UK Tread Depths Looked At

Low Tyre Pressure Costs you Money

Low Tyre Pressure Costs you Money

Low Tyre Pressure Costs you Money
© Can Stock Photo / Ydur

Low Tyre Pressure Costs you Money

The financial impact that low tyre pressure can have on your company


Greetings, fellow citizens of the United Kingdom! Today, let’s talk about something that might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about ways to reduce costs in your company, particularly if you operate a fleet of vehicles. It’s not about gimmicky technology or significant organisational shifts.

The tyre pressure is something that is simpler but quite important. You did indeed read that correctly. There is a big impact that the pressure of your tyres can have on your pocket, and here is how it might happen.

To begin, let’s take a look at some facts from Michelin that will open your eyes.

They conducted some tests and discovered that a tyre that is underinflated by just twenty percent will wear down twenty percent more quickly. This indicates that a tyre that you would anticipate to last for around 25,000 miles might only make it to 20,000 miles throughout the course of its lifetime. That’s 5,000 miles of tyre life that’s going to vanish into thin air, very literally!

Nevertheless, as the owner of a fleet, why should you take this matter seriously? However, tyres are not the only thing that is wearing out more quickly. It’s a double-whammy situation right here. Tyres that are not properly inflated result in increased fuel consumption.

And let’s not forget that the price of petrol is as predictable as the weather in the United Kingdom’s climate. According to the AA’s fuel report for petrol and diesel, the average price of the two has increased by 13.9% and 14.5%, respectively. Because of this, not only are your vehicles consuming more fuel than usual due to low tyre pressure, but they are also doing so at a time when the cost of fuel is continuously rising.

Having said that, let’s speak about the figures, Low Tyre Pressure Costs you Money

since that is where it truly hits home. Imagine that your entire fleet is driving down the M62 with tyres that are not quite pressurised to the appropriate level. Each of those automobiles is not only using petrol or diesel at a faster rate, but it is also accelerating the time at which it will need to replace its tyres.

The annual weight of each car could be hundreds of pounds as a result of this. Depending on the size of the fleet, this may mean the difference between making a tidy profit and barely making ends meet.

There is more to consider than just the price. Low Tyre Pressure Costs you Money

It is comparable to having a shop in Halifax and failing to properly lock up at night if you are operating a fleet of vehicles with tyres that are underinflated.

It is a potential danger. Under-inflated tyres can have a negative impact on the vehicle’s handling and braking, which can ultimately result in accidents. In addition, we are all aware that safety is of the utmost importance, not just for your drivers but for everyone else who is on the road.

What, then, are your options? In reality, it is quite easy. Regular inspections and upkeep are required. A regular check of the tyre pressure should be performed by your staff. It’s a simple task, but it has the potential to save you a significant amount of money and make everyone safer on the roads.

Make sure you don’t forget to ensure that your tyres have the appropriate pressure

isn’t just about saving money. Being a responsible business owner and doing everything you can to reduce emissions is the focus of this discussion. Having a lower fuel use implies that your company will have a reduced carbon impact, which is always excellent news for our beautiful green islands.

As a conclusion, the next time you are strolling around your fleet, be sure to check the tyres on each vehicle. Even though it’s a simple action, it can result in significant cost savings and safer travel.

It is possible that you will use the money you have saved to reward yourself with a delicious cup of coffee and a biscuit, or even better, you may choose to reinvest the money in your company. Remain cautious while driving, and make sure your tyres are in good condition! and that Low Tyre Pressure Costs you Money

Why More Punctures in the Rain

Why More Punctures in the Rain

Why More Punctures in the Rain
why more punctures in the rain

Why More Punctures in the Rain

I must admit that , although I have owned a tyre and exhaust centre for over 45 years, I have only had two punctures in my van’s tyres. Extraordinarily, though, on each occasion, it was raining very heavily.

All right, let’s begin! Why More Punctures in the Rain

A conversation about flat tyres and punctures, two things that we all hate on a wet day, is one that we should discuss. You are probably familiar with the situation: you are driving along, possibly in the direction of Pellon Lane in Halifax, and all of a sudden, it is not just the rain that is causing you trouble; your tyre has completely disappeared and given up on you. In the same way as the heavens open, the chances of having a flat tyre also open up. When it comes to chucking it down, why does this occur more frequently than other times?

Let us begin by imagining a normal day in Halifax that is cloudy and rainy.

The roads are wet, and with each drop of rain, a little bit of the history of Halifax is leaking through. In my opinion, rain is a sly little lubricant that can be used. The roads became more slippery than a fish at the Halifax Borough Market as a result of this. This slipperiness is not just a concern for maintaining the stability of your vehicle; it also makes it simpler for sharp objects, such as nails or glass, to glide directly into your tyre. It is almost as if they had been offered a bribe in order to gain access.

Now, take into consideration the following: Why More Punctures in the Rain

When the weather is dry, your tyre might merely roll over these monsters without much of a problem. However, when it is rainy, the rubber on the tyres seems to soften a little bit, which makes them more susceptible to damage. In addition, the water has the ability to cover these sharp items, which means that you won’t even see them coming. This is similar to the secret stories that are hidden in Halifax’s Piece Hall, which are concealed until you take a closer look.

