
Car Brakes-Friction Zone

Car Brakes-Friction Zone

Car Brakes-Friction Zone
Car Brakes-Friction Zone

Car Brakes-Friction Zone

Entering the FRICTION ZONE

Ageing vehicle parc ripe for car brakes sales Car Brakes: Entering the FRICTION ZONE

Tyre Business

“Where before when a vehicle reached 10 years or 11 years, consumers were thinking of selling it, now they’re thinking of, ‘How can I keep my car going?

EricRoberts‘s insight:

This is a very in-depth articles about car brakes

Un-reasonably,  car brakes are very often taken for granted. So, in other words car owners will just pull into your garage and leave their car. Because there is a banging or rattling noise coming from the front of the car.

This is usually a good indication that the brakes have failed, or are failing ! But brake jobs do follow a pattern.

Spring is usually the time for our customers car brakes to start going wrong . So, it needs repairing. Of course, in my opinion, I think that it is because that drivers use their  brakes. Of course, much more in the winter months and therefore the brake pads and discs .

Drivers almost always wait until the last minute to have them repaired, which consequently causes more damage to the brakes.

For example a simple job like a set of brake pads replacing may turn out to be more complicated and end up the car needing new discs, or a seized up brake caliper.

This will result in a larger garage invoice for the customer. The secret is to get a free brake check at your local garage. most garages here in the UK will give a car a free brake check and give the customer a quote for the required work. We are members of the Independent Car Care Centres who also offer a nationwide guarantee throughout the UK and a free brake check on all makes and models of cars.

All this culminates as a good time of year for doing brake work

especially the many older cars that our customers are now hanging on to longer and having them repaired instead of replaced.

See on

Brake Problems

Brake Problems

Brake problems can be difficult to diagnose, but most drivers encounter these common symptoms: your brake pedal feels soft or mushy, and when braking, your foot

Eric Roberts‘s insight:

Master cylinder brakes  fluid may need checking at regular intervals

This Brake Problems video and article written by Joyce Blay are well worth looking at. We in the garage and autocenter sectors are always advising motorists.

Of course, about how they should look after their cars. However, we cannot overstate the importance of the car’s braking system. including how important it is to have your brakes checked. By a professional mechanic or your local garage to avoid future brake problems.

The levels that are checked under your bonnet (hood) Importantly, you will include the level in your master cylinder. The lack of brake fluid in the brake master cylinders will lead to spongy brakes, which, if not corrected, will result in brake problems and even brake failure.

Brake Problems- Brake Problems

So have these levels checked, and if required, you may need a complete brake fluid change. Periodically, the car manufacturers advise doing this as well. So it is well worth checking to see what intervals this job should be done at.

Also, if you are topping up the master cylinder yourself, make sure you use the recommended type of fluid for your model; some are different from others, and your user’s manual will tell you which fluid to use. These procedures may help eliminate any braking problems in the future!

brake revolution

Of course, as time has gone by, brakes have become much more complicated. So one of the big advances has been the introduction of ABS to our braking systems. It is important to realise that in my lifetime, braking systems have improved beyond recognition. That is to say that when I was an apprentice mechanic, most regular cars only had drum brakes fitted front and rear.

Later cars that were in the upper-class bracket, such as Mercedes, were fitted with disc brakes at the front. Developments were coming out of the racing car circuits.

Consequently, technology would be passed from the racing circuit onto everyday regular cars. Motor racing sped up the development of all aspects of modern cars. Up to the latest developments! including the introduction of the AEB (Automatic Emergency Braking).So, this system will detect a potential vehicle impact and automatically apply the braking system.

How Vehicle Brakes Have Improved for Safer Driving: A Braking Revolution

Hi to everybody! How do we all feel? Do you want to talk about automobile brakes? I realise it’s not the most exciting topic, but bear with me. The rules of the game have significantly altered over the past several years, making our cars safer than ever. This is all because of some seriously cool developments in brake technology. Now hold on tight, and let’s begin!

A Long Time Ago- Brake Problems

I’m not that ancient, but I do recall a time when car brakes were less complicated. These were functional, but not quite as efficient as what we have now. In the present, the surroundings are completely different. Current braking mechanisms resemble something from a science fiction movie.

