do is place the wheel on the machine spindle and press a button. After much light flashing, the machine tells our fitter where and what weights should be placed.

Wheel Balancing Problems are more noticeable when you are driving on the motorway. Significantly, there is a peculiar vibrating sensation that can detect it. Obviously, through the vehicle’s steering wheel. especially at a certain speed. Usually, speeds range between 50 and 60 mph. You can often drive through the vibrating feeling. It is unpleasant, but generally it will not go away, and it is very annoying.

Problems can make you feel the vibrations coming from the cars seat

So, it is usually the rear wheels that are out of balance. Other wheel balancing issues with your vehicle may result in a shaking of the steering wheel. Generally, though, it will be the wheel balancing that causes the vibrations and other balancing problems. The most common cause is a loss of balance. After your wheel has hit the curb (sidewalk edge), say: Logically, the weight may have come off, and  this is the most common cause.

Another cause of out-of-balance wheels can be a buckled alloy wheel. significantly, caused by the pothole problem that we are all having to endure. So, to combat this, we have invested in a special machine. Of course, you can straighten bent alloy wheels back to their original shape. I will keep our customers informed in future blogs.

Thanks, Eric Roberts…

We are also an official MOT testing station and members of Trading Standards, which carry out checks for high standards of equipment and workmanship.

Now onto 2024 Pellon Tyres are now members of

Running a Small Garage in 2024

Running a Small Garage in 2024

Running a Small Garage in 2024
Michelle will be sadly missed.

Running a Small Garage in 2024

In this period of my business life

I have a million things buzzing around my head. The main reason for this is the passing of my dear wife, Michelle. Michelle was an integral part of Pellon Autocentre here in Halifax, UK.

As a wife and a director, she was the one who had some forward thinking and pushed me into starting our first web site way back in the day. Michelle was the instigator of our first and last eBay store and ran the site until she fell ill with the dreaded MND, for which there is no chance of recovery.

I had to divorce myself from the everyday running of the business to become her main carer. Consequently, this lasted for two years.

Debbie Bastow and Ryan Linton, my two managers, ran my garage efficiently. However, when Michelle passed, it meant that we had to reassess our business strategy as we entered a new future without Michelle.

So we all put our heads together and came up with a strategy: how does one go about operating a modest garage business in the United Kingdom?

Running a Small Garage in 2024
Ryan Linton an important member of my staff, is now a director

First, we looked at our strengths. Running a Small Garage in 2024

In this world of narrow margins and intense competition, each and every nut and bolt is significant. We knew that our online battery business was being squeezed from all angles. The actual servicing side and MOT testing were extremely busy and would have to take priority.

After giving the matter much thought, we decided to ditch the online sales of car batteries and concentrate on what we were best at.

As we looked ahead, we had to examine the challenges that small garage enterprises like ours encounter. Maintaining a foothold and achieving success in an industry that is constantly evolving due to new technologies and regulations can be likened to traversing the M62 on a hectic Friday afternoon.

Running a Small Garage in 2024
Debbie Bastow is now the new company secretary

Challenges of a regulatory and environmental nature.

We decided to look at hidden costs that we may have overlooked in the past. This was the time for a complete rethinking of the way going forward. To begin, regulations. Constantly constricting, wouldn’t you say?

The regulations governing waste disposal and emission standards are increasingly stringent. Small garage businesses incur a significant financial burden in addition to the compliance requirement of staying abreast of these changes.

Our waste disposal costs had trebled in recent years and were the first thing we looked at. It was only a small thing, but they all add up in the long run. After looking into this, we halved the cost of our waste disposal.

The transition to electric vehicles (EVs) serves as a noteworthy illustration. We have already had to pay for our senior staff to have training about health and safety when it comes to handling EV vehicles and their high voltages.

Investing in new technician training and installing costly new apparatus, such as EV charging stations and specialised tools, are required for this transition. Not precisely meagre in value!

I am, however, hoping that the UK government is having second thoughts about their EV strategy. Hybrid cars are beginning to become a more popular choice, thank goodness!

More importantly, the cost of heat and light has increased significantly. Although Ryan Linton took it upon himself to convert all our lighting to LED technology, our electric bills have still increased significantly. All these things should come naturally to business owners, but time flies when you are in a busy garage, and things are often overlooked.

Economic constraints put pressure on our customers. Running a Small Garage in 2024

It can be a double-edged sword, but while we are cutting our overheads, so are our customers, including the cost of running their cars. Considering the soaring cost of living and individuals increased fiscal restraint, discretionary expenditures on vehicle maintenance may be curtailed.

