
Yorkshire Car drivers

Yorkshire Car drivers

Yorkshire Car drivers
© Can Stock Photo / XXLPhoto

Yorkshire Car drivers

Yorkshire Car drivers BEWARE of M1 and M62 Speed Cameras

So, I am a resident of Kirklees and have been a user of the M62 motorway ever since it was built. In my opinion, it has been a great asset to the people of West Yorkshire and Lancashire. In fact, I do not know what we would have done. Including, how the roads would have coped without this motorway.

The big problem with the motorway, as we all know,. Of course, there are stretches between junction 25 (Brighouse turn off) and junction 27 (Gildersome turn off). Over the years, this stretch has had many accidents and hold-ups. So, making it one of the major black spots on the UK motorways. It came as great relief to the Yorkshire Car drivers, “including myself.”. When it was announced that this section of the M62 was to be upgraded and turned into a controlled system,. Similar to the one in Birmingham on the M 42 and part of the M 1 Motorway south of Sheffield.

50 MPH Road works

The work began about three years ago. Strangely, we were all subjected to a 50 mph speed limit. With many delays due to accidents and vehicles breaking down,. Eventually, the work progressed, and we started to see the rise of the gantries covered in motorway traffic cameras over the road. Which would be used to control the traffic in the various lanes. I could not wait, and gradually the work was completed. As a result, the speed signs direct us to what speed we should be doing.

In my opinion,

The new system is excellent, and it is nice to see some progress on the road system for Yorkshire car drivers in the North, where I believe that previous governments have heavily neglected us in all fields of investment. As I drive all around the country, I cannot believe the investment that has been poured into the South and places like Wales and Scotland. I truly think that we have been starved of money here in West Yorkshire at the hands of politicians to please other regions of the country.

However, we must not complain that the car driving population of Yorkshire has now got a new controlled section of the great M62, knowing that we will see fewer holdups and witness fewer delays.

Keep your car speed below 70 mph?

There is, however, one thing that we should all watch out for, “DON’T TAKE YOUR CAR ABOVE THE 70 MPH LIMIT.”. It is now known that when the traffic lights are off, the speed cameras are still working and have been “flashing” drivers who have been exceeding the speed limit. I am an older driver and rarely take my car over the limit, but there are thousands of Yorkshire car drivers who think that the limit is now 80 mph. So when you are driving your car on this section of the M62, beware, the speed cameras are there to get you.

Speed Camera Gantry signs now in operation ?

As an update, I have observed that the gantries are regularly switched onto the white cross over each lane. Signifying the no speed limit signs . The information box on top says “Speed Camera.”. In my opinion, this is a good development! I presume that this is a clear signal, and any driver exceeding 70 MPH will be flashed and prosecuted. Other devices will not be switched on as “speed Cameras” . So giving a definitive line not to cross ?

According to the Huddersfield Examiner, “West Yorkshire Police refused to comment further but the Highways Agency has now confirmed the new £150 m overhead gantry system between Huddersfield and Leeds CAN catch speeding Yorkshire Car drivers, even when it is not being used to slow the traffic”…More Reading…

Leisure Battery Suppliers

Leisure Battery Suppliers

Leisure Battery Suppliers
Leisure Battery Suppliers

Leisure Battery Suppliers

As a result, we sell all types of 12-volt leisure batteries and deep-cycle batteries online. Hence, with UK Free Delivery. Leisure Batteries, Deep Cycle Batteries, 12 Volt. Including Caravan Batteries, Motorhome Batteries, …

EricRoberts‘s insight:

Leisure batteries: powering our passions in the great outdoors

Let’s talk about something that’s becoming as important as a good pair of wellies when we go on an adventure: leisure batteries. In recent years, these handy powerhouses have become unsung heroes for everyone, from the weekend caravaner to the most dedicated off-grid camper. So, why the sudden focus on leisure batteries? Why should you consider one for your next wilderness or leisurely retreat?

What is a leisure battery?
First and foremost, a leisure battery differs from a regular car battery. These are specifically intended to deliver power at a consistent pace over an extended period of time. They’re the marathon runners of the battery world, designed to keep your lights on, your fridge running, and your devices charged even when you’re miles from a power outlet.

The rise of staycations and outdoor pursuits. Leisure Battery Suppliers

The recent spike in their popularity is not a coincidence. With the world as it is, more people are finding (or rediscovering) the benefits of staycations and outdoor activities. Caravans, motorhomes, and boats are more than just a way to explore our beautiful landscapes, from the rolling hills of the Lake District to the craggy beaches of Cornwall; they’re also becoming little homes away from home.

What makes these dwellings comfortable and convenient? You guessed it—leisure batteries. These batteries are essential for charging a GPS to navigate those treacherous waters or keeping the kids entertained with a movie on a rainy day in the Peaks.

Sustainability and Efficiency
Now that we’re all becoming more environmentally conscious, the efficiency of leisure batteries shines through. They’re rechargeable, long-lasting, and extremely durable, resulting in less waste and more enjoyment from a single purchase. Combine them with solar panels to create a sustainable system that Mother Nature would approve of.