I’ll also share with you some further information on the area. It is possible for the roadways to accumulate a significant amount of debris in areas such as Pellon, which receives more than its fair share of precipitation. When it rains, all of this dirt and sharp objects are washed into the path of your tyres, which puts them in danger. A murky mixture of everything that has been lying around is what you are driving through; it is not just water that you are driving through.

Why More Punctures in the Rain
Why More Punctures in the Rain

What options do we have at this point? Why More Punctures in the Rain

Maintaining the best possible condition of your tyres is an excellent place to begin. It is imperative that you check that they have sufficient tread and that they are correctly inflated, since this is something that we at Pellon Tyres are always stressing. In addition, it is helpful to drive with some degree of caution; when it is raining, you should slow down to give yourself the opportunity to avoid such hidden tyre traps.

To summarise, you might think of your tyres as being similar to those of a good Yorkshireman

in that they are tough but not indestructible, particularly when they are confronted with a circumstance. If you are going to be driving in the rain in the future, you should give some thought to your tyres and potentially reduce your speed a little bit when you are driving through the puddles. You are aware of where to find us in Halifax in the event that you ever find yourself in possession of a flat. We will take care of you and get you back on the road in no time, so that you are prepared to take on the wet roads associated with Yorkshire. Don’t get wet, and stay careful out there!

car brakes problem

BMW Mini Brakes

BMW Mini Brakes

BMW Mini Brakes
BMW Mini Brakes

BMW Mini Brakes

 With millions of new BMW Minis driving about on today’s roads, it is worth thinking about your brakes. When did you last think about your car’s stopping ability?

Just think about your brakes when speeding down the motorway. If you have a soft top, just imagine the sun on your face and the wind in your hair. This is the type of feeling that you get when you are at peace with the world and your Mini Cooper is driving like never before. feels great, doesn’t it?

This time, imagine having to slam on the anchors as a car hurtles towards you on the wrong side of the road, then finding out that your cars do not work. That would be a bad thing, but if your BMW Mini Brakes were serviced on a regular basis, you would have no problem stopping your Mini and continuing your journey.

The braking system of automobiles has been constantly updated and modified over the years, particularly in recent years. The modern BMW Mini Brakes system has now become extremely reliable. I can remember when, years ago, cars were always having problems with faulty brakes; in fact, the brakes were one of the parts that failed the most. However, manufacturers have developed the braking systems for contemporary vehicles, such as the new Mini, with some input from motorsport.

6 signs of bad brakes on your BMW Mini

  1. Squealing or grinding noises when braking: This could be a sign that your brake pads are worn and need to be replaced.
  2. Vibrations when braking: If you feel vibrations in the brake pedal or steering wheel when braking, it could be a sign of a problem with your brake rotors.
  3. Soft brake pedal: If the brake pedal feels “soft” or spongy when you press it, it could be a sign of a problem with your brake master cylinder or brake booster.
  4. Pulling to one side when braking: If your car seems to pull to one side when you brake, it could be a sign of a problem with your brake callipers or brake pads.
  5. Brake warning light: If the brake warning light comes on, it could be a sign of a problem with your brake system.
  6. Burning smell when braking: If you smell a burning smell when braking, it could be a sign of a problem with your brakes. Overheating brake pads or a fluid leak in the brake system could be to blame for this.

BMW Mini Brakes

BMW Mini Brakes
BMW Mini Brakes

The BMW Mini Brakes system generally consists of discs all around. The front and rear brakes are usually discs and pads. A system of low-pressure metal pipes connects the brakes. Hence, from the rear and front discs and wheels to the “master cylinder.” For this reason, the system also includes the hand stop mechanism, or parking brakes. Consequently, the anti-lock system that most cars have these days.

when you apply the BMW Mini Brakes pedal.

Thus, to stop or slow down your car, the pedal operates a plunger that applies pressure. As a result, the fluid in your brake pipes. Then it’s on to the master cylinder. The master cylinder then spreads the pressure from the pedal to the other wheels. It is important that your master cylinder is topped up to the correct level because it is impossible to stop your car without brake fluid in the cylinder at the correct level.

When you apply the foot pedal to stop your car

The pressure is spread out throughout all of your brake pipe system, and when the pressure is released, the pressure goes back to normal and the brake pads are released so that you can drive your Mini normally. These are some of the reasons why it is important to have your brakes serviced at a reputable auto centre, and by using manufacturer-approved parts, your car will be safe to drive in all weather conditions and will stop when you want it to stop, not an extra ten feet further on than you wanted to be.

“BMW Brake Servicing: Ensuring Your Beemer’s Brakes are in Top Nick at Pellon Autocentre”

While driving a BMW Mini through Halifax, one can appreciate the pleasure of a comfortable journey. However, even the most reliable Beemer’s require some maintenance, particularly the brakes. Maintaining your BMW’s stopping power at Pellon Autocentre is our top priority, just as we would a brand-new suit from Harvey’s of Halifax.

Brake Repair at BMW: Not Your Ordinary Fix

In regards to BMW brake repair, a simple spanner operation does not suffice. We’re discussing a meticulously calibrated apparatus that requires the assistance of skilled individuals. Whether it be a routine inspection, a squeak, or a grind, our team has the expertise to maintain your brakes in pristine condition.

