mot testing and car servicing

Best Tyres Revisited

Best Tyres Revisited

Best Tyres Revisited
Tyres Online Halifax

Best Tyres Revisited

Incidentally, the majority of my customers really are very caring people. Consequently, really do make a huge effort to keep their car. Including the tyres in tip top order. We are also proud of our female Customer Experience. Many of whom that will call in to see us periodically. Asking us to check their tyres. Of course, for both wear and their pressures.

In many cases the women of the family is also the keeper of the purse strings and she always asks

“which is the Best Tyres prices for her car”. It is also an observation that the lady

drivers do not always want the cheap tyres, but very often will opt for a mid-range brands, in our case we offer them General tyres or GT Tyres as these are the ones that we major in at the moment.

The drivers who want the major brand Best Tyres

Usually, the older drivers have more tyre-buying experience and are male customers. Subsequently, this customer type also usually owns a Mercedes . Likewise, a better-quality upmarket Honda or Audi.

These are the guys that are the better off financially and do not worry about the cost, but just go for the Best Tyres that they care to choose. In most cases they will ask for a certain Michelin  or a Pirelli that matches the ones on the car, on the imported cars such as the Honda’s and Mazda’s the cars usually come out on the Bridgestone brand of tyres.

We always make sure that we give the customer the best price for all our products

So, the last thing that we want. Of course, is the person going home and checking the  Best Tyres price on some internet web site? Comparatively, only to find out that he was overcharged never to return to us again.

In fact, we would prefer the opposite to be the truth, so that they are confident in our pricing structure and satisfied that they have had a good deal. This type of customer is the one who will just order a tyre without asking for a price, but he will have an idea in his head as to what the price should be.

There has been many an occasion say just after a price rise. Of course, that a customer has queried a price since they last bought a new one. But a price rise is a good enough excuse. We also get the person who tries it on with a price match. They ask for a price for a certain size. So, then tell us that they can buy it for such and such on a certain web-site and can we match the price?

Best Tyres Revisited-Some people will try it on when buying their tyres-Best Tyres Revisited

 We are ahead of them now, and we always check the web site that they say they were quoted from. In some cases, the customer has looked at a lower speed rating or even the wrong size completely, but these are just genuine mistakes, and when we point this out, they are usually happy to admit that they have made a mistake and buy the Best Tyres Revisited from us.

The ones who are trying it on usually end up leaving with an egg on their face, knowing that their little scam backfired on them. In any case, we do not want these types of customers in the first place.

Best Tyres Revisited
Best Tyres Revisited

This also happens on the phone-Best Tyres Revisited

Customers will tell us that they can buy a set of winter tyres for so and so much at some other company or online. Our response to that is to check out the place to see if this is true, and the crux of the matter is that they are always telling fibs to try and drive down the price of their best tyres.

We are all wise to these little tricks, and as I said before, there is no magic place where these people can buy them at very cheap prices. There are variations, and sometimes we may have to lower our margins to compete, but we are ahead of the game now and check everything that these people claim to be able to buy tyres at.

car brakes problem

Deadly Car Brake Pads

Deadly Car Brake Pads

Deadly Car Brake Pads
Deadly Car Brake Pads

Deadly Car Brake Pads

So, as a garage owner, I often wonder what will come next !

We are constantly being told that we are all breathing in too many particles of this and that ! On the other hand, the so-called experts are telling us that we are going to live to 100 years old.

It was not that long ago that you were lucky to get to 65. I can remember when I was a kid how dirty the river Calder was in my local town. One thing is for sure: there were no fish living in it. Now, in 2016, we not only have a large population of fish but also many species of birds that we would never dream of seeing in a dirty river.

We, too, are breathing in much better air quality than when I was a kid. Then, I suppose, came the car. The car has undergone major surgery since I first started to work on cars in the days gone by. I suppose if the truth is known, then much of the air pollution has to do with car emissions.

We then had a saviour? The diesel engine car.

We were told that the new type of diesel engine cars was going to be the answer. Millions of drivers switched to diesel engines. Then came the asbestos scare. If we touched the stuff, then our hands would drop off. If we breathed the dust in then we would be afflicted with cancer.

All the brake companies had to put their thinking caps on and come up with an asbestos-free brake solution. The dust that came from the worn-out brakes was carcinogenic. Of course, this is a substance or agent that can cause cells to become cancerous.

Consequently, by altering their genetic structure,

. So that they multiply continuously and become malignant. Asbestos dust from brake pad dust could be full of carcinogens. Unfortunately, a million mechanics, including myself, have been breathing this stuff in for years.

Subsequently, a new type of brake pad and linings had to be  invented ! So using asbestos-free materials. Of course , we thought that this would be the end of it ? But no !

In California, USA, they noticed that the fish that they caught were so saturated with copper that they were unfit to eat. The fish in the Bay area were not fit for human consumption. For years, they could not find a solution to the whereabouts of the pollution.