The Local Scene
Let’s bring it back to the local scene. The United Kingdom has some of the world’s most stunning and diverse environments, and Brits are more eager than ever to discover them. Leisure batteries allow us to enjoy our trips without worrying about the next charging point. They want to make sure you’re as comfortable as if you were sitting in your living room while admiring the peaceful sights of the Yorkshire Dales.

Local businesses, particularly those in the caravan and camping markets, are benefiting from this trend. It’s an excellent opportunity for local businesses and online vendors (such as those selling high-quality batteries) to engage with the community and support these trips.

Wrapping Up. Leisure Battery Suppliers

So, if you’re planning a trip or considering getting into the world of caravans, motorhomes, or even marine vehicles, consider how a high-quality leisure battery could improve your experience. It’s not just about increasing convenience; it’s about making the most of those precious times away from the hustle and bustle.

When you’re getting ready for a trip or conversing with a friend about their new caravan, keep in mind the value of a dependable leisure battery. It’s more than simply a piece of gear; it’s your passport to a carefree journey in the vast outdoors. Travel safely, and may your battery always be charged!

Leisure battery

BatteriesOnTheWeb offer great choice and quality at excellent prices

One of the most up-and-coming Leisure Battery suppliers to trade on the internet is Batteries on the Web . The company have now been trading online

for five years. Of course, they are rapidly building up a reputation. Thus, for their service and an excellent range of battery products,.

The owner has actually been in the business selling batteries for 35 years. Leisure Battery Suppliers

. Consequently, in his battery store located in Halifax, West Yorkshire, UK. Because of their success, they decided to start selling on line using the web name of . The company have now gone from strength to strength, selling many different types of Caravan Leisure Batteries, such as those for golf, UPS systems, trucks, tractors, even for kids riding on toys and many more applications.

The online store are one of the largest Leisure Battery suppliers in the country and also offers other  top-name batteries, most of which are made by Johnson controls, one of the World’s biggest battery makers or by Yuasa batteries.

Some of our names. Leisure Battery Suppliers

include Varta, FirstPower, Trojan batteries, Lucas batteries, Numax leisure batteries and much more. They also sell other products, such as Ring Electrical battery chargers and C-Tech battery chargers, along with Poorboy’s car cleaning products. Overall, there is a good selection for the online customer to browse through. The companies motto is “We offer old-fashioned values using modern-day technology” So, since I published this post, Johnson Controls have sold off their battery division.

Waste Tyre Uses: Great Planters

Waste Tyre Uses

Waste Tyre Uses
Waste Tyre Uses

Waste Tyre Uses

Correct tyre disposal is in our best interest. Old tyres are just part of the problem of recycling all our waste. In recent times, we have started to solve the problem of mass disposal of our scrap tyres. Hence, they are now turned into many useful items. Important, such as tarmac chipping, where the small pieces of rubber are shredded.

So, these rubber chips are added to tarmac to give a quieter road surface. The other big use is that they are used to power cement kilns. Thus, they are specially heated to dry out the liquid cement in large kilns. The kilns are designed not to emit any smoke into the atmosphere, making this a very green process.   

In essence, the thing that I am pleased with is the millions of ways that ordinary people have found ways to use our old car tyres to make different items. Some make clothing and jewellery, but the main items are made into garden objects, and I think that they look really good. I am starting to show some of these ideas on my blog and hope to inspire people to use a few old waste tyres to make similar things.

Innovative Gardening: Turning Old Tyres Into Garden Gems. Waste Tyre Uses

Hello, fellow gardening aficionados! Today, we’ll look at a topic that’s both eco-friendly and creative: repurposing old scrap tyres in the garden. Now, before you raise your eyebrows at the idea of a tyre on a flowerbed, let me assure you that it is not only doable, but may also offer a distinct charm to your outdoor space.

Did You Know About Tyre History?
Waste Tyre Uses

Tyres have been around for a while, right? But did you know that Charles Goodyear, the tyre giant’s namesake, invented vulcanised rubber in 1839? Fast forward to present, and we’re looking for methods to repurpose these rubbery circles for our gardening!

Why use old tyres in the garden?

Eco-friendly: Reusing tyres keeps them out of landfills. It’s a little start, but every bit counts in protecting our beautiful world.
Durability: Tyres are robust and can handle all types of British weather, from dreary Halifax afternoons to brief bright intervals.
Versatility: They can be utilised in a variety of ways! Planters, garden furniture—you name it.
Getting Creative With Tyres

Colourful Planters
: Get some paint and let out your inner artist. Bright colours may transform a drab tyre into a lively planter. Add some petunias or geraniums, and voilà! You’ve got a statement piece.

Herb Garden:
Want to cultivate some herbs? Stack a few tyres, fill with soil, and then plant your favourite herbs. For a refreshing cup of tea, try basil, thyme, or mint.

Garden Furniture: That’s right! Tyres may be repurposed into unique chairs and tables. Add some cushions for comfort, and you’ve created the ideal setting for a cup of tea in the yard.

Safety first.

A brief note: make sure the tyres you’re using are clean and free of dangerous residues. Safety comes first, always!