An Overview of BMW Brake Discs and Pads

We should discuss BMW brake discs and pads. These unsung champions are responsible for stopping your vehicle. Similar to an excellent Yorkshire tea, they must be robust and dependable. They deteriorate with the passage of time; this is where our role comes into play. We will resolve the situation so that your BMW Mini stops for six pennies.

The Significance of Consistent Brake Maintenance

Brake maintenance should be performed routinely, just like a Sunday roast. It goes beyond mere safety; it ensures that your vehicle operates with optimal efficiency, comparable to a Yorkshireman’s flat cap. Pellon Autocentre conducts a comprehensive inspection of your brakes, from the handbrake to the brake fluid, to ensure that they are in impeccable condition.

Remember to replace the brake fluid in your BMW. BMW Mini Brakes

In relation to brake fluid, changing the brake fluid in a BMW Mini is analogous to pouring a glass of its preferred lager into its vehicle. It guarantees the responsiveness and effectiveness of your braking system, particularly on those precipitous Halifax hills.

Inspection of BMW Brakes: Prefer to Be Safe Than Sorry

We conduct a comprehensive brake inspection on BMW vehicles. We inspect each and every crevice to guarantee that your brakes are as dependable as a Yorkshireman could say. This inspection is thorough for your peace of mind; it is not merely a cursory look.

Concerning the Use of BMW OEM Parts: Quality

We use BMW OEM parts at Pellon Autocentre because your vehicle deserves the finest. It is comparable to donning an authentic Yorkshire tweed over your BMW Mini; the craftsmanship is impeccable.

The BMW Brake System Is Vital to Your Automobile

We accord the BMW brake system the utmost deference due to the engineering marvel that it is. We verify that every component, from the master cylinder to the brake lines, operates with the utmost efficiency, comparable to a bustling Halifax Borough Market.

Observing the BMW Schedule for Maintenance

It is essential to adhere to the BMW maintenance schedule. Maintaining your BMW in pristine condition, prepared to tackle both the serpentine lanes of Shibden Valley and the M62, is not enough.

At Pellon Autocentre, our mission extends beyond mere vehicle repairs; we strive to preserve the essence of motoring in Halifax. Therefore, please deliver your BMW to our workshop, where we will care for it as if it were a member of the Yorkshire family!

BMW Mini Brakes

This can be detected during a brake inspection or on the floor where you park your Mini. You will see a small patch of what looks like oil on the floor where you park your car. If you see this, then please have your brakes checked as soon as possible; it could be very serious and perhaps lead to a total loss of your brakes.
In Halifax, we offer a complete Free brake check on all models of cars, and we love Minis.

Check Your caravan Tyres

Michelin Tyre Policy Saves Money

Michelin Tyre Policy Saves Money

Michelin Tyre Policy Saves Money
Michelin Tyre Policy Saves Money

Michelin Tyre Policy Saves Money

Right now, let’s have a chinwag about how a little bit of intelligent thinking with tyres may save a substantial amount of money, particularly for the major players in the industry, such as haulage businesses, for example. I am going to tell you a story about BMD Transport, which is a haulage company, and how they were able to save thousands of pounds by utilising the truck tyre coverage offered by Michelin.

Now, just like any other haulage firm, BMD Transport is dependent

on its vehicles being on the road, carrying goods all over the country, including in the north, south, and across the country. Long, difficult kilometres, frequently on difficult roads—the kind that can make weaker tyres look like they were made of mush—are what we are talking about here. However, here is where Michelin comes in with their policy, which is just brilliant.

Michelin, a French company that manufactures tyres and is famous for their lovable mascot, the Michelin Man, is actually involved in more than simply the production of tyres. They place a strong emphasis on ensuring that their tyres have a longer lifespan, improved performance, and, most importantly, reduced fuel consumption. Each and every one of these actions is a component of their commitment to lowering the total cost of ownership for companies such as BMD Transport. It sounds good, doesn’t it?

In the first place, Michelin Tyre Policy Saves Money

Michelin invests a lot of effort into developing tyres that are not just as durable as old boots but also economical in terms of fuel consumption. Because of this, trucks that are equipped with Michelin tyres consume less diesel fuel, which, as you can understand, results in a significant amount of money saved, especially considering the current state of the fuel market. When we talk about the cost of a fleet, we are not talking about pocket change; we are talking about thousands of pounds.

However, here is the real kicker: Michelin tyres are designed to be regrooved and retreaded for maximum durability. You question, what exactly is that? The process of regrooving is comparable to giving a tyre a second chance at life. Michelin tyres can be regrooved to restore depth to the tread when the original tread begins to wear out. This not only improves the tyre’s grip but also has the potential to extend its lifespan. It is like having a new haircut for your tyre; it improves both its appearance and its performance.

Another money-saving miracle is the practice of rereading.

The tyre is not simply discarded after it has reached the point where it is no longer at the stage of regrooving. However, Michelin has the ability to recoat the still-solid casing with new tread and use it as a replacement. In a way, it is comparable to owning a sturdy old boot and simply changing the sole that has become worn. This means that one tyre is able to save numerous lives, which not only saves a significant amount of money but also helps the environment, which is always a good thing to do.