The Revolution of ABS

ABS, or the Anti-lock Braking System, is likely familiar to you unless you’ve been living under a rock. Nowadays, it comes as standard in the majority of autos, and for good reason. Stop slipping and sliding like Bambi on ice. Even when you stomp on the brakes, ABS ensures that you stay in control of your car. Let me tell you, it’s changed the game.

Automated Emergency Braking: The Latest Trend

This is when things really start to heat up. AEB, or automatic emergency braking, is like having a personal guardian angel in your vehicle. This smart mechanism applies the brakes for you if it detects that a collision is imminent. Yes, your car has your back even if you’re too startled to respond. Incredible, isn’t it?

Technical Part- Brake Problems

All of this brake magic is based on sensors, computers, and real-time data, without getting into a physics lecture. To ensure that our cars are as secure as houses, car manufacturers have made significant R&D investments. And new developments keep happening. I wouldn’t be shocked if in the near future we had brakes that could somehow foretell the future!

Enhanced Road Safety in Halifax and Beyond

What impact does this have on us in Halifax? Really, quite a lot. Having a trustworthy braking system is important because of our twisting roads, our uneven terrain, and let’s not forget the legendary Yorkshire weather. I’ve noticed less brake-related problems in the automobiles that enter my garage, and that’s cause for celebration.

Finishing up

Okay, guys, that’s the skinny on how car brakes have developed to improve the safety and security of our drives. Driving appears to have a brighter and safer future thanks to technologies like ABS and automatic emergency braking.

Thank you for watching. You know where to find us if you have any worries concerning the brakes on your automobile. Keep those wheels—and brakes—turning safely, and be careful! 🚗

To be truthful I am not sure how this is going to work but I am sure that it will be another brake system success.

MOT Test Combined with Car Servicing

MOT Test Combined with Car Servicing

MOT Test Combined with Car Servicing
MOT Test Combined with Car Servicing

MOT Test Combined with Car Servicing

Unlike a vehicle MOT test, servicing is not a legal requirement for your vehicle. However, you will probably find that regular servicing can help to keep everything.

Eric Roberts‘s insight:

Pre-testing your car can mean the difference between passing and failing the MOT test when it comes time for testing. Consider it as giving your vehicle some TLC before the examiners arrive.

A service helps identify any minor concerns, such as worn-out brake pads, malfunctioning lights, or even low fluid levels, that could become serious problems during the MOT. In addition to increasing your car’s chances of passing the test, taking care of these issues beforehand can guarantee that it operates smoothly and safely when driving. You might also avoid the inconvenience of having to retake the test, which nobody likes!

To be honest, most of our customers do have an MOT test and service at the same time. This practice gives the car owner peace of mind that their car is in reasonable condition for at least 12 months up to the next annual testing time. Of course, this doesnt count for any mechanical failure of a part.

We all must be responsible for our cars servicing and  test

Sometimes I find it a great shame. Incredibly, we are in the motor trade. Insistently, you have to keep harping on about servicing your cars. One of the main excuses in recent times! Of course, there has been a recession. Recently, car drivers just haven’t had any spare cash to spend on their vehicles. Consequently, we have all seen people just putting £10’s worth of fuel into their cars at the filling station? Ridiculous, but true !

MOT Test Combined with Car Servicing
MOT Test Combined with Car Servicing

In my opinion,

I think that these people should have some kind of budget. A sort of “piggy bank” and save to have their vehicle serviced. Including any mechanical work required when it goes in for its annual vehicle test. Incidentally, it is estimated that 4.7 million people miss their mot testing date. I am sure that drivers either just flaunt the law or are not aware that driving your

A car without a valid MOT test certificate is an offence referenced in Section 47 of the 1988 Road Traffic Act.

Also, driving without an MOT test.

will make your insurance invalid, and you may receive a fine of up to £1000. Is it really worth it when you can have a vehicle test and a service for most average family saloons for around £150? If you are not sure where you can go to have your vehicle serviced, you should go online and look for your nearest local independent garage; they will offer you excellent service at a fair price.

Once you have had your MOT test and service you should be safer for another year, although I recommend that you have an engine oil and filter change in between the tests to be on the safe side. Also, do not forget to check your levels at regular intervals, say once a week, and top them up when required.

Here we are now at the back end of 2024, nearing Christmas time, and the price of fuel has plummeted. The only problem is that the price of oil and petrol is not following as fast. The experts say that it may take a little longer for this to take place, but I was just wondering if services for cars would also be coming down. I am not so sure , but I suspect so.





