
Part Worn Tyres

Part Worn Tyres: Am I getting soft?

Part Worn Tyres

Part Worn Tyres

 These are very alarming figures 22%, almost a quarter of the driving public, are buying these part worn tyres

But I am now thinking differently about the problem. In my opinion, the Part Worn Tyres market has increased due to the financial crisis and a lot of young families are having to make

huge economic changes in their household budgets, but they regard their car as a sanctity, a necessity, and they will keep it running at whatever cost, even if it means running the car without insurance or road tax.

This is also where part-worn tyres come into it. If it means keeping the car running, then they will pay, say, £20 for a worn tyre. I do not think that they care about its condition; all I can say is that they must trust the person that they are buying from, as long as it gets them about and they can keep their car running.

It is the tyre industry that should make sure that the tyres that these people are using are in fact safe to use and come under the Part Worn Tyres law (under the Motor Vehicle Tyres (Safety) Regulations 1994 (reg. 7) part of the Consumer Protection Act) that we have here in the UK and probably other countries too.

17% of drivers would also keep buying part worn tyres.

In my opinion, the economic crisis has hit us all to the extent that we will probably never recover again. The retail market has changed considerably over the past years, with consumers having to make huge cuts in their spending habits. This includes everybody, and I have to admit that includes my family. We are changing our shopping habits, and the companies that are making changes to cope with the lack of consumer spending are becoming the winners.

Starting at the top of the chain, families are now shopping on a daily or twice-weekly basis. Here in the UK, the winners are becoming the smaller chains such as Lidl and Aldi, who are pushing the huge supermarket customers into second place, primarily because of the changing shopping habits of the consumers. We also have cheaper clothing retailers who are doing well in this climate; stores such as Primark are sweeping the floor with much cheaper clothing than the high-street stores, who are suffering from the general downsizing of consumers.

In my opinion, this is also the same problem that is affecting the tyre market at the moment.

Drivers at the lower end of the economic scale are forced to buy part-worn tyres to keep their cars on the road. According to the recent survey, 17% of these drivers would also consider a repeat purchase of part worn tyres, which could mean that these people are taken out of the new car tyre market altogether. There has always been a slice of the tyre market that has bought second hand tyres, but this time the increase is quite significant and is effecting many of the smaller tyre retailers up and down the country.

Fighting back with cheap budget tyres

One of the knock-on effects of this gap in the market is the price deflation of budget tyre brands. My own business has seen a sharp increase in the cheap new tyre market. The manufacturers that are suffering are in the mid-range tyre market, and the leading companies appear to be holding their own, we are still getting our customers asking for their favourite brands. These are usually the older drivers that are known as the “Silvers,” and that includes me?

These are the drivers that will stick to Michelin and Dunlop and can still afford to pay the price for them.

I am only forming my opinion on the facts that are affecting my tyre business here in Halifax Yorkshire UK. But asking about and travelling around has opened my eyes to the fact that the number of part-worn tyre bucket shops that have opened up in the last few years has quadrupled. The increase in these operations has opened my eyes to the extent of our industry-wide problem. We seem to be more at the battle front in the poorer northern towns, especially the ones with a large immigrant population, such as Halifax.

Part worn tyres are also affecting the large companies

This problem probably multiplies the more depots that you own , so huge tyre companies such as kwik-Fit must be pulling their hair out, in fact This recent survey was financed by Kwik-Fit, and its findings were released to the rest of the industry. Roger Griggs of Kwik-Fit said…

“This research highlights the problems that British drivers have experienced with part worn tyres. Many of the second hand tyres sold in the UK are brought in from Europe by the container-load, having been taken off cars across the Channel. Motorists considering a part worn tyre should perhaps ask why a tyre that is no longer good enough for a Dutch, German or Danish driver would be good enough for them.

‘We recognise that drivers are keen to keep their motoring costs low, and we work hard to provide products and services to help them do that. There comes a point where cutting costs can compromise safety and this is especially true with tyres. After all, these are the only thing connecting a car with the road, so we urge drivers to consider whether they really need to opt for the unknown quality of second hand tyres.”

