
Batteries charged by Solar Panels

Batteries charged by Solar Panels

Batteries charged by Solar Panels
Batteries charged by Solar Panels

Batteries charged by Solar Panels

Of course, connected up to a Lithium Ion pack. Enabling the car to do 45 k/hr. With a range of about 50 kilometres. This  little car has special suspension. Of course, that allows it to sort of tilt, as you can see in the picture. Thus, it is expected to be used in busy cities and towns. Consequently, the car will be known as the I-Road. Subsequently, it will also be able to be plugged in and charged at any charging station. Of course, as well as at home.

The future of the Lithium-Ion battery is becoming more certain. Hence, regarding the batteries,. Including when they have finished their end of life as a new car battery. Although the old, replaced battery may not be suitable for a car,.

Batteries charged by Solar Panels
Batteries charged by Solar Panels

Eric Roberts says that the combination of battery storage and solar panels has gained popularity in recent years as a method to enhance the dependability and affordability of renewable energy. By putting excess solar-generated energy in batteries.Of course, individuals and organisations can utilise that energy later, even when there is no sunlight. This can help decrease reliance on conventional fossil fuels and provide a more consistent source of energy.

One of the primary benefits. Batteries charged by Solar Panels

Of battery storage combined with solar panels has the ability to reduce or eliminate reliance on the power grid. This can be particularly important in regions with undependable or costly electricity or during power outages. By utilising stored energy from batteries, individuals and organisations can continue to power essential appliances and equipment even during blackouts. Furthermore, because solar panels generate energy during the day, when energy demand is typically highest, they can help decrease stress on the power grid during peak usage hours.

Another benefit of battery storage combined with solar panels is cost savings. While the initial cost of installing solar panels and battery storage can be significant, over time, the energy savings can more than offset the initial investment. In many cases, individuals and organisations may even be able to sell excess energy back to the grid, further offsetting the cost of the system. Additionally, as battery storage technology continues to advance and become more affordable, the cost savings associated with solar panels and battery storage will only continue to increase.

Batteries charged by Solar Panels
Batteries charged by Solar Panels

Batteries charged. Batteries charged by Solar Panels

Then, scientists are thinking of using disused batteries for solar energy Battery storage purposes. To be charged and used as storage. The world will be crying out for some solution to solar energy storage. Of course, the old Lithium-Ion batteries could well be the answer. To the disposal problem.

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, battery storage combined with solar panels can also help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote a more sustainable future. By utilising renewable energy sources, such as solar power, instead of relying on traditional fossil fuels, individuals and organisations can decrease their carbon footprint and help mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Batteries charged by Solar Panels
Batteries charged by Solar Panels

Furthermore, the use of battery storage can help

to make renewable energy sources more practical and reliable, encouraging even more people to adopt sustainable practices. As more individuals and organisations embrace this technology, the future looks brighter for a cleaner and more sustainable world. I have to say that my own battery storage is still working fine here in 2023.

As a result of demand. Other power-saving technologies have been invented in universities. All over the world. Hence, to reduce emissions and greenhouse gases,. Including the Start-Stop Batteries that are now becoming more popular with car manufacturers.

New batteries: solar Storage

New batteries: solar Storage

New batteries: solar Storage
New batteries: solar Storage

New batteries to change solar energy storage

The Strategic Sourceror (blog)
While electricity sourcing from storage technologies for renewable energy is only emerging, it could soon become mainstream.

Solar power is an excellent alternative to traditional energy sources.

It’s clean, renewable, and increasingly popular. However, one of the challenges of solar energy is storing it for use when the sun isn’t shining. This is where batteries for solar storage come in.

Batteries used for solar storage come in a variety of types and sizes. They are designed to store the energy. Of course, it is generated by solar panels during the day and released when needed. This is especially useful for homes and businesses that use solar power as their primary source of electricity.

for solar storage is the lithium-ion battery. These batteries are lightweight, have a high energy density, and can be recharged quickly. They are also relatively long-lasting and require minimal maintenance.

Another type of battery commonly used for solar storage is the lead-acid battery. These batteries are more affordable than lithium-ion batteries, but they are also heavier and require regular maintenance. Despite their drawbacks, lead-acid batteries are still widely used for solar storage.