Drivers of cars may neglect that service or repair, thereby significantly exceeding the service dates on their vehicles. This not only has an impact on our financial performance but also has the potential to result in more significant and expensive issues for the client in the future.

Furthermore, it is crucial to consider the formidable competition posed by large franchise dealerships, which boast ostentatious offers and substantial marketing expenditures. Rivalries are difficult for smaller organisations to contend with.

However, this has always been a problem in my 45 years of being a garage owner. Franchises and other national fast-food companies will always have a market share. So I have always kept a sharp eye on any developments that may affect my garage business.

Technological Progressions

The impact of technology is dual-edged. One advantage is that it provides exceptional instruments that can enhance diagnostics and efficiency. However, maintaining the most recent technological advancements can incur significant costs.

Although diagnostic equipment, management software, and online booking systems are commendable, they can be prohibitively expensive for a small business to acquire up front. However, I feel that such technology is important for our future and for growth.

Furthermore, with the increasing integration of computer systems into vehicles, the intricacy of repairs escalates, posing a potential obstacle for conventional, older garages. I have always emphasised that a good POS system (point of sale) is imperative. Customers love the fact that all their car information and history is at our fingertips, should they want to see it. We are a 90% retail business, so it is important that we give our customers a quick and clean service when times are busy and customers may be waiting to pay their bills.

Skilled labour deficit. Running a Small Garage in 2024

Currently, locating proficient mechanics is comparable in difficulty to securing a secluded area on Blackpool shore during a sunny bank holiday. There is a severe shortage of competent professionals in the industry. Possibly as a result of the academic emphasis or the perception that automotive careers are less desirable, there is a decline in the number of young people entering the industry. This results in a reduced number of apprentices and significant concern regarding the succession of our experienced personnel.

Local Market Instability

As in many other regions of the United Kingdom, local market dynamics are significant in Halifax. Due to the region’s rich industrial heritage and robust sense of community, small enterprises are well-positioned to capitalise on their local expertise and connections. We must treat our customers fairly and honestly if we want their repeat business.

However, local infrastructure changes and economic fluctuations are also distinct obstacles that can have an impact on consumer behaviour and the viability of our businesses.

This, of course, will work to your advantage. For instance, a local brewery in north Halifax was closed and demolished. Fortunately for us, it is soon to be replaced by hundreds of new homes. This, of course, was to our advantage: a new batch of possible retail customers passing our garage as they go about their daily business. However, new road schemes and ring roads can have the opposite effect and cut traffic volumes.

A View Looking Forward with some optimism. Running a Small Garage in 2024

Consequently, what lies ahead? Overcoming and adapting are key concepts. Well, going forward, we will have three more staff members, so that’s going to be a big plus on the salary side of our accounts.

Developing our expertise, adopting emerging technologies, and, arguably most significantly, preserving the superior customer service that distinguishes us from the competition. Ultimately, it is our credibility and intimate approach that foster customer loyalty. There is no doubt in my mind that our staff must be the best trained in all aspects of the business.

Happy, smiling faces help us keep our customers, along with fair pricing and great customer service.

In addition to servicing vehicles, small garage enterprises prioritise their role as contributing members of the local community. By maintaining local allure, remaining informed, and being proactive, we can confront these challenges directly. It is imperative that we ensure our businesses remain as resilient as the automobiles we repair by navigating these challenges head-on. Therefore, prepare to have an exciting journey—roll up your sleeves.

Pellon Autocentre will be starting from a new platform and I am sure that Michelle will be watching down on us and pleased with what she sees.

Now onto 2024 Pellon Tyres are now members of

038 Car Batteries

Safe and cheap way of shopping

Safe and cheap way of shopping

Safe and cheap way of shopping
Safe and cheap way of shopping

Safe and cheap way of shopping

The year 2020 has brought about some serious changes in our way of life. We have all needed to make certain adjustments in the way we perform some of our daily tasks. Eating out has changed, meeting people is not the same anymore, and even shopping is different now.

The thing is that “in the midst of every crisis, lies an opportunity.”. We should take the ever-true words of Albert Einstein to heart and make use of the situation on our own terms. Since shopping for things such as clothes, electronics, or car parts might pose some risk now, it’s better to consider the alternative: online shopping.

It’s an idea that has been growing in
popularity, but with the current situation being this dire, it has become the go-to move for a vast majority of products. Just because our lifestyle has changed does not mean that we don’t need  to buy things other than food (which you can also buy online, by the way).