A nod to local charm. Waste Tyre Uses

Adding a touch of local flavour is usually a winner. Why not base your tyre garden around Yorkshire’s rich history? Perhaps a War of the Roses-inspired colour scheme, or an homage to Halifax’s own Eureka! National Children’s Museum has some fun designs for the kids.


There you have it: used tyres may be garden treasures. It’s all about looking at things with your imagination and being open to attempting something new. So, next time you’re going to throw out an old tyre, think twice. It might be your garden’s next big thing!

Happy gardening, everyone!

Waste Tyres Uses-Collected from any tyre depot for free

Ultimately, tyre depots would only be too pleased to let any gardener take scrap ones. Of course, to be used as planters. Here in Halifax, UK, we are only too pleased to help anyone out with some old ones.

So, to bring things up to date, gardening will become more popular in 2020. Subsequently, due to the terrible COVID-19 lockdown that we here in the UK have had to put up with,. People have taken up a greater interest in nature! Including a rise in the number of gardeners. Given these points, people in smaller gardens have taken to container based gardening. Including using old tyres again.

Potholes Damage Tyres

Potholes Damage Tyres

‘One pothole every mile’ on roads Halifax Evening Courier It added that UK councils had received 32,600 compensation claims in 

Eric Roberts‘s insight:

Potholes damage tyres

This is the sort of thing that we have been harping on about for years. Year after year, we all complain about the potholes, but nothing seems to get done.

Most of the potholes are due to poor road repairs by contractors, but I suppose that the local councils should have guys check the contractors workmanship along the way.

Potholes Damage Tyres

I must admit that this year in the Kirklees district of West Yorkshire,

we seem to be having road works come out of our ears. Indeed, the main Bradley to Barnsley road was closed for total resurfacing because of the potholes for at least two weeks, but they have repaired all the horrible potholes and the road is now a pleasure to drive on.

When Will Councils Resolve the Pothole Crisis? West Yorkshire and Our Halifax: A Glance Home
Hello everyone! What’s the status? Now that I’ve got your attention, if you’ve ever driven through West Yorkshire, particularly here in Halifax, you’ll understand what I’m about to say about those blimmin’ potholes.

Sometimes it feels like driving on the moon, I swear. So what’s going on? Will local government ever be able to control the pothole crisis? Let’s get started, shall we?

The bane of West Yorkshire’s roads are potholes.

Like me, you’re tired of it all. You’re riding along one second, and then BAM! You’ve come upon a crater. Not only is it bothersome, but it also poses a risk to your safety and wrecks havoc on your car’s suspension. It’s also not an uncommon occurrence. It seems like there are potholes everywhere in West Yorkshire, especially around Halifax.

Councils, why the delay? Potholes Damage Tyres

Why then the delay? Choose between money, resources, or bureaucracy. Whatever the cause, it is nevertheless a truth that the problem persists. We pay our council tax and road tax, however the roads are still in disarray. Councils, hurry up! Make it right!

Are there any changes? Potholes Damage Tyres

The local councils are reportedly receiving additional funds to address the issue, according to rumours. At least it’s a beginning. Yet, it moves about as slowly as a snail hauling a bag of potatoes. There have been rumours, though, that these potholes are being filled using more effective techniques. Better materials, new equipment, and the like. Let’s hope they have an impact, huh?

A Salute to Halifax, Our Home

As a native of Halifax and owner of a garage company, I can now clearly see how this problem is having an effect. Due to these potholes, I have seen several customers arrive at my shop with wheel and suspension issues. If local authorities are listening, Halifax urgently needs your attention!

The Future Route

Overall, the pothole situation in West Yorkshire and Halifax leaves much to be desired, despite the fact that there are some glimmering signs of promise. The councils need to step up their game and begin tarmacing immediately.

In summary

There you have it, folks. We’re still waiting for the local government to effectively address the pothole situation. But hey, we’re British; aren’t we accustomed to waiting? We can only hope that the additional funds and innovative approaches will begin to make a difference in the issue.

Thank you for listening to my whine about our moon-like roads. Keep avoiding those craters, and you know where to find us if you require any repairs.

The effects of these potholes are that Potholes Damage Tyres,

including wheels and suspension. Especially the coil springs. There are many drivers now claiming pothole damage compensation. Putting claims into the local councils for pothole damage tyres

At one stage, we were having to fail a large percentage of MOT tests. Because of the broken springs due to potholes and speed bumps here in the Halifax area. This excellent article tells of some of the figures and costs relating to these holes in the road.

We are now in the year 2020! Potholes are still a problem all over the UK. Consequently, the government has thrown millions at the problem. However, potholes are still a major problem. Including on our high-speed motorways.

Winter Tyres Work

Winter tyres work
Winter tyres work

Winter tyres work

Winter tyres work

Your winter tyre Tips

Eric Roberts‘s insight:

Snowing scenes like this call for “Winters to be fitted ” 

Winter tyres have, in the past three years, helped millions of motorists make safer journeys and arrive home safely. Remember, winters work. We are now approaching the time, usually November, when you should fit your winter tyres, or if you do not have any, then you should consider buying yourself a set.