The Motor mechanics were able to identify the heard about this and reported that they could see small particles. Including particles of copper coming out of the brake pads as they wore away.

Deadly car brake pads have certainly had their problems.

Throughout the history of the automobile, and it has caused yet another environmental problem. It is a fact

that every time we break, tiny particles of dust come away from the Deadly Car Brake Pads. This is magnified a million times. Because of the number of cars on the road.

This has resulted in the passing of new laws to stop brake pad manufacturers from adding copper to their otherwise secret brake pad ingredients. I wonder if this affects other parts of the world. The brake pads must have been made for the whole of America and not just California?

steering parts only

Ford Escort Steering Problems

Ford Escort Steering Problems

Ford Escort Steering Problems
Ford Escort Steering Problems

Ford Escort Steering Problems

In recent weeks, we have had a spate of Ford Escorts with steering problems. Therefore, I believe that the large number of “potholes” that we have are to blame. Hence, we have all gone down a pothole in recent times. especially here in Halifax, UK, where my garage is situated.
Furthermore, potholes do seem to affect older, more frail car models. As a result, younger generations are typically the ones who own these older cars. To put it another way, these younger drivers will probably try a DIY repair. They are at the lower end of the income bracket and cannot afford garage fees.

Ford Escorts fall into the category of cars for young drivers.

Fortunately, we have a large female customer base. As a result, women are able to budget for car repairs. So they are more likely to bring in their car for us to check out and give them a quote for work.
In the past three or four weeks, we have had a run of Ford Escorts with steering and suspension problems. Consequently, the first one was the wife of an old customer. Her name was Jane. Jane drove an old P-registered SUV that was handed down through the family. She loved her little car.

Ford Escort Steering Problems: Jane’s car pulled to the right?

Jane reported that the outsides of her front tyres were wearing down. Also, when she accelerates the car, it pulls to one side. In this case, to the right. Consequently, the car pulls to the left when she eases her foot off the gas.
Her husband had looked up the problem online. Because of this, he thought it could be either the “steering rack” or the “drive shaft.” Jane left her Ford Escort with us, and we proceeded to examine the ladies’ car.

Ford Escort Steering Problems: Suspension arm bushes were the culprits

Without doubt, we checked the steering rack and the driveshaft. But these were fine and in good working order. In this case, we found that the problem was the “lower suspension arm bushes.” This appears to be a common issue with this model. As usual, we contacted the customer. In this instance, Jane Jane was given a quote for the work, and we were given the go-ahead to proceed.
After the work was done, we readjusted the wheel alignment and took the car out for a test drive. Jane works for the local Nestle company in Halifax. She was also very happy with the service, so she brought us a box of chocolates for everyone to share.

The second escort was exactly the same?

We received another call later that week from a young man. Hence, whose name was Craig? Craig’s car was his pride and joy, a 1977 Ford Escort GTI. Once again, Craig brought in his car for us to check out. Sometimes, the car had a mind of its own. Steering wise.

Whenever I am driving along, the car keeps getting wobbly.

especially on bumpy roads with dips in them. Craig also reported that the Escort would pull to the right and then to the left. Of course, this sounded very much like Jane’s problem with her escort.
The car was left with us. Sure enough, the problem turned out to be exactly the same: the lower suspension arm bushes. Consequently, these were replaced, and the car also had a wheel alignment before a road test. Again, our customer was very happy and took his Ford Escort with him the same day.

car suspension parts

Suspension Arm Bolts

Suspension Arm Bolts

Suspension Arm Bolts

Suspension Arm Bolts
Suspension Arm Bolts

Sadly, on one of the worst windy and rainy days of the year. So, one of our good customers was out and about in his BMW 1 series car, a 2008 model . Consequently, he found himself having to swerve his car. Thus, we have to avoid a broken branch ! That had just snapped off a tree due to the high winds.

Dangerously, his car skidded and crashed into the curb. causing damage to the underside of the car. Of course, the customer suspected that something had broken the front suspension. Perhaps an “Arm Rubber Bush” or the “Suspension Arm Bolts.” Carefully, his car  limped into my garage in Halifax, West Yorkshire.

The manager of the garage department examined the BMW

Ryan Linton pulled the car onto a ramp. Of course, we examined the car to see what had happened. Ryan discovered this when the car skidded and hit the curb. Indeed, it had snapped the suspension arm bolts on the multilink suspension that these BMW cars have.

Also, the TPMS sensor lights were illuminated! So when checking the BMW’s tyres . They were discovered to be inflated to the incorrect pressure. Unfortunately, we later thought that this could have caused the car to swerve. As a result, the car hit the curb while attempting to avoid a tree branch.

So, the problem was discovered, and the hub had to be removed to solve the problem. Also, the broken stud was drilled out, as the stud had been snapped off flush with the hub. Subsequently, the bolt was drilled out and the hole was re-tapped. Of course, I’m up for a new stud. The other suspension arm bolts were BMW parts (supplied by the local BMW dealer in Wakefield, the nearest one to my garage in Halifax) that were also changed, and the assembly was re-fitted.

