mot testing and car servicing

independent garages: Test and Trace

independent garages Test and Trace

independent garages Test and Trace
independent garages Test and Trace

The new NHS Test and Trace service, which was launched yesterday (Thursday 28 May) in England, has raised concerns about the possible repercussions for independent garages. The programme aims to help identify, contain and control COVID-19


independent garages Test and Trace

So, in my opinion, one of the big problems from this pandemic is the “haves and have nots.”. Of course, we are all one country, but there are significant differences in the number of infections across the country. Cities and large suburban areas are, of course, the worst hit by this terrible virus. Here in West Yorkshire, where I live, the virus is practically unheard of.

In fact, I do not personally know of one person who has contracted the disease!

  Isolation has also been a key to individuals not catching COVID 19. When we see the terrible loss of life in places like London and Birmingham, then it makes me feel thankful for where I live! In beautiful Yorkshire! Yes, there have been cases in our area, but with a much smaller population, we must be thankful. Why people want to cram into the huge conurbations of London, I just don’t know.

People go on about the quality of life

and the wonderful things that London has to offer, but two days is all I can stand. Like millions of other people, I am afraid that I will be keeping away for the foreseeable future. Other negative things include the massive attempt to keep traffic off the roads of London. Of course, in the disguise of a pollution tax. Well, good luck to you all, and just keep watching “The Yorkshire Vet” and dream of a better place to live!

London should have been shut down

and closed off at the M25. This would have spared our economy and the rest of the country from being sucked in and having to suffer. But they didn’t, and what happened?

This could include household members, people with whom they have been in direct contact, or people within two metres for more than 15 minutes.

People identified as having been in close contact

Someone who has a positive test must stay at home for 14 days, even if they do not have symptoms, to stop unknowingly spreading the virus.

If those in isolation develop symptoms, they can book a test online or by calling 119.

What ‘Test and Trace’ means for independent garages (GarageWire)

Eric Roberts

independent garages Test and Trace

Tyresafe Partworn Campaign

Tyresafe Partworn Campaign

Tyresafe Partworn Campaign

Tyresafe Partworn Campaign
Tyresafe Partworn Campaign

Tyresafe Partworn Campaign

Part-worn tyres Tyres false economy.

Post updated: 2/2/2014

Tyresafe Campaign about worn tyres: are they just not worth the money ?

Eric Roberts‘s insight:

TyreSafe: Promoting UK Road Safety


Hi everyone! Let’s talk about TyreSafe today, a company that has been making waves in the road safety industry. These people are the ones working behind the scenes to make our roads safer, lower the number of accidents, and raise awareness of tyres. TyreSafe is an unsung hero for all drivers in the UK, particularly those of us in Halifax who need all the safety we can get when navigating those curving roads.

TyreSafe: Who Are They?

TyreSafe is a UK charity that was founded in 2006 with the goal of educating people about the significance of tyre safety and maintenance. They have developed into one of the most significant bodies for tyre safety over the years, putting forth endless effort (pun intended) to lower the number of mishaps involving tyres on our roadways. Their activities range from public education to advocating for improved rules and procedures.

The Value of TyreSafe’s Contribution

Informing the Public-Tyresafe Partworn Campaign

Informing drivers of the vital role tyres play in vehicle safety is one of TyreSafe’s primary goals. To be honest, most of us don’t think twice about our tyres until something goes wrong. By offering useful information on tread depth, proper tyre pressure, tyre maintenance and other topics, TyreSafe seeks to change that. They conduct promotions all year long to remind us to check our tyres and practice safety, particularly during Tyre Safety Month in October.

Encouraging Frequent tyre checks

You might be surprised at the number of accidents that poorly maintained tyres cause. Campaigns from TyreSafe frequently stress the value of routine tyre inspections. Making small adjustments, such as checking your tyres for damage and monitoring your tread depth, can help you avoid major accidents. Halifax has a mix of rural and urban roads, so it’s important to keep our tyres in good condition.

Working Together with Partners- Tyresafe Partworn Campaign

TyreSafe does not work alone. To disseminate their message widely, they work with a variety of partners, such as regional administrations, law enforcement agencies, and other safety organisations. They make sure that a wide range of people, including city drivers and residents of more rural areas like ours, see their safety messages and educational materials thanks to their collaboration with these partners.

The Local Significance of TyreSafe

Handling the Halifax Climate

The weather in Halifax is erratic, to say the least, and we are all aware of it. Our tyres suffer a lot, from sudden cold snaps to torrential rain. The recommendations provided by TyreSafe regarding appropriate tyre pressure and tread depth are particularly relevant in this situation. Our roads are dangerous due to the wet and slippery conditions, and having properly maintained tyres can mean the difference between a near miss and an accident.

Getting About Our Roads- Tyresafe Partworn Campaign

It’s not exactly the case that Halifax has smooth, level roadways. The terrain is hilly and windy, so the tyres need to be suitable for the job. We can tackle these roads with confidence because to TyreSafe’s emphasis on choosing the appropriate tyres for the weather and making sure they’re in good condition. Using their resources, we are able to select the best tyres for our cars that are appropriate for the driving conditions in our area.

