
Car Hand brake- Car Repair MYTHS ? Hand Brake (Parking Brakes) Customers always want it Checking?

Car Hand brake

Things that motorists still ask for when having a car repair.(Car Hand brake)

Consequently, this is an article about some of the things that motorists ask for or ask us to check. Hence, when they leave their car with us for servicing. I have to admit that most of these guys are male. Thus, from the older generation of motorists.Naturally, who remember some of the problems that they used to encounter in the past. Of course, on some of the older model cars that were driven then.

Therefore,one of the most asked questions is “Can you just adjust my Car Hand brake”. This comes from the days when I was a young mechanic. So all you had to do to adjust the hand brake on most regular cars. Was to take out a split pin, and turn a screw thread. Of course, to either lengthen or shorten the hand brake cables.Thus giving you more leverage from the handbrake in the brake shoes.

When the handbrakes finally snapped with rust or age. Then, all you had to do was replace it with a new cable,”simple”. This type of hand brake system was always failing. Especially, when you pulled on the hand brake.So, the cable would snap. This, was responsible for many an accident.With cars parked on hills running away. However, this is the type of Car Hand brake that some motorists think their car is fitted with. Thus,thinking that it is only a ten minute job to adjust (at probably no cost to him ).

(Parking Brake)

As the modern car progressed. So it was clear that better braking systems had to developed. As a result, cars were getting faster, then they had to stop more efficiently and quickly. This brings us up to date. Consequently, with more and more car manufacturers using discs on all four corners of their cars. Not fitting the drums system at the rear. (Some newer cars still have drums at the rear, but more are favouring four wheel disc systems, for greater braking efficiency). Modern cars also have a separate handbrakes system. Including, their own drums system. Thus, working in conjunction with the rear discs. of course, which are virtually a separate system from the main brakes. Many cars are now fitted with duel cables. So, that are better protected from the outside elements (corrosion) .Most Car Hand brake on modern cars are much more complicated to service. Of course, now are one and two hour jobs to complete. Some smaller cars have still got rear drums. A Car Hand brake that works by connecting to the Rear Brake Shoes. Requiring freeing off from time to time. Also and lubricating as part of a regular service. But I am afraid that the cables still seize up and have to be come to us for a Car Hand brake Cable Replacement  from time to time especially as the car gets older.

brake is now a different animal?

In the more up to date modern car with disc brakes all round there is an additional lever and cork screw mechanism that is added to the calipers piston. When the driver pulls the hand brake on in the car, the lever forces the cork screw against the same piston that activates the foot pedal system.

This system also has problems with seizing parts and will take more than ten minutes to free off and lubricate for further use. There are other systems such as used by Volvo, that incorporate a separate drum with its own Ferodo Brake Shoes that is connected to the rear discs, this can also be a long job to service correctly.

To summarise the “can you just adjust my Car Hand brake” days are over, we as a garage need to take more time to repair and adjust the modern car hand brake system and indeed what we do is to offer a separate service just to do the cars braking system justice and to offer a first class brake service.