Suspension Arm Bolts for Your Beloved BMW 1-Series

Alright, my fellow BMW enthusiasts, gather round! Today, we’re going to talk about something that doesn’t always steal the spotlight but plays a pivotal role in your car’s performance – the suspension arm bolts on your trusty BMW 1-Series. Now, you might be wondering, “What’s all the fuss about these bolts?” Well, stick around, and I’ll spill the beans.

The Heart of the Matter: Suspension in Your BMW 1-Series

First things first, let’s set the scene. You’re cruising down the picturesque lanes of the UK, perhaps enjoying the stunning sights of the Lake District or winding through the charming streets of Edinburgh. Your BMW 1-Series, with its perfect blend of sportiness and elegance, hugs the road like a true champion.

What makes this possible?

You guessed it – the suspension system. The suspension system is like the unsung hero of your car, working tirelessly to ensure a smooth, comfortable, and safe ride. It absorbs bumps and imperfections in the road, keeps your tyres in contact with the tarmac, and provides stability when you take those corners like a pro. And at the heart of this system are the suspension arm bolts.

The Bolts that Hold It All Together Picture this: your BMW 1-Series suspension arms

are like the limbs of a gymnast, gracefully flexing and pivoting to maintain balance and control. Now, the suspension arm bolts are the sturdy joints that keep those limbs in place. They connect the suspension arms to the chassis of your car and play a pivotal role in ensuring everything functions as it should. But why are these bolts so important?

Well, consider the conditions our British roads can throw at us

from potholes that appear out of nowhere to the unpredictable weather that can make the road slicker than a greased pig. Without robust suspension arm bolts, your car’s suspension system could be compromised, leading to a bumpy, uncomfortable ride, and potentially even safety risks. Smooth as a Cup of Earl Grey:

The Importance of Suspension Arm Bolts Ride Comfort:

We all know the British weather can be quite the handful, and our roads aren’t always as smooth as we’d like. Suspension arm bolts help absorb the shocks and vibrations, ensuring you enjoy a comfortable ride even on challenging terrains. Safety First: Maintaining proper suspension arm bolts is crucial for your safety. They help your car maintain stability and control, especially during sudden manoeuvres or emergency stops.


Just like a well-brewed cup of Earl Grey, your BMW 1-Series deserves longevity. Properly maintained suspension arm bolts contribute to the overall lifespan of your car’s suspension system, saving you money in the long run. Handling Performance: If you enjoy spirited drives through the countryside, you’ll appreciate the importance of suspension arm bolts in maintaining precise handling and cornering capabilities.

Conclusion: Keeping Your BMW 1-Series Rolling Smoothly

In the grand scheme of your BMW 1-Series, suspension arm bolts might seem like small components. Still, they play an indispensable role in delivering a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable driving experience – the kind of experience you’d expect from a high-quality German-engineered car.

So, as you explore the beautiful landscapes of the United Kingdom in your BMW 1-Series, remember to give a nod of appreciation to those suspension arm bolts, quietly working to keep your ride smooth and steady. It’s all part of the British tradition of appreciating the finer things in life, even if they’re hidden beneath the chassis of your beloved car. Cheers to smooth rides, old chap!

BMW car had low tyre pressures

In conclusion, we now think that the guy’s low tyre pressures was the cause. of the car correctly, not handling it when he swerved to miss the branch. Finally, we also checked and inflated his tyres to the correct pressures. Our happy customer went off on his way three hours later.

Pellon Tyre and Auto-Centre offers car and van servicing and repairs for all makes of vehicles.


BMW rear hub area where the Suspension Arm Bolts sheared from

Difficulties in Carrying the Correct Stock

Difficulties in Carrying the Correct Stock

Difficulties in Carrying the Correct Stock
Difficulties in Carrying the Correct Stock

Difficulties in Carrying the Correct Stock

Difficulties in Inventory Management

Stock management presents numerous issues for garage owners in the fast fit sector, despite its significance.

I must confess that this has been a bit of a downfall for me over the years. Early on in my career, I always had an eye for a bargain. I was lucky enough to have a business in the 1970s, when there was always a good deal to be had. These deals came from both wholesalers and tyre manufacturers. It meant, however, buying in quantity and storing until sold.

Profit was the main driving force, and things were good with the British economy growing and more and more workers being able to afford a car. Fluctuations in demand were not a problem until a few years later. I was not afraid of buying a bargain in a growing economy. However, things did change, and a stricter stocking regime had to be adhered to.

Fluctuations in Demand:Difficulties in Carrying the Correct Stock

The demand for automotive parts and supplies can vary greatly due to variables such as seasonal variations, vehicle recalls, and market trends. Accurately forecasting demand poses a challenge, hence complicating the task of maintaining optimal inventory levels. We at Pellon think it is important to keep popular sizes of tyres in stock for the best customer satisfaction.