My problem with part worn tyres is the number of tyres that were found to be failing due to the damage that was already present

Of course, when the tyres were fitted to the new customer’s car,. This is due to the fact that tyres that are sold are not sold legally. Here in the UK, we have a set of rules that state that part worn tyres should be tested for any faults, damage, or objects in the tyres, and the tyres should be checked while under pressure. Then, after the tyre is checked and found to OK, a special patch should be stuck (vulcanised) to the tyre with the name of the company or tester displayed on the tyre.

I now know that the effect of part worn tyres on the businesses of reputable tyre retailers

Having forced them to start selling these part worn tyres themselves, and in a way, I cannot blame them. One guy that I know has set up a separate small depot specifically for selling these tyres. He has kept the two companies separate for obvious reasons, but at least he is now clawing some of the lost business back, and he is also running the operation within the current part worn tyre laws.

I can now understand better the predicament that many people find themselves in. Forced by financial circumstances to buy these second-hand tyres. So, I think that we have all been affected by this crisis and will be for some time to come.

We now believe that they is a place for part worn tyres, but they must be bought and sold within the law, and we must get rid of these people who sell all the rubbish and dangerous tyres by strengthening the current laws and, more importantly, by clamping down on these dodgy tyre businesses that sell this rubbish through stronger law enforcement.

Pellon Tyres is now a member of

Driving on Bad tyres

Driving on Bad Tyres: Risking Lives,

Driving on Bad tyres

Driving on Bad tyres
Driving on Bad tyres

Driving on Bad tyres

So, this is a question that I often ask myself! Of course, as the owner of a tyre business here in Halifax, UK,. Responsibly, have we, as an industry, educated the public? Enough about the dangers and safety aspects of having baldness or other dangerous things wrong with the tyres on their cars.

Just as in every other walk of life in this world,. So, we have different types of tyre-buying consumers. Significantly, we have rich and poor people of different races and colours who all drive cars on our roads. Of course, the majority of us uphold the laws of our country. Including motoring laws! So, to make it a safer place for us all to drive about,.

This is a good thing, in my opinion.

Enabling a person from another country to drive about. Of course, to look for, say, a job or to look for accommodation. We have all seen cars driving around from all over the world. Generally, I think that this is a good thing. I love to visit other countries in my car. Significantly, it is one of the pleasures in life that I have always enjoyed. But I always check the important driving laws of the country that I am visiting. Before I embark on my journey,.

The point that I am making is: do we educate drivers enough about the facts about better road safety and the general upkeep of our cars? It seems to me that as a nation, we should be hammering home the safety aspects of driving and looking after your car so that it is also safe for other road users. This also includes immigrants and other foreign visitors, including foreign students.

We should perhaps give them a copy of our highway code in their own language; whether or not they will look at it is up to them, but it would be a step forward. On a student website, it is recommended that if you are going to drive here in the UK, you should buy a copy of the Highway Code, available from most bookstores for £2.50. More reading…”Help for International Student Drivers

A mixture of foreign visitors that have good knowledge about their tyres

Here in Halifax, UK. We have a large mixture of people from other countries and continents. All of them are welcome as our customers. It is an interesting subject to study the different attitudes that people have towards road safety.

This includes all of our customers, not just visitors. I think that we should make everybody more aware of the laws and rules that we have to stick to make the UK a better place to drive in.

I have been lucky enough to visit many countries in my life. So, like most tyre guys, I always end up looking at the tyres on the cars. Usually in some car park.

It is no surprise to me that the poor countries. Such as Egypt, which I recently visited. Think nothing about driving their cars  Driving on bad tyres. Driving on bad tyres is simply a matter of economics. The richer countries that I have visited. Europe and the USA all have high standards. They are richer and can usually afford to have better tyres fitted to their vehicles.

Education is a must for all drivers: Driving on Bad tyres

I think that the problem that we have in the better off countries. Importantly, are having the crossover of different  backgrounds. In my opinion we should all re-educate the public. Keeping the high standards that we now enjoy. Some sort of campaign would remind the car driving public about the safety aspects. Of driving around in cars with tyres that are within the law.