Through the implementation of Michelin’s tyre strategy, BMD Transport was able to significantly cut down on the quantity of tyres that they required to purchase on an annual basis. They ended up saving a substantial amount of money as a result of the fuel savings that the efficient tyres provided, as well as the extended life that was achieved by regrooving and retreading. This is a significant amount of money.

You now get the full picture. Michelin Tyre Policy Saves Money

It’s not enough to simply have the necessary equipment; you also need to know how to make appropriate use of it. Furthermore, in the realm of haulage, where every penny matters, the approach that Michelin takes to tyres has the potential to make a significant impact on the bottom line overall. The experience is comparable to discovering a twenty-pound note hidden inside an old pair of jeans; it is a pleasant surprise that makes a significant impact. Cheers to you, Michelin!

This claim does not surprise me? Michelin Tyre Policy Saves Money

Michelin has always been the world leader in truck tyre management. Hence, my experience with truck tyres goes back about forty years. Of course, most tyre dealers know about the quality of the Michelin truck tyre casings. When the original tyre wears down to its limit, the old tyre is used for re-treading. Michelin tyres are perfect for the job. They were then, and they are now. So by using the Michelin system, these trucking companies can not lose.

Leicester-based bulk aggregate haulier BMD Transport has cut its monthly tyre bill by 25 per cent after switching to a Michelin policy. The family-run company reported the savings soon after switch…

Source: BMD Transport chooses Michelin | HGV

Of course, going forward, Michelin is still number one! Especially when it comes to the quality and performance of their truck tyre range. So, even when the tyres wear down to the legal limit, the truck tyre casing is still regarded as the number one thing to be re-treaded. Importantly, other brands can only come a close second. Of course, other truck tyre manufacturers are getting close? I am perhaps thinking of Bridgestone tyres.

Car Tyres Repair Specialists

Runflat Tyres Are Safer

Runflat Tyres Are-Safer

Runflat Tyres Are-Safer
Runflat Tyres Are-Safer

Runflat Tyres Are-Safer

6 reasons to use run flat tyres

  1. You can continue driving even if you get a flat tyre. Run-flat tyres have reinforced sidewalls that allow you to drive for a short distance (usually 50–80 miles) even if the tyre is completely flat. This can be particularly useful if you are driving in an area where you cannot easily change a tyre, such as on a highway or in a remote location.
  2. You won’t have to carry a spare tyre. Because run-flat tyres can be driven on even when they are flat, you don’t need to carry a spare tyre in your trunk. This can save you space and weight and make it easier to pack your car for a trip.
  3. You won’t have to change a tyre in bad weather or a dangerous location. If you get a flat tyre in bad weather or on the side of the road in a dangerous location, you may be hesitant to change the tyre yourself. With run-flat tyres, you can simply drive to a safer location to get the tyre repaired or replaced.
  4. You won’t have to worry about getting stranded. If you get a flat tyre and don’t have a spare or the tools to change it, you could be stranded on the side of the road waiting for help to arrive. With run-flat tyres, you can at least drive to a nearby service station or garage to get the tyre repaired or replaced.
  5. You can still drive at high speeds. Some run-flat tyres are designed to be driven at high speeds even when they are flat, so you won’t have to slow down if you get a flat tyre on the highway.
  6. They can improve vehicle handling. Run-flat tyres are designed to maintain their shape even when they are flat, which can help to improve vehicle handling and stability. This can be particularly useful if you are driving in emergency situations or in challenging road conditions.

So what do run flat tyres actually do ? Runflat Tyres Are-Safer

In general, many of my customers complain. Especially, when they have to buy their first replacement runflat tyres. Customers simply do not understand how these tyres have evolved during the past 10 years of car design. Consequently, its all linked to greenhouse gases and your cars emissions.

Runflat tyres are safer and also help to reduce the overall weight of your car. Of course, this is done by not having a spare wheel, jack, or wheel brace. So, this reduces the overall weight of the car, thus making it more fuel-efficient.

No spare wheel reduces weight

Also, the fact that you do not have a spare wheel gives you more space in the boot and, as stated, a lighter load. Runflat tyres are also made with fewer materials than standard tyres. which also makes them more environmentally friendly.

As far as tyre performance is concerned, the BMW Run Flat Tyres are just the same as the conventional tyres. Providing all of the advantages of modern performance tyres. Predominantly, the main difference is that your car has a puncture while you are out driving.

Then the runflat tyre will not deflate, giving your car normal handling and cornering. therefore reducing the risk of an accident with other road users. So, in other words, run-flat tyres are safer. This is especially important if you were in the fast lane of the highway when the puncture occurred.

Your normal tyre would instantly deflate, making your car very unstable and possibly causing a bad accident. In fact, figures show that tyres cause a large percentage of motor related accidents, and the run flat tyres are a big improvement on the accident figures, enabling the driver to keep a straight line when a puncture occurs in one of the run-flats.

These new runflat tyre systems were originally created to keep drivers safe, Runflat Tyres Are-Safer

because punctures and blowouts can be dangerous. The vast majority of fatal road accidents are caused by drunk drivers. Apart from safety, a flat tyre can be a real inconvenience. adding time, cost, and sometimes embarrassment to your journey. Changing a tyre is fairly straightforward.