If you like saving money, remember about discount codes

Of course, online shopping would be nothing more than an interesting novelty if it were more expensive than its traditional counterpart. It took a while for online retailers to catch up in terms of price, but now you can find a variety of products that are actually cheaper to buy on the internet than in a regular store down the street.

One of the reasons for this state of affairs is the fact that internet retailers have embraced the wonders of technology and decided to use it to the advantage of resourceful shoppers. The trick that has made a lot of frugal people tick was the introduction of promo codes. It’s a special phrase you enter in a box at the store’s checkout, and it makes a part of your order total disappear. The discount amount depends on the code because each one is different.

Here are the top 3 things you can save on with discount codes

Tyres. Safe and cheap way of shopping

You did not expect that one to be at the top of the list, did you? Well, the thing is, people need to replace tyres every now and then, and the competition on the market is as fierce as it has ever been. That is precisely why discount codes play such an important part in plenty of online deals in tyre shops.

You don’t believe it? Just check out the offers here: And there is more where that came from. Whether it’s tyres or any other car parts, online retailers are looking to bite off a large part of the sales cake. Regular sale events just aren’t enough, especially when it comes to enticing more conscious buyers. Considering the fact that a set of good tyres is not cheap, using a discount code is a wise choice in this situation.

Clothes. Safe and cheap way of shopping

The use of discount codes has been extremely popular in clothing stores for a long time now. Online sellers realized that it’s a type of reward that more savvy customers get for spending a little bit of time searching for money-saving solutions. Nowadays, pretty much every single online store has a discount code or two, especially during Black Friday or Cyber Monday. So if you want to find a great deal on a t-shirt or a dress, an online store is your best bet.

Electronics. Safe and cheap way of shopping

Buying TV’s, laptops, or appliances in a brick-and-mortar store is a thing of the past. Why? Because using discount codes is better for products that are more expensive. The bigger the price, the bigger the discount is with a code. Most places offer free delivery on larger items, and you get them delivered straight to your doorstep.

It’s the ultimate convenience, with the added benefit of a great price. What’s not to like? Now that you know everything you need to know about online shopping, it’s time to put your newfound knowledge to the test. Find the best discount codes, choose your products, and save  more than before. Now is not the time to overpay for anything.

car suspension parts

Shock Absorbers Update

Shock Absorbers Update

Shock Absorbers Update
Shock Absorbers Update

Shock Absorbers Update

EricRoberts‘s insight:

The car in the picture needs more than shock absorbers

Cheap Shock absorbers tend swing in and out of fashion? About twenty years it was all the rage to have your shocks checked out and replace, much the

same as wheel alignment is today. All the large equipment manufacturers were making machines to enable garages to check the shock on cars that were in for a menu car service.

So the role of the cars shock absorber. Shock Absorbers Update

is to keep the car’s tyres in constant  contact with the road. Giving the car optimum grip. Of course, when the car is cornering and braking,.

Shock absorbers are part of the cars springs  suspension. So if the shocks are worn, the vehicle’s ride and comfort are compromised, and you will get the feeling of drifting. Especially when cornering and general insecurity when driving.

I remember visiting a motor equipment show in London; I think it was in Earls Court. One of the companies exhibiting at the time was SUN Garage Equipment. Subsequently, SUN were a well-known Garage Equipment Suppliers, well established company and had on display a wonderful looking shock absorbers testing machine.

I asked for a demonstration and was very impressed with it. Shock Absorbers Update

The machine functioned by the car driving onto plates and shaking one axle at a time with an electric motor-driven shaker. The machine then printed out a sort of impression of how the shock  absorbers performed, If the lines were close together and tight-looking, then the Car Shock Absorbers were alright.

But if they were sort of wobbly and not consistent, then the shocks would wear out and need replacing Shock Absorber Replacement was a lucrative business for us The Sun machine was very accurate and popular amongst our customers.

Shock Absorbers Update
Shock Absorbers Update
In those days, we used a few different makes. Shock Absorbers Update

but we became impressed with a brand called Monroe Shock Absorbers and tended to stick to this brand for the quality, and we also had a good deal of interest in the local factor, which helped in our decision to fit them.

I was most impressed with this machine, as it gave a print out and a visual aid to the customer. It was only a matter of days before I ordered one and had it delivered and installed. What a great asset this proved to be. I believe that VOSA the UK MOT governing body, are considering a similar thing, with vibrating plates to test the shock absorbers

car brakes problem

Brake Failure in Preston

Brake Failure in Preston

Brake Failure in Preston
Brake Failure in Preston

Brake Failure in Preston

Despite how crucial they are, vehicle owners frequently ignore brakes.

