
Solar Energy Batteries

Solar Energy Batteries

The rapid development of rooftop solar and

Solar Energy Batteries
Solar Energy Batteries

Eric Roberts’ insight: Solar batteries

Ernest Moniz, the Energy Secretary of the United States

has made a statement that resonates with the discussions I’ve been having for the past few years. He envisions a future where the USA could achieve energy independence from national providers. How, you ask? Well, it all hinges on the remarkable growth of solar, renewable energy, and other sustainable resources.

And this isn’t just an American dream; Solar Energy Batteries

It’s a global shift that’s taking place right now. Across the Atlantic, both in the United States and here in the UK, it’s heartwarming to see how the public has wholeheartedly embraced the concept of generating their own clean energy. Take, for instance, the picturesque town in West Yorkshire, UK, where the residents have been tapping into the power of the sun since February.

Rows of solar panels grace their rooftops, silently converting sunlight into electricity.

What’s particularly fascinating is that this surplus electricity flows seamlessly into the grid, and the electric company rewards the homeowners for their contribution. In America, there’s a growing inclination towards storing this solar electricity for later use.

This is especially valuable in rural and isolated areas where the grid might not always be reliable. These regions have found a solution in the form of solar energy batteries. These high-capacity batteries serve as reservoirs, storing the daytime-generated electricity for nighttime use.

It’s like having a stash of sunlight in a box. Solar Energy Batteries

Now, when it comes to choosing the most effective type of solar energy battery, AGM batteries are shining stars. While they may come with a slightly higher price tag initially, they are worth every penny. The secret lies in their ability to endure a significantly higher number of charge and discharge cycles compared to standard lead-acid car batteries.

This durability means they’ll be there to support you for the long haul. If you’re considering setting up your own solar energy battery system, fret not.

There is a wealth of DIY videos available online

guiding homeowners through the process. One standout choice for solar enthusiasts is the Lucas AGM battery. These batteries are tailor-made for solar energy applications and have earned a solid reputation for their performance and reliability. Much like Secretary Moniz, I find myself pondering the future.

How far are we from a scenario where we, as individual homeowners and communities, produce more electricity than the national providers? It’s a tantalising thought, one that hints at a future where energy production is democratised.

What happens when we reach that point?

Well, it’s a question that invites exciting possibilities and perhaps some challenges too. Will there be a shift in the energy landscape? What role will the national providers play in this new era of energy independence? These are questions that deserve attention and discussion.

For those interested in delving deeper into this topic, I recommend exploring for further insights and perspectives on the evolving energy landscape. In closing, let’s keep harnessing the power of the sun and exploring the potential of solar energy. It’s a journey that promises to bring about a brighter and more sustainable future for us all

New Type of Battery: For Storing Solar Power

New Type of Battery

New Type of Battery
New Type of Battery

New Type of Battery

Aquion manufactures New Type of Battery, long-lasting batteries for storing renewable energy. (Demo: #Aquion manufactures cheap, long-lasting batteries for storing renewable energy.

EricRoberts‘s insight:

Another New Type of  Battery for solar energy  Hits the Road

Mount Pleasant in Pennsylvania will be the site for the production of yet another new type of battery. The company will be known as Aquion Energy and will start producing a new type of battery. As a result, Professor J. Whitacre was the inventor of that. So, from the material science department of Carnegie Mellon University.

These new type of battery are expected to cost about the same to produce as lead-acid ones. Naturally, those are in common use today for a multitude of applications. But are expected to last twice as long. They  will be primarily used for the storage of the solar power generated .

Significantly, solar panels for electricity and turbines.

Offering a storage facility for homes in rural and isolated areas. That uses a solar-powered off-grid system knowingly. So, which  supplies require storage for night use and bad weather when the sun is not available. At the moment, these people use different types of lead-acid engines and fossil-fueled engines powered by diesel as standby supplies when the sun does not shine for whatever reasons.

For the reasons that I have explained, this new type of battery

So, is expected to be used in countries that do not have an electric grid, but are expected to get electricity in the near future and because this new type of battery will be available for storage, then these countries will save a huge amount of money by running diesel generators when the sun does not shine and at night. I am sure that Africa will be one of the first places to benefit from such inventions.

The new company have also used ingenious ways of saving money

during the manufacturing process of the new batteries, using machines that were originally used for making aspirin pills to make the thin plates used to make the positive and negative electrode materials. They also use parts from a sweet wrapping machine to pack the electrodes together to collect current.

