

Van Battery Care

Van Battery Care

Van Battery Care
Van Battery Care

Van Battery Care

EricRoberts‘s insight:

Give your car battery a winter check

As we all know winter is just around the corner here in the Northern hemisphere. The weather is turning colder at night and this will affect the performance of your car battery. To keep you car battery lasting longer there are one or two things that you can do.

If your van battery has the old-type screw tops, then you can inspect the level of acid in your battery, With Van Battery Care, this can be checked and remedied.

If this is something that you have to do at frequent intervals,

then it means that the battery is boiling and could have a faulty alternator. You should top up the battery with distilled water and recheck it a few days later to see if the level has dropped again. If the level has dropped, then you should get your alternator checked at a good garage.

If are reading this in the UK and you do not know of a good garage, then look up the nearest independent garage in your area, they have safeguards to protect you the customer and a fair price policy, but more than that they can be trusted.

Also, another Van Battery Care tip

Of course, is to look out for white coloured powder on the top of the  battery. This indicates a leak around the terminals, the white powder is dried battery acid. You can clean it off using a cup full of warm water. But if it is a recurring problem. So, it means that the battery is on its way out.Needing replacing! Before it lets you down, on your deliveries. It is a good idea to always keep a Car Battery Charger and a 12V Voltmeter,to hand. As it may just keep you going for a few more winter days. Of course, until you can buy Cheap Car batteries Online.

This is about the limit that you can go to check

over your battery and look after it. After all, as I have said, the last thing you want is for the battery to let you down when you

least expect it and having to be towed to the nearest garage to have it seen to, and paying over the odds because you are stranded. That is if they have a battery to fit your car, you may have to wait another day if they have to order a new battery.

More reading…”If you often see leaks under your car, it’s about time to check your van battery. Extreme weather condition can cause the battery to crack and leak.

Van batteries sometimes leak highly corrosive acid, which is harmful to your van and to you as well. Good van battery care will ensure this does not happen?. Cleaning up a battery leak is easy, but you should observe the utmost caution when dealing with battery acid to prevent injury.”

mot testing and car servicing

How Air Filters Work

How Air Filters Work

How Air Filters Work
How Air Filters Work

How Air Filters Work

Chevy High Performance Magazine

For performance air filter manufacturers like Air aid, determining the ideal filter design for each vehicle application is a balancing act between optimal flow and packaging constraints.

EricRoberts‘s insight:


So, as we all know, All filters are very important parts of your cars performance system. They help your engine breathe easily by filtering out the dirt and dust that enters your car engine. The car engine sucks in tremendous amounts of air. Importantly, this air must be perfectly clean.

It is amazing what the engine will sink in. Especially in summer! Of course, it sucks in millions of insects and dust particles. Including in autumn and winter!

So, apart from dirt and grime, How Air Filters Work

The engine sucks in leaves. Even water from the winter rains. All these things can end up in the engine compartment and eventually be sucked into the inlet ports. But your air filter stops all this from happening.

The cabin filter is most often encased in a plastic holder, or older cars could be made of metal. This casing is a secondary filter safeguard and is sometimes they are shaped like kitchen pans, with the air intake looking like the pan handle, but the more modern cars have them shaped to fit in with the engine compartment. The plastic box has its own filter slits which helps trap larger objects such as leaves.

Air Filters

It is therefore very important to have your car serviced at regular intervals and to make sure that the garage changes the oil and other filters by asking them to see the old ones when you pick the car up. If you do not change the air filter, it will slowly clog up with dirt and starve your engine from oxygen.

This will hamper the performance of your car. The biggest problem is in Fuel-injected cars, because a dirty oil filter will hamper the performance of your car. It is great when a customer has just had his car serviced and notices the difference in the cars performance, this is usually because of the new air and oil filters.

Of course, all  filters are manufactured by many different companies, but here in Halifax, UK we use quality replacement filters on all models.