Along with your tyres , your car’s brakes are the most important (and sometimes most neglected) part of your car. I have been guilty of neglecting my brakes. Especially, when I was a young man. When I was a young mechanic, I borrowed a car from my then-boss, Peter.

Peter said that I could, but I must check the car’s brakes. Also. the engine levels before setting off on my journey. I was heading for Blackpool. a seaside resort on the west coast of the UK. On our return home, we started to pass through a town called Preston.

I was doing the statutory speed of 30 mph

and was approaching a pedestrian crossing. Of course, I should have had to stop. But, when I pressed the brake pedal,. Then there was nothing there. Hence, the pedal went straight to the floorboards.

Consequently, I had to swerve the car to miss a guy walking across the crossing. Ending up on the pavement (sidewalk). I rapidly pumped the pedal and managed to get some brakes. Thus, on the pedal. Luckily, the vehicle came to a stop. My  friends and I managed to push the car to a garage filling station. Of course, a hundred yards down the road.


 I lifted the bonnet (hood) only to find that the car brake fluid was at zero level.. in the fluid reservoir. I felt a cold chill down my spine. Because I remembered what my boss Peter had said. Just the day before we set off. We managed to buy some Tesco brake fluid and top up the reservoir.

The car brakes pumped about halfway up. Luckily, the car would stop when I pressed the pedal. So, we limped home back to Yorkshire, UK. Subsequently, it was a rather terrifying experience. Of course, which I vowed would never happen again. Lessons were learned that day. As a result, I am going to spell out a few important things about the care of your brake discs. Hence, for your understanding,. Before you embark on a journey or indeed at any time that you own a car,.

CHECK YOUR CAR BRAKES regularly Your brakes are a life saver

The British MOT test has been a great step forward towards the safety of our cars and our roads. When your car is having it’s annual MOT test, we check everything on that car ( to the  VOSA MOT test specifications). One of the problems with old was the checking of your car brake pipes.

Brake pipes connect all four-wheel braking systems and the cylinders and brake pedals and are fixed under the car, exposed to all the elements. A special coating of wax, oil, or occasionally just grease protects them.

Despite all the protection,. The corroded brake pipes would rust and then start to leak the brake fluid, eventually causing the brakes to fail, similar to what happened to me in Preston.


The MOT test makes sure that all your brake pipes (lines) are in good working order, and if not, the car will fail the test and the pipes will have to be replaced. If you are not sure about the condition of your brake pipes, you can get them checked out at your local independent garage, free of charge, or at the local garage that you use at the moment.

You must always check the brake fluid

in the reservoir under your bonnet, and top it up if required with the correct fluid. Check your brake pedal; it should feel nice and solid. If it goes too far down, then have yours checked by a professional garage or mechanic. Don’t take risks, you should not have to pump your pedal to get a good brake.

Your brake fluid should be changed every so often; this can be done when you have your car serviced, Your local garage will be able to ascertain when, by looking it up on his service
computer for your model of car, we use the Autodata system for checking out the fluid change times.

Check your car’s brakes regularly, including the fluid levels.

Also, you should check your disc brakes and Car Brake Pads. These are the parts that constantly wear out and need replacing with brake pipe kits when they get down to a certain thickness.

When the pads wear down to the the metal part of the pads

then this is when you can hear a loud grinding noise that frightens the driver to death. Once again, if this happens, you should have your car’s brakes checked by a professional mechanic or your local garage.

Once again, if you have your car serviced when you have your annual MOT test then your brakes will be checked and should be fine for the next year. If your brake pedal does not feel right or goes further down than it should before you get a brake, then have the car checked out. Until an expert has examined the vehicle, do not drive.


Dangers of Driving with Faulty Brakes

Dangers of Driving with Faulty Brakes

Dangers of Driving with Faulty Brakes

Dangers of Driving with Faulty Brakes
Dangers of Driving with Faulty Brakes

As we all know, driving with faulty brakes can be extremely dangerous.

Of course, not only for you but also for other motorists. Worn or damaged brakes can reduce stopping power. Therefore, it would be more difficult to stop the vehicle in an emergency.

In this post, we will discuss some of the risks associated with driving a car with worn or damaged brakes. Importantly, that’s why it’s important to have your brakes checked and replaced as soon as possible.