Overall, batteries for solar storage play a crucial role in the adoption and success of solar energy. They allow solar power to be stored and used when needed, making it a more reliable and accessible energy source for everyone.

battery storage
New batteries-Solar Energy Storage

New Types of  Batteries  for Solar Storage” Not Far Away”

Although we have been trying out new systems for storing the energy produced by the sun. There do not seem to be any major developments coming from the big energy players. Millions of individuals have been trying different methods out using all types of devices and different types of batteries

The most successful battery at the moment appears to be the AGM battery (Absorbed Glass Matting). This type of New 

Batteries will discharge to much lower levels than a normal wet lead-acid battery, the type that is used in cars and trucks. But as we all strive to make renewable energy, other methods have started to come to life. By the way, one of the best AGM storage batteries on the market is made by Trojan batteries . They are a little more expensive than other brands, but they are a heavy-duty quality product and well worth looking at if you are interested in building a small bank of solar storage batteries.

A new kid on the block

will shortly be the development of the Lithium-Ion solar storage unit. The idea has come from the development of new batteries called lithium-ion batteries in electric cars. These storage units will be tailor-made so that consumers can just buy them and plug them into a solar panel system or a wind turbine. The idea comes from the car maker Tesla, which may work with Bosch batteries to produce this product.

In my opinion this will open the gates for more companies to come up with more products and will be of great advantage to home owners and businesses alike.

A typical home owner with solar panels

Of course, you could store the electricity when the cost is at its lowest and then use the electricity stored in the home or business when the rates are at their highest by using new batteries . I actually have a bank of solar panels on my roof here in the UK.

Of course and they work really well. 

So, even now in November we still produce electricity on a sunny day. My solar system goes into the national grid. Naturally, the electric produced is bought from us by the electricity provider. Conveniently, if such storage system came onto the market. Such as a custom  custom made one. Then I would think about changing things around.

I have sold New batteries all my working life, but I must confess that these are the most exciting times for change, different battery technologies and inventiveness coming from our Universities and colleges.

Update: Since I wrote this post, things have moved on at a slower pace. Introductions to the solar market now include ready-made battery storage packages for home owners and business alike.

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Hydrogen fuel-cell cars

Hydrogen fuel-cell cars

Hydrogen fuel-cell cars
Hydrogen fuel-cell cars

Hydrogen fuel-cell cars

EricRoberts‘s insight:

Toyota cars go ahead with Hydrogen fuel power

As a result of more advanced research. So, hydrogen fuel cell technology has moved further on. Hence, at this moment in time companies are setting up Hydrogen fuel-cell cars filling stations all over Europe. One company that has been heavily involved is Air Liquide . Consequently,who are in the process of developing filling stations. Indeed have built 60 new Hydrogen fuel-cell cars filling stations across the World.

Air Liquide have said that these fuel-cell cars can be filled in a few minutes and the equipment that is used to fill the car is much the same as a diesel or petrol car and is just as safe.

More reading


Here in the UK we are making forward moves to build a network of Hydrogen fuel-cell cars fuel filling stations and negotiations are taking place to use the network of supermarket filling stations to accommodate Hydrogen Fuel Cells pumps alongside the standard pumps used for petrol and diesel.

This move by Toyota will bring into play a battle of the green choices; one will be fuel-cell cars and the other will be lithium-ion technologies. It will be very interesting to see who comes out on top.

So, to update the situation,

Toyota is still leading the way forward. The main stumbling block is the lack of infrastructure for customers to fill up. Importantly, German car maker BMW is also interested in pursuing its interest in hydrogen-powered cars.

So, BMW, along with the “clean energy partnership initiative” is looking to set up 130 service stations by the year 2022. Ultimately, this will allow up to 60,000 hydrogen cars to operate in Germany. Optimistically, service station locations should increase up to 400 by 2025.

Are hydrogen cars the way of the future for transportation in 2024?

Hi everyone! Let’s talk about a topic that’s hot in the automotive industry right now: hydrogen vehicle technology. By 2024, the buzz hasn’t subsided—if anything, it’s still growing louder. What’s new with these cutting-edge gadgets, then?

The Exuberance Around Hydrogen
Hydrogen cars, also referred to as “fuel cell cars” in the tech community, use a specific kind of fuel cell to convert hydrogen gas into energy.Then, this electricity powers the vehicle. The sole byproduct in this case is water, plain old H2O, unlike gas-guzzlers or even electric vehicles! It’s kind of neat, huh?