Even if you can’t afford a set of four, it is still a better and safer proposition to fit a pair on your drive wheels. Out of all the thousands of customers that have had winter tyres fitted, I have never had a single complaint about the performance; in fact, most drivers will give them a raving revue.

This is one of the reasons why fleet companies are fitting winters into their fleets. all  weather Tyres work. They know that it makes sense to fit them for the safety aspect, and they also know that it will benefit the drivers when they are out in snow and wet weather, and when the fleets buy them, you know they must be good as they will not waste a penny unless it is necessary.

Better Winter and All-Season Tyres for Improved Safety on the Road

What’s up, folks? What’s up with that? It’s getting frigid, no doubt about it. So, now is a good time to discuss winter and all-season tyres. Significant advancements in tyre technology over the past few years have greatly increased road safety. Let’s get a cup of coffee and dive in!

Tyre land: A Tale from Long Ago; Winter Tyres Work

Do you remember when all-season tyres weren’t truly appropriate for all seasons and winter tyres were in short supply? The time for that is passed. We now have solutions that make driving safer in practically any weather, from the blazing heat of summer to the whiteout conditions of the apocalypse.

Tyres for the Winter: It’s Not Only for the Mountains

Winter tyres used to be something only mountain residents or those going on a ski trip would think about. Nonetheless, they are quickly becoming necessities due to the erratic nature of modern winters. These tyres now have improved tread patterns, deeper grooves, and cold-resistant rubber compounds.

All-Season Tyres Can Handle Any Road Condition

When it comes to safety, all-season tyres are a clear victor. Recent updates have made them more effective in the rain, and their grip in snow and ice is excellent. A set of all-season tyres is like a Swiss Army knife for your automobile, especially now that more storms are hitting the UK.

Being Calm Throughout the Storm

More and more storms have been occurring recently. Tyres have been modified to function in a variety of wet conditions, including floods, deep snow, and dreadful rain. What I mean is stuff like stiffer sidewalls for improved control in windy circumstances and water-dispersion technology to help minimise aquaplaning.

Improving Traffic Safety in Halifax

What’s in it for us here in Halifax? The weather here, as we all know, is indecisive. It could be sunny one second and hailing the next; the weather is impossible to predict. More than anywhere else, we need reliable tyres to keep us safe on the twisty roads we drive on every day.

Finishing Up; Winter Tyres Work

That’s all I’ve got, guys. Technology advancements in tyres have greatly increased traveller security, particularly in the face of erratic weather patterns. Technological advancements are worthy of praise, whether we’re talking about all-season tyres that can handle any weather or grippy winter tyres.

So long for now! Winter tyres work

You know where to find me if you’re thinking about getting new tyres. Be careful, stay warm, and help me make this winter’s roadways as safe as possible! Winter tyres work; its a fact

We at Pellon Tyres here in Halifax, West Yorkshire, recommend that you go for an economy winter tyre such as Jinhu winters if you are on a low budget, or an excellent mid-range tyre is the Falken Winters. For SUVs or larger sedan types of cars, you could look no further that choosing a leading brand such as Michelin or Pirelli Winters; they are all excellent products

.As the article says, there were 6,000 road accidents here in the UK due to snow and ice, according to the Department of Transport (DFT)

Catalytic Converter Care

Catalytic Converter Care

Catalytic Converter Care
Catalytic Converter Care

Catalytic Converter Care

This is an interesting point; I suppose that regular car maintenance has an effect on all your car parts in the end. Your catalytic converter (CAT) is a crucial part of your vehicle. Therefore, it is fitted with your engine and the rest of the exhaust system. Thus, some are attached to the manifold, onto the engine; these are known as manifold cats, and some are fitted at the end of a short front pipe on the rest of the exhaust system.

Bigger models of cars sometimes require two cats; cars such as BMWs and MERCs usually have two cats fitted, which is very expensive to replace.

Your cat’s primary job is to clean up the engine particles that the engine omits. Catalytic converters are made out of ceramic. Thus, with added precious metals (another reason why catalytic converter care is critical),. Naturally, filter the dirty particles from your engine. Thus reducing the pollutants from entering the atmosphere, this helps us to clean the environment and is part of the UK MOT test.

Bibliography: “Cleaner Roads and Greener Halifax: The Crucial Role of Catalytic Converters in Our Modern Vehicles”

To begin,
Consider this: You become enthralled by Halifax’s breathtaking scenery and rich history as you drive along its winding roads. The catalytic converter, a small marvel concealed beneath your vehicle, is the last thing on your mind. However, what is it precisely, and why should we be concerned with it in contemporary automobiles?

In essence, what is a catalytic converter? Catalytic Converter Care

A catalytic converter, colloquially known as a “cat converter” or even “cat” for short,. So it is an extraordinary apparatus concealed within the engine compartment of your vehicle. Its critical function in mitigating detrimental emissions consequently contributes to the enhancement of air quality in our picturesque northern town of Halifax.