Restricted Storage Capacity: Numerous garages function within confined areas with a limited ability to store items.This has always been a problem for me, and still is. Fortunately, we are blessed with a Micheldever warehouse just five miles away. Effectively managing inventory under these limitations necessitates meticulous planning and organisation to optimise the utilisation of the limited space.

Supplier Reliability: So, supplier reliability has in fact improved over the past few years. Oak Tyres moved into west Yorkshire, creating more competition amongst tyre wholesalers and thus speeding up more efficient delivery times. Garages should rigorously evaluate suppliers and uphold transparent communication to minimise interruptions in their supply chain.

Obsolete Inventory: The continuous advancement of automotive technology renders certain components and supplies outdated and no longer useful. Garage proprietors should frequently assess and revise their inventory to prevent the accumulation of outdated products that hamper the availability of funds and storage capacity. A strict regime of returning unwanted parts must be a priority for management.

Methods for Resolving Inventory Management Obstacles: Difficulties in Carrying the Correct Stock

Although there are difficulties in managing inventory in the rapid fit industry, garage owners can employ many techniques to overcome these obstacles and attain higher levels of efficiency.In my opinion, this is probably one of the most important things to get right when running a garage or fast-fit centre.

How many garages do we see with un-used stock lying about? Stock control is essential for good cash flow in your business.

Implement Inventory Management Software: Allocate resources towards acquiring inventory management software. We at Pellon use a great system by “Tyresoft” that automates essential tasks such as monitoring inventory levels, producing purchase orders, and analysing sales data. These technologies offer valuable analysis of inventory performance and aid in optimising stock levels.

Implement Just-in-Time Inventory: Difficulties in Carrying the Correct Stock

My personal choice is to utilise a just-in-time (JIT) inventory strategy to minimise the expenses associated with holding inventory and mitigate the possibility of having outdated goods. Garages can optimise their inventory levels by ordering parts and supplies on a just-in-time basis, which allows them to have access to necessary things without excess stock. In addition to this, I recommend a good communication system and relationship with your suppliers.

Expand provider portfolio: It is always a good idea to deal with multiple suppliers if possible, as long as the trading terms are the same or similar. This, of course, spreads the risk, both financially and inventory-wise. As we say, don’t put all your eggs in one basket.”. Mitigate dependence on a sole provider by diversifying your pool of suppliers. Develop connections with various suppliers to have access to a wider variety of items and reduce the likelihood of disruptions from relying on a single source.

Monitor Inventory Turnover: Keep a close eye on the rate at which inventory is being sold to detect goods that are not selling quickly and make necessary adjustments to purchase selections. To optimise inventory efficiency and minimise carrying costs, prioritise the stocking of fast-moving commodities with high turnover rates. A good computer system is necessary for this practice.

Optimise Layout and Organisation: Difficulties in Carrying the Correct Stock

Rearrange inventory storage areas to enhance efficiency and facilitate easy access. Lack of building space can be enhanced by using shipping containers to hold your stock. Utilise shelves, bins, and labelling systems to maintain a well-organized inventory, facilitating easy access and minimising the time and energy needed to seek certain items. Good housekeeping will save you money in the long run.

In conclusion,

Efficient inventory control is crucial for achieving success in the rapid fit segment of the automotive industry. Garage owners may optimise their operations, boost customer happiness, and increase profitability by comprehending the difficulties related to inventory management and using effective tactics to solve them. By employing meticulous planning and proactive management strategies, achieving proficiency in inventory management emerges as a crucial catalyst for success in the fiercely competitive realm of vehicle repair. The busy garages will know what I mean.

Garage Payroll Problem

Garage Payroll Problem

Garage Payroll Problem
Garage Payroll Problem

Garage Payroll Problem

Managing high payroll expenses:

Techniques for Maintaining Financial Stability in Your Garage and Fast-Fit Centre.

Unfortunately, this problem is always raising its ugly head. Normally, the books can be balanced by twerking price rises whenever costs rise. This includes the payroll costs. We do, of course, need staff to carry out the work; otherwise, there would be no business to run.

This problem is one of those that affects the large multi national garage chains as well as the small independent fast-fit centres like my own garage here in Halifax, UK.

As  many small business owners know, it is just a part of keeping our heads above water and surviving. Increases in payroll costs don’t just affect the automotive industry; many other business types also suffer. Over the forty years that I have owned a business, I have found that bonus schemes and other incentives are a good way of keeping the staff happy along the way.

In the realm of vehicle repair, it is crucial to uphold a certain level of staffing

in order to deliver high-quality service and guarantee consumer contentment. Nevertheless, a significant obstacle that garage owners encounter is the onerous load of exorbitant personnel expenses. Managing payroll can have a significant impact on a business’s financial health, as it involves handling various costs such as wages, benefits, and overtime payments.

This can potentially reduce profits and put a burden on the company’s finances. This blog article will examine the challenges posed by high payroll costs and propose ways that garages can adopt to overcome this obstacle and attain enhanced financial stability.