Ten Year Old Tyres Ban

Potholes Damage Tyres

Potholes Damage Tyres

‘One pothole every mile’ on roads Halifax Evening Courier It added that UK councils had received 32,600 compensation claims in 

Eric Roberts‘s insight:

Potholes damage tyres

This is the sort of thing that we have been harping on about for years. Year after year, we all complain about the potholes, but nothing seems to get done.

Most of the potholes are due to poor road repairs by contractors, but I suppose that the local councils should have guys check the contractors workmanship along the way.

Potholes Damage Tyres

I must admit that this year in the Kirklees district of West Yorkshire,

we seem to be having road works come out of our ears. Indeed, the main Bradley to Barnsley road was closed for total resurfacing because of the potholes for at least two weeks, but they have repaired all the horrible potholes and the road is now a pleasure to drive on.

When Will Councils Resolve the Pothole Crisis? West Yorkshire and Our Halifax: A Glance Home
Hello everyone! What’s the status? Now that I’ve got your attention, if you’ve ever driven through West Yorkshire, particularly here in Halifax, you’ll understand what I’m about to say about those blimmin’ potholes.

Sometimes it feels like driving on the moon, I swear. So what’s going on? Will local government ever be able to control the pothole crisis? Let’s get started, shall we?

The bane of West Yorkshire’s roads are potholes.

Like me, you’re tired of it all. You’re riding along one second, and then BAM! You’ve come upon a crater. Not only is it bothersome, but it also poses a risk to your safety and wrecks havoc on your car’s suspension. It’s also not an uncommon occurrence. It seems like there are potholes everywhere in West Yorkshire, especially around Halifax.

Councils, why the delay? Potholes Damage Tyres

Why then the delay? Choose between money, resources, or bureaucracy. Whatever the cause, it is nevertheless a truth that the problem persists. We pay our council tax and road tax, however the roads are still in disarray. Councils, hurry up! Make it right!

Are there any changes? Potholes Damage Tyres

The local councils are reportedly receiving additional funds to address the issue, according to rumours. At least it’s a beginning. Yet, it moves about as slowly as a snail hauling a bag of potatoes. There have been rumours, though, that these potholes are being filled using more effective techniques. Better materials, new equipment, and the like. Let’s hope they have an impact, huh?

A Salute to Halifax, Our Home

As a native of Halifax and owner of a garage company, I can now clearly see how this problem is having an effect. Due to these potholes, I have seen several customers arrive at my shop with wheel and suspension issues. If local authorities are listening, Halifax urgently needs your attention!

The Future Route

Overall, the pothole situation in West Yorkshire and Halifax leaves much to be desired, despite the fact that there are some glimmering signs of promise. The councils need to step up their game and begin tarmacing immediately.

In summary

There you have it, folks. We’re still waiting for the local government to effectively address the pothole situation. But hey, we’re British; aren’t we accustomed to waiting? We can only hope that the additional funds and innovative approaches will begin to make a difference in the issue.

Thank you for listening to my whine about our moon-like roads. Keep avoiding those craters, and you know where to find us if you require any repairs.

The effects of these potholes are that Potholes Damage Tyres,

including wheels and suspension. Especially the coil springs. There are many drivers now claiming pothole damage compensation. Putting claims into the local councils for pothole damage tyres

At one stage, we were having to fail a large percentage of MOT tests. Because of the broken springs due to potholes and speed bumps here in the Halifax area. This excellent article tells of some of the figures and costs relating to these holes in the road.

We are now in the year 2020! Potholes are still a problem all over the UK. Consequently, the government has thrown millions at the problem. However, potholes are still a major problem. Including on our high-speed motorways.

Independent garages lead MOT testing

MOT Test Combined with Car Servicing

MOT Test Combined with Car Servicing

MOT Test Combined with Car Servicing
MOT Test Combined with Car Servicing

MOT Test Combined with Car Servicing

Unlike a vehicle MOT test, servicing is not a legal requirement for your vehicle. However, you will probably find that regular servicing can help to keep everything.