One of the main risks associated with driving with faulty brakes is increased stopping distance. The driver is not aware of this slow process.

As the brake pads wear down, they become less effective at stopping the vehicle, which can lead to a longer stopping distance. This can be especially dangerous in situations where an emergency stop is needed. Emergencies, such as when a child runs into the street or a car in front of you suddenly stops,.

Another risk associated with driving with faulty brakes is decreased control.

So, if the brake pads are worn or the brake disc (rotor) is damaged, the vehicle may not stop as smoothly or as easily as it should. This can make it difficult to control the vehicle. Especially in tight turns or on wet or slippery roads. Driving with faulty brakes also increases the risk of collision.

If the brakes fail completely, the driver may be unable to stop the vehicle, which can lead to a collision. Additionally, if the brakes are worn or damaged, the driver may not be able to stop the vehicle in time to avoid a collision.

Brake pads can also seize due to a lack of servicing. This, in fact, is what happened to me. I was coming up to a zebra crossing on my way home from a day trip to Blackpool, UK. Although the crossing was empty, I applied my brakes.

 The car did not come to a halt; instead, it continued on its way. My brakes had seized! I was an apprentice mechanic at the time and pulled up as soon as possible. The brakes were red-hot and untouchable. After jacking up the car and removing the wheels, I was able to release the brakes, and we were able to drive home cautiously.

Another risk is that, when the brake pads are worn out- Dangers of Driving with Faulty Brakes

So, they need to work harder and hotter to perform their function; this can cause the brake disc to warp, which can lead to the need to change both brake pads and discs, adding more cost and time to the repair.

Indeed, this is a very common problem. Our customers leave the brake pads too long, and this eventually leads to them wanting both pads and discs. It is important to have your brakes checked and serviced regularly.

Your garage mechanic can check the thickness of your brake pads- Dangers of Driving with Faulty Brakes

discs, and other brake components and determine if they need to be replaced. Here at Pellon Auto Centre in Halifax, UK, we carry out this work on the car’s main service. 

As I’ve already said, having your brakes checked and serviced regularly can help them last longer and make sure they keep working right.

In conclusion, driving with faulty brakes can be extremely dangerous, and it’s crucial to keep them in good working condition. If you notice any signs of wear or damage, such as squealing or grinding noises, Whether you have reduced stopping power or a soft brake pedal, it’s important to have your brakes checked and replaced as soon as possible.

Checking and fixing your brakes on a regular basis can help you find problems before they get worse and can also make them last longer. I know from the Dangers of Driving with Faulty Brakes experience that it’s not very good when you press the brake pedal and the car doesn’t stop. Believe me!

How Brake Pads Work

How Brake Pads Work

How Brake Pads Work
How Brake Pads Work

How Brake Pads Work

Here at Pellon Autocentre, we use top-quality brake parts. because it gives us peace of mind that we are fitting a top-class product. knowing that our customers won’t have problems with their new brake pads.

Your brake pads are one of the most important parts of your car’s braking system. because they are the component that makes contact with the discs. applying pressure and friction to your car’s brake discs. Of course, this is the pressure and friction that are applied to the brake discs.

slowing and stopping your vehicle. How Brake Pads Work

Once your brakes are applied, the pressure from the master cylinder now prevents the wheels from turning and your vehicle from moving. The role of brake pads in how cars work is really simple, but the construction of the brake pads is not.

Did you know that brake pads were once made out of asbestos?

So, asbestos was used to explain how brake pads work. Particularly when I was a young apprentice mechanic. but because of the cancer-causing materials in the pads. Urgently, then, new compounds had to be developed. Nowadays, brake pads are made from a mixture of different compounds. including metallic shavings and non-metallic organic materials. Depending on the manufacturer’s own compound mixes.

The brake pads are compressed onto your brake discs when you press the brake pedal.

The discs are fitted directly to the wheel hubs and the axle; on applying the brake pads, friction is forced upon the disc, causing the wheels to slow and then stop depending on the pressure applied to the pedal. The discs work in unison with the brake pads in order to stop your vehicle.

When will I need new brake pads or discs? How Brake Pads Work

There are many different warning signs that your vehicle will give you before your brakes reach the point of potential failure or extensive repair. The first thing to say is that you should always have your car regularly serviced, including the braking system. This will stop problems before they occur. Car brakes work; brake pads are what they are; replace your brake pads.