Participation in the Community

Partnerships and local events are frequent features of TyreSafe’s campaigns. TyreSafe has a noticeable presence in our community, whether it be through tyre check events held at neighbourhood garages or partnerships with local law enforcement on road safety initiatives. These gatherings serve as a means of community building and education, serving as a constant reminder that everyone has a shared responsibility for road safety.

Ways to Participate
Keep up-to-date

Being informed is the best way to help TyreSafe. Make sure to read their recommendations, follow their promotions, and incorporate regular tyre safety checks into your car maintenance schedule. Since information is a powerful tool, being knowledgeable about tyre safety will increase your ability to drive safely.

Get the Word Out

Discuss tyre safety with your neighbours, family and friends. Urge them to share TyreSafe’s resources and to check their tyres on a regular basis. Our roadways will be safer the more people who are aware of it.

Take Part in Local Activities

Watch out for Halifax TyreSafe events. By taking part in these activities, you help the larger community’s endeavour to improve road safety in addition to yourself.

Final Thoughts

One company that really does make a difference is TyreSafe. Their commitment to tyre safety makes driving safer and more pleasurable while preventing accidents and saving lives. TyreSafe’s work is crucial here in Halifax, where the roads can be as treacherous as the weather. Thus, let’s all do our share by spreading awareness, keeping educated, and checking those tyres. Everyone, drive carefully!

Recall to visit our garage if you require any guidance or a tyre inspection. We are here to help you maintain your driving safety in light of TyreSafe’s excellent work.

Pellon Tyres is now a member of

Suspension Arm Bolts

BMW Mini Suspension

BMW Mini Suspension

Is this a common BMW Mini suspension fault ?

I opened my garage doors on Saturday. Then a dark green BMW Mini had been left in the car park overnight. As a result, the owner had left a note . Thus to say that she would be calling in that morning. At the time, we had not noticed . The rear drivers BMW Mini Suspension was not straight . But leaning in at the top.

When we eventually got the BMW Mini on the ramp (Saturday is a very busy day for tyre customers), we were astounded to find that the problem was caused by a broken bottom arm link, a part of the BMW Mini Suspension. The bottom link had completely snapped in two. This caused the wheel to pull in at the top, making the car undriveable.

that is now common on modern vehicles such as the BMW Mini and is used to give the car independent suspension in all four corners of the car. The BMW Mini Suspension top and bottom links are part of that system.

The lady customer can not remember running over any objects, but with all the snow that has fallen in the Halifax area this winter, it is possible that she may have run over a large stone that was buried in the snow without knowing and snapped the link in two. This year has been a particularly bad year for broken springs and other suspension parts.

The video that I have included in this post clearly shows the bottom link in action; it is the part that is a silver colour at the bottom of the BMW Mini suspension.

The new part has now been ordered and we will be fixing the BMW Mini this week.

More reading…

“Does multi-link suspension have any disadvantages? In short, yes… Such systems are more complex and incorporate more components, making them more expensive to design and produce. For this reason the systems were first introduced by luxury brands.

That said, lower vehicle production costs and higher customer expectation have more recently seen the technology filter down to many large and mid-sized mainstream vehicles. Development of the multi-link suspension systems is ongoing.

For example, Italian company Magneti Marelli

(most famous for its auto electronics) is making significant headway in producing cost-effective multi-link systems for small cars.

Its new designs incorporate flexible links, the benefits of which are said to allow fewer total parts, simplified bushing designs and reduced noise transmission into the passenger compartment”..

Insane MOT Test Proposals

Independent Car Care centres

Independent Car Care centres

Independent Car Care centres-Cars are among the most essential parts of our lives.

Independent Car Care centres
Independent Car Care centres

Virtually everyone owns their own vehicle. Whether it is for public use or private use. To ensure that your vehicle maintains its pristine condition. So, it is essential to periodically visit  to your Independent Car Care centres. Car care centres are ideal destinations for repairing and maintaining vehicles. There are numerous benefits that vehicle owners attain when they take their vehicles to these dealers.

  1. The first benefit is that these centres possess expert mechanics. Who have mastered every minute detail about automobiles. This lets them handle any form of issue with your vehicle. Consequently, they may undo most significant damages to your automobile. They typically repair, check or service your batteries, wiper blades, tyre pressure, clutch, lights, brakes and engine. These repairs will ensure that your vehicle remains pristine. That will protect it from the strain it typically faces.
  2. The second benefit is that the mechanics offer peace of mind . They have mastered virtually everything about vehicles due to their immense experience along with their training. Whatever make or model your vehicle might be. The mechanics know all of its workings. To them, it is irrelevant whether your vehicle is vintage, rare or foreign. They also possess all the ideal pieces of equipment. Along with tools to repair or to service your vehicle. They guarantee that your vehicle’s condition will improve. Hence, the mechanics offer peace of mind as you remain assured that they are the most ideal experts to handle your vehicle.
  3. The third benefit is that these care centres mechanics are cost-effective. Their charges typically reflect the type of repair or service they perform. If your vehicle has sustained extensive damage or requires extensive servicing. So, their services will reflect that. In fact, their charges are often reasonable with immense damages. Likewise, their charges are relatively minute if your vehicle does not need plenty of work. The mechanics, in addition, are insured. This means that they will not charge for any issues that may arise when they attempt to repair or service your vehicle.