But it often occurs at the most inopportune moment. Frighteningly, getting stuck on the side of a motorway. Especially in the pouring rain with noisy kids in the back seat, this is really no fun at all! And trying to change a tyre on the hard shoulder can be dangerous in itself, or even impossible if you are disabled or elderly, In fact, many drivers have to call out the rescue services to change the wheel for them,

But the drivers with runflat tyres and tpms systems do not have to put up with this

Of course, once the tyre warning light comes on in the cab, they can safely tootle home or carry on with their journey (all be it at 50 mph, which is the recommended speed once you have a flat on your runflat tyres).

Runflat tyres are safer. Any vehicle fitted with runflat tyres , Runflat Tyres Are-Safer

should also include a Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) this will show you whether your tyre pressure has been lost, This is because without it, the loss of pressure in your tyres will not be noticed

Of course, runflat tyres are designed to maintain

driving speed, handling, and smoothness. particularly when a puncture occurs. Indeed, even when driving on a motorway. A TPMS is essential to alert the driver to a loss in tyre pressure. To be sure, it will indeed become part of the MOT test in the near future. Your TPMS works from either a sensor in your wheel, which is usually a special valve, or from the car’s ABS braking system.

Almost all of the world’s leading tyre companies, Continental and Goodyear, among others, manufacture runflat tyres, including Bridgestone Run Flat Tyres. Cheap tyres can be bought online, but I recommend that you stick with the brand that you have on your car at the moment, or, as a good, cheaper alternative, we recommend Falken Tyres.

Since first writing this post, the popularity of runflat tyres has increased.

However, the public still begrudgingly pays for them. As a result, these tyres are now standard equipment on smaller car models. So, the problem starts when the cars become second-hand and start to need new tyres.

Fortunately,  runflat tyres are now available in “budget tyre” brands. One of the most popular tyre sizes is 205/55R16. Of course, this is also a runflat tyre size as well as a conventional radial tyre size. Significantly, this size is available in several brands. including the 205/55R16 WINMAX EURUS63 91V RFT at £67 fitted. Chinese tyre manufacturer Jinyu also makes the Jinyu YU63 economy runflat tyre range.

So these advancements have helped with the motoring expenses of the less well-off drivers with smaller cars.

There is no doubt in my mind now that these runflat tyres are safer. especially when driving on our overcrowded highway system. A poor motorist had a tyre blowout on the M6 just a few weeks ago. I know because I was caught up in the massive tailback.

As a result, a lady driver with a very flat tyre was caught in the fast lane with a tyre blowout. She looked terrified as the traffic began to back up and during the vehicles’ recovery. So I couldn’t help but think that if she had runflat tyres, she might have been able to limp the car off the highway and home. at 50 MPH. To put it simply, these Runflat Tyres Are-Safer and get drivers home safely.

Nissan Navara Clutch replacement

Kia Clutch Failure

Kia Clutch Failure

Kia Clutch Failure
Kia Clutch Failure

Kia Clutch Failure

Without a doubt, let’s delve into the reasons why Kia cars are incredibly popular, particularly in our area:

A large number of Kia automobiles have been seen cruising about Halifax recently. From the quiet country roads of Yorkshire to the lively city streets of Leeds, you may find them. Okay, so what’s the big deal with Kia? I don’t understand why these cars are popping up everywhere. It’s something we could talk about.

  1. Cost-Effectiveness
    Allow me to begin with the basics. At a time when everyone is trying to save money, Kia provides excellent value. Don’t assume for a second that the low price tag indicates low quality; the opposite is true. These vehicles are built to last, dependable, and equipped with features typically found in more costly versions.
  2. Fashionable and Practical
    Kia has this amazing ability to combine form and function. A Kia can accommodate any lifestyle, from the sporty Stinger that draws attention on Saturday nights to the roomy Sorento that handles the school run and weekly grocery shop with ease. A Kia is now as common at a high-end event as it is at the grocery store; the brand has successfully shed its “budget car” reputation.
  3. Remarkable Guarantee
    What makes Kia vehicles unique is their guarantee. Their automobiles come with a seven-year guarantee. It provides us Brits with that extra piece of mind and is a bold statement about their build quality. In Halifax, where the temperature fluctuates more frequently than our socks, it’s a relief to know that your vehicle is insured.
  4. Options That are Good for the Environment
    Despite the fact that everyone else is turning green, Kia has not lagged behind. Their selection of hybrids and electric vehicles is expanding, and consumers are raving about them in the same way they do about their gas-powered siblings. To give just one example, the Kia e-Niro is an excellent choice for anyone concerned about environmental impact who does not want to compromise on ride quality or acceleration.
  5. Popularity in the Neighbourhood
    The local attractiveness should also be considered. We Brits require vehicles that can manage the twists and turns of metropolitan streets, the broad highways of the countryside, and the unpredictable British weather. Cars from Kia are suitable since they are grippy enough to endure a Yorkshire winter, have a pleasant ride, and have good gas mileage.

To sum up

And with that, I leave you. Kia has been successful for a long time because they know what British consumers want in a car and provide them with good value and quality. A Kia can be the ideal travel partner for short trips to Halifax’s town core or longer excursions to the Dales.