Indeed, this is probably your biggest cost and can make a huge difference to our bottom line at the end of the financial year!

Analysing the Consequences of Excessive Payroll Expenses, Garage Payroll Problem

As I have said, payroll expenses are a major cost for garage owners and typically make up a large amount of their total operating expenses. Remuneration for proficient technicians and mechanics can be significant, particularly in areas with a high cost of living or intense competition for talented individuals.

In addition, variables such as remuneration for extra working hours, perks for employees, and obligatory contributions to government funds can additionally increase expenses, thereby exerting strain on the profitability and liquidity of a business.

Obstacles Encountered by Garage Owners: Garage Payroll Problem

The ramifications of elevated payroll expenses extend beyond the fiscal domain, exerting influence on multiple facets of garage operations. For example:

Profitability: Excessive payroll expenses can significantly diminish profitability, creating challenges for garage owners to allocate funds towards reinvesting in their businesses, expanding operations, or navigating through economic downturns.

Cash flow management: Garage owners may face difficulties in aligning payroll expenses with incoming revenue, especially during periods of low activity or unforeseen company downturns.

Competitiveness: Garages may have a competitive disadvantage when compared to larger automotive chains or dealerships due to their higher labour expenses. These larger establishments have better financial resources and benefit from economies of scale.

Methods for Mitigating Excessive Payroll Expenditures

Although large personnel costs may appear to be an overwhelming challenge, garage owners can employ many techniques to attain enhanced financial stability and maintain equilibrium in their books:

Optimise workforce levels by conducting regular reviews to ensure they are in line with the existing workload and demand; in other words, keep your eyes open to what’s happening to your costs. Optimising productivity can reduce the necessity for overtime; it is advisable to refrain from having excessive staff members during periods of low activity.

Here at Pellon Autocentre, we try to inform customers if the work on their car may run into a second day. This helps with the need to work extra overtime. Of course, supplying courtesy cars can also contribute to this.

Allocate resources towards training and development: Garage Payroll Problem

By allocating resources towards training and development programmes for staff, garage owners can augment productivity, minimise errors, and elevate the worth of their personnel. Proficient technicians exhibit higher levels of productivity and efficacy, resulting in superior results for both the organisation and its clientele.

Deploy Time Tracking and Scheduling Software: Employ technology to optimise payroll procedures, precisely monitor employee work hours, and identify potential avenues for reducing expenses. Automated scheduling software can enhance operational efficiency by optimising personnel levels and minimising overtime costs through the accurate allocation of employees according to projected workloads.

Engage in vendor contract negotiations: Seek to secure advantageous conditions with suppliers and vendors in order to decrease expenses related to critical items, such as components, machinery, and provisions. By taking advantage of volume rebates, bulk purchase discounts, and changing payment terms, it is possible to reduce costs and reduce the need for payroll.

Analyse the employee benefit packages: Evaluate the employee benefit packages to verify they are both competitive in the industry and financially viable for the business. Consider implementing alternative perks like flexible scheduling, wellness initiatives, or performance-based rewards to boost employee happiness and retention without incurring substantial expenses.

Consider delegating non-essential tasks, such as payroll processing, bookkeeping, or marketing, to specialised service providers. Outsourcing has the potential to decrease overhead expenses and allocate internal resources towards primary business functions.

In conclusion, Garage Payroll Problem

As a garage owner, we have a considerable obstacle in the form of high payroll expenses, necessitating meticulous planning and effective administration to attain financial stability. By applying the tactics detailed in this blog article, garage owners may effectively manage payroll, maintain financial stability, and position their businesses for sustained success in the competitive automotive industry.

Of course, making a sensible profit at the end of the financial year.

Difficulties Recruiting Mechanics

Difficulties Recruiting Mechanics

Difficulties Recruiting Mechanics
Difficulties Recruiting Mechanics

Difficulties Recruiting Mechanics

The Talent Dilemma: Overcoming the Obstacles of Recruiting Skilled Mechanics and Technicians in the Fast Fit Industry

I must confess that over the past 40 odd years of owning a fast-fit centre, this is perhaps the worst time we have experienced recruiting good, reliable fitting staff and mechanics. When I use the word mechanic, I associate it with some people who refer to this as a technician! Probably a Yorkshireism. I suspect that one of the problems is that when we do get a good man, we tend to look after them well, so we keep them long-term.

This does apply to most of my own staff. However, every now and then, we need to recruit a new member of staff. This is where the frustration comes in. For a start, I suspect that the youth of today do not want to work in dirty cars or get their hands dirty. Of course, there are many reasons for staff shortages and the inability to recruit new members of staff.

In the rapidly evolving field of vehicle maintenance, Difficulties Recruiting Mechanics

As we garage owners know, there is currently a great demand for proficient technicians and mechanics. These people play a crucial role in the business by performing routine maintenance and difficult diagnostics, therefore assuring the safe and efficient operation of our customers cars and vans. Nevertheless, the task of locating and maintaining skilled specialists has become progressively more difficult, especially within the fast fit and tyre industry.