With its picturesque moors and serene pastures, Halifax has a long history of embracing the natural environment. However, as the number of vehicles on our roads continues to rise, air pollution has become a concern. In such situations, catalytic converters are of great assistance.

Catalytic converters are engineered to convert noxious byproducts of combustion into substances that are less hazardous. Catalytic Converter Care

These organisms fulfil the role of environmental protectors by facilitating the conversion of carbon monoxide (CO) to carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides (NOx) to nitrogen (N2), and unburned hydrocarbons (HC) to carbon dioxide and water (H2O). This chemical ingenuity guarantees that the emissions from our vehicles are considerably less detrimental to the atmosphere.

The unique combination of natural beauty and historical significance in Halifax is a treasure that every local holds precious. It is crucial to preserve our environment for the benefit of future generations. Automobile catalytic converters are a minute but crucial component of this endeavour.

One might imagine traversing the picturesque landscapes of Brontë Country or admiring the cobblestone streets of Halifax’s town centre while travelling. Knowing that catalytic converters help to preserve the local environment by reducing the amount of air pollution that our vehicles emit, we can do so with greater peace of mind.

Regulatory Standards: Catalytic Converter Care

The United Kingdom, including Halifax, strictly adheres to the government-established emissions standards. Contemporary vehicles are not merely permitted to have catalytic converters; they are mandated in order to satisfy these standards. Noncompliance can lead to monetary penalties and sanctions, thereby underscoring the importance of these consequences.

Fuel efficiency and performance: Catalytic Converter Care

Catalytic converters have the potential to enhance fuel efficiency and overall vehicle performance when operating at peak efficiency. They optimise our journeys throughout Halifax and further by ensuring that the combustion process is thorough and environmentally friendly.

In conclusion

As a result, adding catalytic converters to modern cars is a key way to protect Halifax’s beauty and appeal, going beyond just being a technological necessity. These discrete devices assist us in diminishing our ecological impact, adhering to regulatory requirements, and travelling through our cherished city in a more environmentally friendly and fuel-efficient manner.

Therefore, the next time you drive through Halifax in your vehicle, spare a moment to recognise the catalytic converter that quietly operates beneath the surface to ensure that our roads and air remain fresher. This is an additional method by which we can enhance the quality of life and ventures in our community.

Salutations, esteemed drivers from Halifax, and may our forays consistently be mindful of the ecological impact of our vicinity!

Your cat will only work correctly if the engine operates with the correct ratio of air to fuel. Naturally, this was where your car service comes in.

Most cats take care of themselves: catalytic converter Converter Care

So, since writing this post, the catalytic converter has become even more important. Especially with the tightening of exhaust emissions regulations coming from European governments. Of course, this important filtering of the gas system is on every new petrol and diesel car produced these days. So, diesel cars and vans call them the “particulate filters“.

However, they work very similar to each other, filtering out poisonous gases from the vehicle’s engine before emitting the gas into the atmosphere. It may be interesting to know that the catalysts are made up of some precious metals.

Precious metals used in catalytic converter

So, one of the main reasons that many catalytic converters are stolen  from vehicles. Thus, many of them contain some rare metals. Given these points, the main metals are rhodium, palladium, and platinum.

Right to Repair Law- Could Brexit Affect repair Laws?

Right to Repair Law

Right to Repair Law
Right to Repair Law

Right to Repair Law

The reform was all about setting new rules to take into account the intensity of competition on the markets for the distribution of motor vehicles and spare parts. Also for the provision of repair and maintenance services. It covers cars, trucks, and buses, and all types of garages, small or large.

The Commission found that competition in the market for the sale of new vehicles is strong. In this light, the current sector-specific rules create an unnecessary straitjacket that prevents

car manufacturers from organising their distribution systems as they see fit. The European Commission has therefore aligned the rules applicable to motor vehicle distribution. This applies with those that apply to distribution agreements in other sectors but with a three-year transition period to allow dealers to adapt to the new measures.

Right to Repair Law

Competition on the markets for repair and maintenance and for spare parts distribution is less intense. Consumers who may suffer harm as a result of anti-competitive practices are at risk. This could push up car repair costs when servicing a car. The garage The repair and maintenance industry is very important for consumers. Not only for reasons of safety and reliability. But also because repair bills account for 40% of the total cost to car owners. Unlike car prices, the cost of the average repair job and  servicing has actually risen over the past few years.

Consumers are feeling the effects of rising repair bills.

This also includes  servicing costs during the present crisis. They are more price-sensitive and drive older vehicles that require more regular maintenance. The EU Commission has put in place a tougher regime for these markets. They will make it easier to enforce the rules. Particular problematic issues include holding back technical information, not releasing spare parts, and refusing to honour warranties when consumers have their cars repaired at independent garage servicing facilities.

Independent garages and repairers such as Pellon Autocentre

are important because they give consumers more choice. This helps keep the price of  servicing and repairs competitive by putting pressure on prices due to competitive pricing. Also to  authorised repair networks. But for this to happen, it is essential that garages can get the technical information necessary to do the repairs and carry out the work on increasingly sophisticated cars with increasing amounts of technology.