Eric Roberts‘s insight:

Pre-testing your car can mean the difference between passing and failing the MOT test when it comes time for testing. Consider it as giving your vehicle some TLC before the examiners arrive.

A service helps identify any minor concerns, such as worn-out brake pads, malfunctioning lights, or even low fluid levels, that could become serious problems during the MOT. In addition to increasing your car’s chances of passing the test, taking care of these issues beforehand can guarantee that it operates smoothly and safely when driving. You might also avoid the inconvenience of having to retake the test, which nobody likes!

To be honest, most of our customers do have an MOT test and service at the same time. This practice gives the car owner peace of mind that their car is in reasonable condition for at least 12 months up to the next annual testing time. Of course, this doesnt count for any mechanical failure of a part.

We all must be responsible for our cars servicing and  test

Sometimes I find it a great shame. Incredibly, we are in the motor trade. Insistently, you have to keep harping on about servicing your cars. One of the main excuses in recent times! Of course, there has been a recession. Recently, car drivers just haven’t had any spare cash to spend on their vehicles. Consequently, we have all seen people just putting £10’s worth of fuel into their cars at the filling station? Ridiculous, but true !

MOT Test Combined with Car Servicing
MOT Test Combined with Car Servicing

In my opinion,

I think that these people should have some kind of budget. A sort of “piggy bank” and save to have their vehicle serviced. Including any mechanical work required when it goes in for its annual vehicle test. Incidentally, it is estimated that 4.7 million people miss their mot testing date. I am sure that drivers either just flaunt the law or are not aware that driving your

A car without a valid MOT test certificate is an offence referenced in Section 47 of the 1988 Road Traffic Act.

Also, driving without an MOT test.

will make your insurance invalid, and you may receive a fine of up to £1000. Is it really worth it when you can have a vehicle test and a service for most average family saloons for around £150? If you are not sure where you can go to have your vehicle serviced, you should go online and look for your nearest local independent garage; they will offer you excellent service at a fair price.

Once you have had your MOT test and service you should be safer for another year, although I recommend that you have an engine oil and filter change in between the tests to be on the safe side. Also, do not forget to check your levels at regular intervals, say once a week, and top them up when required.

Here we are now at the back end of 2024, nearing Christmas time, and the price of fuel has plummeted. The only problem is that the price of oil and petrol is not following as fast. The experts say that it may take a little longer for this to take place, but I was just wondering if services for cars would also be coming down. I am not so sure , but I suspect so.

car brakes problem





Along with your tyres , your car’s brakes are the most important (and sometimes most neglected) part of your car. I have been guilty of neglecting my brakes. Especially, when I was a young man. When I was a young mechanic, I borrowed a car from my then-boss, Peter.

Peter said that I could, but I must check the car’s brakes. Also. the engine levels before setting off on my journey. I was heading for Blackpool. a seaside resort on the west coast of the UK. On our return home, we started to pass through a town called Preston.

I was doing the statutory speed of 30 mph

and was approaching a pedestrian crossing. Of course, I should have had to stop. But, when I pressed the brake pedal,. Then there was nothing there. Hence, the pedal went straight to the floorboards.

Consequently, I had to swerve the car to miss a guy walking across the crossing. Ending up on the pavement (sidewalk). I rapidly pumped the pedal and managed to get some brakes. Thus, on the pedal. Luckily, the vehicle came to a stop. My  friends and I managed to push the car to a garage filling station. Of course, a hundred yards down the road.


 I lifted the bonnet (hood) only to find that the car brake fluid was at zero level.. in the fluid reservoir. I felt a cold chill down my spine. Because I remembered what my boss Peter had said. Just the day before we set off. We managed to buy some Tesco brake fluid and top up the reservoir.

The car brakes pumped about halfway up. Luckily, the car would stop when I pressed the pedal. So, we limped home back to Yorkshire, UK. Subsequently, it was a rather terrifying experience. Of course, which I vowed would never happen again. Lessons were learned that day. As a result, I am going to spell out a few important things about the care of your brake discs. Hence, for your understanding,. Before you embark on a journey or indeed at any time that you own a car,.