6 Reasons your Kia clutch could be Failing: Kia Clutch Failure

  1. Wear and tear: Over time, the clutch can wear out and become less effective. This is especially true if the clutch has been subjected to heavy use or has not been properly maintained.
  2. Improper use: Riding the clutch or using it improperly can cause it to wear out more quickly.
  3. Lack of lubrication: If the clutch master cylinder is not properly topped up, it can cause the components to wear out more quickly.
  4. Poor maintenance: Neglecting to properly maintain the clutch, such as not replacing the clutch fluid or not checking the clutch for wear and tear, can cause it to fail.
  5. Damaged components: If any of the components of the clutch system are damaged, it can cause the clutch to fail. This can include the clutch pedal, the clutch cable, or the clutch plate.
  6. Faulty installation: If the clutch was not installed correctly, it can cause it to fail. This could be due to using the wrong parts, not properly aligning the components, or not torqueing the bolts to the correct specification.

These days a clutch is not that simple Kia Clutch Failure

During any normal working week. We may get price inquiries from customers. Especially with a Clutch Repair Estimates for their car. Some of our customers are just wanting a price from us so that they know

what to budget for. Hence, I and other people are shopping around for the best price.

As a business, we find it difficult to pitch the correct price. because a Kia clutch failure is not the same as, say, pricing a tyre. The prices can vary a great deal. between the different qualities that garages use. We know that we could get reconditioned clutches for most car models.

But we prefer to use the best-quality clutches available. Kia Clutch Failure

 because many of the original equipment clutches are LUK clutches . Therefore, we prefer to use them. As it happens, if we cannot get LUK, then we go for original equipment clutches. In the long run, we find that to be true. We never get any comebacks with better products. Therefore, we certainly do not want to have to do a clutch job twice. because of a faulty product. Life’s too hard as it is.

Additionally, we are discovering that many modern cars now have dual-mass flywheels, which LUK developed in Germany in collaboration with BMW because BMW wanted a smoother gear change and the diesel cars were very jumpy when changing gear.

Clutch Failure

So this system of different springs on a separate flywheel that fitted between the original flywheel and the clutch plate was invented. Many of the other leading car makers have now taken this option up, but it means much higher repair bills for consumers when their Kia clutch failure happens, because usually the duel-mass flywheel goes as well, but we don’t know until we have stripped the car down to the clutch.

A case in point is a job that we just did on a Kia. The total job cost well over a thousand pounds after seven hours, whereas an older conventional clutch would have cost around £280.

This is the reason why it is difficult to give an exact figure when pricing a clutch for a customer.

Please click on to the link bellow for more clutch information

aquaplaning car

AQUAPLANING and Bald Tyres

AQUAPLANING and Bald Tyres

AQUAPLANING and Bald Tyres
AQUAPLANING and Bald Tyres

AQUAPLANING and Bald Tyres

Bald Tyres: Change your tyres at 3 mm to avoid aquaplaning

Managing Halifax’s Wet Roads: Aquaplaning and Bald Tyres

Greetings, fellow citizens of Halifax! Rainy weather, the horror of treadless tyres and aquaplaning, and other everyday tribulations are topics that are near and dear to our hearts and commutes, so let’s talk about them today. The safety of our local roads is at stake, not only a damp road. Without mentioning our neighbourhood tyre specialists at Pellon Tyres, we would be remiss in delving into this topic.

Think about this:

As you make your way through Halifax, the skies decide it’s the best moment to unleash a torrential deluge. The world appears to be dressed in its finest shade of grey, and the roads reflect the light. At that moment, the unsettling feeling of your car seemingly dancing to its own beat sets in. It is my pleasure to introduce you to aquaplaning.

But how does aquaplaning work precisely?

That exhilarating feeling you get when you’re driving through Halifax on a water slide instead of the road because your tyres lose traction because of the water.

Now we can incorporate bald tyres into this scenario. Old, worn-out treads, or bald tyres, aren’t the best choice for driving in the rain. Our cherished local roads are in danger because their weakened grip makes it difficult for them to push away the water.

AQUAPLANING and Bald Tyres
AQUAPLANING and Bald Tyres

The bad bits

So, compared to their well-treaded counterparts, bald tyres aren’t very good at dispersing water. Cruising through Halifax or the M62 motorway on a wet day can be quite the experience due to the layer of water trapped between your tyres and the asphalt.

But have no fear; the local tyre champs, Pellon Tyres, have come to rescue the day. Their extensive background and familiarity with Halifax’s specific topography and climate allow them to provide you with the ideal answers to ensure your safety and command.

Tyres made to withstand rain are only one of several options available from Pellon Tyres. They have the perfect tyres to keep you safe on Halifax’s difficult roads, whether it’s raining or there’s an unexpected heavy shower.

However, the safety of our community is more important than making a profit from tyre sales. When you visit Pellon Tyres, you can expect helpful, knowledgeable advice from a staff that takes pleasure in assisting customers in selecting the best tyres for their vehicles.

Ultimately, when it comes to the rainy roads of Halifax

nothing is more dangerous than aquaplaning and bald tyres. However, you may avoid problems by arming yourself with knowledge and purchasing the correct tyres from Pellon Tyres. Keep your tyres in great condition by visiting the reliable local specialists at Pellon Tyres whenever you need advice or new tyres. No matter the weather, let’s stay on the roads of Halifax and keep our cars firmly planted!