The rapid fit sector, known for its efficient service and emphasis on vital maintenance tasks such as oil changes, tyre fitting, and brake repairs, significantly depends on the consistent availability of proficient specialist members of our staff.

However, with the ongoing advancement of technology and the increasing complexity of vehicles, the demand for specialised knowledge and skills has become extremely important. The transition has resulted in a talent conundrum for garage owners and managers, who are facing difficulties in both attracting and retaining skilled mechanics to fulfil the increasing requirements of the business.

A major obstacle confronting the fast fit industry

Unfortunately, there is a scarcity of skilled individuals joining the labour force. Traditional vocational training programmes have faced challenges in keeping up with technological improvements as the automobile industry becomes more specialised. Consequently, there is a disparity between the competencies demanded by employers and the credentials possessed by job seekers, rendering it arduous to locate people who are genuinely adept in contemporary car repair methodologies.

Moreover, the negative perception associated with professions in the skilled trades has resulted in a diminished level of enthusiasm among younger cohorts. Many students prioritise traditional academic courses and fail to recognise the lucrative and fulfilling opportunities that exist in industries such as car maintenance. Consequently, owners of garages are facing increased competition for a diminishing number of skilled workers, which worsens the difficulty of recruiting new employees.

Furthermore, aside from the scarcity of competent applicants, Difficulties Recruiting Mechanics

Garage owners must also grapple with the challenge of retaining employees. The quick fit sector often experiences high turnover rates, which can be attributed to factors like poor wages, demanding work hours, and restricted prospects for professional progression. In the absence of a reliable workforce, garage owners are compelled to consistently seek and educate fresh technicians. Technical colleges such as our local one in Brighouse, used to have a plethera of trainees to offer as good candidates, with some knowledge of car repairs.

This appears to have dried up with little cooperation between the college and local garage businesses. In the past, we have seen many government-led schemes that have attracted young people to our industry, but once again, these schemes appear to have dried up!

 What strategies can garage owners employ to tackle these issues

Of course, and guarantee they possess the proficient staff necessary to thrive in the fast-fit industry? An effective strategy is to allocate resources towards training and development initiatives that provide current employees with the necessary abilities to perform exceptionally well in their respective positions. However, these resources appear to have dried up.

Garage owners may promote loyalty and engagement among their workforce by offering continuous education and professional development opportunities, which in turn enhances their talents and encourages them to stay with the company.

In addition. Difficulties Recruiting Mechanics

Furthermore, garage proprietors have the opportunity to distinguish themselves as preferred employers by providing competitive remuneration, perks, and motivators. Most of us do what comes naturally, and  owners may try to attract highly competent mechanics and keep them in a competitive market by offering a work environment that provides support and possibilities for career growth.

Garage owners might consider different recruitment techniques, such as establishing partnerships with local vocational schools or technical colleges, to uncover talented applicants at an early stage of their training. This may be possible in your particular area, but it appears to have stagnated in my part of West Yorkshire.

This is where the smaller independent garages suffer

when competing with the multi nationals. However, with a little bit of thought, this remuneration package problem can be overcome.

Ultimately, the problem of locating skilled specialists and mechanics in the rapid fit sector is a critical concern confronting garage proprietors throughout the automotive business. Nevertheless, garage owners may surmount these problems and cultivate a proficient workforce that can effectively fulfil the demands of the current automobile industry by allocating resources to training and development, exploring inventive recruitment techniques, and placing a high emphasis on employee retention.

To finalise, we have had a little success recruiting from a famous online agency.

regular servicing

Servicing Your Vehicle: Top Advice

Servicing Your Vehicle

Servicing Your Vehicle
Servicing Your Vehicle

Servicing Your Vehicle

Top Tips for Vehicle Servicing

Yes, a car that has received regular maintenance is more reliable and runs better than one that hasn’t, but how do you know what maintenance your car needs? How frequently should it be repaired, and what are the advantages? Whether you’re a first-time car owner or a seasoned driver, these six pieces of advice can help you properly service your vehicle. Use them when it’s time to maintain your vehicle.

Understanding Your Car’s Service Schedule- Servicing Your Vehicle

Because every automobile is unique, it’s critical to understand your vehicle’s maintenance routine. The types of services and the appropriate times for them will be listed in full in the service handbook. The manual or your neighbourhood dealer can tell you when each service is needed.

On the manufacturer’s website, you may also find specifics for Servicing Your Vehicle and service interval information. Also, most brand-new cars come with a maintenance plan that tells you when and what kind of maintenance the car needs.

Manufacturer and Car Type Are Important

Your service plan will also depend on the manufacturer and type of vehicle you drive. Some car companies have their own service rules, and some cars need service more often than others. The complexity of Mercedes-Benz engines and systems, according to Avantgarde Automotive, may lead to more frequent maintenance requirements.

To learn more about what’s required for your specific make and model, be sure to consult your dealer or the owner’s manual.