Right to Repair Law

Since then, withholding “technical information” will be dealt with directly under the EU Treaty rules on restrictive business practices (Article 101). Manufacturers, spare parts shops, and repair shops generally have a market share in excess of 30%. In addition, guidelines are also being brought in and contain detailed clarifications. As to the notion of technical information, cross-referring to Regulation 715/2007 on type approval of certain cars and all subsequent implementing regulations.

New rules will assure that garage servicing companies have access to technical information for models that are type-approved after September 1, 2009. By making a clear link with the 2007 car type approval regulation. The EU Commission will ensure both consistency and access to technical information. cars put in circulation before that date and allow the presentation of technical information to evolve and continue in line with technical progress.

The EU Commission remains committed

to vigorously enforcing the rules on access to technical information. This was demonstrated in four cases brought in 2007. This was to ensure that car manufacturers disclose the necessary information to independent repairers and garage servicing facilities. Garages like Pellon Autocentre are in the Calderdale area of West Yorkshire.

Right to Repair Law

By strengthening the enforcement of competition rules. Including the garage servicing sector and maintenance and spare parts markets. These new laws will contribute to creating a level playing field between car manufacturers, spare part producers, and garage servicing.  Thus contributing to lower prices for spare parts. This has to be very good news for the garage servicing , garage repair, and spare parts industries. This result must give us great pride. To all the different groups and individuals that spent hard-earned money lobbying and writing to their EU and local MPs. These new laws are similar to the “right to repair” laws in the USA.

The new “Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regulation”,  will continue to help lower the cost of service” for 13 years until 2023.

The EU Commission will constantly monitor the situation in the markets for motor vehicle and spare parts distribution, as well as in the market for the provision of repair and maintenance services including garage servicing companies. The EU Commission will also monitor the application of the regulation in cooperation with national competition authorities and stakeholders. Once again, the UK garage and motor industry can continue to work hard and give the public the service and competitive pricing they deserve.

Pellon Tyre and Autocentre thinks that the Right to Repair Law, coming from the EU, will be kept when our government decides on which legislation to keep and throw out.

BMW Runflat tyres

BMW Runflat tyres

BMW Runflat tyres
BMW Runflat tyres

BMW Runflat tyres

Higher safety levels with BMW Runflat tyres

Keep on Rolling: Run-Flat Tyres’ Amazing Success Story, Featuring BMWs in Halifax

Hello, fellow sons of Halifax! The incredible popularity of run-flat tyres is something we’ll be discussing today, and it’s affecting the way we drive in general and those of us lucky enough to cruise around in BMWs in particular. More important than how the car handles on the road are factors like comfort, security, and enjoyment while behind the wheel. Of course, we must include some regional flavour when discussing BMWs and run-flat tyres.

Let’s go back in time to when changing a flat tyre meant making an unplanned stop in the middle of nowhere, probably in the pouring rain that is Halifax’s signature weather. The revolutionary invention of run-flat tyres has made those days a thing of the past.

The ease of use is the first point to be made. Reliability is key in Halifax, thanks to the city’s busy streets and often fluctuating weather. Our BMWs would be remiss without run-flat tyres. If you have one of them, you can keep on the road even if you get a flat tyre. You won’t have to stop and fiddle with jacks and spare tyres anymore; just keep going till you find a safe place to fix it.

On the other hand, security is a major consideration. Hilly and winding roads are nothing to laugh at in Halifax. An additional safeguard is provided by BMW Runflat tyres. Your BMW’s handling and stability are unaffected by a flat tyre, so you can confidently drive through our town’s difficult streets. It’s like if your vehicle has a guardian angel beneath it, watching over you always.

We can discuss the BMW connection now.

The people of our town adore these legendary vehicles, and rightfully so. Many of us have had our driving experiences revolutionised by BMW’s pioneering use of run-flat technology. With run-flat tyres, BMWs provide an unrivalled level of confidence, whether you’re negotiating the tight bends of Dean Clough or enjoying a picturesque drive through Shibden Valley.

The reliable local tyre specialists at Pellon Tyres have played a crucial role in introducing this technology to the BMW lovers of Halifax. They have a good grasp on the significance of dependable tyres and the specific requirements of our neighbourhood. To make sure that BMW drivers in Halifax can take advantage of this innovation to its fullest, Pellon Tyres offers a variety of run-flat tyres.

Finally, the run-flat tyre success story

Exemplifies how innovation may revolutionise our driving experience, particularly on the picturesque Halifax roads. When it comes to comfort and security, these tyres have revolutionised the game, and they’re tailor-made for BMWs on our city streets.

So, the next time you’re out for a spin in your BMW, stop and think about how much better life is with run-flat tyres. Pellon Tyres are the unsung heroes of our community; stop by if you need some professional guidance or new run-flat tyres. With poise and self-assurance, let’s continue moving forward, Halifax!

Here at Pellon Tyres, we sell all types of car tyres. Of course, including the BMW Runflat tyres. Thus, it is found on many of today’s BMW and Mini cars. The usual thing that happens when confronted with having to buy

replacement runflat tyres. of course, the moaning customer is complaining about the cost. This is from people who have bought second- or third-hand cars. Accordingly, such as BMW minis or older BMW’s and Mercedes saloons.