One of the best moves that the British government have made was the introduction of the MOT test, and this model has also now been adapted in many other countries. The MOT test is carried out on the car a does not take into account where the drivers are from or the ethics of the drivers when it comes to road safety. The cars are tested and the failures must be rectified before the car can be driven on the road again.

MOT Test catch out bald tyres

Many of the worse tyres that we see have been picked up on the MOT Test Requirements and thank goodness for that? We are now finding many more cars that are coming to us with bald or faulty tyres fitted to them, and the tyres have to be changed before the car is road worthy or not.

Here at Pellon Tyres in Halifax we also fit tyres from other garages that carry out MOT tests. One of these garages rang up the other day to ask us to collect four wheels and tyres from an MOT that he had just failed. Jim the other garage owner had asked me to take a look at the condition of these tyres, as he was both amazed and amused at the state of three of the tyres.

Shocking tyres: Driving on Bad tyres

Adam one of my drivers picked up the wheels and asked me to take a look. I could not believe that this car had been driving on our roads. Dangerously, with his tyres in such bad condition. So, you can see the state of them in the pictures that we took.

Many of the tyre problems that we are coming up with, are stemming from the rise in the sale of part worn tyres and I believe that this covers my whole article, I believe that our standards are being eroded by a lack of education across the whole of the driving public and this should be tackled before the situation gets any worse.

One of the organisations that are supporting the battle against Driving on Bad Tyres are and you can see some of their excellent work by visiting their website.

Pellon Tyre and Auto-centre offer car and van servicing and repairs to all makes of vehicles. Tyres are available online at discount prices 

steering parts only

Steering Wheel Not Straight

Steering Wheel Not Straight

Steering Wheel Not Straight
Steering Wheel Not Straight

Steering Wheel Not Straight

The steering wheel is not straight.

This article reminded me of the number of customers that come to my garage here in Halifax with the same problem. Hence, their steering wheel is not straight.

or many of them say that when the steering wheel is straight then their car pulls to the left or the right. It really does make driving uncomfortable when this is the problem.

Modern cars now have much more refined steering and suspension systems. Steering Wheel Not Straight

This makes wheel alignment even more important than ever.

Correct alignment also ensures that your tyres do not wear out prematurely. Another problem after this long, wet, and snowy winter is the large number of potholes that are appearing everywhere.

As a result, many cars steering has been knocked out of alignment. Many cars will show this by pulling to one side. Thus making driving more difficult and not a pleasurable experience.

This also wears your tyres out prematurely. Steering Wheel Not Straight

You would be surprised at the number of cars that come to us for new tyres with one of the sidewalls worn out. As a result, sometimes it comes down to the steel cords of the sidewalls. Of course, this is the best time to set your alignment up correctly. So, when you buy some new tyres. many of our customers actually do this. Enabling your tyres to get off to a good start. Many tyres now, especially SUVs, are very expensive.

Therefore, the tyres really do need to be looked after correctly. Steering Wheel Not Straight

We do balance your wheels when we fit new tyres, but wheel alignment is a separate job altogether. When we fit a customer’s tyres, we do inform them if we suspect the alignment is out. We do a free check and charge from £34.90 upwards for the alignment to be corrected.

Eric Roberts

If you have a car, then this is a very important thing that you should do. So the thing is to check the Wheel Alignment.  Because this can save you many important things.

So, many steering wheel problems are generally caused by your car being out of alignment!

Source: Why to check Wheel Alignment?

Suzuki servicing is neglected

“Car Servicing and Repairs at Pellon Tyre

Car Servicing and Repairs at Pellon Tyre and Autocentre

Car Servicing and Repairs at Pellon Tyre and Autocentre
Car Servicing and Repairs at Pellon Tyre and Autocentre

Car Servicing and Repairs at Pellon Tyre and Autocentre

 Hello, dear readers! It’s time to rev up your engines and dive into the world of car servicing and repairs at Pellon Tyre and Autocentre right here in Halifax, UK. If you’ve been cruising around town and wondering where to find a reliable garage, look no further because we’ve got you covered!

 You might be surprised to know that there are still many motorists out there who are unaware of the top-notch car services and repairs we offer at Pellon Tyre and Autocentre. So, allow me, Eric Roberts, the proud owner of this establishment, to shed some light on what makes us the go-to destination for all your automotive needs.