On the other hand, the manufacturer might no longer offer service schedules or information if your vehicle is older. In this case, it’s important to talk to a qualified mechanic to make sure you know exactly what services your car’s make and model needs.

mot testing and  car servicing
Car Servicing

Know What Each Service Entails-Servicing Your Vehicle

It’s crucial to know what each service entails because each one will vary, and some procedures can call for extra labour or supplies. Checking the oil and filter, brake fluid, spark plugs, belts and hoses, tyre pressure, and other fluids in the car are often included in a standard service. The batteries, exhaust system, and brakes may also need to be checked.

In addition, it might be necessary to change the oil, inspect the brakes and suspension, replace any damaged components, and tune up the engine.

Additionally, a lot of mechanics advise having your automobile maintained every six months or 10,000 miles. This will guarantee the car’s continued good health and effective operation.

Keep an eye on the services

A paper logbook or an electronic logbook can both be used to keep track of the history of your car’s maintenance. Keep track of every time you have your automobile serviced. Taking note of items like exhaust systems and other maintenance you might perform yourself is also a good idea.

This will make it easier for you to keep track of the due dates and previous maintenance for each service. Additionally, this will provide you with crucial information in case something goes wrong or malfunctions. The mechanic can examine what work has previously been completed and what may need to be done next with ease. Ensuring Top Tips for Vehicle Servicing.

Order OEM parts. Servicing Your Vehicle

When taking care of your car, it’s also important to only use Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) parts. These are customised parts that ensure your car operates effectively and efficiently. These are customised parts that ensure your car operates effectively and efficiently.

Talk to your mechanic to make sure you are getting the right parts for your car. For instance, some brakes can need a different set of brake pads than others, and some engines might need a different set of components than others. In order to keep your car operating smoothly for years to come, it is best to buy OEM components, as they are typically more dependable and durable.

Visit A Qualified Mechanic

Last but not least, always have a qualified mechanic work on your car. This is particularly true if you are unaware of the required service or how to go about providing it. A knowledgeable mechanic will be able to diagnose the issue with your car and provide the necessary care.

They will also be able to suggest accessories and maintenance checks that will keep your vehicle operating safely and effectively. A skilled and knowledgeable mechanic can guarantee that your car is fixed to the highest standards.

Maintaining the smooth and effective operation of your car requires regular servicing. It’s critical to understand how frequently and what each service requires for the type and model of automobile you drive. Keep track of all vehicle maintenance and, whenever possible, use only OEM parts, providing Top Tips for Vehicle Servicing.

If you have questions about how to keep your car in good shape or fix it, you should talk to a qualified mechanic. By following these instructions, you may ensure that your car stays in good shape for many years to come. Servicing Your Vehicle, at Pellon Autocentre Halifax.

Solar Energy Batteries

UPS Batteries Have Many Uses

UPS Batteries Have Many Uses

UPS Batteries Have Many Uses
UPS Batteries Have Many Uses

UPS Batteries Have Many Uses

12 volts, 12 amps in many backup battery supply systems ?

I would not be exaggerating to say that the 12 volt, 12 amp UPS  (uninterrupted power supply) battery. Will be found in most large offices around the world. The most common usage for this one is as a backup power source. Of course, in the event of a mains power supply failure,

When the mains go down. Then the 12-volt, 12-amp battery bank kicks in and allows the computers to carry out a proper shutdown. So, we are saving very valuable data from being destroyed. The UPS battery will be used in very large banks of backup systems .

These UPS batteries have many uses. UPS Batteries Have Many Uses

Backup systems will usually come within a surge circuit. I also have a built-in filter, which will protect the circuits and the computer from power surges. These surges are known as transients, spikes, and surges and can destroy and even delete data, as well as damage computer equipment. One of the most common forms of power surges is lightning. Even if an adjacent building is struck, a surge can occur and damage an unprotected computer system, but thanks to the 12 volts 12 amp battery then this will be protected.

For further reading…UPS Batteries Have Many Uses

“Even entry-level battery backups provide visual and audible alarms based on various states of alert. They also include automatic shutdown software that controls the connected microcomputer via USB port so that if the user happens to be away from the computer when the power fails, the system takes over and initiates safe shutdown procedures before they drain”…

 12 volt, 12 amp batteries also fit many mobility scooters

This 12 volt, 12 amp is also now used to power some smaller mobility scooters. As a result, it takes two of these 12 volts and 12 amps to make a 24-volt system. UPS Batteries Have Many Uses, and here is some very important information about the care of your 12 volts 12 amps when they are not in use and during the winter months from an excellent website called

 Always store your batteries FULLY CHARGED.UPS Batteries Have Many Uses

– Check all batteries once a month and recharge as needed.
– Wet ones can hold their charge up to 3 months.
– Sealed ones can hold a charge for up to 6 months.
– When storing a chair or scooter for more than 2 weeks, charge them and then disconnect them.
– Avoid hot and cold extremes when storing.