Independent Car Care centres offer more care for your car

The fourth benefit is that the mechanics offer additional services. For instance, if your car has broken down somewhere and you cannot move it, you may hire them t

o tow your vehicle. This will be considerably more affordable and convenient than paying an independent towing company. The mechanics also offer ideal advice. Your vehicle may require new parts like brakes or headlights. If so, these professionals may offer advice on the type of  Online Catalogue are most ideal.

For instance, there are brand new spare parts that are considerably expensive. But are essential for certain parts, like gearboxes. There are also recycled spare parts which are affordable and may be ideal for parts like headlights. They may also offer advice on whether a particular component needs to be repaired or if it requires replacement. Independent Car Care centres advice is primarily to suit you and your budget.

On the whole, Unipart car care centres are ideal centres for having your vehicle repaired or serviced. They are affordable and effective. We have now left the Unipart scheme, and it will make no difference to our customer service going forward.

Part Worn Tyres

Part Worn Tyres Targeted

Part Worn Tyres Targeted

Part Worn Tyres Targeted

This is great news. Especially for us tyre retailers that run a legitimate business. As a result, we are all sick to see all the back street tyre shops. Hence, that have recently opened, selling part worn tyres.

We all know that most of the old tyres that these people sell are “Illegal”. Even more annoying, is that members of the public buy this rubbish for their vehicles.

I see this every day. Drivers think that they are saving money. However, it has been proven many times that this is false economy. In addition, we have had many disillusioned drivers calling into my depot here in Halifax UK.


because the tyre that they have just payed £20 for, only lasted them for two weeks. As a result, we examine many of the tyres that we remove. Hence, after being bought as part worn tyres.

Most of these tyres were the pits? They were just over the legal limit with cuts and cracks all over the tyres and many our well over the age limit. Including the sidewalls and the tread areas. The people who sell these tyres should be banned from been in business. In fact I have visited countries such as Egypt. These back street places resemble such third world countries.

Part Worn Tyres Targeted

As an industry we have fought for years to make tyre safety a priority. Including, tyre tread depth and rules about repairing tyres and the age which tyres should not be fitted. People who sell illegal part worn tyres should be closed down. I frequently pass these places and it makes me cringe.

Thus, when I see regular motorists have these tyres fitted to their cars. Also I often see taxis having these death traps fitted. As I have said on many occasions. Then I do not mind the sale of “legal” part worn tyres being fitted.

But looking at the state of these places

then I very much doubt that anything about these companies will be carried out legally. Including, public liability insurance and many other things that we legitimate businesses have to provide to be able to trade with a clear consciousness.

Finally, it is good to see that trading standards are making some inroads into the problem. more reading

Eric Roberts

Source: Calls for part-worn tyre ban following trading standards sting

caravan and motorhome batteries

Caravan Tyres Season Again

Caravan Tyres Season Again

Caravan Tyres Season Again

Caravan Tyres Season Again

Yet another great video about your caravan tyres.

Furthermore, this advice also applies to the owners of motorhomes and towed caravans and trailers. In addition, all vehicles that could be stood for long periods. Of course, and then take off on a journey. Consequently, the tyres on these vehicles are also exposed to the sun. For this reason, tyres that are exposed to the sun then suffer from cracking.

This cracking can be seen and identified in this video. Therefore, it is worth a look at the video. Millions of people set off this time of year. Subsequently, take a summer break. As a result, our roads are full of caravans, campervans, and motorhomes. Nothing wrong with that? As long as the owners make safety checks. Especially on their crucial tyres. Including a visual inspection and checking the tyre pressures.

Caravan Tyres Season Again

I find it incredible when I see a caravan smashed to pieces after an accident. Many of these accidents are caused by tyre blowouts. For this reason, every year we see our customers bringing in tyres that have been torn to pieces after a deflation on the motorway. Undoubtedly, there are many such incidents that go unnoticed. Ownership of one of these vehicle should mean total responsibility from the owners for safety concerns.

Millions of caravan and motorhome are responsible people.

Unfortunately, it is the few irresponsible drivers that give the majority a bad word. Another important thing that I feel I should mention.

To sum up, make sure that the tyres on your vehicle match the correct load ratings for your specific vehicle. Especially if you own a larger vehicle. You can be sure that your load rating will be higher than, say, a standard car tyre. Please check, and if you are not sure, ask your local tyre centre for advice.