For my part, I was just as guilty of this when I was younger and a junior mechanic. Back in the sixties, when I was just starting out as a mechanic, my boss Peter let me use his car for the day. He gave his blessing, but stressed the importance of checking the brakes and oil before heading to the British seaside resort of Blackpool.

As a newly qualified driver, I was going the maximum allowed speed of 30 miles per hour through the town of Preston as we drove back from Blackpool. Back then there were very little motorways and the route home took us on the main highway and through the town of Preston. Cruising down the high street, I should have been able to stop easily when I got to the pedestrian crossing. As I tried to use the brakes, though, they slid straight to the floor, and I had a terrifying rush of fear, as the car failed to stop.

first ever drive out of Yorkshire. Brake Failure in Preston

I veered off the road and crashed onto the sidewalk to avoid hitting a pedestrian crossing the street. To slow the car, I pumped the brake pedal rapidly, creating enough resistance to bring the vehicle to a halt. Once my pals and I moved the car a hundred yards down the road to a mechanics shop, I lifted the hood and saw that the brake fluid level was at zero and a chill went down my spine.

Luckily, we were able to get topped up with Brake Fluid, so we replenished the reservoir and pumped the brakes till they worked again. Although it was a scary ordeal, we eventually made it back to Yorkshire. Having learned my lesson the hard way about the importance of working brakes, I swore never to let it happen again. Here are a few things you need to know about brake maintenance before setting out on a trip.

If you and your passengers value your lives, you should never go out on a long trip without first checking the brakes.

Here are six good reasons to inspect your brakes before every long trip:Brake Failure in Preston

  1. By performing routine inspections of the braking system, one can prevent brake failure by finding any issues before they become serious. Finding issues before setting off on a trip is preferable to discovering them mid-trip.
  2. To guarantee effective stopping, make sure: In order to stop your car, you must first apply the brakes. If they are in good working order, you won’t have to worry about being able to stop in time to avoid a collision.
  3. You can keep your brakes going for a lot longer if you perform routine maintenance on them. Such as checking for and replacing worn brake pads and shoes. In the long term, this can help you save money by reducing the need for costly brake repairs or replacements.
  4. Overheated brakes pose a serious threat to safety, especially while driving uphill or pulling a heavy trailer. If you give your brakes a once-over before you head out, you can keep them from overheating and still use them when you need them.
  5. Improving the vehicle’s overall performance is a side effect of maintaining healthy brakes.

Your car will be easier to manoeuvre and more stable to drive.

Brake Failure in Preston
Brake Failure in Preston

Checking your brakes before starting off on a lengthy trip is crucial for your peace of mind. Confidence and security when driving are greatly enhanced when you know your brakes are in good working order.

Brake inspections should be part of a driver’s routine maintenance .Brake Failure in Preston

because they literally have life-and-death implications. As specified by the VOSA MOT test, the British MOT test has contributed significantly to the improvement of road safety in the UK. Because they were traditionally located beneath the vehicle, unprotected from the elements, checking the brake pipes was a hassle. They have a special coating of wax, oil or even plain grease to keep the elements at bay.

Even with this safeguard, brake pipes can rust and leak braking fluid over time, causing the brakes to gradually fail. By performing routine checks on your brake pipes, you can prevent something similar to what happened to me in Preston.

Are Continental the Best Tyres

Are Continental the Best Tyres

Are Continental the Best Tyres

Are Continental the Best Tyres

Continental Tyres: A Brief History

Are Continental the Best Tyres
Mixed brands of tyres on the shelf

I must admit that in my early days in the tyre industry, Continental was not a company that was much heard of. Working for a local tyre fitting station in the mid-sixties was the beginning of my lifelong tyre experience. It was a time for a mass expansion in the tyre industry as cars became easier to afford for the working class of  Great Britain. Continentals involvement in the UK tyre market was through the back door. Hence, they acquired two smaller tyre manufacturers, Uniroyal and Semperit.

These two tyre companies had already a foothold in the UK distributor network. So, competing with the likes of Dunlop, Michelin, Firestone and Pirelli for their place in the UK pecking order. In my opinion Conti were involved in motor racing and built up their reputation on the race track.

Importantly, the German company has been producing tyres

for more than 145 years. Of course, the company has become a global powerhouse in the tyre sector, with outlets in more than 60 countries. A long-term investment, including their racing expertise and investment in R&D, has paid off. So, it is little surprise that the German tyre company has earned a solid reputation for quality and innovation.