As we all know, this has been one of the wettest years here in the UK. I say this because when I was driving along the M62 motorway, I noticed that many parts of the motorway were flooded and had large areas of standing water. On all the carriageways. This meant one thing to me:AQUAPLANING”.

Unfortunately, we know this in the tyre industry. That many motorists are putting off buying new replacement tyres. All our sales figures are down. So the mixture of bald tyres on these very wet roads is a disaster waiting to happen. As I am writing this blog some motorists will be experiencing aquaplaning when driving along the motorway at speed with no tread left on their tyres, as I say this is a disaster wait to happen and it will happen, “mark my word”

What is aquaplaning on Bald Tyres ?

Of course, aquaplaning is a word that became synonymous with a Goodyear Tyres advert in the 1970s. Now becoming a very important word. Because of our changing climate and faster roads with increasing traffic numbers. Aquaplaning, means that your wheel loses contact with road surface. In affect, due to a thin layer of water between the tyre and the road surface.

The driver loses control of his car very often causing an accident. Certainly, a good tyre with more than 3 mm of remaining tread. Of course, will push the water away as the car drives through the water at speed.  Giving good grip and safer driving  conditions. All the leading  manufacturers design their tyres with aquaplaning (Driving in Wet Weather) as one of the main aspects of design.

Michelin  have even developed a system called “the anti-surf system” to enable their products to give maximum grip when going through areas of static water on the roads, this system is built into the Michelin Pilot sports 3. This tyre has also got added shoulder design to help push the water away and help delay the onset of aquaplaning.

car brakes problem

How Brake Pads Work

How Brake Pads Work

How Brake Pads Work
How Brake Pads Work

How Brake Pads Work

Here at Pellon Autocentre, we use top-quality brake parts. because it gives us peace of mind that we are fitting a top-class product. knowing that our customers won’t have problems with their new brake pads.

Your brake pads are one of the most important parts of your car’s braking system. because they are the component that makes contact with the discs. applying pressure and friction to your car’s brake discs. Of course, this is the pressure and friction that are applied to the brake discs.

slowing and stopping your vehicle. How Brake Pads Work

Once your brakes are applied, the pressure from the master cylinder now prevents the wheels from turning and your vehicle from moving. The role of brake pads in how cars work is really simple, but the construction of the brake pads is not.

Did you know that brake pads were once made out of asbestos?

So, asbestos was used to explain how brake pads work. Particularly when I was a young apprentice mechanic. but because of the cancer-causing materials in the pads. Urgently, then, new compounds had to be developed. Nowadays, brake pads are made from a mixture of different compounds. including metallic shavings and non-metallic organic materials. Depending on the manufacturer’s own compound mixes.

The brake pads are compressed onto your brake discs when you press the brake pedal.

The discs are fitted directly to the wheel hubs and the axle; on applying the brake pads, friction is forced upon the disc, causing the wheels to slow and then stop depending on the pressure applied to the pedal. The discs work in unison with the brake pads in order to stop your vehicle.

When will I need new brake pads or discs? How Brake Pads Work

There are many different warning signs that your vehicle will give you before your brakes reach the point of potential failure or extensive repair. The first thing to say is that you should always have your car regularly serviced, including the braking system. This will stop problems before they occur. Car brakes work; brake pads are what they are; replace your brake pads.

How Brake Pads Work
How Brake Pads Work
Here are some other things that you should look out for:.

Watch out for your brake warning light coming on when you are driving?

Check or have your garage check your brake fluid level?
Do you hear a grinding sound or a squealing sound when you apply the brake pedal?
Any feeling of a vibration or some sponginess in the brake pedal when it is pressed?
Does your vehicle steer or pull to one side when you apply your brakes?

All these symptoms are the most common signs of potential brake system hazards, and they should be looked at immediately. Of course, they have the potential to cause a lethal accident. Brakes are there to stop your car, and they should not be treated lightly. In a word, if you have them inspected at regular intervals, you will reduce the chances of future safety problems.

2024 Update

Have you ever heard a banging noise or bumping sensation when applying the brakes?

You shouldn’t overlook this kind of noise, particularly when it pertains to something as important as your brakes. Here’s a brief explanation of the possible causes of that bothersome bumping sound coming from those brake pads.

First of all, the brake pads themselves may be unevenly worn. Brake pads deteriorate with time, but if they do so unevenly, the result may be an uneven surface that sounds like bumps as the pads press against the brake disc.

The brake discs, which are the discs that your brake pads clamp onto, could also be the cause. The discs won’t offer the pads a flat surface to grip if it is deformed or has hot patches from heavy braking, which causes that bumping feeling.

Sometimes the problem is as easy as misinstalled or loose brake pads. When you apply the brakes, they may move and make noise if they are not properly positioned in their brackets.

Last but not least, there can be some debris lodged between the discs and the brake pad. This may result in uneven braking as well as noise, which is never a desirable combination.

Therefore, to ensure that everything is in working order, if you hear a bumping sound when you brake, it’s worth taking a look—or, better yet, having a professional take a look. It’s always better to be cautious than sorry when it comes to brakes, after all!