The company expects to start full-scale production in early 2014 and hopes to make enough batteries to supply 150 solar-powered villages.

Up-to-date information about Aquion Energy

Aquion Energy was well-known for its sustainable saltwater batteries, which provided a cutting-edge method of solar energy storage. But as of my most recent update, Aquion Energy had halted operations and filed for bankruptcy in 2017. Before the company’s demise, the Aqueous Hybrid Ion (AHI) batteries were particularly well-known for being non-toxic, non-flammable, and made of readily available materials like cotton, manganese, carbon, and saltwater.

Because of their lengthy operational life and ability to withstand thousands of cycles, these AHI batteries were special and could be used for long-term energy storage applications like solar power. Their 100% recyclable nature and ability to function across a broad temperature range further enhanced their attractiveness for use in sustainable energy systems.

Since Aquion’s bankruptcy, other businesses may have obtained part of the technology or may be creating batteries that are comparable. If you’re looking for the newest advancements in saltwater or eco-friendly solar storage solutions, you may want to check out organisations that have kept up with this technology.

Visiting the most recent technological expos, industrial shows, or conferences on renewable energy may provide information about emerging and novel storage solutions. I can research any new developments or businesses that have stepped up to lead this field of technology if you’re interested.

Aquion Energy Now back in business

See on

Car Battery Check

Car Battery Check

Car Battery Check
Car Battery Check

Car Battery Check

Make sure that your family are safe with a Car Battery Check

So, on a recent visit to France, we unfortunately broke down. Due to an electrical fault on our Peugeot van. Just by a coincidence another English vehicle in a few parking spaces near to us. Was also broke down, this vehicle was a Citroen C4 Picasso people carrier, and was occupied by a family of six , four children and their parents.

I went over to the guy, who was looking under the bonnet (hood) of his car. Tentatively,  asking him what had gone wrong. He told that the orange alternator light had come on. Sadly, but he carried on. Not suspecting that the light would cause a problem. He went on to tell me!

That he had suspected that the car may have had a dodgy battery for a few weeks

. But he just kept on charging it up. Because he did not use the people carrier very often. In fact he only used the car for family outings and visits to the sea side.

I told him that I was in the Car battery business. So, and suspected that a Battery Check would do the trick. I am amazed at the number of drivers that I come across. Consequently, who are hell bent on trying to keep a dead battery alive. Of course, by constantly trying to charge up their old, and probably dead battery up. So, trying to keep the thing alive. Most drivers fail and eventually give up their dead battery. Of course, and go out to have a professional Battery Check. Before buying  buy a new one.

Car Battery Check

We were both members of the AA, a British breakdown organisation, that covers the whole of Europe. Sure enough a breakdown truck arrived to attend to the guy with the people carrier. The system in France only allows the AA Recovery to attend a breakdown on the road side or hard shoulder of a motorway.

This is French law! I think it has something to do with protecting the livelihood of the French garage trade. Something that the French are good at,  protectionism. The English guy did have a battery test and needed a new  12 Volt Battery. The battery on the vehicle was a common size. Known to us as a 096. These batteries cost about £60 here in the UK. But the driver got a shock when the new battery cost him 140 Euros.

His breakdown cover may not have covered him for what we call renewable s, so the lesson there is do not mess about trying to resurrect your old car battery,

just go and buy a new one. The whole experience of breaking down would have put a lot of pressure on his family, not knowing if they would not reach their holiday destination or not, just for the sake of a battery test before starting off on a journey.

Car Battery Check

My wife and I have had eight children together over the past 35 years and have traveled extensively all over Europe. We have broken down a couple of times in our people carriers and so we know about the pressure that breaking down can put on the whole family. It is not worth the hassle and stress, just because you did not prepare your car and had a not knowing if they would not reach their holiday destination or not, just for the sake of a Car Battery Check before starting off on a journey.  

Since this post my dear wife of 45 years has passed away.Staggeringly, she died after three years of suffering with MND.


Recycling Li-On batteries

Recycling Li-On batteries

Recycling Li-On batteries

Motor-Trades Insight Recycling Li-On batteries

Recycling electric car batteries to provide power to homes could mean ‘an end …

EricRoberts‘s insight:

We are already talking about a second use for the old electric car batteries ?