Continental Tyres is well-known for its commitment to R&D, which ensures that the company’s products consistently represent the cutting edge of tyre Continental Tyres constantly introduces new tyre designs and safety features. Especially where safety is concerned, self-sealing punctures *ContiSeal™ is a technology developed by Continental designed to seal damaged tyre tread and run flat tyres at the forefront.

Effectiveness and dependability. Are Continental the Best Tyres

More importantly, Conti Tyres has earned their reputation as the industry standard. Of course, in large part due to their exceptional quality and dependability,. All weather conditions, including dry, wet, and snowy, are no match for the superior grip and handling provided by Conti Tyres.

Technology advancements in tyres—like the 3D sipes that improve traction in the rain and the asymmetric tread pattern that improves handling and stability—make this possible.
Continental tyres are well-known for their long life and high performance. Tyres can last longer than other brands since they are built to endure high loads. In the long run, this can help you save money on tyre maintenance and replacement.

Quality. Are Continental the Best Tyres

Continental tyres, also including Uniroyal and Semperit tyres are the best since they are of the highest quality. The company is dedicated to producing items of the highest quality, and to that end, it employs only the finest raw materials and production methods. Continental tyres are tested to the limits to guarantee their safety, dependability, and superior quality. Because of how carefully they craft their products. Continental Tyres is often regarded as a top name in the tyre market.

Varieties of Goods. Are Continental the Best Tyres

Ultimately, Continental Tyres has a large selection of tyres to fit a variety of cars and driving preferences and climates. The company manufactures tyres for a wide variety of vehicles, including everyday commuters, sports cars, off-road machines, and racing cars. Good to know that Continental Tyres also provides an assortment of tyres for use in various climates, including summer, winter, and all-season models. This makes it so consumers can find tyres that are ideal for their vehicles.

Last but not least,

The German Tyre company is lauded for its unparalleled commitment to client satisfaction. Here at Pellon Tyres, a group of hardworking experts is always ready to assist consumers with any inquiries they may have about the product. To further reassure its customers, Conti Tyres backs each purchase with a warranty that covers manufacturing faults and possibly other difficulties.


For a variety of reasons, Conti makes the best tyres on the market, in my opinion.The company’s dedication to R&D, high standards of performance and dependability, superior quality, extensive product line, and superb customer service make it the go-to brand for motorists all over the globe. Continental Tyres are possibly the best tyres you can buy. So if you’re in the market for a new set, look no further  than to Pellon Tyres Halifax, UK.

Now onto 2024 Pellon Tyres are now members of

Electric Cars More dangerous

Recycling Li-On batteries

Recycling Li-On batteries

Recycling Li-On batteries

Motor-Trades Insight Recycling Li-On batteries

Recycling electric car batteries to provide power to homes could mean ‘an end …

EricRoberts‘s insight:

We are already talking about a second use for the old electric car batteries ?

There are four partner companies in the north-east of England. Consequently, they are Opus Green and SR Technologies, together with Tadea and Gateshead College. They are looking at the possibility of using recycled Li-On batteries . Of course, that will be changed at the end of the life period, after, say, ten years. Importantly, on such electric cars as the Nissan Leaf.

In the long run, these companies are trying to come up with ideas about the use of Recycling Li-On batteries. Hence, in conjunction  with solar panels and wind turbines, store energy for use at night rather than just put the electricity used into the National Grid. Ordinarily, we have such solar panels on the roof of my home. So, the electricity generated is transmitted via an inverter and an electric metre into the grid here in the UK.

All this work will be carried out at Gateshead College.

In this case, it is in the research and development department at Barmston Road in Sunderland. Of course, in the North East of England. The EV batteries will be tested on sight at the college.Another key point is that they will be used to power equipment that will be used in the demonstration. In my opinion, I cannot see why it should fail. Once they found a way for the solar panels to charge up Lithium-Ion batteries. I know that there have been many other types of experiments. Especially in this field, even large banks of Trojan  batteries can be made to work.

Have We Made Any Progress Towards the Recycling of Lithium-On Batteries in 2024?

The drive for more environmentally friendly and sustainable energy solutions is more intense than ever as 2024 progresses. And a significant component of this effort is determining how to efficiently Recycling Li-On batteries. One can find them in virtually every electronic device, including mobile phones and automobiles, and they are increasingly pervasive in our daily lives.

The Increasing Ashes of Batteries

To begin with, it is astounding how many lithium-ion batteries we are currently using. Consider the following: each time you replace a battery, trade in an electronic vehicle, or even dispose of an old cordless drill, there is a new one to replace. Additionally, this is a global issue, not just a local one. Nevertheless, let us concentrate on our endeavours within the United Kingdom, particularly in the vicinity of Halifax.