The Scene in 2024
The amount of attention being paid to hydrogen this year has really taken off, particularly in the UK. Businesses are springing up everywhere with the goal of lowering the cost and increasing the accessibility of hydrogen fuel.

The development of the infrastructure is one of the major news stories. The government is pushing for more hydrogen refuelling stations, as are some major companies in the automotive industry. Though it’s a bit of a chicken-and-egg scenario, more cars must be driven on the road in order for the stations to be justified, but more stations must be driven in order for people to purchase the cars!

The Advantages

The benefits of hydrogen are too many to mention. No emissions at all? Verify. Faster refuelling than with electric vehicles? Verify. Additionally, they provide a driving range comparable to that of regular cars, eliminating range anxiety.

The Difficulties

Still, it’s not all smooth sailing just yet. Both the fuel and the cost of these cars are still somewhat high. In addition, there is the whole charade of environmentally beneficial hydrogen production.

Local Views
We’re beginning to notice a little bit more interest in hydrogen technology here in Halifax. A new petrol station is being discussed and might be the catalyst for significant change in this area. This is an excellent chance to invest early in what might potentially be the next big thing in automotive technology.


Is hydrogen the fuel of the future for cars? There is still work to be done, but the situation appears hopeful. The encouraging progress made so far paints an upbeat picture of a cleaner, greener driving experience in 2024. Shall we keep an eye out for anything?

Hydrogen-powered vehicles can be worth your attention if you’re considering making the move or are simply interested in new technology. Who wouldn’t want to support the environment and have a smooth trip around town, after all?

Till we meet again, have a safe drive!

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Recycling Li-On batteries

Recycling Li-On batteries

Recycling Li-On batteries

Motor-Trades Insight Recycling Li-On batteries

Recycling electric car batteries to provide power to homes could mean ‘an end …

EricRoberts‘s insight:

We are already talking about a second use for the old electric car batteries ?

There are four partner companies in the north-east of England. Consequently, they are Opus Green and SR Technologies, together with Tadea and Gateshead College. They are looking at the possibility of using recycled Li-On batteries . Of course, that will be changed at the end of the life period, after, say, ten years. Importantly, on such electric cars as the Nissan Leaf.

In the long run, these companies are trying to come up with ideas about the use of Recycling Li-On batteries. Hence, in conjunction  with solar panels and wind turbines, store energy for use at night rather than just put the electricity used into the National Grid. Ordinarily, we have such solar panels on the roof of my home. So, the electricity generated is transmitted via an inverter and an electric metre into the grid here in the UK.

All this work will be carried out at Gateshead College.

In this case, it is in the research and development department at Barmston Road in Sunderland. Of course, in the North East of England. The EV batteries will be tested on sight at the college.Another key point is that they will be used to power equipment that will be used in the demonstration. In my opinion, I cannot see why it should fail. Once they found a way for the solar panels to charge up Lithium-Ion batteries. I know that there have been many other types of experiments. Especially in this field, even large banks of Trojan  batteries can be made to work.

Have We Made Any Progress Towards the Recycling of Lithium-On Batteries in 2024?

The drive for more environmentally friendly and sustainable energy solutions is more intense than ever as 2024 progresses. And a significant component of this effort is determining how to efficiently Recycling Li-On batteries. One can find them in virtually every electronic device, including mobile phones and automobiles, and they are increasingly pervasive in our daily lives.

The Increasing Ashes of Batteries

To begin with, it is astounding how many lithium-ion batteries we are currently using. Consider the following: each time you replace a battery, trade in an electronic vehicle, or even dispose of an old cordless drill, there is a new one to replace. Additionally, this is a global issue, not just a local one. Nevertheless, let us concentrate on our endeavours within the United Kingdom, particularly in the vicinity of Halifax.

Pursuits for Recycling in the UK

Over the past few years, the United Kingdom has significantly increased its endeavours. An increasing number of businesses are springing up with the intention of addressing the battery recycling issue. A facility in the Northeast that is at the forefront of implementing innovative techniques stands out. An enormous step forward is that they are recovering up to 95% of the materials, as opposed to simply shredding and separating.

