
Continental Tyres Spies In Your Tyres

Continental Tyres Spies In Your Tyres

A few years ago, on a week-long bus tour of Continental Tyres UK Ltd.’s technology and engineering centres in Germany, one item attracted more attention from journalists than nearly any of the other whiz-bang connected-car stuff: a simple tyre pressure monitor.

Continental Tyres Spies In Your Tyres

Continental Tyres Spies In Your Tyres
Continental Tyres Spies In Your Tyres

Eric Roberts‘s insight:

Revolution on the Road: The Impact of TPMS Valves on Tyre Performance.

Okay, let’s get into something that’s shaking up the world of motoring, especially when it comes to keeping our tyres in tip-top shape: the mighty TPMS, or Tyre Pressure Monitoring System. It’s a handy piece of equipment that’s becoming as indispensable as a decent brew on a long journey.

For those who don’t know, TPMS is a sophisticated system that monitors your tyre pressure and informs you if it becomes too low or too high. It’s like having a little mechanic tucked away in your dashboard, continuously ensuring that your wheels are in good condition for your travel.

Why is TPMS a game changer?
First and foremost, safety is a major concern here. Properly inflated tyres are essential for safe handling and braking. Before TPMS, you had to get down and dirty with a tyre gauge to ensure your pressures were correct. But let’s be honest: how many of us did that on a regular basis? With TPMS, there is no guesswork. If something goes wrong, you’ll know right away, allowing you to fix it before it becomes a major issue.

However, it is not just about avoiding flats and blowouts. TPMS helps keep your tyres wearing evenly, allowing them to last longer. No more replacing tyres sooner than necessary because one was under a higher load than the others. That is not just beneficial for your budget; it is also good for the environment because you are not wasting tyres.

TPMS with Fuel Efficiency: A Happy Marriage.

Another benefit is that using the proper tyre pressure results in increased fuel efficiency. Think about it. Under-inflated tyres increase resistance as you roll. More resistance implies your engine is working harder and using more fuel. With current fuel prices, every penny counts, doesn’t it? TPMS keeps your tyres at the proper pressure, allowing you to use a more fuel-efficient powertrain.

A Local Perspective: Keeping Yorkshire Rolling.
Returning to our hometown of Yorkshire, we understand that our roads may be a mixed bag. From Halifax’s cobblestone streets to the twisting country routes around the moors, you’ll need your vehicle to be in top condition. TPMS provides an extra boost of confidence, whether you’re hauling items across the country or simply going to the store.

It’s also great for our local garages. This technology means that they are not only treating problems but also preventing them. It’s another string in their bow, another service they can provide to keep us safe on the roadways.

Wrapping up with a bow. Continental Tyres Spies In Your Tyres

So, there you have it: TPMS is more than just another acronym to know; it’s a true revolution in keeping our vehicles running safely and effectively. It’s about having peace of mind knowing that while you’re blasting out the songs on your trip through the Dales, your car is looking after itself and you.

Next time you stop by your neighbourhood garage, talk about TPMS. If your car is not currently equipped, it may be time to consider upgrading. After all, we all deserve a little smart tech in our lives, especially when it helps us stay safe and efficient. Let’s keep those tyres inflated up and keep enjoying the ride!

Continental Tyres Spies In Your Tyres

This article written by Bob Gritzinger. Therefore, it is all about new ideas and inventions. Thrown about by the Auto industry at the moment. Consequently, this idea from Conti has now been tested on truck tyres. But at the moment, I don’t know whether it has been a success or not.

I suspect it will be effective. Because the concept of a monitor. Hence, vulcanised into the tyre. Relaying out information electronically about such things as tyre pressures and the inside temperature of the tyre is obviously of great benefit to the driver of the vehicle.

The device will be able to aid truckers. Because it will also be able to send the driver information. Thus, about the load that the tyre is carrying. Including  the traction details of the tyre, with this gives the driver the knowledge that the full load and road conditions can be checked as the truck is rolling along. I don’t know what sort of signals the “Ice road truckers would be getting from their in-built TPMS tyres?

TPMS valves are becoming more common. Continental Tyres Spies In Your Tyres

The new Continental Tyres UK Ltd valve sends out the information. Hence, out by wireless signals. Therefore, is picked up in the cab by the driver on an in-car system very similar to the ones now where the TPMS Valves signals are fitted to the wheels. Continental Tyres UK Ltd says that this is all part the future that may introduce the driverless vehicle to our towns and cities. If an object penetrates a

tyre the system will pick up the loss of pressure and stop the car in some sort of safe area and the problem reported and fixed.