I suppose you can’t really blame them in these days of recession.

Of course, the idea of BMW Runflat tyres was to give the car added safety features. Because that’s what these tyres do. So it’s understandable that the price of the tyre is more expensive. Because the tyre has more materials during its manufacture. As a result, research and development costs will recover.

The runflat tyres have special side walls that are made to take the weight of your can when driven on in a deflated state. (IN OTHER WORDS, IF YOU HAVE A PUNCTURE, THE TYRE WILL NOT TEAR UP AND ALLOWS YOU TO GET HOME AT A LOWER SPEED.).

If you have a puncture, this will sometimes be detected by a tyre deflation warning light.(TPMS) Some drivers are not even aware that they have a puncture, only noticing later that the tyre “looks flat.”.

BMW Runflat tyres

If you have a flat tyre, do not travel long distances or at high speeds. You can check the correct speed from your local tyre dealer or tyre manufacturer; the usual limit is 50 mph, but check this out for yourself, check for speed and distance, and then you can travel home safely with the flat tyre. Check your runflat tyres regularly

It is important to check all tyres on a regular basis.

Thus, preferably at least every week. This is especially important with runflat tyres. If you don’t have a TPMS system you will not notice that the tyre may be flat or, at best, have low pressure. When run on, “underinflated” tyres may cause the “inner tyre” to be damaged without detection. But this will be detected with regular pressure checks.

The BMW Runflat tyres are a great invention. But I can foresee that all cars will have this safety feature in the future. You must expect to pay more for your runflat tyres because you are getting much more for your money Check your pressure at a regular interval at all times; remember, you don’t have a spare wheel.

General 4×4 tyres

General 4×4 tyres 

General 4x4 tyres
General 4×4 tyres

General 4×4 tyres

General Tyres has always been a favourite of Pellon Tyres, one of Yorkshire’s leading 4×4 tyre centres. The feedback from their trade and retail customers has helped General 4×4 Tyres produce a class-leading 4×4 tyre such as the legendary XP2000.

Rugged Terrain Expertise

The Potency of All-Terrain 4×4 Tyres in the Sloping Hills of West Yorkshire

Not all tyres are made equal, as you will discover if you have ever driven through the treacherous, twisting hills of Halifax or travelled through the untamed areas that are known for West Yorkshire. Think of the value of General 4×4 tyres when things go rough on the road, literally.

Why the Correct Tyres Are Needed for the Terrain in West Yorkshire

West Yorkshire offers a distinct driving challenge because of its undulating hills and erratic weather. Swiftly, the terrain can transform from paved roads to rugged pathways, particularly when venturing beyond the travelled route. Particularly in Halifax, which is surrounded by moorlands and valleys, tyres made for performance and longevity are necessary.

This is the ideal situation for general 4×4 tyres. These tyres are designed to withstand the rough, uneven terrain that is typical in this area, in contrast to regular road tyres. The correct choice of 4×4 tyres may make all the difference, whether driving through muddy fields or up a steep hill on a rainy day.

General 4x4 tyres
General 4×4 tyres

Benefits of Generally Used 4×4 Tires

  1. Traction and Grip:

The exceptional grip of General 4×4 tyres is one of their key advantages. Because driving on loose gravel, damp grass, or slick mud requires maximum contact with the ground, the robust tread patterns are specifically made to meet this need. This added traction makes sure you stay in control even when the terrain is against you, such as in the Pennines or the Calderdale hills.

  1. Sturdiness:

The uneven roads in West Yorkshire may be rather harsh on tyres. Uneven ground, sharp stones, and potholes can quickly wear out a regular tyre. On the other hand, general 4×4 tyres are made to last. Their durable design can endure the most extreme circumstances, lowering the possibility of punctures and increasing the life of your tyres.

3. Adaptability:

Although General 4×4 tyres perform best in rugged conditions, they are nevertheless sufficiently adaptable for daily use. These tyres provide a smooth and secure ride on normal roads as well, whether you’re driving to work in Halifax or going on a weekend excursion in the Yorkshire Dales.

4. Performance in Any Weather:

The weather in West Yorkshire is often erratic. Rain, snow, and ice, particularly at higher altitudes, can fall suddenly and heavily. Regardless of the weather, general 4×4 tyres are made to function in all circumstances, providing the stability and grip required to keep you safe.

Applications in the Real World in West Yorkshire

Let’s examine a couple situations in the Halifax region where General 4×4 tyres would come in very handy.

1. The Pennines during winter:

Winter driving through the Pennines is not for the timid. Because of the snow and ice, there are potential hazards at every bend, making the roadways quite dangerous. You can handle harsh situations with the greater traction that General 4×4 tyres provide, which lowers your danger of skidding or getting trapped.

2. Off-Highway Excursions:

The off-road capabilities of General 4×4 tyres are ideal if you prefer exploring the countryside, whether it is on the untamed roads of the Calder Valley or the moorland tracks above Hebden Bridge. They give you the toughness and traction you need to navigate uneven, rocky terrain, so you can concentrate on taking in the breathtaking scenery.