Pursuits for Recycling in the UK

Over the past few years, the United Kingdom has significantly increased its endeavours. An increasing number of businesses are springing up with the intention of addressing the battery recycling issue. A facility in the Northeast that is at the forefront of implementing innovative techniques stands out. An enormous step forward is that they are recovering up to 95% of the materials, as opposed to simply shredding and separating.

Moreover, in West Yorkshire, there are collaborative efforts between private enterprises and local councils to facilitate the disposal of used batteries. Local garages are sprouting collection points; you may have even noticed a few in Halifax. Ensuring minimal effort is devoted to the recycling process.

The Technological Foundation

Now, let’s get a little technical without going overboard with technology; after all, nobody wants a lecture, right? The significant advancement in 2024 will centre on purity and efficiency. New techniques that generate less waste and consume less energy are emerging.

Hydrometallurgical processing is among the most amazing developments. It may sound complex, but it consists fundamentally of extracting valuable metals such as nickel, cobalt, and lithium from used batteries using water-based solutions. Recycling facilities in the United Kingdom are rapidly adopting this environmentally preferable technique in contrast to conventional approaches.

What Will Occur Next?.Recycling Li-On batteries

In the future, the establishment of a circular economy for batteries will be the primary objective. This requires batteries to be designed from the beginning with recycling in mind. Presently, battery manufacturers and recycling companies are collaborating to ensure that the batteries of today can be transformed into resources of tomorrow. Everything hinges on closing the cycle.

A genuine effort is being made to achieve this sustainable future, not only in Halifax but also in other areas. The notion that we are all in this together is evident, whether it be through educational campaigns, local council initiatives, or simply through community effort.

Your Position.Recycling Li-On batteries

Consequently, what are your options? Ensure that any used batteries that may be lying around are delivered to an appropriate recycling facility. Be on the lookout for local collection events or drop-off locations at your nearby garage; some may even provide recycling incentives.

In conclusion, 2024 has brought us closer than ever before to a robust and efficient system for reprocessing lithium-ion batteries, although there is still much work to be done. Technology is progressing and infrastructure is expanding; therefore, we can all contribute a small amount of local effort to ensure that those batteries have a second chance. May the future be greener and more sustainable, both within and beyond Halifax!

“Malcolm Potter, Project Manager at Tadea said “This is a very exciting project for tadea to be involved in and as it’s the first of its kind within in UK to focus on how to extend the life of these batteries it’s hoped that the results will lead to further developmental work in this field.”

Revolutionise Your Tyre Shopping Experience

Big Five Tyre Makers

Big Five Tyre Makers

Big Five Tyre Makers
Big Five Tyre Makers

Big Five Tyre Makers

There is no doubt about my long presence in the tyre industry.

Then the top five tyre companies have always been in contention. Hence, for the top spot.

Whether it be on numbers sold or quality, the top five manufacturers have kept in front. Therefore, the likes of Michelin, Goodyear, Continental, Bridgestone and Pirelli.

One of the main reasons is that premium car manufacturers tend to stick to premium car tyres. Hence, for the original equipment tyres they choose.

Consequently,there has begun to be a wider variety of OE tyres chosen in the mass-market car sector. Previously, most car manufacturers have stuck to the top five tyre manufacturers.

Big Five Tyre Makers, could it change. Big Five Tyre Makers

This has already started to change. manufacturers that were previously labelled as “mid-range” tyres are now appearing on new car models. Especially if the country of origin is the same. Indeed, this is how the big five started out. Michelin supplies the mass car markets in France. Including Citroen and Renault. Pirelli had a good foothold with supplying Fiat and Alfa Romeo cars.

Of course, in Germany, the huge car brands Mercedes and  BMW, not to mention VW, were supplied by the giant Continental conglomerate. Goodyear had a firm hold of the North American market before going global. Japan cars were coming out as original equipment on famous car brands such as Toyota and Nissan.

In recent years, Big Five Tyre Makers

The mid-range and budget tyre market have increased with world demand as the car industry has flourished. Including the introduction of the new tyre labelling laws. This manifested itself with the shock that some of the budget brands had just as good a rating as the big 5. Causing some embarrassment, to say the least. Going forward, this could very well encourage mass-market car manufacturers to look closer at budget-brand tyres. Especially if they have similar, good-looking results on the new labels.