CHECK YOUR CAR BRAKES regularly Your brakes are a life saver

The British MOT test has been a great step forward towards the safety of our cars and our roads. When your car is having it’s annual MOT test, we check everything on that car ( to the  VOSA MOT test specifications). One of the problems with old was the checking of your car brake pipes.

Brake pipes connect all four-wheel braking systems and the cylinders and brake pedals and are fixed under the car, exposed to all the elements. A special coating of wax, oil, or occasionally just grease protects them.

Despite all the protection,. The corroded brake pipes would rust and then start to leak the brake fluid, eventually causing the brakes to fail, similar to what happened to me in Preston.


The MOT test makes sure that all your brake pipes (lines) are in good working order, and if not, the car will fail the test and the pipes will have to be replaced. If you are not sure about the condition of your brake pipes, you can get them checked out at your local independent garage, free of charge, or at the local garage that you use at the moment.

You must always check the brake fluid

in the reservoir under your bonnet, and top it up if required with the correct fluid. Check your brake pedal; it should feel nice and solid. If it goes too far down, then have yours checked by a professional garage or mechanic. Don’t take risks, you should not have to pump your pedal to get a good brake.

Your brake fluid should be changed every so often; this can be done when you have your car serviced, Your local garage will be able to ascertain when, by looking it up on his service
computer for your model of car, we use the Autodata system for checking out the fluid change times.

Check your car’s brakes regularly, including the fluid levels.

Also, you should check your disc brakes and Car Brake Pads. These are the parts that constantly wear out and need replacing with brake pipe kits when they get down to a certain thickness.

When the pads wear down to the the metal part of the pads

then this is when you can hear a loud grinding noise that frightens the driver to death. Once again, if this happens, you should have your car’s brakes checked by a professional mechanic or your local garage.

Once again, if you have your car serviced when you have your annual MOT test then your brakes will be checked and should be fine for the next year. If your brake pedal does not feel right or goes further down than it should before you get a brake, then have the car checked out. Until an expert has examined the vehicle, do not drive.

Car Tyres Repair Specialists

Flat Tyres A Guide for Women

Flat Tyres A Guide for Women
Flat Tyres A Guide for Women

Flat Tyres A Guide for Women

Flat Tyres A Guide for Women

Sometimes it may be great to play a damsel in distress. So, have a strong and well-toned man fix your flat tyre. Importantly,  I think every woman ought to know how to change to the spare wheel. After all, having your tyre blown is never something anyone plans. Of course, you may not have any eager boy scout waiting around to rescue you. There is no need to keep the wheel changing in a man’s domain. times are changing and you should too. It’s time to empower yourself and get ready to tackle that flat tyre !

 1. First of all, if there is a place for you to move your car out of the way,!

So, if there is a place to where you can get out of the way, then move your car there. Make sure oncoming traffic will be able to see you. Turn on your hazards and if you have a warning triangle,. Then place where it will be clearly visible. Also, make sure the place you move your vehicle to is as flat as possible. Avoid soft ground and inclines. Whenever possible, place some bricks, blocks, or large rocks. Naturally, under your car to prevent your car from rolling backwards.

2. If you have hubcaps, remove them. Flat Tyre: A Woman’s Guide

These are the covers on your wheels. Check your manual on how to remove them. I highly suggest you look at this beforehand, not when you have already blown a tyre.

3. Next, you need to remove the wheel nuts.

These are the nuts or bolts that hold your wheel in place. You will need a wheel brace to do this. Of course, the wheel brace comes in different shapes and sizes. Commonly known as a “spider.”. So, the spider wrench is the T-shaped wrench. Of course, that should be together with all your other tools. The shape of the wrench makes for easy leverage. However, if your upper-body strength is lacking, you may not have the heft or muscle needed to loosen the lug nuts. Importantly, you may have to resort to stepping on the T-arm to obtain better leverage. Always remember, left to loosen and right to tighten.