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Continental Tyres Spies in Your Tyres are still a great favourite of company boss Eric Roberts. Continuing to do so in the future drive to build sales at Pellon Tyres in Halifax.

Hydrogen fuel-cell cars

Hydrogen fuel-cell cars

Hydrogen fuel-cell cars
Hydrogen fuel-cell cars

Hydrogen fuel-cell cars

EricRoberts‘s insight:

Toyota cars go ahead with Hydrogen fuel power

As a result of more advanced research. So, hydrogen fuel cell technology has moved further on. Hence, at this moment in time companies are setting up Hydrogen fuel-cell cars filling stations all over Europe. One company that has been heavily involved is Air Liquide . Consequently,who are in the process of developing filling stations. Indeed have built 60 new Hydrogen fuel-cell cars filling stations across the World.

Air Liquide have said that these fuel-cell cars can be filled in a few minutes and the equipment that is used to fill the car is much the same as a diesel or petrol car and is just as safe.

More reading


Here in the UK we are making forward moves to build a network of Hydrogen fuel-cell cars fuel filling stations and negotiations are taking place to use the network of supermarket filling stations to accommodate Hydrogen Fuel Cells pumps alongside the standard pumps used for petrol and diesel.

This move by Toyota will bring into play a battle of the green choices; one will be fuel-cell cars and the other will be lithium-ion technologies. It will be very interesting to see who comes out on top.

So, to update the situation,

Toyota is still leading the way forward. The main stumbling block is the lack of infrastructure for customers to fill up. Importantly, German car maker BMW is also interested in pursuing its interest in hydrogen-powered cars.

So, BMW, along with the “clean energy partnership initiative” is looking to set up 130 service stations by the year 2022. Ultimately, this will allow up to 60,000 hydrogen cars to operate in Germany. Optimistically, service station locations should increase up to 400 by 2025.

Are hydrogen cars the way of the future for transportation in 2024?

Hi everyone! Let’s talk about a topic that’s hot in the automotive industry right now: hydrogen vehicle technology. By 2024, the buzz hasn’t subsided—if anything, it’s still growing louder. What’s new with these cutting-edge gadgets, then?

The Exuberance Around Hydrogen
Hydrogen cars, also referred to as “fuel cell cars” in the tech community, use a specific kind of fuel cell to convert hydrogen gas into energy.Then, this electricity powers the vehicle. The sole byproduct in this case is water, plain old H2O, unlike gas-guzzlers or even electric vehicles! It’s kind of neat, huh?

The Scene in 2024
The amount of attention being paid to hydrogen this year has really taken off, particularly in the UK. Businesses are springing up everywhere with the goal of lowering the cost and increasing the accessibility of hydrogen fuel.

The development of the infrastructure is one of the major news stories. The government is pushing for more hydrogen refuelling stations, as are some major companies in the automotive industry. Though it’s a bit of a chicken-and-egg scenario, more cars must be driven on the road in order for the stations to be justified, but more stations must be driven in order for people to purchase the cars!

The Advantages

The benefits of hydrogen are too many to mention. No emissions at all? Verify. Faster refuelling than with electric vehicles? Verify. Additionally, they provide a driving range comparable to that of regular cars, eliminating range anxiety.

The Difficulties

Still, it’s not all smooth sailing just yet. Both the fuel and the cost of these cars are still somewhat high. In addition, there is the whole charade of environmentally beneficial hydrogen production.

Local Views
We’re beginning to notice a little bit more interest in hydrogen technology here in Halifax. A new petrol station is being discussed and might be the catalyst for significant change in this area. This is an excellent chance to invest early in what might potentially be the next big thing in automotive technology.


Is hydrogen the fuel of the future for cars? There is still work to be done, but the situation appears hopeful. The encouraging progress made so far paints an upbeat picture of a cleaner, greener driving experience in 2024. Shall we keep an eye out for anything?

Hydrogen-powered vehicles can be worth your attention if you’re considering making the move or are simply interested in new technology. Who wouldn’t want to support the environment and have a smooth trip around town, after all?

Till we meet again, have a safe drive!

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