There are four partner companies in the north-east of England. Consequently, they are Opus Green and SR Technologies, together with Tadea and Gateshead College. They are looking at the possibility of using recycled Li-On batteries . Of course, that will be changed at the end of the life period, after, say, ten years. Importantly, on such electric cars as the Nissan Leaf.

In the long run, these companies are trying to come up with ideas about the use of Recycling Li-On batteries. Hence, in conjunction  with solar panels and wind turbines, store energy for use at night rather than just put the electricity used into the National Grid. Ordinarily, we have such solar panels on the roof of my home. So, the electricity generated is transmitted via an inverter and an electric metre into the grid here in the UK.

All this work will be carried out at Gateshead College.

In this case, it is in the research and development department at Barmston Road in Sunderland. Of course, in the North East of England. The EV batteries will be tested on sight at the college.Another key point is that they will be used to power equipment that will be used in the demonstration. In my opinion, I cannot see why it should fail. Once they found a way for the solar panels to charge up Lithium-Ion batteries. I know that there have been many other types of experiments. Especially in this field, even large banks of Trojan  batteries can be made to work.

Have We Made Any Progress Towards the Recycling of Lithium-On Batteries in 2024?

The drive for more environmentally friendly and sustainable energy solutions is more intense than ever as 2024 progresses. And a significant component of this effort is determining how to efficiently Recycling Li-On batteries. One can find them in virtually every electronic device, including mobile phones and automobiles, and they are increasingly pervasive in our daily lives.

The Increasing Ashes of Batteries

To begin with, it is astounding how many lithium-ion batteries we are currently using. Consider the following: each time you replace a battery, trade in an electronic vehicle, or even dispose of an old cordless drill, there is a new one to replace. Additionally, this is a global issue, not just a local one. Nevertheless, let us concentrate on our endeavours within the United Kingdom, particularly in the vicinity of Halifax.

Pursuits for Recycling in the UK

Over the past few years, the United Kingdom has significantly increased its endeavours. An increasing number of businesses are springing up with the intention of addressing the battery recycling issue. A facility in the Northeast that is at the forefront of implementing innovative techniques stands out. An enormous step forward is that they are recovering up to 95% of the materials, as opposed to simply shredding and separating.

Moreover, in West Yorkshire, there are collaborative efforts between private enterprises and local councils to facilitate the disposal of used batteries. Local garages are sprouting collection points; you may have even noticed a few in Halifax. Ensuring minimal effort is devoted to the recycling process.

The Technological Foundation

Now, let’s get a little technical without going overboard with technology; after all, nobody wants a lecture, right? The significant advancement in 2024 will centre on purity and efficiency. New techniques that generate less waste and consume less energy are emerging.

Hydrometallurgical processing is among the most amazing developments. It may sound complex, but it consists fundamentally of extracting valuable metals such as nickel, cobalt, and lithium from used batteries using water-based solutions. Recycling facilities in the United Kingdom are rapidly adopting this environmentally preferable technique in contrast to conventional approaches.

What Will Occur Next?.Recycling Li-On batteries

In the future, the establishment of a circular economy for batteries will be the primary objective. This requires batteries to be designed from the beginning with recycling in mind. Presently, battery manufacturers and recycling companies are collaborating to ensure that the batteries of today can be transformed into resources of tomorrow. Everything hinges on closing the cycle.

A genuine effort is being made to achieve this sustainable future, not only in Halifax but also in other areas. The notion that we are all in this together is evident, whether it be through educational campaigns, local council initiatives, or simply through community effort.

Your Position.Recycling Li-On batteries

Consequently, what are your options? Ensure that any used batteries that may be lying around are delivered to an appropriate recycling facility. Be on the lookout for local collection events or drop-off locations at your nearby garage; some may even provide recycling incentives.

In conclusion, 2024 has brought us closer than ever before to a robust and efficient system for reprocessing lithium-ion batteries, although there is still much work to be done. Technology is progressing and infrastructure is expanding; therefore, we can all contribute a small amount of local effort to ensure that those batteries have a second chance. May the future be greener and more sustainable, both within and beyond Halifax!