4. Now you need your car jack to raise your car. Flat Tyres A Guide for Women

Most cars have a flat plate behind the front wheels and just in front of the back ones for this purpose. Place the jack under the “jacking point” nearest to the tyre to be changed ! Raising the jack with the jack handle to meet the jacking point plate. Double check and make sure your car will be steady once it is raised. Safety is crucial whenever you are working with your car. Now raise your car about 15 cm of the ground. Don’t forget that when you re-fit an inflated spare wheel.Thus, will need room so make sure there is enough space for the spare to be placed on.

 5. by grabbing it with both hands, one on each side.

So after removing the wheel nuts!  Pull the flat wheel straight and off. Quickly line up your spare with the bolts and slide it on. Replace the lug nuts, but do not tighten them completely. When you have lowered your car, use the lug wrench to tighten the lug nuts in opposite pairs. Make sure these are as tight as possible! Because you absolutely do not want your tyre to come off when you start driving away.

 6. It’s time to clean up and put things back in place. Flat Tyres A Guide for Women

Put all your tools together and place them back where they were stored. Always put them back in the same place so you know where to find them in case of emergencies. Knowing where all of the tools are before you get into an emergency situation is suggested. Put your flat tyre where your spare one was, and make sure to have it fixed right away.

7. Of course, many cars don’t have spares now! Flat Tyres A Guide for Women

Many cars now run on run-flat tyres and do not have a spare wheel. In my opinion, this is a great idea! So when a puncture occurs, the driver can carry on driving the car. Albeit at a steady 50 mph! Cars with runflats can then make their way to a tyre centre and have the problem attended to. Some cars only carry a can of air sealant and no spare wheel. This idea is to save on the weight of the car and reduce emissions.

8. I would advise most ladies to join a motoring organisation. Flat Tyres A Guide for Women

Although that you now know how to change your flat tyre ! I would strongly recommend that all motorists, not just ladies, join one of the road side assistance companies. So we all must have noticed how busy our roads are now getting. Especially, on the motorways. Recently, I had the dis-pleasure of having a tyre blowout on the M1 motorway.

Of course, it was dark and raining and was a very frightening experience. However, it is a job that I have done all my life and quickly changed the wheel at the roadside. However, it did open my mind to the thought that this would have been horrific for a lady driver to attempt this task. Simply put, it would be far better to join the “AA” “Green Flag” or “RAC“. Naturally putting your mind at rest !

 A woman alone with her car and a flat tyre could be a signal for the less-than-honourable to take advantage of the situation. If you have no recourse but to change the tyre yourself, make sure you have some form of protection nearby, like pepper spray. Also, make sure to call a friend or relative to let them know what happened when your tyre blows so someone is aware of where you are and the situation you are in. This will at least give people you know information of your whereabouts.

9, Having your tyres in good condition is one way to avoid a flat tyre.

While some causes, like a puncture from a nail or other sharp object, cannot be avoided,. So, keep your tyres well inflated. Along with careful driving, it will lessen the chances of your having to change a flat in the future.

And if you need new tyres,! Contact us on as we are independently owned tyre centres across the UK . Consequently, to help you find the right tyre for your needs,. Its knowledgeable and professional staff will be able to give you brand-neutral car safety advice to help you make the right decision for your tyre needs. And if your car needs other types of auto service, they offer that as well.

• An open and honest approach with the customers

• A high standard of work and excellent value for money

• 12 month guarantee on parts and labour

• An open invitation to inspect, review and rate the garages of your choice to make the best informed decision for your needs

 Stay safe on the road, ladies!

So in 2024, we have become members of to help promote tyre safety.

car brakes problem

Noisy Car Brakes

Noisy Car Brakes

noisy car brakes
Car Brakes-Friction Zone

Noisy car brakes

I was surprised to see this nice-looking red car 

Being the owner of a busy garage has many “ups and downs.”. One of the more pleasant aspects of the job is seeing the number of different cars and car models that would appear in any given week.