Moreover, in West Yorkshire, there are collaborative efforts between private enterprises and local councils to facilitate the disposal of used batteries. Local garages are sprouting collection points; you may have even noticed a few in Halifax. Ensuring minimal effort is devoted to the recycling process.

The Technological Foundation

Now, let’s get a little technical without going overboard with technology; after all, nobody wants a lecture, right? The significant advancement in 2024 will centre on purity and efficiency. New techniques that generate less waste and consume less energy are emerging.

Hydrometallurgical processing is among the most amazing developments. It may sound complex, but it consists fundamentally of extracting valuable metals such as nickel, cobalt, and lithium from used batteries using water-based solutions. Recycling facilities in the United Kingdom are rapidly adopting this environmentally preferable technique in contrast to conventional approaches.

What Will Occur Next?.Recycling Li-On batteries

In the future, the establishment of a circular economy for batteries will be the primary objective. This requires batteries to be designed from the beginning with recycling in mind. Presently, battery manufacturers and recycling companies are collaborating to ensure that the batteries of today can be transformed into resources of tomorrow. Everything hinges on closing the cycle.

A genuine effort is being made to achieve this sustainable future, not only in Halifax but also in other areas. The notion that we are all in this together is evident, whether it be through educational campaigns, local council initiatives, or simply through community effort.

Your Position.Recycling Li-On batteries

Consequently, what are your options? Ensure that any used batteries that may be lying around are delivered to an appropriate recycling facility. Be on the lookout for local collection events or drop-off locations at your nearby garage; some may even provide recycling incentives.

In conclusion, 2024 has brought us closer than ever before to a robust and efficient system for reprocessing lithium-ion batteries, although there is still much work to be done. Technology is progressing and infrastructure is expanding; therefore, we can all contribute a small amount of local effort to ensure that those batteries have a second chance. May the future be greener and more sustainable, both within and beyond Halifax!

“Malcolm Potter, Project Manager at Tadea said “This is a very exciting project for tadea to be involved in and as it’s the first of its kind within in UK to focus on how to extend the life of these batteries it’s hoped that the results will lead to further developmental work in this field.”

Electric Cars More dangerous

Electric Cars More dangerous

Electric Cars More dangerous
Electric Cars More dangerous

Electric Cars More dangerous

Electric Cars More dangerous: Power stations, not battery-powered cars

Electric Cars More dangerous; A pollution study in China has come to the conclusion. That battery drove cars to cause more pollution than conventionally fueled vehicles. Because the electricity used to charge the cars is so-called “Dirty” fuel. Because the power stations rely on fossil fuels such as coal and gas, to power them.

The study was carried out in no less than 34 cities through out China.

people who are conducting this research are led by Professor Cherry a leading scientist in this field. So, who did Chinese undergraduates assist? He compared the particulate matter that causes the pollution. Which is similar to the test carried out on our cars in the UK on an “MOT TEST” on electric battery-driven cars to that in petrol-driven vehicles.

He conducted the tests in China.  Because, believe it or not, they love electric battery-driven cars and cycles and have probably the biggest percentage of battery-powered vehicles in the World. In fact, Chinese battery-powered cars outnumber regular-fueled 12 Volt Battery vehicles by about 2 to 1.

The Police operate many of these cars, post, and local government. It has always been my opinion that Governments have gone about the green effect problem the wrong way. They should have sorted the power stations problem out, long ago. Man of the power plants in the world is fueled, from fuels such as coal and gas.

But instead, the power operators chose to hammer the poor motorists. This was done with the costs and by the look of this report to no avail. We are still polluting the Planet and its citizens with countries like China burning 85% of electricity from coal.

To conclude, it is a fact that regular gasoline-driven vehicles with modern emission methods are cleaner than electric battery-operated cars and that electric cars are More dangerous
What’s your opinion??

 To read more of this fascinating story, please click the link bellow.

“They found that the electricity generated to power electric cars caused more particulate matter Car Pollution  than that caused by an equivalent number of petrol driven vehicles. There was no Advantages of Electric Cars.

Particulate matter comes from the combustion of fossil fuels and includes acids, organic chemicals, metals, and soil or dust particles.

Professor Cherry said: ‘An implicit assumption has been that air quality and health impacts are lower for electric cars than for conventional vehicles”…