What is the proper way to store batteries for the Winter?

A: Store them fully charged. Check them once a month and recharge as needed. Sealed ones can hold their charge from 6 to 12 months. Remember, if storing your chair for longer than a couple of weeks, it’s best to charge them up  and then disconnect them”…


Car Air Conditioning in Halifax UK

Car Air Conditioning in Halifax UK

Car Air Conditioning in Halifax UK

In 2024, most models of cars and vans will be equipped with air conditioning. It is not long ago that only the cream of cars, such as the BMWs and Mercedes of this world, were fitted out with this wonderful driving aid. I can remember when cars were either too hot in the summer or freezing in the winter months.

So, as cars developed over the years, there was a battle developing amongst the car manufacturers to improve equipment levels, and this would attract the public to buy their cars.

Fast forward to today, and most car and van models will have air conditioning fitted as standard. Of course, garages such as the one that I own have had to keep up with the never-ending cycle of new equipment to service the air conditioning systems.

Because of emission concerns

Different gases have had to be used in these air conditioning systems The latest gas is known as R1234yf . Older vehicles still use 134a, which will still be in use as long as there is a demand for it.

Car Air Conditioning in Halifax UK
Car Air Conditioning in Halifax UK

Pellon Tyres Limited, which is situated in the town of Halifax in the United Kingdom, provides a variety of services to guarantee the best possible performance from vehicles. One of them is an Air Con Re Gas for your vehicle, which is essential for ensuring that car air conditioning systems are not only maintained but also improved in terms of their effectiveness.

If you notice that the air coming out of the vents is not as cold as it used to be,

If the process of demisting the windscreen is taking longer than usual, if there is a loss in fuel economy that cannot be explained, or if there is an odd scent, these are all indications that you may want an air conditioning repair or service. The following are some of the many advantages that may be gained by ensuring that the air conditioning in your vehicle is operating at its highest possible efficiency:

Enhancement of Cooling Performance: Car Air Conditioning in Halifax UK

The levels of refrigerant in an air conditioning system might decrease with time, which can result in a decrease in the system’s ability to cool effectively. By re-gassing, the correct levels of refrigerant are restored, which guarantees that the air conditioning system will operate at its highest possible efficiency. The outcome is a cooling process that is both more efficient and more rapid, which results in increased comfort for the passengers.

Re-gassing the air conditioner on a regular basis helps to preserve the overall health of the system

which, in turn, serves to extend the total lifespan of the system. A sufficient amount of refrigerant prevents the compressor and other components from experiencing needless strain, which has the potential to lengthen the overall lifespan of the system. This can provide long-term cost benefits by lowering the probability of major system failures, which in turn can contribute to cost reductions.

For the purpose of preventing damage to components, low refrigerant levels might cause the air conditioning compressor to work harder than it should, which can result in increased wear and the possibility of damage. The process of re-gassing helps to prevent problems like these, ensuring that components function within the parameters stated by the manufacturer and lowering the likelihood of expensive repairs being required.

Efficiency with regard to energy consumption: Car Air Conditioning in Halifax UK

An air conditioning system that is adequately charged operates more efficiently. It is possible for the system to chill the air more efficiently while putting less load on the engine if the levels of refrigerant are maintained at the appropriate amounts. It is possible that this will result in enhanced fuel efficiency, particularly during the summer months when the use of air conditioning is frequently increased.

Considerations Regarding the Environment Certain refrigerants

that are used in air conditioning systems have the potential to cause environmental damage if they are allowed to escape into the atmosphere. Re-gassing on a regular basis helps reduce the likelihood of leaks, which in turn contributes to the preservation of the environment by lowering the amount of dangerous substances that are released.

When compared to the process of addressing serious system faults, the process of re-gassing an air conditioning system is a very straightforward and cost-effective maintenance procedure. It is possible for car owners to save money in the long run by doing routine re-gassing because it can assist in the identification and resolution of minor faults before they develop into more serious and time-consuming difficulties.

Car Air Conditioning in Halifax UK
Car Air Conditioning in Halifax UK

Comfortable Driving Experience: Car Air Conditioning in Halifax UK

Having sufficient cooling in the car improves the entire driving experience, particularly when the temperature is high. If your air conditioning system is in good working order, it may make driving more enjoyable and minimise fatigue, regardless of whether you are going to be travelling for a long distance or commuting to work.

Compliance with Manufacturer Recommendations:

In order to guarantee the highest possible level of performance, it is common for automobile manufacturers to call for routine maintenance of the air conditioning system, which may include re-gassing. By following these various instructions, it will be easier to maintain the warranty on the air conditioning system and any related components.

It is recommended that you take your vehicle in for a checkup and maybe a refuelling at least once every two years, according to our professional experience. Pellon Tyres Limited will remove the old refrigerant and replace it with fresh refrigerant. Additionally, the system filters and any lubricants will be cleaned or replaced when necessary. As an additional measure, we will examine the state of all of the other components of the air conditioning system.