“Malcolm Potter, Project Manager at Tadea said “This is a very exciting project for tadea to be involved in and as it’s the first of its kind within in UK to focus on how to extend the life of these batteries it’s hoped that the results will lead to further developmental work in this field.”

lead-acid batteries

lead-acid batteries

lead-acid batteries

Bill explains the essential principles of lead-acid batteries. He shows the inside of motorcycle lead-acid batteries, removes the lead and lead-oxide plates an…

Eric Roberts‘s insight:

Lead acid batteries have been around in their present form for many years.

Of course, it is only in recent times that the lead acid car battery has been overcome. Subsequently, with more modern technology, batteries As a result, those are now being developed for modern electric and hybrid car manufacturers.

Significantly, due to the rush for more environmentally friendly battery products. Such as the lithium ion! Now used are many car models, such as the Nissan leaf and the Toyota Auris hybrids.

In my opinion, though, the ever faithful lead-acid batteries, that we still use in the millions Thus, it will still be around for many years to come. They have been tried, tested, and proven for almost a hundred years since their invention in 1859 by French physicist Gaston Planté.

Nothing much has changed in the past forty years.

As an old guy then, I have bought and sold batteries now for more than 40 years. Car battery types have had modifications. Additionally, such as different lead alloys. That are now used in the manufacture of the battery plates. Increasing development of casings to help suppress and resist vibrations.

Most truck and car ones are now sealed and maintenance free. So the motorists do not have to top them up any more. Although some battery makers have the old fashioned screw tops. So that you can top up the electrolyte when the acid  has evaporated.

The big development came when the AGM lead-acid batteries was invented in 1985 for military use and was developed by Concorde batteries for commercial use outside the military. The AGM (absorbed Glass Matting) lead-acid batteries is completely sealed and now used in hundreds of applications, although once again these batteries may be slowly replaced by the Lithium-Ion batteries.

 I know that some golf trolley ones are coming out in Lithium-Ion, but at the moment they are very expensive and golfers have a reputation of shall we say, “not putting their hands in their pockets”. The Lithium-Ion’s  were also developed for the military and used on the stealth bombers and they were also used in space flight and on the Mars Lander Craft “Curiosity”.

Another recent development of the lead-acid batteries

So a new introduction has been the introduction of “stop Start” technology. Used on some new models of cars. This was developed by the World’s leading battery company, Johnson Controls. The trade name that they use for these batteries is Varta batteries. What happens is when the car stops the engine is switched off and

When the car wants to set off again, the accelerator is pressed, and the car restarts. The batteries for this job have to be more powerful than the standard lead-acid battery, so the AGM battery lead-acid batteries are used.

In my opinion, the lead-acid battery will be further developed and used in other applications that have not been invented yet and will still be a player in the crazy mix of the development of the modern car. Their big advantage is that they are almost 100% recyclable, which is more than can be said about lithium-Ion batteries.

lead-acid batteries

2000 on

Well, tech buffs, get ready! We’re launching ourselves into the enthralling world of battery technologies today! Batteries may seem uninteresting, but don’t be fooled—they’re actually incredibly powerful!

Let’s dissect it, people! Like the unsung heroes of our technologically advanced age, batteries. Batteries are the lifeblood of everything from phones to cars to watches. And most recently? They’ve undergone a mind-blowing change!

To put it straight, what are the batteries from the past?

Clunky, fleeting, and, to be honest, a little disappointing. But in the present, it seems as though we are living in a science fiction book! Oh yes, battery technology has advanced significantly, and the results are amazing!

Let’s start by discussing capacity!

The most recent batteries store energy effectively and in large quantities, much like a sponge soaking up water. That also implies quicker charging times and a lot less “low battery” anxiety.

The size is another factor. Do you remember those large batteries that made our devices heavier? Gone! Modern versions are svelte, light, and improbably small. while still having a powerful punch!

Hold on, though, there’s more magic to come!

Contemporary batteries are not only superior, but also more environmentally friendly. The newest technologies frequently emphasise longer lifespans and environmentally friendly materials. That benefits both our technology and the environment!

Durability is the icing on the cake. These modern batteries can withstand a lot! They are made to last, guaranteeing that our electronics are always charged and ready to go!

To sum everything up:

The advancement of batteries is truly remarkable. It powers our houses, our future, and our technology. These tiny power reservoirs are promising an even brighter, more electrified future as we keep pushing the limits of ingenuity.

Therefore, the next time you charge your gadget or ponder how long it lasts, consider the battery technology magic that is taking place right in front of you. Get powered and keep exploring until next time!

lead acid batteries, advantages of lead acid batteries.