A Wealth of Experience in the Motor Trade

First things first, let me introduce myself. I’m Eric Roberts, and I’ve been immersed in the motor trade for many, many years. I’ve seen the evolution of cars, from classic beauties to cutting-edge vehicles, and I’ve dedicated my career to understanding every nook and cranny of these mechanical marvels.

My staff and I have a passion for cars, and my commitment to providing top-notch service has been the driving force behind Pellon Tyre and Autocentre’s success. I understand that your vehicle is not just a mode of transportation;

It’s a part of your daily life, and you rely on it for countless journeys. That’s why I’ve assembled a team of skilled technicians who share my dedication to ensuring your car runs like a dream. Comprehensive Car Servicing and Repairs Now, let’s talk about what sets us apart when it comes to car servicing and repairs.

At Pellon Tyre and Autocentre, we offer a comprehensive range of services

Of course, that caters to all makes and models of cars. Whether you drive a classic British gem or a modern marvel, our skilled team has the expertise to handle it with care. Our services include:

Routine Servicing: Car Servicing and Repairs at Pellon Tyre and Autocentre

 Keep your car in tip-top condition with our regular servicing. We’ll check all the vital components, change the oil, and make sure everything is running smoothly.


From minor fixes to major overhauls, our technicians are equipped to handle all sorts of repairs. Whether it’s a squeaky brake, a mysterious engine issue, or a troublesome gearbox, we’ve got you covered.

 Tyres and Brakes:

We specialise in tyres, including all types of “winter tyres and brakes. Whether it’s time for a tyre change, wheel alignment, or brake pad replacement, we’ve got the best products and experts to ensure your safety on the road. I highly recommend Falken Tyres for a great-quality tyre at a reasonable price.

 Exhausts and Batteries: Car Servicing and Repairs at Pellon Tyre and Autocentre

 Since we’re also in the battery business, you can trust us to provide quality batteries if you ever need a replacement. We’re well aware of the importance of a healthy battery for keeping your car running smoothly. A Local Touch with a Dash of History Living and working in Halifax, we understand the importance of local connections. It’s not just about servicing cars;

 It’s about being part of a community.

 Halifax has a rich history, from its stunning architecture to its vibrant culture, and we’re proud to be a part of it. So, when you bring your car to Pellon Tyre and Autocentre, you’re not just getting excellent service; you’re supporting a local business that’s deeply rooted in the fabric of Halifax.

 In conclusion, if you’re a motorist in Halifax, UK,

 and you haven’t experienced the exceptional car servicing and repairs at Pellon Tyre and Autocentre, it’s time to give us a try. With my years of experience, a dedicated team of technicians, and a commitment to serving our local community, we’re here to keep your car running smoothly and safely.

Don’t let car troubles slow you down; visit us today and experience the difference! Thank you for taking the time to read about our garage, and I look forward to welcoming you to Pellon Tyre and Autocentre soon.

Solar Storage Batteries

Solar Energy Batteries

Solar Energy Batteries

The rapid development of rooftop solar and

Solar Energy Batteries
Solar Energy Batteries

Eric Roberts’ insight: Solar batteries

Ernest Moniz, the Energy Secretary of the United States

has made a statement that resonates with the discussions I’ve been having for the past few years. He envisions a future where the USA could achieve energy independence from national providers. How, you ask? Well, it all hinges on the remarkable growth of solar, renewable energy, and other sustainable resources.

And this isn’t just an American dream; Solar Energy Batteries

It’s a global shift that’s taking place right now. Across the Atlantic, both in the United States and here in the UK, it’s heartwarming to see how the public has wholeheartedly embraced the concept of generating their own clean energy. Take, for instance, the picturesque town in West Yorkshire, UK, where the residents have been tapping into the power of the sun since February.

Rows of solar panels grace their rooftops, silently converting sunlight into electricity.

What’s particularly fascinating is that this surplus electricity flows seamlessly into the grid, and the electric company rewards the homeowners for their contribution. In America, there’s a growing inclination towards storing this solar electricity for later use.