I hope this clarifies for your readers the possible problems that could be causing those annoying bumping sounds!

Exhaust Systems Explained

Exhaust Systems Explained: What Does Your Car Exhaust System Do?

 Exhaust Systems Explained

catalytic converter
catalytic converter

Exhaust Systems Explained

To most of our customers, the exhaust system is just something that hangs underneath their car, and when it breaks, it makes a loud noise and costs a lot of money to replace. Well, the second part is true; they do now cost a lot of money to replace, especially if you include the catalytic converter in the price.

The first thing that your exhaust does is transfer the gases produced by your engine from the front of the car (the engine) to the rear of the car, expelling the gases into the atmosphere. Before the days of emission testing, gases were a major polluter, but thanks to new car technology, cars now emit far fewer toxic gases than they used to.

The exhaust system usually consists of three or four different parts, depending on the model and engine size of the car.

They start at the front of the car with the catalytic converter, which is connected via a normal piece of pipe to one or two silencer boxes and sometimes a piece of chrome pipe to add a finishing touch as the exhaust system leaves the underneath of your car. By filtering CO2 gases through microporous ceramic honeycomb structures, the catalytic converter lowers the amount of CO2 gases that exit the engine.

Lambda sensors

of course, which are screwed into the converter and send messages to the on-board computer that is a standard feature in all modern cars, as well as monitor the emissions.

The rest of the exhaust is pretty simple in comparison to the cat.

The exhaust system boxes are filled with a fibreglass-type material that quiets the sound made by the engine. In the USA, these are called “mufflers” because, simply put, they muffle or quieten the sound as it enters the box.

Exhaust systems are probably one of the few things that differ in quality. A cheap exhaust system will probably only last for about 18 months, but a much better system, say one that is made by a company called “Bosal” will last up to four times longer because of the superior quality of the metals used in the making of the parts.

What can go wrong with your exhaust system? 


well, starting at the front. So a big problem is the gasket that bolts your exhaust system to the engine. This gasket can become worn and deteriorate. because of the engine’s high temperature emissions. When this happens, the noise will be deafening! However, they are usually simple to repair. The next problem is just common old rust.

The complete car Exhaust system is attacked by rust.

Hence, from the day that the car hits the road, salt is also added. Especially in the UK, where we use a lot of it during the winter. Eventually, the rust will attack the most vulnerable parts of the exhaust, and a piece will fall off.

A stainless steel exhaust system is the only cure for this problem.

However, they cost two or three times the price of mild steel systems in the first place. So they are not always a viable alternative. For a free, no-obligation quote on a catalytic converter or exhaust system, check out our web site if you have catalytic converter problems.

Exhaust Systems Explained: A modern diesel exhaust system come s with a diesel particulate filter (DPF).

Daewoo Matiz Engine management light problem

Car Brake Warning Lights: Dashboard Warning Lights can be scary

Car Brake Warning Lights

Car Brake Warning Lights
Car Brake Warning Lights

Car Brake Warning Lights

Of course, almost all modern cars today have a massive bank of warning lights. Including your Car Brake Warning Lights. Naturally, on the dash, when you switch your ignition on to start your car,. So, as the engine begins to pick up after a few seconds, the dashboard  lights should have cleared. Modern technology and on-board computers have enabled car manufacturers. Hence, to connect almost every part of the modern car to some kind of warning lights.

This is for increased fuel efficiency and to enhance the car’s safety.

Consequently, the car dash looks more like an airplane’s cockpit these days. Thankfully, we have clever mechanics with computer software. At the same time, that can help diagnose what these problems are, should they arise. We at Pellon Auto-Centre use a car diagnostic computer made by SUN Systems . So I found that it is a great machine for sorting out the light problems and resetting the  lights. Of course, while  telling us what the underlying problem may be,.

 Brake warning lights

Car Brake Warning Light symbols look the same for most car models. But yours could be slightly different. Its purpose is to tell you that something is wrong with the braking system somewhere on the car. With this in mind, if this light comes on, check your owner’s manual to find out its meaning. So, as I say, some cars have a different meaning. It could be used for many purposes.

For example, the same light may be used to show that the hand-brake is left on. If that’s the case and you’re still driving, you will notice the smell of burning brake pads. The light can also indicate that the fluid in your brake master cylinder is getting low. Each manufacturer has a different use and standard for this light. In all cases, if the light remains on, you should take the car to your local auto Centre and have the brakes checked out. For further information, click the link below.

ABS Car Brake Warning Lights

Not all cars have ABS braking systems but they are becoming more common as new cars start to come out. If your car has an ABS braking system, you will have a second type of warning light (as shown in the picture). If you see this light on, you should seek immediate help from your garage or Auto-Centre. A computer is in charge of this light, which indicates that the computer has identified a problem with the braking system.

It could just be a simple thing: Car Brake Warning Lights

such as dirty contacts on your braking components and sensors, or it could be that your ABS unit needs replacing. Either way, if this light comes on, please take notice and have your car checked out as soon as possible. They may stay on, flash, or blink, but whatever they seek attention to, you may end up with no brakes at all.

Importantly, as well as your brake warning lights, don’t drive the car if the ENGINE WARNING LIGHTS happen to come on!