How Brake Pads Work
How Brake Pads Work
Here are some other things that you should look out for:.

Watch out for your brake warning light coming on when you are driving?

Check or have your garage check your brake fluid level?
Do you hear a grinding sound or a squealing sound when you apply the brake pedal?
Any feeling of a vibration or some sponginess in the brake pedal when it is pressed?
Does your vehicle steer or pull to one side when you apply your brakes?

All these symptoms are the most common signs of potential brake system hazards, and they should be looked at immediately. Of course, they have the potential to cause a lethal accident. Brakes are there to stop your car, and they should not be treated lightly. In a word, if you have them inspected at regular intervals, you will reduce the chances of future safety problems.

2024 Update

Have you ever heard a banging noise or bumping sensation when applying the brakes?

You shouldn’t overlook this kind of noise, particularly when it pertains to something as important as your brakes. Here’s a brief explanation of the possible causes of that bothersome bumping sound coming from those brake pads.

First of all, the brake pads themselves may be unevenly worn. Brake pads deteriorate with time, but if they do so unevenly, the result may be an uneven surface that sounds like bumps as the pads press against the brake disc.

The brake discs, which are the discs that your brake pads clamp onto, could also be the cause. The discs won’t offer the pads a flat surface to grip if it is deformed or has hot patches from heavy braking, which causes that bumping feeling.

Sometimes the problem is as easy as misinstalled or loose brake pads. When you apply the brakes, they may move and make noise if they are not properly positioned in their brackets.

Last but not least, there can be some debris lodged between the discs and the brake pad. This may result in uneven braking as well as noise, which is never a desirable combination.

Therefore, to ensure that everything is in working order, if you hear a bumping sound when you brake, it’s worth taking a look—or, better yet, having a professional take a look. It’s always better to be cautious than sorry when it comes to brakes, after all!

I hope this clarifies for your readers the possible problems that could be causing those annoying bumping sounds!

Car Brake Warning Lights

Car Brake Warning Lights

Car Brake Warning Lights
Car Brake Warning Lights

Car Brake Warning Lights

Of course, almost all modern cars today have a massive bank of warning lights. Including your Car Brake Warning Lights. Naturally, on the dash, when you switch your ignition on to start your car,. So, as the engine begins to pick up after a few seconds, the dashboard  lights should have cleared. Modern technology and on-board computers have enabled car manufacturers. Hence, to connect almost every part of the modern car to some kind of warning lights.

This is for increased fuel efficiency and to enhance the car’s safety.

Consequently, the car dash looks more like an airplane’s cockpit these days. Thankfully, we have clever mechanics with computer software. At the same time, that can help diagnose what these problems are, should they arise. We at Pellon Auto-Centre use a car diagnostic computer made by SUN Systems . So I found that it is a great machine for sorting out the light problems and resetting the  lights. Of course, while  telling us what the underlying problem may be,.

Car Brake Warning Lights
Car Brake Warning Lights

 Brake warning lights

Car Brake Warning Light symbols look the same for most car models. But yours could be slightly different. Its purpose is to tell you that something is wrong with the braking system somewhere on the car. With this in mind, if this light comes on, check your owner’s manual to find out its meaning. So, as I say, some cars have a different meaning. It could be used for many purposes.

For example, the same light may be used to show that the hand-brake is left on. If that’s the case and you’re still driving, you will notice the smell of burning brake pads. The light can also indicate that the fluid in your brake master cylinder is getting low. Each manufacturer has a different use and standard for this light. In all cases, if the light remains on, you should take the car to your local auto Centre and have the brakes checked out. For further information, click the link below.

ABS Car Brake Warning Lights

Not all cars have ABS braking systems but they are becoming more common as new cars start to come out. If your car has an ABS braking system, you will have a second type of warning light (as shown in the picture). If you see this light on, you should seek immediate help from your garage or Auto-Centre. A computer is in charge of this light, which indicates that the computer has identified a problem with the braking system.

It could just be a simple thing: Car Brake Warning Lights

such as dirty contacts on your braking components and sensors, or it could be that your ABS unit needs replacing. Either way, if this light comes on, please take notice and have your car checked out as soon as possible. They may stay on, flash, or blink, but whatever they seek attention to, you may end up with no brakes at all.

Importantly, as well as your brake warning lights, don’t drive the car if the ENGINE WARNING LIGHTS happen to come on!