This is especially valuable in rural and isolated areas where the grid might not always be reliable. These regions have found a solution in the form of solar energy batteries. These high-capacity batteries serve as reservoirs, storing the daytime-generated electricity for nighttime use.

It’s like having a stash of sunlight in a box. Solar Energy Batteries

Now, when it comes to choosing the most effective type of solar energy battery, AGM batteries are shining stars. While they may come with a slightly higher price tag initially, they are worth every penny. The secret lies in their ability to endure a significantly higher number of charge and discharge cycles compared to standard lead-acid car batteries.

This durability means they’ll be there to support you for the long haul. If you’re considering setting up your own solar energy battery system, fret not.

There is a wealth of DIY videos available online

guiding homeowners through the process. One standout choice for solar enthusiasts is the Lucas AGM battery. These batteries are tailor-made for solar energy applications and have earned a solid reputation for their performance and reliability. Much like Secretary Moniz, I find myself pondering the future.

How far are we from a scenario where we, as individual homeowners and communities, produce more electricity than the national providers? It’s a tantalising thought, one that hints at a future where energy production is democratised.

What happens when we reach that point?

Well, it’s a question that invites exciting possibilities and perhaps some challenges too. Will there be a shift in the energy landscape? What role will the national providers play in this new era of energy independence? These are questions that deserve attention and discussion.

For those interested in delving deeper into this topic, I recommend exploring for further insights and perspectives on the evolving energy landscape. In closing, let’s keep harnessing the power of the sun and exploring the potential of solar energy. It’s a journey that promises to bring about a brighter and more sustainable future for us all

TPMS warning light Ignored

Popular Run Flat Tyres

Popular Run Flat Tyres
Popular Run Flat Tyres

Popular Run Flat Tyres

Many new models are now equipped with inflator and sealant kits or run-flat tyres, which are designed to go at slower speeds for 50 miles or more after a tyre has been punctured.

EricRoberts‘s insight:

Run-flat tyres are an interesting subject.

Of course, the problem was that that cars were getting bigger and faster. Consequently, at the same time, car makers were being pressured. governments to make their cars more fuel-efficient and therefore greener.

Car makers were forced to comply with certain regulations ! This meant shedding weight and creating engines. Computers then took control of those. Therefore, to really hammer down the emissions,. Caused by burning fossil fuels (gasoline or petrol in the

UK). Subsequently, the car companies looked at all sorts of ways. So, to reduce the overall weight of vehicles including tyres. Importantly, even the tyre companies looked for ways of making tyres lighter in weight. Importantly, and indeed they succeeded.

BMW came up with the Mini Run Flat Tyres

Positively, tyre manufacturers came up with the run-flat tyre ! .Of course, this would mean that cars would no longer have a spare wheel and tyre. Thus reducing the overall weight of the vehicle and reducing emissions. Importantly, if a tyre on a car had a sudden drop in pressure (puncture),. Importantly, then the car could have the capabilities to drive.

At a slower speed (50 mph) until the tyre was eventually changed. Safety-wise, the positives are that the car would not deviate. Therefore, carry on driving in the normal way. Therefore, it is not causing an accident. It is so much safer than a standard radial tyre.   Also, you would not have to get out of the car ? On a rainy night, you had to change the wheel when you had a puncture.

Was cost an early problem ?

Early drawbacks are that the cost of replacing these tyres is much higher than that of a standard tyre. A new Run Flat Tyres is required after each incident. Puncture repairs in these tyres are not recommended ?

Incidentally, on long journeys, you should have the need to want a new tyre ! Then you only have fifty miles to have the run-flat Flat Tyres fixed.

In the United States, the gap between some towns and cities can be hundreds of miles. So you pay your money and take your choice ?

Since I wrote this article,? Then the run flat tyres have been well accepted by most motorists. Older drivers who prefer a genuine spare wheel can now buy a new tyre and wheel unit for the spare wheel.

Pellon Tyres are now proud members of

Motorists Cant Afford Next MOT

Banned MOT Garages to be Exposed

Banned MOT Garages to be Exposed

MOT Inspection Manual Renewed
MOT Inspection Manual Renewed

Banned MOT Garages to be Exposed

DVSA have agreed with Ministers to make the information publicly available following the announcement by Justine Greening MP in 2012, of the Governments’ commitment to the Garage Customer Experience.