We at Pellon Tyres have noticed that consumers will take these labels into consideration when choosing tyres. In my opinion, this could increase the likelihood of seeing a change in the original equipment tyres. of course, that mass-market car manufacturers may choose?

Car makers are under pressure to bring down costs. Big Five Tyre Makers

Under constant pressure to bring costs down, car manufacturers may feel able to justify this to consumers. That the economy brands will deliver the same performance as the more expensive mid-range. Not forgetting the premium brands. In my opinion, the top five companies also lead the way in tyre technology. As a result, they are always looking at innovative ways to improving their tyre products,

A great example of this is the tremendous effort that Pirelli have put in to the F1 racing scene. This involvement has given great confidence to the general public  when buying Pirelli tyres.

Consequently, there is actually much more to a tyre’s performance than just wet braking. Including rolling resistance and external noise, but it is often first impressions that count. Especially when people are trying to save money. Of course, surveys have so far shown that many drivers don’t even know about the tyre label. Although this has improving in recent times,.

Foreward to 2024, and things have not really changed in the top-brand tyre market. Brands such as Falken, however, are now pushing them hard.

Now onto 2024 Pellon Tyres are now members of

Yokohama Tyres investment

Yokohama Tyres investment

Yokohama Tyres investment

Yokohama Tyres investment
Yokohama Tyres investment

Yokohama Tyres investment

Alright, friend, let’s talk about Yokohama Tyres

a significant brand in the tyre industry, and what they’ve been up to lately. Yokohama was founded in 1917 in Japan and has made a name for itself in the tyre sector. Fast forward to recent years, and they’re still doing strong, with several creative manoeuvres and collaborations that are worth discussing.

One of their major collaborations has been with Chelsea Football Club. You’ve undoubtedly seen their name on the players’ shirts since about 2015. Isn’t it a sensible move? Gets their name out to millions of football fans around the world. In 2019, they also collaborated with the NBA’s Boston Celtics, demonstrating that they are not only passionate about football but also basketball.

Yokohama has not only been rubbing shoulders with sports legends, but they have also been active in the automotive industry. They’ve been the official tyre supplier for the Macau Grand Prix since 1983, which is a long time! In addition, they participate in the World Touring Car Championship and the IMSA Sports Car Championship in the United States.

However, it is not just about sports and fast automobiles.

Yokohama has also been working to improve the environment. They introduced their “BluEarth” tyre line, which focuses on being environmentally friendly by reducing fuel usage and CO2 emissions. It’s an excellent selling point for clients who care about their carbon footprint.

Speaking of footprints, Yokohama has been leaving them all over the world. They’ve been expanding their reach by establishing new factories in locations like India and Mississippi. This means they are more than simply a household name in Japan; they are a global player in the tyre industry.

So, there you have it. Yokohama Tyres, Yokohama Tyres investment

An old dog with new tricks, is keeping up with the times by sponsoring sports, promoting environmental projects, and expanding globally. They’re not just creating tyres; they’re also having an effect. Whether you’re a football lover, a car enthusiast, or simply someone who cares about the environment, Yokohama has something for you.

Yes that’s right in 2014 (not far off now!) I have been the proud owner of Pellon Tyre and Autocentre here in Halifax, West Yorkshire, in the UK.I just can not believe where the time has gone. My kids are all grown up, and we have been here for almost 25 years and have loved every minute. As an independent tyre business and garage, it has been a great time in the tyre industry, with many changes taking place.

In my opinion,. The computerization of business and the internet have had the greatest impact. So on the way that modern garages are run. It has been fascinating to see the massive changes. climate change that has entered the world of auto’s.

Yokohama Tyres investment

Changing and re-shaping the way we think and the massive drive towards lower emissions. Now comes the development of the electric car. Consequently, and all the implications that will go with that.

I am pleased to say that as a small independent garage. We have taken the right roads. I am still able to confirm that we are very busy. Despite all the competition from the huge national companies,. So that they are able to expand (and are able to get cash to enable them to do so). We, as a small business, can not get cash from the banks. Thus, there is a terrible state of affairs.

Car Tyre Prices have plummeted in recent times. So, due to internet competition,. Subsequently, we are still able to compete

 due to our online tyre selector

Enter Yokohama tyres

This gave us better prices and also targeted rebates. As a result, we have been able to hold onto some of the margins that the competition on the internet has reduced, and I feel more secure moving forward. Another important part of dealing with the tyre manufacturers, is that they are willing to help with other aspects of the business, such as promotional work and display materials.

