
independent garages: Test and Trace

independent garages Test and Trace

independent garages Test and Trace
independent garages Test and Trace

The new NHS Test and Trace service, which was launched yesterday (Thursday 28 May) in England, has raised concerns about the possible repercussions for independent garages. The programme aims to help identify, contain and control COVID-19


independent garages Test and Trace

So, in my opinion, one of the big problems from this pandemic is the “haves and have nots.”. Of course, we are all one country, but there are significant differences in the number of infections across the country. Cities and large suburban areas are, of course, the worst hit by this terrible virus. Here in West Yorkshire, where I live, the virus is practically unheard of.

In fact, I do not personally know of one person who has contracted the disease!

  Isolation has also been a key to individuals not catching COVID 19. When we see the terrible loss of life in places like London and Birmingham, then it makes me feel thankful for where I live! In beautiful Yorkshire! Yes, there have been cases in our area, but with a much smaller population, we must be thankful. Why people want to cram into the huge conurbations of London, I just don’t know.

People go on about the quality of life

and the wonderful things that London has to offer, but two days is all I can stand. Like millions of other people, I am afraid that I will be keeping away for the foreseeable future. Other negative things include the massive attempt to keep traffic off the roads of London. Of course, in the disguise of a pollution tax. Well, good luck to you all, and just keep watching “The Yorkshire Vet” and dream of a better place to live!

London should have been shut down

and closed off at the M25. This would have spared our economy and the rest of the country from being sucked in and having to suffer. But they didn’t, and what happened?

This could include household members, people with whom they have been in direct contact, or people within two metres for more than 15 minutes.

People identified as having been in close contact

Someone who has a positive test must stay at home for 14 days, even if they do not have symptoms, to stop unknowingly spreading the virus.

If those in isolation develop symptoms, they can book a test online or by calling 119.

What ‘Test and Trace’ means for independent garages (GarageWire)

Eric Roberts

independent garages Test and Trace