3. Driving in Rural Areas and Farms:

General 4×4 tyres are a sensible option for anyone who works or lives in the more rural areas of West Yorkshire, like the areas of Ripponden and Todmorden. When driving on farm tracks or through muddy fields, these tyres provide the durability and dependability needed for such harsh circumstances.

Selecting Proper General 4×4 Tires

It’s crucial to take your driving style into account while choosing the proper General 4×4 tyres. A tyre with a more aggressive tread can be ideal if you spend the majority of your time on rough terrain. Look for tyres that provide a decent combination of both on-road comfort and off-road capabilities, though, if you need a balance between the two.

Don’t forget to take the weather into account. An all-terrain tire with superior water dispersion qualities can assist preserve traction and avoid aquaplaning in regions that frequently see heavy rain or snowfall.

In conclusion, be ready for anything that West Yorkshire has in store for you.

Driving in West Yorkshire, especially in the Halifax area, calls for a car that can navigate slick moors and steep slopes. General 4×4 tyres are the best option because they offer the traction, toughness, and adaptability needed to handle the challenging terrain of the county. Fitting your car with the appropriate tyres guarantees that you’re prepared for anything the road—or lack thereof—throws at you, whether you’re driving to work, travelling, or exploring rural areas.

Therefore, the next time you’re getting ready for a journey across West Yorkshire’s hills, think about switching out your stock tyres for a set of General 4x4s. Both your car and your peace of mind will appreciate it.

Thus, using the latest technology brings you these new high-performance road tyres. These products are perfect for SUV owners.  Whoever wishes to have the best performance for their vehicle is also gaining exceptional value for money.

Both the HP (High Performance) and UHP (Ultra High Performance) tyres offer fantastic levels of grip. Also, road holding and steering response. They are also exceptionally quiet on the highway. Once again, these General 4×4 tyres are very good mid-range tyres. Pellon Tyres in Halifax, West Yorkshire, highly recommends them.

When it comes to conquering the off-road terrain and embracing the rugged adventures that await

Pellon Autocentre Leaves Unipart

Pellon Autocentre Leaves Unipart

Pellon Autocentre Leaves Unipart
Pellon Autocentre Leaves Unipart

Pellon Autocentre Leaves Unipart

Eric Roberts, MD of Pellon Auto Centre, recently attended a regional meeting of Unipart Car Care Centres (UCCC). This was in a hotel in Wakefield, West Yorkshire. New plans that mean that Pellon Autocentre joins Unipart were unveiled to upgrade their new image among garage members. 

UCCC members will be offered complete new signage. Consequently, by using Unipart’s updated logo,. This logo is very similar to the present one. Because it appeared that there was only a slight modification to upgrade. Eric Roberts says, “The new image looks very stylish. Although there is not much change, the new design will look very useful. Especially when bonded together with all the other promotional effects that will be on offer to us.

Our garage images are in the Unipart style and colours.” Pellon Autocentre Leaves Unipart

Unipart will still provide their garage network with their website design service to help their individual garages build their websites.

In keeping with the previous system, Unipart will be funding this service. This offer has been taken up by over 500 garages and has become a favourite feature for the garages in the scheme.
Motorcodes will still play a significant part in Unipart’s big changes; this will ensure an excellent standard of quality across the complete network. Therefore, it is crucial when offering a nationwide warranty service to the network’s

Pellon Autocentre Leaves Unipart

A brand new feature will be the introduction of Ben Collins (the former “sting” from the Top Gear motoring programme on TV). Ben will be helping promote the Car Care Centres at a national and local levels, holding regular events across the country.
Another new feature will be the introduction of more training facilities. Garages participating will have access to Unipart’s technical helpline and training staff support. “This Pellon Autocentre leaving Unipart service will be of great use to participating garages such as ourselves,” says Eric Roberts.

Unipart will be revamping the existing web site.

This website will be fully optimised and search engine-friendly. Links to participating member websites. Furthermore, offering the partners a right online image with the facilities to offer online service and MOT booking.

Furthermore, the new workwear was also on display for the garage owners to browse over, and the meeting concluded with a buffet. Unipart’s marketing director, Wendy Williams, conducted the meeting in a very professional manner, and it felt that all the participating centre members in attendance were looking forward to the new changes with great anticipation.

The latest 2020 update to our total independence- Pellon Autocentre Leaves Unipart

Lastly, I have recently made a decision to leave the Unipart setup. Importantly, the organisation has recently come under pressure from other similar trade groups. So, in the final analysis I thought that we should move forward as an independent garage being able to trade with all the trade groups.

Given these points,

I believe that the car parts replacement market has also had a recent shake up. So, giving us the opportunity to buy parts and service parts at better prices for our customers. Generally speaking, trade is very good following the recent “Corvid 19” MOT Testing restrictions. Here at Pellon Autocentre we are now free from any motoring organizations and totally independent.

The next organisation to follow were Point-S. I did try and see what the benefits would be. However it was to become another disappointing large organisation without much clout?

Find the tyres you need at discount prices using the Pellon Tyres web site.