This past week has seen cars as diverse as a Rolls Royce Wraith ( which was one of only 220 cars produced) to a Wolsey Hornet Mini from the late 1960s, not counting the everyday cars such as Ford Fiestas and VW Golfs. We had a Citroen DS3 call in to us early in the week with rattling car brakes.

It was in my favourite colour, a very bright red ( I love red cars). We put the citroen car with the Noisy Car Brakes on a ramp and removed all the wheels to check the Brakes, and sure enough, the front pads were worn down to the metal and the friction from “metal to metal” had also damaged the front discs. The rear brakes were cleaned and checked and were good for further use.

We contacted the customer and was given the go-ahead to replace the brakes

Of course, this meant that the customer was getting good-quality brakes with a nation-wide guarantee. The  job was completed and the customer went on his way. Importantly, I took a couple of pictures because I am a great fan of the Citroen DS3.

The colours are very bright and modern-looking,

with a choice of 11 colours and four different roof colours, You can even have colour-coded alloy wheels and different carpet designs. There is also a sports version known as the D-Sport, which comes with blue teeth and climate control. The car also include 17-inch alloy wheels; the one I looked at came with Yokohama tyres and looked great. They also come out with additional body modifications and really look very stylish.

This car, in my opinion, is a great tribute

to the new Citroen DS3 designers, who had to compete with the BMW Mini and the great little Fiat 500.

More reading…

The DS3 is the first in a range of very different Citroen models that put the emphasis on style and personality, along with strong performance and driver appeal. With its stylish look and compact size, it’s easy to see why so many comparisons have been drawn with the popular MINI and Fiat 500.

We are now members of

“The engine combines strong low-rev performance – 110bhp at 3600rpm and 199lb ft at 2000rpm, enough for a sub-10.0sec 0-60mph time – with a claimed 62.8mpg (combined cycle) and 118g/km of CO2 emissions, which sees annual road tax costing just £20…”EVO


Tyresafe Partworn Campaign

Tyresafe Partworn Campaign

Tyresafe Partworn Campaign

Tyresafe Partworn Campaign
Tyresafe Partworn Campaign

Tyresafe Partworn Campaign

Part-worn tyres Tyres false economy.

Post updated: 2/2/2014

Tyresafe Campaign about worn tyres: are they just not worth the money ?

Eric Roberts‘s insight:

TyreSafe: Promoting UK Road Safety


Hi everyone! Let’s talk about TyreSafe today, a company that has been making waves in the road safety industry. These people are the ones working behind the scenes to make our roads safer, lower the number of accidents, and raise awareness of tyres. TyreSafe is an unsung hero for all drivers in the UK, particularly those of us in Halifax who need all the safety we can get when navigating those curving roads.

TyreSafe: Who Are They?

TyreSafe is a UK charity that was founded in 2006 with the goal of educating people about the significance of tyre safety and maintenance. They have developed into one of the most significant bodies for tyre safety over the years, putting forth endless effort (pun intended) to lower the number of mishaps involving tyres on our roadways. Their activities range from public education to advocating for improved rules and procedures.

The Value of TyreSafe’s Contribution

Informing the Public-Tyresafe Partworn Campaign

Informing drivers of the vital role tyres play in vehicle safety is one of TyreSafe’s primary goals. To be honest, most of us don’t think twice about our tyres until something goes wrong. By offering useful information on tread depth, proper tyre pressure, tyre maintenance and other topics, TyreSafe seeks to change that. They conduct promotions all year long to remind us to check our tyres and practice safety, particularly during Tyre Safety Month in October.

Encouraging Frequent tyre checks

You might be surprised at the number of accidents that poorly maintained tyres cause. Campaigns from TyreSafe frequently stress the value of routine tyre inspections. Making small adjustments, such as checking your tyres for damage and monitoring your tread depth, can help you avoid major accidents. Halifax has a mix of rural and urban roads, so it’s important to keep our tyres in good condition.

