Servicing Tips for Women
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Servicing Tips for Women

Servicing Tips for Women
EricRoberts‘s insight:
Most female customers are very confident when buying anything, including having their car repaired.We now even have more female
So in general then I think that the garages who try to deceive female customers off. Of course, will be dishonest and also try to pull the wool over the eyes of all their customers ? men and women. “THESE GARAGES ARE A FOOL TO THEMSELVES”. So, our lady customers know when they are not been told the truth.
Hence, if the price looks and sounds wrong, then it probably will be wrong.
We are not currently members of Unipart Car Care Centres. Having regular Servicing tips meetings and contacts with other garages.
It is our experience that ourfemaley customers make up 60% of our total customer base. So, if a garage wants to keep this very important customerbase,e then the ladies have to betreatedt in the correctmanner,r especially by our mechanics..
Female customers look for a trustworthy garage- Servicing Tips for Women
Believe me the ladies know what they are on about and would not go to the garage with their car that they did not trust. So, if they thought that they had been ripped off, they would not go back there a second time. Another addition to this story is that we now have an increasing number of female mechanics, with many Motor Mechanic Jobs going to females.
Incidentally, they are just as competent as male mechanics and are probably more sensible. A strange thing happened the other day? a lady customer who was in for an MOT test asked us the price of a service to go with the MOT test. The lady agreed to the price and we duly did the work;The lady was happy with the job and the price paid and went home satisfied. About an hourlater, the ladies husband rang us up and told us in no uncertain words that we had RIPPED his wife off. WOW.
HERE IS A SECOND OPINION…Servicing Tips for Women
“You don’t ‘suggest’ a price to the garage looking to do the work, whether you know a bit or not. There is a price for the part(s) and a price for the labour. The part(s) you can research, but they may be privy todiscounts, etc. that you aren’t due to trade links, and the labour charge you either agree to or don’t.
You could dispute the number of hours charged, but if you think it would take a shorter time, do it yourself. What a daft American study from three probably biassed and slightly bitter women who have fallen foul, in theiropinion, of the motor trade”…