
How Air Filters Work

How Air Filters Work

How Air Filters Work
How Air Filters Work

How Air Filters Work

Chevy High Performance Magazine

For performance air filter manufacturers like Air aid, determining the ideal filter design for each vehicle application is a balancing act between optimal flow and packaging constraints.

EricRoberts‘s insight:


So, as we all know, All filters are very important parts of your cars performance system. They help your engine breathe easily by filtering out the dirt and dust that enters your car engine. The car engine sucks in tremendous amounts of air. Importantly, this air must be perfectly clean.

It is amazing what the engine will sink in. Especially in summer! Of course, it sucks in millions of insects and dust particles. Including in autumn and winter!

So, apart from dirt and grime, How Air Filters Work

The engine sucks in leaves. Even water from the winter rains. All these things can end up in the engine compartment and eventually be sucked into the inlet ports. But your air filter stops all this from happening.

The cabin filter is most often encased in a plastic holder, or older cars could be made of metal. This casing is a secondary filter safeguard and is sometimes they are shaped like kitchen pans, with the air intake looking like the pan handle, but the more modern cars have them shaped to fit in with the engine compartment. The plastic box has its own filter slits which helps trap larger objects such as leaves.

Air Filters

It is therefore very important to have your car serviced at regular intervals and to make sure that the garage changes the oil and other filters by asking them to see the old ones when you pick the car up. If you do not change the air filter, it will slowly clog up with dirt and starve your engine from oxygen.

This will hamper the performance of your car. The biggest problem is in Fuel-injected cars, because a dirty oil filter will hamper the performance of your car. It is great when a customer has just had his car serviced and notices the difference in the cars performance, this is usually because of the new air and oil filters.

Of course, all  filters are manufactured by many different companies, but here in Halifax, UK we use quality replacement filters on all models.