This is where Yokohama Tyres Online comes into the picture. Apart from a great range of tyre products, Yokohama Tyres is also interested in promoting the small tyre dealer with some Yokohama Tyres investment They believe, as I do, that the local independent tyre dealer has a part to play in the big picture. So I was taken aback when they offered to redesign my depot’s frontage and reception.

This would also coincide with our 25th anniversary next year

only a few months away in 2014. Yokohama tyres are a top class product, and we at Pellon Tyres feel honoured to sell their tyres and work in partnership with the guys at Micheldever Tyres. I have included some images of what the depot will look like when the work is completed.

This Yokohama Tyres investment facelift has added a great new facial look to our tyre shop. The Yokohama Tyres investment also included our reception area, which is now a much brighter place for our customers to relax in. Yokohama, like most other tyre companies, is having to adapt tyre designs to include the effects of climate change and weather conditions.

Now onto 2024 Pellon Tyres are now members of

car brakes problem





Along with your tyres , your car’s brakes are the most important (and sometimes most neglected) part of your car. I have been guilty of neglecting my brakes. Especially, when I was a young man. When I was a young mechanic, I borrowed a car from my then-boss, Peter.

Peter said that I could, but I must check the car’s brakes. Also. the engine levels before setting off on my journey. I was heading for Blackpool. a seaside resort on the west coast of the UK. On our return home, we started to pass through a town called Preston.

I was doing the statutory speed of 30 mph

and was approaching a pedestrian crossing. Of course, I should have had to stop. But, when I pressed the brake pedal,. Then there was nothing there. Hence, the pedal went straight to the floorboards.

Consequently, I had to swerve the car to miss a guy walking across the crossing. Ending up on the pavement (sidewalk). I rapidly pumped the pedal and managed to get some brakes. Thus, on the pedal. Luckily, the vehicle came to a stop. My  friends and I managed to push the car to a garage filling station. Of course, a hundred yards down the road.


 I lifted the bonnet (hood) only to find that the car brake fluid was at zero level.. in the fluid reservoir. I felt a cold chill down my spine. Because I remembered what my boss Peter had said. Just the day before we set off. We managed to buy some Tesco brake fluid and top up the reservoir.

The car brakes pumped about halfway up. Luckily, the car would stop when I pressed the pedal. So, we limped home back to Yorkshire, UK. Subsequently, it was a rather terrifying experience. Of course, which I vowed would never happen again. Lessons were learned that day. As a result, I am going to spell out a few important things about the care of your brake discs. Hence, for your understanding,. Before you embark on a journey or indeed at any time that you own a car,.

CHECK YOUR CAR BRAKES regularly Your brakes are a life saver

The British MOT test has been a great step forward towards the safety of our cars and our roads. When your car is having it’s annual MOT test, we check everything on that car ( to the  VOSA MOT test specifications). One of the problems with old was the checking of your car brake pipes.

Brake pipes connect all four-wheel braking systems and the cylinders and brake pedals and are fixed under the car, exposed to all the elements. A special coating of wax, oil, or occasionally just grease protects them.

Despite all the protection,. The corroded brake pipes would rust and then start to leak the brake fluid, eventually causing the brakes to fail, similar to what happened to me in Preston.


The MOT test makes sure that all your brake pipes (lines) are in good working order, and if not, the car will fail the test and the pipes will have to be replaced. If you are not sure about the condition of your brake pipes, you can get them checked out at your local independent garage, free of charge, or at the local garage that you use at the moment.

You must always check the brake fluid

in the reservoir under your bonnet, and top it up if required with the correct fluid. Check your brake pedal; it should feel nice and solid. If it goes too far down, then have yours checked by a professional garage or mechanic. Don’t take risks, you should not have to pump your pedal to get a good brake.

Your brake fluid should be changed every so often; this can be done when you have your car serviced, Your local garage will be able to ascertain when, by looking it up on his service
computer for your model of car, we use the Autodata system for checking out the fluid change times.

Check your car’s brakes regularly, including the fluid levels.

Also, you should check your disc brakes and Car Brake Pads. These are the parts that constantly wear out and need replacing with brake pipe kits when they get down to a certain thickness.

When the pads wear down to the the metal part of the pads

then this is when you can hear a loud grinding noise that frightens the driver to death. Once again, if this happens, you should have your car’s brakes checked by a professional mechanic or your local garage.

Once again, if you have your car serviced when you have your annual MOT test then your brakes will be checked and should be fine for the next year. If your brake pedal does not feel right or goes further down than it should before you get a brake, then have the car checked out. Until an expert has examined the vehicle, do not drive.