EricRoberts‘s insight:

MOT Garages testing station, owners opinion

So, as the owner of an MOT centre, I am not sure what this will achieve. Consequently, I know that there are thousands of normal garages. Strangely, they claim that they do MOT testing. Incredibly, but in fact do not. What they do is take their customers cars to an approved MOT  testing station. Consequently, having what we call “a trade test” carried out.

Of course, I am not saying that the car will not be tested correctly? But the garage does not conduct the test, and they do not have control over the vehicle.However, if the driver has an issue, he can not take it up directly with the testing station.

Customers should look out for the official MOT testing sign, Banned MOT Garages to be Exposed

Concerned car owners should look out for an official MOT sign ! Usually outside the garage premises at the roadside. So it looks the same as the one in the above image. Some garages have lookalike signs but are not official testing stations.

I can only think that garages that have lost their licence: Banned MOT Garages to be Exposed

So, to test cars because of a bad disciplinary record, still carry on taking cars in for testing but have a trade test done at another official testing station under the pretence that they still have a testing licence, or simply do not remove their MOT Garages signs as if they are still testing.

A list of banned testing sites will be published but i wonder who will read them?.

Hi I would like to introduce myself. I have been working in the garage, tyre, and battery business for 40 years. So. I worked for a couple of national tyre companies before starting my first business. Of course, I now own a company here in the UK called Pellon Tyre and Auto-centre. Blogging about anything to do with cars and their related products. Naturally, that will help my business

Cars and Climate Change

Electric Car Servicing

Electric Car Servicing

Electric Car Servicing
Electric Car Servicing

Electric Car Servicing

There are now more than a dozen plug-in electric cars for sale in the U.S., but not all electric cars are created equal.

Eric Roberts’ insight:

Electric car Servicing

This is an interesting article about the difficulty that American motorists could experience when wanting to repair or service their electric battery-operated cars.

It tells of the state of California giving the car manufacturers a quota for the number of vehicles that they are to supply as compared to normal gasoline-engineered ones.

The problem is that the number of electric car servicing garages is in short supply, especially Toyota.

Fundamentally, the question on my mind is, “Whatever happened to the Right to Repair Laws” ! Naturally, those are in operation in the United States and in the European Union. Significantly, this states that service garages should be given access to  technical details. Including all the cars that car manufacturers are making.

So, why can’t the regular garages service these cars? In fact, recently, I hired an expert on electric cars to brief my staff about the impending influx of electric cars. Special equipment is required  ! Because these vehicle are extremely dangerous ! Of course, due to the possibility of electric shocks,.

Because of certain restrictions, it has always been a strong suspicion of mine.

So, that this work will be kept away from the independent garage sector. Resentfully, Electric Car Servicing will not be open to us. In many ways, they cannot be blamed for wanting to protect all their investment and development. However, every other product that has ever been produced. So, would have had to start out somewhere!

Accepting this is difficult for me and  this won’t stick with me. Consequently, we should all have a share in this market, as we do today. I hope the EU is looking at this so that they can legislate against car manufacturers’ protectionism ! Giving everyone in the garage business a fair deal. Thus allowing us to carry out electric car servicing alongside petrol engine car servicing.

Importantly, we can service “Hybrid cars” and indeed do so.

Hi I would like to introduce myself. I have been working in the garage, tyre, and battery business for 40 years. So. I worked for a couple of national tyre companies before starting my first business. Of course, I now own a company here in the UK called Pellon Tyre and Auto-centre. Blogging about anything to do with cars and their related products. Naturally, that will help my business.

Electric Car Servicing

Here at Pellon Tyre and Autocente, we carry out electric car servicing, which involves specialised maintenance procedures and diagnostics to ensure optimal performance and longevity. With the rising popularity of electric cars, it is crucial to keep up with the unique requirements of these vehicles. Expert technicians equipped with the necessary knowledge and tools are essential for the efficient servicing and repair of electric cars. 

Second-hand tyres

1 in 10 thinks the MOT test is only an OPTION?