Working Together with Partners- Tyresafe Partworn Campaign

TyreSafe does not work alone. To disseminate their message widely, they work with a variety of partners, such as regional administrations, law enforcement agencies, and other safety organisations. They make sure that a wide range of people, including city drivers and residents of more rural areas like ours, see their safety messages and educational materials thanks to their collaboration with these partners.

The Local Significance of TyreSafe

Handling the Halifax Climate

The weather in Halifax is erratic, to say the least, and we are all aware of it. Our tyres suffer a lot, from sudden cold snaps to torrential rain. The recommendations provided by TyreSafe regarding appropriate tyre pressure and tread depth are particularly relevant in this situation. Our roads are dangerous due to the wet and slippery conditions, and having properly maintained tyres can mean the difference between a near miss and an accident.

Getting About Our Roads- Tyresafe Partworn Campaign

It’s not exactly the case that Halifax has smooth, level roadways. The terrain is hilly and windy, so the tyres need to be suitable for the job. We can tackle these roads with confidence because to TyreSafe’s emphasis on choosing the appropriate tyres for the weather and making sure they’re in good condition. Using their resources, we are able to select the best tyres for our cars that are appropriate for the driving conditions in our area.

Participation in the Community

Partnerships and local events are frequent features of TyreSafe’s campaigns. TyreSafe has a noticeable presence in our community, whether it be through tyre check events held at neighbourhood garages or partnerships with local law enforcement on road safety initiatives. These gatherings serve as a means of community building and education, serving as a constant reminder that everyone has a shared responsibility for road safety.

Ways to Participate
Keep up-to-date

Being informed is the best way to help TyreSafe. Make sure to read their recommendations, follow their promotions, and incorporate regular tyre safety checks into your car maintenance schedule. Since information is a powerful tool, being knowledgeable about tyre safety will increase your ability to drive safely.

Get the Word Out

Discuss tyre safety with your neighbours, family and friends. Urge them to share TyreSafe’s resources and to check their tyres on a regular basis. Our roadways will be safer the more people who are aware of it.

Take Part in Local Activities

Watch out for Halifax TyreSafe events. By taking part in these activities, you help the larger community’s endeavour to improve road safety in addition to yourself.

Final Thoughts

One company that really does make a difference is TyreSafe. Their commitment to tyre safety makes driving safer and more pleasurable while preventing accidents and saving lives. TyreSafe’s work is crucial here in Halifax, where the roads can be as treacherous as the weather. Thus, let’s all do our share by spreading awareness, keeping educated, and checking those tyres. Everyone, drive carefully!

Recall to visit our garage if you require any guidance or a tyre inspection. We are here to help you maintain your driving safety in light of TyreSafe’s excellent work.

Pellon Tyres is now a member of

Insane MOT Test Proposals

Independent Car Care centres

Independent Car Care centres

Independent Car Care centres-Cars are among the most essential parts of our lives.

Independent Car Care centres
Independent Car Care centres

Virtually everyone owns their own vehicle. Whether it is for public use or private use. To ensure that your vehicle maintains its pristine condition. So, it is essential to periodically visit  to your Independent Car Care centres. Car care centres are ideal destinations for repairing and maintaining vehicles. There are numerous benefits that vehicle owners attain when they take their vehicles to these dealers.

  1. The first benefit is that these centres possess expert mechanics. Who have mastered every minute detail about automobiles. This lets them handle any form of issue with your vehicle. Consequently, they may undo most significant damages to your automobile. They typically repair, check or service your batteries, wiper blades, tyre pressure, clutch, lights, brakes and engine. These repairs will ensure that your vehicle remains pristine. That will protect it from the strain it typically faces.
  2. The second benefit is that the mechanics offer peace of mind . They have mastered virtually everything about vehicles due to their immense experience along with their training. Whatever make or model your vehicle might be. The mechanics know all of its workings. To them, it is irrelevant whether your vehicle is vintage, rare or foreign. They also possess all the ideal pieces of equipment. Along with tools to repair or to service your vehicle. They guarantee that your vehicle’s condition will improve. Hence, the mechanics offer peace of mind as you remain assured that they are the most ideal experts to handle your vehicle.
  3. The third benefit is that these care centres mechanics are cost-effective. Their charges typically reflect the type of repair or service they perform. If your vehicle has sustained extensive damage or requires extensive servicing. So, their services will reflect that. In fact, their charges are often reasonable with immense damages. Likewise, their charges are relatively minute if your vehicle does not need plenty of work. The mechanics, in addition, are insured. This means that they will not charge for any issues that may arise when they attempt to repair or service your vehicle.