1 in 10 thinks the MOT test is only an OPTION?

1 in 10 thinks the MOT test is only an OPTION?
1 in 10 thinks the MOT test is only an OPTION?

1 in 10 thinks the MOT test is only an OPTION?

Millions of UK motorists are clueless

about the legal requirement for MOT test, insurance, and road tax (Mot’s only cover approx 20% of your car being checked, but servicing covers approx. 70%, as I was told when I last…

As the owner of an MOT test station. 1 in 10 thinks the MOT test is only an OPTION?

Of course, I do believe these figures from the excellent Auto Express magazine. Significantly, this article makes for interesting reading ! Stating that 10% of UK motorists . Many car owners do not know that the MOT test is compulsory ! Importantly,  on cars that are over three years old,.

The British government is computerising the vehicle system. Including the whole system of car insurance and road tax, along with the DVLA MOT Rules. In my opinion, they would be better off aligning the three systems. This, of course, would make it much easier to regulate and also easier for vehicle owners to use.

1 in 10 thinks the MOT test is only an OPTION?
1 in 10 thinks the MOT test is only an OPTION?

So, it is impossible to have one thing without the other ! 1 in 10 thinks the MOT test is only an OPTION?

Of course, at the moment, they are not aligned . Incredibly, you could have a car insured without an MOT test. In my opinion, this will be the government’s aim. Because at the end of this year, the road tax disc will be abolished and the system will go online. To make it easier for UK motorists, the List of New MOT Rules and  details will probably have to be entered along with the insurance details. Thus tightening up on the whole system, which is at the moment flawed.

Today, in 2024, this will have all been implemented. 1 in 10 thinks the MOT test is only an OPTION?

Therefore, no UK vehicles have to show a tax disc ! Vehicle data is all computerised and also available at any time for police officers to check.

Hi I would like to introduce myself. Working in the Garage and tyre and Battery business now for 45 years. So. Working for a couple of national tyre companies before starting my first business. Of course, I now own a company here in the UK called Pellon Tyre and Auto-centre. Blogging about anything to do with cars and their related products. Naturally, that will help my business.

See on

Insane MOT Test Proposals

Dodgy MOT fraud crackdown

Dodgy MOT fraud crackdown

Dodgy MOT fraud crackdown
Dodgy MOT fraud crackdown

Dodgy MOT fraud crackdown

As the owner of a UK MOT testing station.

Then I just fail to understand the number of MOT stations that have been shut down for fraudulent activities. According to the attached article, there are 143 testing stations. Of one type or another have had there testing facilities removed. Consequently, I am not able to carry out any more MOT tests.

The public is now able to report stations that they feel are not truthful in one way or another. Probably leading to more investigations. The end result was a station losing its MOT testing status. The mind boggles when you realise the importance of such a great system for testing vehicle safety here in the UK.

I believe that we have to be totally honest with both the DVSA and the public who bring their vehicles to us for a honest and reliable MOT test. We do hear of horror stories coming from customers with a long list of improper failures after a test on their cars.

Could things get worse !

What frightens me the fact that we are heading in for an economic downturn. So putting pressure on people to fail cars for the sake of more income. I have been in this industry for 50 years or so now and seen all this kind of thing before.

Larger companies with massive overheads will be under even more pressure to increase their sales and profit margins. Recently, a good friend of mine decided that he had enough sales pressure from the large garage network that he worked for.

Encouraging the workers below him to report car faults that did not exist.

He did not mention specific MOT jobs but you could not rule this out. Customers were told that things needed replacing when they were perfectly fine. We have all heard of this, yet the companies keep on trading when the little guys get hit.

Finally, as long as we keep up our good reputation,

for honesty when testing cars and doing everyday servicing work, then to hell with the rest. We will not be involved in any dodgy MOT fraud crackdown.

Dodgy MOT fraud crackdown
Dodgy MOT fraud crackdown

The DVSA has published its annual report, outlining its 2020-2021 activities. Some 40,490,000 MOT certificates were issued from 2021-22, up from 38,790,000 in the previous period. Following on from the DVSA’s Beat the Rush campaign in 2020, the

Source: MOT fraud crackdown remains key focus for DVSA