Independent Car Care centres offer more care for your car

The fourth benefit is that the mechanics offer additional services. For instance, if your car has broken down somewhere and you cannot move it, you may hire them t

o tow your vehicle. This will be considerably more affordable and convenient than paying an independent towing company. The mechanics also offer ideal advice. Your vehicle may require new parts like brakes or headlights. If so, these professionals may offer advice on the type of  Online Catalogue are most ideal.

For instance, there are brand new spare parts that are considerably expensive. But are essential for certain parts, like gearboxes. There are also recycled spare parts which are affordable and may be ideal for parts like headlights. They may also offer advice on whether a particular component needs to be repaired or if it requires replacement. Independent Car Care centres advice is primarily to suit you and your budget.

On the whole, Unipart car care centres are ideal centres for having your vehicle repaired or serviced. They are affordable and effective. We have now left the Unipart scheme, and it will make no difference to our customer service going forward.

lead-acid batteries

Quality Car batteries

Quality Car batteries

Quality Car batteries

Quality Car batteries
Quality Car batteries

Quality Car batteries; driving the car in winter conditions

One of the most obvious but important parts of winter driving is to prepare  for the bad weather that will be certain to affect us. We experience a lot of bad weather every winter. So, most of us will get caught out and unprepared for the journey back home from shopping or from work.

This happens time and time again.

Of course, there are too many motorists who get caught in heavy rain. Especially flooding similar to the weather this week or a really fast and heavy snow storm. If you check your car out, you will eliminate most of the worry of bad road conditions. Feeling safer and glad that you were prepared.

  • It always pays to have your car checked at an independent local garage for a pre-winter check.
  • This takes the form of checking your levels for antifreeze. To make sure that it has the correct strength to withstand freezing temperatures. Also, your screen wash and oil levels must be checked. The early dark nights also call for your lights to be checked. How many times do you see a car with only one head on that looks like a motorcycle from a distance ?.
  • The most important things to check are your tyres. I know that I harp on about it, but please buy a set of winter tyres. So, this alone will help you on wet and snow-covered winter roads and give you much more confidence when travelling out to work or to the shops. Many more drivers are now switching to winter tyres and are spreading the news to their relatives and friends. They really do make a massive difference when driving on the roads in the winter.
Check the depth of the water before

going through in your car

Other advice now relates to flooding. Flooding has now become a common scene here in the UK. When you approach a flood, please take care not to take your vehicle  in too deep. Try to avoid the flooded road if possible. Especially if you must go across the water, make sure you stop and check your brakes on the other side. Of course, a minor point is that water could damage your exhaust pipes and catalytic converter a few weeks later. Another part of the car that is neglected in winter is your car battery.

You can easily be caught stranded away from home

if your battery lets you down. If your vehicle is over 5 years old, it may be better for you to change the battery for a new one before your old battery lets you down. Remember, it always happens when you are away from home and will cost you less to replace it than expensive breakdown charges. If you do have to buy a new battery, make sure that you choose Quality Car Batteries. They often come with a better warranty and will last longer

For more reading…


“ Quality Car batteries rarely last longer than five years so you may want to consider replacing your battery for the winter season. If you see any corrosion around the battery’s contact points, clean off with a wire brush to ensure a strong connection”…


“Winter has well and truly set in now, with flooding in some parts of the UK and snow and ice forecast. So what can you do to make sure getting from A to B is as safely as possible?”…